It’s finally here! The Fundie of the Year 2023 awards blog

We’ve narrowed every category down, and it’s time for the final vote!

Religious fundie of the year

Rev. Paul Mackenzie -$F$6N4QWC5 - Bodies of the members of a now-dead starvation cult are found.

John Piper -$8DJR5VMLD - Apologist for Biblical genocide, rather than explaining it away, explicitly supports genocide.

Kathy Schroeder -$5YH6WY3.X368 - Thirty years after Waco siege, a participant still supports self-styled "second coming of Christ" David Koresh.

Timothy, Tina, and Damian - - Fundie adoptive parents have their kids beat each other when they fail to memorize their Bible verses.

Mohammad Ismail Zarei - - An Iranian government official rewards the American who stabbed Salman Rushdie, the British author of The Satanic Verses.

Wingnut of the year

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene - /$Z66H - The congresscritter that gets heckled by the right for not being right enough and fact-checked by the SPLC at the same time.

Donald Trump (1) - / - Confused about the number of World Wars and his opponent in 2016 and proclaiming his intention to be a dictator on his first day in office, all to the backdrop of a sustained incoherent meltdown about his trials

various commenters from gab - - Not being allowed to lynch people is, supposedly, oppression

Bolsonaro supporters - - Mob attacks the capital of Brazil, making unfounded accusations of election fraud and spreading literal shit over the place

Tyler Russell -$4SH - Got the “At Least He’s Honest” award for wanting a Trump Reich

Moonbat of the year

Kim Jong Un -$9HY3HM.$K - Best Korea embracing child labour and death-by-overworking to fight against bourgeois decadence!

Karim Ibn Rashid (1) - - sexual symbolism seen in political icons, with Marxism-Leninism as the “ONLY heterosexual ideology.”

Haz Al-Din 🇷🇺 -$_CQZF4 - rejecting gene theory in the name of “deteritorialization”

motherLover - - they’re calling for gassing teh joos, and they’re doing other anti-semetic stuff, and they might become violent, but they’re totally not anti-semites guise

Front for the Defense of the People’s Struggles of Ecuador - - hero-worshiping eulogy for a wannabe Stalin

Conspiracy theorist of the year

Georgia GOP Chair Kandiss Taylor - - she's a flag eather and wants Big Globe to stop their roundness propaganda

Tuckler Carlson - - he thinks nicotine is a mind-expanding drug that They don't want you to use

Mike Stone - - he claims Hamas, Al Queda, and ISIS are all secretly run by Israel

various commenters (1) - - they think everything is a false flag, except the one where Germany attacked their own radio station and blamed it on Poland; that's a false false flag

Vladimir Putin - - Goes full Reichsbürger

Ableist of the year

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child - - Blatant uncaring attitude. I hope he gets run over by a car and confined to a wheelchair.

Robert F Kennedy jr - - An “apology” for using the word “holocaust” to describe the autism “epidemic”.

Storm Robinson - - An asthma truther. “You don’t need an inhaler, Becky, you need to go for a walk”

Racist of the year

Joseph Czuba -$DG4BQ89 - Czuba stabbed his neighbors because the radio told him Palestinians were bad

Unnamed Daghestani rioters - - a bunch of Russian Muslims that stormed an airport looking for Jews to attack

Mahmoud Abbas - - "usury, money, and so on and so on" mean the Holocaust either didn't happen or was justified

various commenters (3) -$8NLT9JZHMF - "Universal suffrage is enslavement of white men. Anyone supporting it supports our enslavement"

Florida State Board of Education -$7FKG - the new Florida state board of education says that some Black people benefited from being enslaved

Sexist of the year

Heartless -$V3D8YVLLDW8 - Mocking the appearance of a rape-and-murder victim.

lesbian-king-kai - - Wants to murder all the homeless males.

AsiaCel -$BSFXQLYPG7H - "To add to the [Nazbol] mix, we should also throw in Marxism-rodgerism (sexual communism) of one man-one woman as the best as we can do."

