Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Are you young, White, and want to buy a home?

You can’t.

Loaded with student loans, rising inflation, and disproportionate wages, your plans to marry and raise a family are frivolous.

Black Rock’s Jewish Larry Fink doesn’t give a shekel.

He’s buying up foreclosed homes and turning them into rentals.

Now, lucrative investments “produce” something of value.

Gold for instance is a valuable asset.

And factories also produce assets, I mean consumer-able, products.

What do homes “produce?”


Killing off a future White Christian Middle Class Family is Larry Fink’s game.

What we have now is permanent Jewish finance capital competing with young struggling White couples hoping to have a family by buying a home.
You can opt out for Stephen Schwarzman as your alternative Jewish landlord.

Just last week he bought out “Tricon Residential.”

He entered fully into the housing scene and becomes a major player in the ‘Jewish Landlord” regime.

America is fast becoming a Jewish landlord economy instead of a White Christian Middle-Class home ownership economy, as it was historically.

Why aren’t the hacks on Capitol Hill doing something about this?

Because they don’t work for you, they work for the Jews.

Christian culture and mores are based on the family unit.

You need a home to raise a family, create family and community responsibility, build equity, and have heirs to perpetuate your home investment.

This is how Christian nations are built.

But Jewish rule in America—through asset management companies like Larry Fink’s Black Rock—only care about their own.

And that means killing off a White Christian political bloc that historically has suppressed the Jewish bent to rule over the goys.

White Youth get married.

Marry White mates.

Have tons of White children.

Live with your parents if you must, but raise a fuss, and we’ll turn ‘generation home deprivation’ around.

Change is coming.

We are on rebounding ground.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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