I'm not a fascist, but...
...I'm totes a fascist
Once we take our country back, we will have federal agents kicking down the doors of every treasonous Democrat, every treasonous globalist, every homosexual couple that has molested a child, and they will be arrested, and they will be sentenced to prison. I believe in a far right-authoritarian government. No, I am not a fascist. No, I am not a white supremacist. No, I am not a Nazi. But I do believe that hierarchy, structure, and authority are very important. I do believe that our society needs these things in order to progress and maintain its cultural framework.
I believe that our society needs this in order to rid itself of the sexual immorality and blatant degeneracy running rampant all throughout the country. Once we take control, we will identify our enemies, and we will stomp them into the dirt. They will not be able to return to power. We will rip them from their offices. We will rip them from their homes for being degenerate liars, degenerate treasonous domestic terrorists because that is what they are.
We want to take back the country and reestablish a Christ-like nation. A nation where the national religion is Christian. A nation where the national language is English. A nation where pornography is banned, homosexuality is banned, and transgenderism is banned. Where you will never see a college that isn’t a Christian college. The only college acceptable that you are able to go to is a Christian school because every school in these United States should teach Christian values. Every school should teach the 10 Commandments in elementary school. Every school should promote what it means to be a Christian to the youth of America. It cannot be any other way. There should be no secular teaching in the schools.
Scandalous... so, how will you identify those alleged criminals and abusers? You appear to be accusing all LGBT of child abuse for instance. And to put all democrats in the same boat (does that mean any non-hardline Republican, then how about those Republicans some call Republicans In Name Only or such)? Do you intend to address actual institutional child abuse in churches and private schools? It sounds like your fantasy is a totalitarian theocracy that persecutes anyone who's not in a particular cult, including moderate Christians. How will you draw the line? How do you justify "no secular" schools and the censorship of knowledge that you do not like? What will you do about the fact that outside of your little world, you'll be considered ignorant abusive crackpots? What do you think of Saudi Arabia? What is your impression about the Taliban?
Adding: "no secular teaching" - Unsure if the OP understands that most knowledge is not theology and that "secular teaching" only means the avoidance of the imposition of a specific confessional program. This could also be some conspiracy theory (and psychological reflexion) that secular school is to indoctrinate or corrupt people, instead of learning.
Adding 2: And... take back? That itself implies some historical revisionism...
There should be no secular teaching in the schools.
Yet again something from http://www.creationtheory.org/Essays/Phrases.xhtml
Normal Person's Definition: “From Merriam-Webster:
a: of or relating to the worldly or temporal
b: not overtly or specifically religious
c: not ecclesiastical or clerical”
Fundie Definition: “Anti-religious.
Note: since fundies view religious freedom in such a manner that it should inevitably result in special legal privileges for the pious, it should come as no surprise that they view secularism (an inherently religion-neutral approach to governance) as the enemy of religion.
In reality, secularism actually benefits the freedom to choose one's religion by preserving the essential divide between religion (which should never use force) and government (which is empowered to use force).”
Conservatives seem to be operating under the principle “do unto others what you want to have done onto them”. They would have used the FBI in this manner so they assume that their political opponents are doing the same thing. No amount of evidence will convince them that the Mar-A-Lago search was constitutional and even respected Trump’s rights. No amount of evidence that Trump was treated with kid gloves will convince them that he wasn’t oppressed. No amount of evidence will convince them that non-famous people of color are treated far worse, for far less.
"believe in a far right-authoritarian government. No, I am not a fascist.”
Well, you describe a far right authoritarian government pretty well, so i have to assume you know what THOSE words mean. You’re also pretty fascist. Everyone who disagrees with you, or who is different, you feel is treasonous. So maybe you just don’t understand the word, ‘fascist?’
"We want to take back the country and reestablish a Christ-like nation."
Sure, because Jeezus kicked down so many doors and arrested everyone he didn't like.
...so what you've stated in the third paragraph is basically three things:
1- Gott Mit Uns: you know what had that on belt buckles of its Wehrmacht
2- Everything George Washington & co. fought for - thus they created a certain Constitution which never had word one of 'God', 'Jesus' or anything remotely Christian in such - was all for naught: especially when they fought against that which was at the top of a hierarchy which was also the head of a state religion, thus why they included an Establishment Clause in said Constitution. Ergo, 'E Pluribus Unum'
3- What rules Afghanistan now = your 'Eternal Talibangelist Theocracy of Godsville'. No difference
4- ?????
5- Then you wonder why the FBI are doing the complete opposite in what those like you consider to be Soviet America...?!
we will have federal agents kicking down the doors of every treasonous Democrat, every treasonous globalist, every homosexual couple that has molested a child, and they will be arrested, and they will be sentenced to prison
This sounds good only because you gloss over the part where you discern the treasonous from the honest and the abusive from the … not-abusive. These things are already illegal, after all.
