[Serious] Jews hate when you jerk off to skinny women. They want you to worship cattle like Indians
They hate when men are attracted to skinny white women. They want us all to adopt the standards of the negro and worship borderline obese fatties. Remember that there is nothing more white and sophisticated than diddling yourself to a skinny white specimen. Arguably, jerking off to hentai is more white than actually having sex with a modern 170+ pound white woman.
“[Serious] Jews hate when you jerk off to skinny women.”
I have a hard time thinking they care. And a harder time figuring how they’d know?
“They want you to worship cattle like Indians”
Got a real deep grasp of Hinduism, I see.
“They hate when men are attracted to skinny white women.”
But i thought teh Joos controlled television? They keep on packaging skinny white women as the sex symbols. If the lead woman isn’t skinny, she’s quick with weight jokes, so we know she’s not the sex symbol on that show.
“They want us all to adopt the standards of the negro and worship borderline obese fatties.”
Citation needed? FOr the ‘standards of the negro’ for one, and for ‘they want’ as another.
“Arguably, jerking off to hentai is more white than actually having sex with a modern 170+ pound white woman.”
I suppose that racists having racist standards about masturbating is only to be expected, but this is making my eyes water.
I really doubt anyone, including Jewish people, cares about what makes your peepee hard. What everyone in the world would love, however, is for you to STFU about it.
[Serious] Jews hate when you jerk off to skinny women
A certain photography studio in New York in the 1950s. The most popular model was Bettie Page:
Photos of her - and other women - taken by Irving Klaw.
Hate having your opinions proved wrong, Shirley…?!
Arguably, jerking off to hentai is more white than actually having sex with a modern 170+ pound white woman.
Well, I honestly don’t know what the fuck that even means. How is jerking off to one thing as opposed to another “more white”? But….I guess I didn’t notice that line when I responded with my previous comment, where I said:
By “borderline obese fatties” he means “women of average weight,” right?
Now that I was scrolling through FSTDT again, and found that quote, I decided to do a little bit of Googling, and this fact made me laugh….
American women aged 20 years and above weigh an average of 170.8 pounds (lbs), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
So, yeah, I was accidentally exactly correct!
@TheKingOfRhye #216760
“By “borderline obese fatties” he means “women of average weight,” right?”
My guess is that he’s thinking* about the exaggerated behinds of the women in certain magazines and porn. Been lectured about it a few times, and discovered that if i’m attracted to behinds, I’m gay, to large behinds I’m a gay chubby chaster, and to large black behinds I’m a lesbian Chubby Chasing race traitor.
*And thinking a LOT, frankly, i also guess
Once you've realized that you're blaming everyone else for your own failures, you may finally be able to work on the actual problem. Therapy needed, but apparently not ready yet?
Then, about that frivolous Jew bashing problem, why should those who like anorexics also be Nazis?
I can’t stop thinking about the opening of Fidderl On A Roof. Where the Rabbi is fielding questions.
“Rabbi! Is it a sin to beat off to yaoi?”
“Yowie? You get, um, excited over pain?”
“No, no, not ouchie yow, but yaoi. Here.”
Rabbi (after a moment perusing the document he was handed. “If it’s not, it fucking well should be!”
Just a silly joke:
When sci-fi heroes like Luke Skywalker fap, the ghosts of Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda are watching and they keep the Sith away. When fundamentalists fap, Jesus, Mohamed, Rama, ... are watching and they keep the demons away. So just invite the friendly ghosts to the party...
This one is not a joke:
Some incels hate it when you fap, claiming that any sex could only be gay sex, especially if it's with yourself. Incels hate it even more when you have sex with someone, for obvious reasons. Nazi incels would like to blow up the world when you have sex with someone who's not white. Self-inflicted suffering and incompetence can result in misogynism, fatalism and misanthropy. Therapy may not be possible if the person fails to realize that they are the problem, or if they have been radicalized, to blame others, reach the point of self-defeatedly harming those they desire, wanting to suppress their freedom. It can result in crime, like rape or desperate terrorism. Bad actors involved in extremist radicalization and terrorist recruitment know and exploit this, unfortunately.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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