Byl Holte #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut

If Trump has been convicted of committing rape, why isn't he behind bars?

If he tried to overthrow the election in 2021, why is he just being tried for it 3 years later.

If he stole top secret documents when he was president, why is it just becoming an issue 3 years later when he's running against Pedophile Joe Biden?

If he paid Smarmy Daniels hush money, how is that worse than what Clinton made his interns do?

All it takes is the right questions and you'll understand why we Christians love him.

We love him because his opponent is literally THE DEVIL.
11:00 PM · Apr 11, 2024 · 44.2K Views
327 Reposts 20 Quotes 1,859 Likes 14 Bookmarks



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