Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #racist

That is why these murderers need to be removed from control of medical associations, telecommunications companies etc.

This is also true of China, where the communist party propaganda news is still pushing the fake pandemic, fraudulent PCR tests, vaccines etc. in order to turn that country into a giant animal farm.

We have personally confirmed that the CCP is secretly controlled at the top by non-Asian KM <Khazarian Mafia> bosses. That is why the CCP is pushing 5G, repressing truth about the 5G mass murder incident in Wuhan and using fraudulent PCR tests as an excuse for totalitarian control.

However, we understand the Chinese patriots are fighting to liberate their country from KM rule. The results of this battle should become clear at the once in 5 years meeting of the CCP top leadership later this month.

As a sign of this, it is clear that something very wrong is going on with President Xi Jinping. He has not left his home or met any world leader or even top Chinese leader for the past two years, according to several (Western) sources.
Our own Japanese military intelligence sources confirm the above reports’ claim that Xi Jinping is under house arrest. Our CIA sources, meanwhile, insist the real Xi was killed in early 2020 and his brother has been filling in for him.
“Sooner or later people will have to realize that most (not all) of the UFOs seen in our skies are the man-made work of the military-industrial-complex. In direct competition with the SSP. They’ve been working on electro-gravitic technologies since at least the 1950s,” a secret space force says.
I have asked my secret space program sources for a personal ride in a flying saucer. Let us see if they can produce the real deal and not just more videos.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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