various commenters #racist #transphobia
( crodish )
Get fucked, all of you who ever supported and enabled this insidious movement and shamed women who spoke up about it.
If you want to know why Trump is in charge it's because there WERE no left leaning parties who stood up to this shit.
( Peppermint )
Sounds like the official end of the democrats. If they keep at this, I will actually vote Republican next time.
( LunarMoose )
This really makes me angry: > But Republicans soon tapped into a backlash, turning a once-obscure academic concept, critical race theory, into a rallying cry against what they portrayed as reverse discrimination, and laying the groundwork for Mr. Trump’s more aggressive push against diversity-related efforts.>
It is not 'obscure'. Nearly all of my childs HS teachers use this in the classroom as FACT. How did the students react? The students all tried to identify out of their race/privilege. How'd they do that? The same way my graduate class did it. Some 'came out' as mentally ill (depression, anxiety and more). Others revealed they were poor and had few resources at home. And others talked about their families 'lack of privilege'. Many id'ed as 'non-binary' or 'trans'.
CRT is not obscure. It's taught EVERYWHERE. FWIW, It belongs in the world as a theory. It does NOT belong in HS taught as absolute fact. And it for sure doesn't belong in grammar school.
( ProfTerfMom )
They’re not flailing; they remain willingly chained inside the Allegory of the Cave celebrating their shadow reality.