Ladies, all of your emotional needs are evil. A man should never, ever cater to your emotions or care about your feelings. (He only pretends to care to get something from you.) It brings out the violence in you.
Yikes. So, this guy's thought process is apparently kinda fucked.
Emotional needs are evil? Are... men's emotional needs evil as well? If not why not?
How does "being appreciated as a significant other" cause violence? How can "being comforted after a bad experience" cause violence? Like fuck, man? The hell is wrong with you?
Incels, all of your demands are evil. A normal person should never, ever cater to your emotions or care about your feelings. (They only pretend to care to get you off their backs.)
It brings out the violence in you.
You know you're making relationships sound really horrible, right? Why would women ant to be with someone who doesn't care about their feelings?
Humans have emotions, get over yourself.
“Ladies, all of your emotional needs are evil.”
How about my need, right now, to pull out every one of your facial hairs with tweezers, one by one? _I_ think it’s fully justified.
"A man should never, ever cater to your emotions or care about your feelings.”
Did your mom make you lick car batteries, or what?
“(He only pretends to care to get something from you.)”
Okay, let’s pretend that this is true.
Think it through.
The woman has feelings.
The woman’s feelings will impact whether or not i ever see her naked.
I really, really CARE about seeing her naked.
Therefore, and the logic is pretty linear, i CARE about her feelings. Even if i didn’t care about her as a person, i care about her as a source of naked.
Between this and his recent adulation of a life without thinking, he’s definitely sounding bitter about being sapient at all. That was anti-rational, this is anti-emotional…What exactly happened to him? (Check, I’d say, the past five months; that sounds like enough time for a grudge against sapience to manifest.)
@Skyknight #180878
I am pretty sure Jesse Lee Peterson has been messed up right from the beginning, when he was raised by his fundamnetalist grandparents, still managing the farm his ancestors were enslaved at in service to white farm owners who had long ago moved away, after both of his parents had abandoned him, who blamed everything bad on spiritual decline.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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