My stab at this guy’s Gish Gallop…
A lot of those lands were actually relatively doing fine until the colonials showed up. Many had shining Kingdoms, complex civilizations, high standards of living and were active in the old world trades long ago.
Before the Norse inadvertently sent a plague that wiped out most of North America, the Indigenous Americans were a lot less “primitive” and had complex cities, canals and civilizations. Had that plague not happened, the European conquest and genocides against the First Americans likely wouldn’t have happened (yes, I’m aware of other factors involving the Little Ice Age and the social issues caused by that which didn’t involve whites).
The Mesoamericans had huge advanced civilizations with lavish cities, temples, pyramids, etc.
India was once a prosperous land and the Harrapan civilization of the Punjab had complex sewer systems and running water… over 3000 years ago!
Mesopotamia with Sumeria, Babylon. etc.
Africa also had vast complex Kingdoms… Kush / Nubia, (Old) Zimbabwe, etc.
The colonials often divided up Africa, the Mideast, etc. on arbitrary lines so opposing tribes or groups would share a land and start fighting each other.
When a nation had a free and fair election, outsiders, like covert Black Ops jerks from the USA’s own CIA, would stir stuff up, have the new leader overthrown and replaced with a despot. Likewise, the second Iraq War was unnecessary and only made things worse.
While Saddam was no doubt a cruel tyrannical monster, he was also the guy holding that country together, preventing sectarian infighting and curbing IslamoFascism and terrorism coming from that. Iraq was a relatively modern nation with a decent standard of living and one gets the impression that Saddam didn’t go after you unless you personally bothered him. He was psycho but not Kim Dynasty - level psycho.
Concerning your argument about women’s rights… that’s a laugh… due to the fact that your ilk is as much against it as the strawperson dark-skinned people you revile.
My examples may have been simplistic but my point stands. Many of the issues with these countries have their roots in colonials screwing up everything.