This country's a different country. It's becoming like other countries.
Yeah, because you assholes want to turn it into a theocracy. You want things like rights to become something only the rich have. You want the situation to be like a feudal system where everybody else basically is surviving on what the rich decide they deserve.
The left doesn't believe America is special, that American values are special or exceptional, whichever term you like. You wonder what is special. If the United States is not exceptional, then is there any country that it has been and they would probably have no answer to that.
Many on the left actually do think America is special and that’s why it needs to be held to such a high standard. Also, I’d love to hear what you think makes it special. Because likely those things exist elsewhere in authoritarian countries.
What is special is they – or them, if you prefer. They're special, because they were raised by parents and schools that told them how special they are.
Oh no! Somebody else gets to think they’re special and they didn’t get Denny’s permission! Better go slave for him so you’ll finally be a worthwhile human!
We know you judge everyone by how much money they can make you. This has nothing to actually do anyone’s intrinsic value other than yours. Measuring people’s worth by how much money they can make rich assholes is incredibly harmful both to the individual you’re judging and society as a whole.
Where is my favorite sign? No. No, that's not it. Damn, I threw it away. That school sign that I saw – school room sign that I saw in The New York Times. "The world is better because you are in it." I don't know what grade it was, I assume something like fifth grade. What a stupid message. Plus, it's not true.
Yes, it’s not true that everyone makes the world better. But see my note to Zinnia below. These are kids who need that message because the world is constantly telling them to opposite, which is also not true. Unless it’s you or your buddies we’re talking about. Y’all definitely make the world a worse place, and on purpose.
What has any fifth grader done to have made the world better because he or she is in it? Boy, again, as I've pointed out, it's the opposite of how many of us were raised.
Likely a lot more than you know. My mom was a smoker. When she was pregnant with me I made her get so sick every time she tried to have a cigarette that she had to quit. And it made her life better and hopefully longer as well. It wasn’t anything I did really, I was just there but sometimes that’s all you need to do.
People do all kinds of things in all kinds of ways that help others, whether they mean to or not. I know you’re not one of those people, you sound like a selfish monster and you clearly think you’re much more special than anyone else.
@Zinnia #141536
I have. I worked in the public school system in both Boise, ID, and Longmont, CO. Those signs are usually in special ed classrooms or classes with a lot of poor students and/or students of color. It’s because, as I’m sure you know, there is a strong message aimed at these kids that they are a waste of space and time and the world is better without them.