Bro. Eric Kalinowski #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #racist
We are headed into dark times now. We have an incoming demented perverted adulterous president who wants to sell America to the highest bidder, import Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists and other non-Christians to do our jobs, and send Christian Americans to the poor house to make a quick buck. Removing Christ from our country, our government, our schools, and replacing Him with Allah or Buddha or Vishnu or any other false gods that will result in the further decay of our society. This is all part of the Zionist plan to destroy America from within and to make a quick profit as evil men like Benjamin “evangelicals are useful idiots” Netanyahu and their puppets like Wicked Donny destroy our country with this globalist Zionist agenda.
Pastor Steven has been thoroughly exposing the brainwashing that’s been happening to our young people. These foreign shows from East Asia that have been turning our kids into brain dead God hating tools since the original “Pokemon” came onto our shores over twenty years ago. Many parents, even in IFB churches, are ignorant of the dangers that lie in these programs and Pastor Steven has been making sure we don’t let our kids be set up for failure before they turn eighteen! We thank the Lord every day for Pastor Steven’s thoughtful analysis on how entertainment is one of the biggest weapons of this globalist Zionist elite!
We need to pray to Christ our Lord to excise these Zionist demons of sodomy, transsexualism, feminism, anti-Americanism, cultural and moral relativism, and the root of all this evil, Zionism. Let’s not confuse this with racism, because the issue is not that people of different races are entering America but that they are introducing false gods and repugnant worldviews. We should welcome people of all races that accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and have an American worldview. The problem lies when we have public schools leading students in Islamic prayers or learning about Buddha instead of reading the Bible and praying to God who will actually hear your prayers. We need to have faith in Christ and pray that He purge us of all of this sick wickedness that’s become in this country and that He will tell the Zionists who killed Him where to stick it!