Freedom Law School/Peymon Mottahedeh #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

Take these 7 steps to FREE Yourself of IRS deception, fear, robbery, and slavery, and LIVE FREE with our 100% Protection!

Step 1:
Arm Yourself with the Law
Based on the US Government's official legal websites, no law requires 99% of Americans to file and pay Income Tax.

Step 2:
Stop filing income tax forms
Filing a 1040 Income Tax Confession Trap does NOT protect you.

Step 3:
Realize the IRS is mostly BLUFF
The IRS is extremely unlikely to be able to or attempt to empty your bank account and steal your money if you do not file a 1040 Income Tax Confession Trap (aka Form).

Step 4:
Take Courage from our Victories
Peymon, the founder of Freedom Law School, has not filed or paid U.S. Income Taxes since 1993. The IRS knows this and yet they have never attempted to indict or put Peymon in prison. Why?

Step 5:
Write to your lawmakers about the Law
File and Pay Income Taxes ONLY IF
your congressmen can show you the law that requires YOU to file and pay Income Tax.

Step 6:
Join the Restore Freedom Plan
Lawfully STOP filing and paying Income Tax with our Lifetime Guarantee!

Step 7:
Spread the Word!
Get Paid for each American you FREE with our Freedom Opportunity Plan.
Get your Complimentary Freedom Education Videos

SIGN UP NOW and you will receive several FREE courses sent directly to your email!
▶ Lesson 1 - Who IS Required to File and Pay Income Taxes

▶ Lesson 2 - Odds of Being Struck by Lightning are HIGHER Than Odds of Being Sent to Prison for NOT Filing

▶ Lesson 3 - Many definitions of "United States" in tax laws prove it ONLY applies to D.C.

▶ Lesson 4 - Since 1913, has the Federal Income Tax ONLY applied to Federal Territories?

▶ Lesson 5 - Former IRS Commissioner Cannot Provide the Law PROVING the Legality of the Federal Income Tax

▶ Lesson 6 - The Classic Documentary, America: Freedom to Fascism documentary



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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