Brother Nathaniel #racist #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut
Invasion Of The Nation Snatchers
If America is the last remaining sovereign nation then surely it’s in the crosshairs of World Jewry.
For any political entity that could resist ‘The Blob of World Jewry’ will have the soul and body of that nation “snatched up.”
The realization of this “snatching up” is seeing Biden recently “taking the knee” before World Jewry’s leading representational Jews.
Here’s the sniveling old pervert groveling before Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, and his Chief of Staff, Rivka Ravitz, an ultra-Orthodox Talmudic Jew, both Christ deniers, and Christ-haters.
Biden, we are told, bowed to Ravitz when learning she birthed twelve Jewish nurslings of the devil’s own brood.
There’s a metaphor here.
The body politic of America—in the person of its imposter leader Biden—is being “snatched up” by the enemies of the Gospel upon which America once gave allegiance.
No more.
All is done in devotion to the Jew.
The invasion of the nation snatchers is as good as complete, in our schools, our politics, and culture.
Looking for the shadow government?
The “deep state?”
Look no further than your local synagogue.
The invasion today is complete.
The financial, political, educational, and cultural body of America has been “strangled” by the invasion of the Jewish nation snatchers.
Only a military coup—executed by a few patriots left in the highest ranks—can rid the nation of this disease.
The Jews, you see, have been kicked out of 109 countries.
110’s a good round number.