“It should be legal for incels to rape females if they use protection and the female is unconscious.”
So, you’re so desperate for sex that you want to rape women, but you’re not brave enough to face the consequences. And wish that EVERYTHING the law is based on be overturned for your hard-on.
“Inceldom is a deprivation of a basic human need.”
Sure, but you don’t have a subsequent right to anyone else’s body to satisfy that need.
Same way that people on the organ list can’t knock you out at will and take a kidney or half your liver.
"If an incel does rape an unconscious female with protection,”
You know that protection fails, right?
And, still, you’re asking that the law make citizens into property. Juuuuuust a bit of precedent in the way, moron.
"the female wouldn’t even know that she was raped.”
If we do this, then incels should be subject to rape by horny gay men who feel like it. Do you maybe think if you were raped in the dentist chair, you might figure it out when you woke up? Blood when you wipe, maybe, or your underwear being on backwards? Used condoms left in your pockets?
"Even if she found out it wouldn’t be that bad.”
NOT ONLY do you not have the right to her vagina, you’re not the one to decide how SHE feels about being raped.
“ No violence or anything would be used against the female because she would be unconscious.”
Dude, raping her IS violence.
“She wouldn’t even remember it. Rape to a female would do way less harm than inceldom does to a man.”
Oh, tie it in a knot and set it on fire, you’re not the one to judge her response to your wishes beign fulfilled.
“ Overall suffering would be reduced.”
Does this argument apply to nationalizing your anus as well as her vagina?
“ If a man is an incel long enough to rape a female, then he is the victim, not the villain.”
Victim in his own estimation, but still A RAPE APOLOGIST SEEKING RAPE.
“No starving man should have to go to prison for stealing food,”
You won’t die without sex.
“ and no sexually starved man should have to go to prison for raping a female.”
YOU don’t respect women. That’s part of why you’re an incel. You don’t get that part of your personality rewarded for being a failure.
“Without food, the body of a man dies. Without sex, the soul and mind of a man will die.”
Plenty of monks can tell you otherwise.
"If a man is an incel long enough he will end up going insane sooner or later.”
Still doesn’t justify assault.
“ This way the females would not remember or know that they were raped.”
Betcha you’re wrong. And even if you perfect the perfect immemorable rape, they’d live in a society where they know that the law treats them as community property.
“ Men would be able to keep their sanity and the suffering of us incels would be ended.”
NO one cares.
“In my opinion,”
In your self-serving, highly toxic, misogynistic opinion”
“ it should be legal for incels to rape unconscious females if they use protection to create a better world with no suffering.”
Except for the suffering of any woman that figures out she was raped, and the suffering of all women who lose track of time (at least 4 minutes, anyway), and the suffering of all women who watch this become legal, and the suffering of any empathic human who has to deal with the way you chucklefucks are going to start swaggering around like the kings of creation once you have had bad sex at a dry, unresponsive vagina.