“I've come to hate this poem.”
Then i’m pretty sure it was written about you, not to you.
"It locks people into supporting things that they don't believe”
Really? I’m not transgendered, but i believe they have more of a right to seek treatment than other people have to deny their treatment based on bigotry. So, I don’t necessarily support transgenderism as much as freedoms.
“and may even harm them,”
Gonna need somc actual citations of harm for these vaguely referred to ‘things.’ ‘May’ harm isn’t enough to justify yanking civil rights.
“and it honestly feels like a cult-coercion tactic.”
Yep. You’re the subject line.
“"Take my side or they'll come for YOU.””
And there you are, ‘let us take them or them might threaten YOU.’ Every accusation is a confession for you people.
“ You must obey me, because the rest of the world hates you more than I do."
You do miss the point. It’s not OBEY THE FRINGE, it’s message is ‘either we’re all free or we’re all vulnerable.’
Lethonal's response (I used only this part):
“Believe it or not, abortion access is not the priority of every woman in the United States at the moment,”
No. SOme are stupid enough to give up the right so long as the people they support champion their bigotry.
"some women believe being able to organize and define who/what women are in law is, because you can't write laws that protect women if a woman cannot be adequately defined in law.”
I could go with that as a concept, really, except that you cunts are insisting that YOUR definition applies to everyone, and it’s a stupid, shallow, bigoted, anti-science position, ignoring a century of research because PENIS! Penispenispenis!!!!
"Conversely, laws cannot be written that harm women if women cannot be adequately defined in law either unless you do the patriarchy a solid and only attack women on the basis of their reproductive ability.”
Huh? Any definition of women, for the purpose of the ladies’ room access, that you disagree with, will be termed as ‘harm,’ exactly because the definition will be ‘wrong.’
"Are you really going to fault feminists for playing chess on these issues when everyone else is trying to make them play checkers?”
Yes. Women are letting the patriarchy manipulate women’s fears and biases to gain power by oppressing the transgendered. And whatever we end up with will hurt women even YOU will count as women.
“Abortion is a very big deal, but I like his analogy that we now have to play chess instead of checkers.”
No. You’re playing poker. You’re gambling your abortion rights, everyone’s abortion rights, on a small win on one hand. You are giving what little leverage you had to the patriarchy and they won’t return the favor.
"Also there is only so long the Democrats can dangle that particular carrot without actually doing anything to enshrine reproductive rights into federal law before their “protection” rings hollow.”
So, you voted for people who promise to take the protection away because…penis?