Isaac Weishaupt #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Conspiracy theorists like David Icke got you confused? Wondering how a reptilian can live among us and shape shift in and out of our dimensions? Are your favorite entertainers part of a transhumanistic alien agenda with mind control signals coming from Saturn and the Moon?
‘A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory: The Illuminati, Ancient Aliens, and Pop Culture’ is a culmination project of several years of research and taking notes on taboo and fringe subjects from various theorists, philosophies, and academic walks of life. I’m a website publisher for conspiracy theories and the exposure that I’ve had to these topics gives me a fresh perspective and clarity of these sometimes confusing and offensive topics. I focus a lot of the material on the philosophy of David Icke, so if you wanted an independent third party assessment on why he thinks reptilian shape shifters control our planet; this is the book for you!

I explore links between all of the Illuminati conspiracy theories, the music, film, and entertainment industry’s infiltration, and brainwashing symbolism found in all of these venue. Ancient cultures, Nazis and occult worship still play a key role in today’s control system, and I provide insight into these topics, including a never before released review of the controversial and banned documentary of Princess Diana’s murder Unlawful Killing. This film has never been released and I was able to watch a copy of it and detail its findings in this book.

More original theories are presented such as Rihanna’s occult origins, red dragons and their symbolism, and the Illuminati eugenics program being deployed through a transhuman robotic agenda. I also explain how David Icke’s theories of the Moon Matrix and Saturn Worship operate to manipulate us into a false reality.
Conclusion- What Works: Food & Health, Global Centralization, One Political Party to Rule Them All, UFOs and the Phoenix Lights, Symbolism & Energy, Reptilians, etc.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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