Andrew Anglin (1) -$BXWF5C_89BW3 - "Women – at least when they are conscious and capable of mobility and speech – create far too many problems for society to sustain their presence long-term."

Sameera Khan and unnamed Taliban women -$VVVM_F7 - [Taliban members] say westerners need Andrew Tate because we are oppressed by feminists

Mammonist grifter of the year

Donald J. Trump - - "Due to the great Excitement and Success of my previous TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, we’re doing it again - The MugShot Edition, available RIGHT NOW"

Marc Saint-Onge and John Altshuler - - "The founder of a health and wellness company that sold “magic dirt” which was found to contain toxic levels of arsenic and lead after a campaign from anti-multi-level marketing activists, is back...Saint-Onge appeared in a launch video for Lovvare, a new beauty and wellness MLM"

Freedom Law School - - “Take these 7 steps to FREE Yourself of IRS deception, fear, robbery, and slavery, and LIVE FREE with our 100% Protection!”

Lothlorian Magick - - “**MIDAS TOUCH** Golden God Secret Society Haunted Dragon Djinn Skull & Bones Illuminati Warlock Templar Artifact! One of a Kind ~ Wealth + Luck x10! ** Occult WARLOCK Ring! $$$ Lost Treasure of Khastazia!”

Heteronormative crusader of the year

Yoweri Museveni, et al - - Yoweri Museveni, Robina Rwakoojo, John Musila and others "Ugandan MPs pass bill imposing death penalty for homosexuality

Léona Niassène mob - - “We caught a homosexual and we burned him”

Alex Bailey -$T5CRK - Beat up an 80-year-old woman because he thought she was trans.

Travis Ikeguchi - - “A 27-year-old man who fatally shot a store owner in California had torn down her Pride flag and shouted homophobic slurs, officials said on Monday”

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child -$FYR_PZ7 - Treats “Medical Assistance in Dying” as a final solution to the gay question

Forced-birth advocate of the year

Abby Johnson - <$3_CDZPGR$S6G>, <> - Starts by advocating for abortion to be banned and surprised that the neoreactionaries aren’t grateful

Kaya Masters -$XQF - Morally trading abortions for ten-year-olds forced to give birth

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child - - The whole DARVO playbook applied to life-threatening pregnancies gone wrong.

State Representative Rob Harris (R) and 21 other South Carolina State Representatives - - Lawmakers proposing the death penalty for attempted abortions.

Vogon Poet Loonerate of the year

Sneir - - Incel gangsta rap

Bennett Lee Ross - <> - Hasn’t really changed since last year, has he…

Gisele Gurney, Brynn Miche and Jimbo Zoomer - - Incel punk

Quack of the year

Tammy Nichols and Judy Boyle - - "If two Idaho state lawmakers get their way, it would become a criminal misdemeanor to administer a Covid-19 mRNA vaccine in Idaho"

Jason Klop - - "A Fraser Valley naturopath who charged families thousands of dollars to give their autistic children pills and enemas made from human feces has agreed to give up his licence"

Storm Robinson - - An asthma truther. “You don’t need an inhaler, Becky, you need to go for a walk”

RFK Jr. - - “COVID-19 is targeted to attack caucasians and Black people. The people that are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese”

Joe Salant -$K - "An evangelical pastor who briefly shot to fame in 2015 for recording a rap song in support of Sen. Ted Cruz is now selling industrial-strength bleach tablets to parents and has admitted that many of his customers are using the product to treat autism in their children"

Magnetic crank of the year

Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon - - The fundie word redefinition project, version 23.05.

Andrew Tate -$S6 - Andrew Tate has small dick energy.

One-liner of the year

Storm Robinson - - “Asthma is the ADHD of Inflammatory diseases. You don’t need an inhaler, Becky, you need to go for a walk.”

TommyHunt - - “You can surgically attach a hundred penises to a woman but she'll never be a man.”

“CLASSY” FRED BLASSIE -$W$_G - “btw i can tell when your toddler is performatively coughing when you walk past me on the sidewalk as i’m smoking a cig and it’s pathetic”

Ben Shapiro - - “We tried a documentary about men joining women's sports leagues, but found out they'd have to take hormone treatments first. So we made a fictional film about it instead.”

