puupi #psycho #sexist #pratt mmo-champion.com

Being forced to take the trash out or being forced to do your homework are a little different to being forced to marry (potentially for life) a man you do not wish to marry, to have sex with him as and when he desires (as is the case in their culture), bear his children without a say in the matter, and risk your life in doing so.

I was forced to go to the military (like every man in my country), I was forced to serve my country with my life (literally).

I don't think those are small things. I would do them without being forced, too. But that doesn't change they are being forced upon me.

I really have hard time understanding the demonizing of sex. Everyone WANTS to have sex in their life, it's the best thing in the world.

Now when sex is forced it becomes the WORST AND MOST ATROCIOUS THING IN THE WORLD.

How the fuck does that kind of switch happen.

Of course I think rape is bad. But I don't understand the polarization. I think there is a lot of hypocrisy, exaggeration and victimization involved.

Not all sexual experiences for all involved parties are pleasurable.

Would you look forward to sex if you were unlikely to orgasm because your partner wasn't interested in your pleasure, or even your comfort? If it was a painful experience for you because you aren't aroused by your partner, would you look forward to doing that again?

Obviously I would not enjoy it and wouldn't look forward to doing that again. But people do other discomforting things, too, because it's part of life and needs to be done. Like work.

I'm not sorry that I had to go through conscription. I, and other men, owe that to our grandfathers. Yeah it's against free will, but as I've said previously, some things in life aren't that pleasurable yet they still have to be done. The result justifies the means.

Well people who don't want to have sex are a very small minority. Asexuality is 1% or less of the population.



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