It doesn’t have to look exactly like a trial-by-jury and police investigation, and I’ve heard plenty of reasonable proposals for how that system could be revamped, but skipping this part entirely is not what rule of law is . And, as far as I can tell, it’s the hard part that needs fixed. “SWATting” is overeager enforcement with insufficient investigation, for an obvious example of a flaw that’s been exploited. Same with people who are eventually found innocent, but spend life-altering long stints in jail anyway just waiting for a trial.
We want to take back the country and reestablish a Christ-like nation. A nation where the national religion is Christian. A nation where the national language is English. A nation where pornography is banned, homosexuality is banned, and transgenderism is banned.
You aren’t talking about justice. You’re talking about blaming easily-identifiable targets for all the bad stuff in the world, instead of doing the hard work and figuring out if they actually committed treason or abused kids.
Like Nazis, but technically not since you don’t take issue with Jews specifically .
Something about fascism coming to America wearing a flag and holding a cross.
“We want to take back the country and reestablish a Christ-like nation.”
Reestablish a CHrist-like nation?
First, we were never Christ-like. We’re too capitalist.
But you want to establish a Christ-like nation? So, no prosperity gospel (Jesus said rich men don’t enter Heaven easily). No Wall Street (can’t serve both God and Wealth). Vastly increased welfare benefits (Jesus said, Give to everyone who begs from you…)
"A nation where the national religion is Christian.”
We’ve never had a national religion, we were founded specifically to avoid that. Look up ‘No religious test’ in the Constitution.
“A nation where the national language is English.”
Again, we’ve never had a national language. Why would this be a benefit?
"A nation where pornography is banned, homosexuality is banned, and transgenderism is banned.”
Yes, because outlawing all of this is going to stop anyone from wanting it. Banning is so effective. Why not also ban left-handedness while you’re at it? And cancer!
“There should be no secular teaching in the schools.”
Teaching is actually my profession. i see a teensy problem here.
Do you mean that you want a neurologist that tries to pray away your brain tumor? An electrician who thinks the Holy Spirit lights the lights? After a trffic accident, do you want the cops charging the other driver for ramming into you or do you want them counting to see who has the most Christain bumper stickers, and assessing fault with the other driver?
Christain training is not sufficient to run this society as we currently enjoy it.
What you want is clerical fascism, the ideology of such outfits as the Ustaše, the Iron Guard and the Falange, all known for turning their countries into small corners of Hell.
Fortunately, Second Amendment will finally get a use.
Once we take our country back, we will have federal agents
I admit that it may be far fetched, but I somehow reminded of Of Mice And Men. Someday, we will have a house, and I will get to tend the rabbits. Ultimately it turns very bad. But it also did for Hitler as well as for some clerical fascists who enabled him and his projects, who ultimately faced trial and even execution. I'm still against the death penalty, though, personally. In some other cases they collapsed under their own conflicts and divisions.
Also, like with the Inquisition, history then looks at those dark moments and how corrupt those religious organizations were and how evil humans can be, perhaps even more so when appealing to the divine. They have tainted Christianity. The same is actually true with hidden child abuse and the forced conversion and assimilation of natives.
My parents were born Catholic but eventually renounced their faith to convert to the Jehovah's Witnesses. They often told me that they were appalled by Catholic human violations. Nevertheless that's also part of the JW narrative, that they are superior to the rest of "christiandom", that they portray as pagan and evil, part of Babylon the Great, etc. It was soon the turn of the Watchtower to face serious investigation commissions for rampant hidden child and women abuse. The JWs are not dominionists, but are otherwise not so different from Southern Baptists and Adventists, apart from doctrinal details. The same culture of autoritarian patriarchy and high friction with reality and the world. The same exploitation of members who enrich a few.
@Titania #139245
I was raised in it but left around 16, amid pressure to get baptized, some practices like shunning and the judgmental atmosphere, constant fatalism and criticism, raised red flags and doubts and I didn't want to officially "vow my life" to that. Fortunately, I've never regretted leaving. Considering how the JWs derive much doctrine from Adventism, you can probably imagine that I still get preached about Daniel's prophecies by a few family members who are still in the cult. Thank you for your thought.
We want to take back the country and reestablish a Christ-like nation.
Yeah, I remember that from the Sermon on the Mount: Blessed are those who agree with me, for we shall imprison all the others. I have to assume you’re anti-Trump, since he’s violated so many of the biblical tenets. How much time do you spend praying? Unless it’s 24 hours a day, someone is going to claim it’s not enough.
You believe in a far-right authoritarian government, as long as you’re the one in authority. Which of the 30,000+ Christian sects is the most Christ-like? What if the Christ-like nation thinks your particular sect is apostate? Maybe you’re a sports fan – sorry, playing games on Sunday is definitely not Christ-like.
Actually, I think you’d get bored if every book, movie and television program had a solid Christ-like message. Try an experiment and turn your tv to a religious channel and watch nothing else for a week.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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