Babylon Bee #forced-birth #wingnut

In addition to administering free vasectomies and abortions as part of the convention's festivities, Democrats confirmed that each night of the convention would begin with a ceremonial child sacrifice ritual. "It's important to maintain the deeply spiritual aspect," Harrison said. "Abortion forms the bedrock of what we are as a political party, so it only makes sense to showcase our celebration of killing babies in any way we can."

Officials said the red Chicago river would not only show the party's enthusiasm for baby murder but also serve as a visual preview of the tidal wave of communism the party would seek to usher in if Kamala Harris is elected. "We're all about the red," Harrison said. "The blood of innocent children… unbridled communism… bring on the red!"

At publishing time, city officials said they were unconcerned about the dyeing of the river since city streets have been running red with blood for years.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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