“HELL does exists,it is a real place. CHRISTIANITY JUDISM,”
Judism? Is that a philosophy from the Beatles?
“HINDUISM,ZEN BUDDHISM and ISLAM all believe and teach ,there is a place called HELL.”
Um, no. No they do not. Credibility dive.
“GOD doesn't send anyone to HELL.”
God set up the rules.
God defines the sins that send you to Hell.
God also defines the salvation to be forgiven adn escape Hell.
AND God is THE GUY that decides if you’re forgiven.
How in the name of God, no pun, can you say god Does NOT send us to Hell?
“People make their conscience”
“choices,through the freedom of their wills.”
Unless they have a chemical imbalance in their brain. Unless they were lied to when growing up and worship the wrong god, or the right god in the wrong way, or live somplace where accumulated snow would break the roof and they can’t have the 18-inch parapet god commands to surround every roof. But, yeah, OTHER than those influences or similar situations, yeah, it’s all on them. Sure.
"On the various links surrounding this case,everyone was calling for the…the pains in HELL he would recieve.”
Yes, yes, Hell is a bit lacking in justice or mercy or logic, but it does make a very satisfying revenge fantasy. I just would have oped true Christains would be above revenge.
“I have heard of the Harry Potter books;but have no intention of reading them.”
Well, if your faith is that weak that a book series threatens it, of course.
“People have the freedom to deny the very existence of HELL,as they so please.”
It’s not really a choice. I CANNOT belief that any sort of sane god inflicts infinite torture for finite sins. It makes no sense at all. And the extra effort he’d have go through… My body is rotting in a coffin, and he’d have to build me a new body for no other purpose than to feel the pain. That’s sick.
Do you think that you, as a Christain, could enjoy Paradise knowing that anyone is suffering eternal torture in Hell? I could not. Even when i believed in God and the Word, i could not imagine being happy while someone suffers like that.