Article on the phenomenon in question
Apparently first mentioned in 77AD, when I believe Christ’s millennial kingdom reigned up until 1066. What came after the millennial kingdom was Satan's short season. Could we still be in that short season? Why is 2030 so important to those in power? Are they expecting the short season to end then? Even if you don't believe, could it be that they do believe? Why is 2030 so important?
That would make this “short” season only slightly less lengthy than the millenium.
Winter, the dark, cold season is shorter than the other seasons by only a day or so. In that case, why do some partial preterists believe satans season would be a quarter of the time of the millennial kingdom reign?
The seasons are human categorisation, they vary drastically between different climates including being inverted as you cross the equator. And if we go by equinoxes and solstices, that would be purely an artefact of calendarisation, of quartering a year whose length is not 364 days but an irrational number slightly below 365 and a quarter. And yes, the actual equinoxes and solstices are moments that shift across a range of three days.
In any case, that might technically be “shorter”, but by an absolutely trivial amount.
(Ever noticed how literalism often ends up rendering striking symbolism into pedantic and dry accounting? I think there may be some projection going on in at least some cases of the “only chemicals and ones and zeros, no meaning” straw man of scientific materialism.)
Isn't God a fair and just God? Then surely he would provide his dark and fallen angels with a similar period as his light angels?
Why would a fair and just god give infinitely evil rebels near-equal reign to his loyal forces of good?