Israel_is_Apartheid_ #conspiracy #racist

Unfortunately I cannot refute this claim publicly or else I would get banned on Reddit for "hate speech", "holocaust denial", etc... And I cant afford that, since this account is dedicated to exposing an illegal Jewish apartheid state of Israel.

There is a reason why you cant (easily) find Hitlers side of story, you were only ever allowed to see the pre-approved (Jewish) version of history. They had to make sure to smear Hitler and "nazis"so much that you would not even think to seek his and Germans side of the story.

Napoleon Bonaparte said it best: history is nothing more and nothing less than a set of lies agreed upon, followed up by none other than warmonger Winston Churchill: history is written by the winners.

Should you need/want any pointers on where to search for more information regarding ww2, pm me :)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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