Celsior #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt incels.is

Throughout history, every single progressive was backwards, harmful, and set humanity behind by at least 50 years

Nothing novel, just some food for thought. Feel free to discuss it, if you will. I’m open to disagreement.

A good example would be Reddit’s second most popular/favorite boogyman, Hitler, who also had intensely progressive ideologies in his own ways. He may not have put it to word, specifically, but not only did he believe that he was doing the right thing under the guise of progression, but he also thought that his idea of pushing the human race forward for a good cause was impeccable and unquestionable, thus his means of implementing it became rapidly aggressive and assertive, thinking anyone who disagrees with him is less than human, keenly attuned to what a modern day leftist/libertarian/neoliberal thinks of himself and his own doctrines, and will do anything to force them upon you. He is also under the impression that it’s the ONLY GOOD option, and any alternative must be shut down for GOOD, through whatever possibility. It’s extreme and radical, just by its nature alone.

It’s funny, come to think of it. :feelshaha: Reddit’s second most collectively hated big bad guy was actually someone with the same set of ideological frameworks as them, just from a completely different era with a different perspective on what is progression and what is not.

It was always the anti-progressives and the ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ crowd who got caught in the crossfire, and had to fight their miserable way just to compensate and help reinstate whatever’s left. They didn’t want to get involved, but they had to retaliate, as soon as they realized how politically charged everything in their lives is becoming.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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