What type of German image was Wilhelm II talking about, exactly? I’m not sure Mr. Stratocrat is thinking of Dieter und Denker here, as my nickname for him should attest (what does “Melvin” mean that it should be imputed to him?).
But as for Wilhelm II, let’s look at Thomas Nipperdey’s synopsis of him:
”[G]ifted, with a quick understanding, sometimes brilliant, with a taste for the modern,—technology, industry, science—but at the same time superficial, hasty, restless, unable to relax, without any deeper level of seriousness, without any desire for hard work or drive to see things through to the end, without any sense of sobriety, for balance and boundaries, or even for reality and real problems, uncontrollable and scarcely capable of learning from experience, desperate for applause and success,—as Bismarck said early on in his life, he wanted every day to be his birthday—romantic, sentimental and theatrical, unsure and arrogant, with an immeasurably exaggerated self-confidence and desire to show off, a juvenile cadet, who never took the tone of the officers' mess out of his voice, and brashly wanted to play the part of the supreme warlord, full of panicky fear of a monotonous life without any diversions, and yet aimless, pathological in his hatred against his English mother.”
I don’t know if the jury’s in on whether he may have been afflicted with sociopathy or the above was all more mundane than that. Although the love-hate relationship he had towards England is interesting on its own (does Mr. Stratocrat know about him being half-Angle?). I certainly wonder what Hitler’s own view of Wilhelm II was (Bastethotep? Checkmate? Other Germans or Austrians here?).
EDIT: Well, found out the etymology of Melvin. It’s a Scots variant of the Norman Melville, meaning “bad town”. The “mel” part fits him well enough, at least…
EDIT THE SECOND: I thought I’d seen Wilhelm’s picture on Wikipedia before. I’d seen this sort of article a little into Trump’s presidency: https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/10/12/the-donald-trump-kaiser-wilhelm-parallels-are-getting-scary/