Donald Trump - - “[Xi Jinping] runs 1.4 billion people with an iron fist. Smart, brilliant, everything perfect.”

Lauren Boebert - - “We should save the taxpayer some money and throw Fauci and Hunter in the same cell.”

Catturd -$VBDDV29G - “If Medicine Worked you wouldn’t need to refill your prescription!”

Andrew Tate -$9 - “Long Covid? Oh you mean... Gay?”

Matt Walsh - - “The facts say that the entire medical basis for anti-depressants is a thoroughly debunked myth and millions of people were drugged based on that myth”

Jesse Lee Peterson - - “A life without thinking is an AMAZIN' life.”

Chicken little award

INTHELORDSNAME - <>, <> - INTHELORDSNAME from GLP insisted, several times, that Pope Francis and Barack Obama would be systematically beheading Christians no later than March 2023, and tossed into the lake of fire in September.

Gracie - - Man-on-car marriage should’ve happend by 2021. The world should’ve ended by 2023.

15 polls

Religious fundie of the year 2023

Rev. Paul Mackenzie
5 votes
John Piper
5 votes
Kathy Schroeder
5 votes
Timothy, Tina, and Damian
5 votes
Mohammad Ismail Zarei
5 votes

Wingnut of the year 2-23

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
4 votes
Donald Trump (1)
4 votes
various commenters from gab
4 votes
Bolsonaro supporters
4 votes
Tyler Russell
4 votes

Moonbat of the year 2023

Kim Jong Un
5 votes
Karim Ibn Rashid (1)
4 votes
Haz Al-Din 🇷🇺
4 votes
4 votes
Front for the Defense of the People’s Struggles of Ecuador
5 votes

Conspiracy theorist of the year 2023

Georgia GOP Chair Kandiss Taylor
5 votes
Tuckler Carlson
5 votes
Mike Stone
5 votes
various commenters (1)
4 votes
Vladimir Putin
4 votes

Ableist of the year 2023

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child
4 votes
Robert F Kennedy jr
4 votes
Storm Robinson
4 votes

Racist of the year 2023

Joseph Czuba
4 votes
Unnamed Daghestani rioters
4 votes
Mahmoud Abbas
4 votes
various commenters (3)
4 votes
Florida State Board of Education
4 votes

4 votes
4 votes
4 votes
Andrew Anglin (1)
4 votes
Sameera Khan and unnamed Taliban women
4 votes

Mammonist grifter of the year 2023

Donald J. Trump
5 votes
Marc Saint-Onge and John Altshuler
5 votes
Freedom Law School
5 votes
Lothlorian Magick
5 votes

Heteronormative crusader of the year 2023

Yoweri Museveni, et al
4 votes
Léona Niassène mob
4 votes
Alex Bailey
4 votes
Travis Ikeguchi
4 votes
Feynman and Coulter's Love Child
4 votes

Forced-birth advocate of the year 2023

Abby Johnson
4 votes
Kaya Masters
4 votes
Feynman and Coulter's Love Child
4 votes
State Representative Rob Harris (R) and 21 other South Carolina State Representatives
4 votes

Vogon Poet Loonerate of the year 2023

4 votes
Bennett Lee Ross
5 votes
Gisele Gurney, Brynn Miche and Jimbo Zoomer
4 votes

Quack of the year 2023

Tammy Nichols and Judy Boyle
4 votes
Jason Klop
4 votes
Storm Robinson
4 votes
5 votes
Joe Salant
5 votes

Magnetic crank of the year

Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon
3 votes
Andrew Tate
3 votes

One-liner of the year 2023

Storm Robinson
4 votes
3 votes
4 votes
Ben Shapiro
4 votes
Donald Trump
3 votes
Lauren Boebert
3 votes
4 votes
Andrew Tate
2 votes
Matt Walsh
3 votes
Jesse Lee Peterson
4 votes

Chicken little award 2023

4 votes
4 votes



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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