The American people have made their choice and elected once again a wicked twice divorced adulterer in Wicked Donny who failed to ban pornography, abortion, sodomy, child genital mutilation, or any of the other things promised before. And now we are expected as Christians to believe he’ll do it THIS TIME because of a “Project 2025” or other projects or things that people have talked about. But he won’t. He’s already said he will veto a national abortion ban, will do nothing to ban sexual content on television and the internet, and will continue to let reprobates like “Tampon Tim” Walz put tampons in the boys bathrooms in schools and let children be ripped apart in the womb or if they survive let them be chemically and surgically castrated to meet the sick perverse desires of the “transgender” agenda. Sodomites will continue to reign free to corrupt your kids with “drag queen story hour.” Do you really expect the man who put far-left Episcopalian Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court bench to do anything different?
Wicked Donny has already named Matt Gaetz, a man credibly accused of trafficking underage girls as attorney general to ensure a lawless land, put Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in charge of HHS to ensure the pro abortion and pro child mutilation agenda can continue, a man who despite being a “skeptic” will continue to let autism-laden vaccines on the market for your children. Democrats like Tulsi Gabbard are also coming to ensure compliance with the left-wing agenda. Wicked Donny will also continue to be subservient to AIPAC and the agenda of the Israeli government which will ensure that our country continues down the road to hell as the Israel lobby is threatened by strong conservative Christianity as the Zionists seek to have a weak sodomite population to ensure the destruction of our people. ..
This whole administration I predict will flop so hard and be such anathema to conservatives that we will have a President Gavin Newsom in 2029 who will take us to the communist point of no return and Christians will be jailed for using the “wrong pronouns” or for even marrying someone of the opposite sex or living as your correct gender or even doing something as necessary as preaching the Gospel, as the Gospel is banned in communist nations like China and North Korea. It’s coming!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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