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National-Rodgerist manifesto
(submitters note: continued from https://fstdt.com/5WBLGF9.Y6.T )

Part two: post revolution

So lets say we manage to achieve our glorious National-Rodgerist incel revolution. How will we manage to stabilize our new government after a completely destabilized broken country? Well, we could learn from the Taliban.

You see, the Talichads relied on trading with china for food and resources. If we want to grow our country, we must find another country willing to trade with us. We must create resources to trade with them, and hopefully we can do that.

Or, if we don’t happen to be as lucky as the Talichads, then we will have to do things the North Korean way: And replant food. All the animals will be extinct from the nuclear attack, so we cannot rely on meat. However, we can find a way to replant the trees, and grow fruit. That will be enough to feed the incel folk.

Part three: Ideology

So you might be thinking, what exactly is National-Rodgerism and what are it’s policies?

Well, let’s start with economics.

National-Rodgerism supports an economy that puts men’s interests first, and women’s interests last.

Men collectively will own all the factories, businesses, etc. they will be in charge of the economy. The females will be wage-slaves, and work as slaves for long hours and little payment, and if they revolt men will be permitted to **** them and brutally torture them (in GTA V of course)

What form of system does National-Rodgerism support? National-Rodgerists support a totalitarian, one-party state.

It is totalitarian and strict against women, but gives men more freedom and is more libertarian to men. National-Rodgerism is totally against democracy, National-Rodgerists believe that an incel dictatorship with no elections is the best way to prevent another ideology from taking over. We don’t want National-Rodgerism to be voted out, so we must fight for our place in power.

National-Rodgerists believe that women should be slaves, and exist only to serve incels and our needs. Thus, we are only against r@pe against men, but r@pe against women would not be a crime under a National-Rodgerist government.

National-Rodgerism is basically National Socialism, but we replace the racial hierarchy with a gender hierarchy.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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