Heaven Updates, OlipahNalungwe, faith1222 #sexist #fundie youtube.com

{Submitter’s note: A fundie video and comments claiming women wearing pants is evil and cause men to lust (as if dresses stop some men from harassing us.)}



( OlipahNalungwe )
Alot of women wear trousers O Lord! Help the world before it's too late

( EviaChakuamba )
If you love Him obey His word.
You cant rely on mercy and keep on sinning. Mercy is only available to those who repented.
When l looked in the dictionary the meaning of trousers it says
a man's outer garment.

( Heaven Updates )
I think you don't know who your Father is by now 🤔..

He said, 👇👇👇

(Matthew 5:28)
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

What do you think the trousers does when a woman wears it, don't you think it draws her shapes in that trousers and make the men to lust after her..

Then I ask you, will the DEVIL ask you to take PRE-CAUTION against making men to lust after you??

Many of us out here don't really know what is right for our soul..

I pray God help us know him better...🙏🙏

( faith1222 )
​@mhodupe_xmaybe, but don't be the cause of men's lust. They might still lust after you, even if you were covered from head to toe, but that is their problem. The important thing is you obey the will of the Holy Father by being modest and well covered. DO NOT BE THE SOURCE OF TEMPTATION, cause you will give an account for that.



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