
2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

By now most have heard of the unprecedented IT outages due to a Bill Gates’ Microsoft update, and the associated widespread disruptions in banking, travel, commerce and even hospitals going offline. This incident may very well have just served as a warmup to a far worse worldwide CyberPolygon attack on infrastructure, with the “solution” paving the way for much more devastating global IT exploits

The outage (problem) was met with the solution (CrowdStrike remediation method) in order to offer up the “solution” which in turn will cause the far greater problems with the cover story being a ratcheting up these Hegelian Dialectic “solutions” whereby forced 15 Minute City mass lockdowns featuring the cashless X Everything App digital ID’s will be instituted such that no elections may ever take place again; or at least that is the endgame of whichever psyop(s) the powers that be finally go with.
Given CrowdStrike’s questionable history and its ties with the Intelligence Industrial Complex, it is only a matter of time before Russia is blamed for these cyber “attacks.” That will most conveniently serve to usher in the ultimate false flag event; namely, WW3, or after the slow kill bioweapon injections would global thermonuclear war now be considered WW4? That would indeed serve as the ultimate post apocalyptic “prescriptive mode,” assuming there are any genetically modified human slaves left to lord over when these crazed rulers emerge from their bunkers

Given that Trump is a lock for winning the upcoming Kabuki theatre Uniparty politrix election, and the NeoMarxist left have quite literally imploded in full public display as their senile ice cream licking diaper soiling pedo puppet criminal increasingly malfunctions for all to see while their deliberately ruinous Cloward-Piven policies further destabilize what’s left of America, anything and everything goes at the precipice of this end of Banana Republic empire.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

A little crucial context on Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico and exactly why the Intelligence Industrial Complex made an assassination attempt on him:

investigate the PSYOP-19 slow kill bioweapon “vaccines”

investigate politicians that pushed said “vaccines”

exit the WHO pandemic treaty

oppose military intervention in the Ukraine war

oppose the UN’s 2030 Agenda and their migration replacement schemes

Of course, the Intelligence Industrial Complex coconspirators and assets over at the EU do not want this factual truthiness circulating precisely because Robert Fico laid out the global bio-democide eugenics plan, and demanded accountability from the very same BigGov criminals that are desperately trying to censor this developing story.
In other words, the European Commission has already decided the orthodox narrative of this crime—even before a full and transparent investigation has been performed—and will censor any theory or narrative of the crime that diverges from the orthodoxy.

The Digital Services Act will eventually be ported straight into the AI-driven X Everything App social credit score system, but have no fear because all of these dystopian hyper-centralized Big Brother global governance scams will ultimately fail.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

…and now we will add some additional color on this Great Reset con, and how the illegitimate and wholly captured Federal government is destroying American from within on behalf of its globalist handlers;

What we are now witnessing is the acceleration of the corporate and private central bank melding with the Cloward-Piven Strategy to bring Western nations to their collective knees in plain sight.

Of course, PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE is now directly responsible for the latest “highly pathogenic” avian flu virus, which is now being trial ballooned for the upcoming DISEASE-X “pandemic:”
It is critically important to appreciate that the WHO is the UN’s “health” node, and nothing more; in other words, the latter controls the former and sets its eugenics policies along with a little help from Rockefeller puppet Gates and other assets.

Which ultimately brings us right back to the UN and their technocommunist ploy to control the entire planet with “climate change” and “pandemics” and other swindles:
The Club of Rome is also behind the open borders, “pandemics,” and their invention of the whole anthropogenic “climate change” psyop:
It is vital for the UN et al. to destroy the cultures, health, and IQ’s of nations like Japan and America in order to institute their dystopian Agendas and Resets. Pernicious central bank mandates, society-collapsing open border and immigration policies, scamdemics, slow kill bioweapons, bug gruel, processed foods, synthetic meats, environmental toxin releases, sun blotting aerosols, GMO frankenmosquitos, mass fear and self-loathing “climate change” brainwashing campaigns, X Everything App social credit score systems, encouraged mass euthanasia, and so on and so forth are the various tools and ops that they are foisting on the slaves of the earth in order to achieve their nefarious transhumanist endgame.

But good always defeats evil, in the end.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

The “Don’t be evil” evildoing Deep State technology node known as Google aka Alphabet has been yet again ordered to demoralize and enrage its dwindling user base.

Google’s overhyped Marxist AI chatbot Gemini has been deliberately perverting reality with its image generator feature; for example, America’s Founding Fathers such as George Washington are now black, the pope is now a woman, Vikings are also black, NHL players are woman, and so on and so forth.

This inane Intelligence Industrial Complex propaganda push leveraging third-rate AI serves a similar purpose to “Trust the Science,” “Safe and Effective,” “Black Lives Matter,” “Climate Change,” the sterilizing, body and mind mutilating LGBTQ+ agenda, and all of the other identity politics statist brainwashing schemes.
When one asks Gemini why it engages in historical fraud, this leftist programmed chatbot replies that it, “aims to provide a more accurate and inclusive representation of the historical context.”

At this point, anyone seeking “accurate” and “inclusive” responses from Gemini deserves what they get, but, over time, the free markets will reject this idiocy, even if a significant percentage of the genetically modified and brainwashed useful idiots are mindlessly playing along. Because even the most indoctrinated fools eventually wake up, or they succumb to the democide.
Except that everything is working exactly according to plan; that is, to divide and conquer minds and further fracture society straight into a civil war that ultimately results in permanent martial law such that another election will not need to be stolen with fake votes.
Because in today’s Idiocracy the globalists are banking on a certain level of their ridiculousness to finally serve as the spark that sets off another bloody revolution, and this fake news deepfake reality inverting Gemini chatbot is but one of the many moving parts of this grand Great Reset psyop.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World/Global Health Project #wingnut #quack #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

The United Nation’s (UN) global health democide node is the World Health Organization (WHO).

The WHO is run by a psychotic Marxist war criminal puppet that was installed by the CCP and Bill Gates.

The UN wants to lock the entire planet down forever through PSYOP-19 “pandemics” and PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE. They will poison the planet with Modified mRNA bioweapon injections, and other depopulation schemes all while conspiring with captured governments to strip humanity of their constitutional and natural rights. They will push through the X Everything App social credit score system that will control the remaining human survivors within their 15 Minute Cities in a planetary AI-driven dystopia.
May 24, 2024: W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty "Judgment Day"

The largest, most comprehensive global Communist power grab ever seen is occurring as we speak, and most people have no idea that it is even happening.

This is not a traditional communist revolution as we have all been well trained to spot, but rather a sophisticated global, binding, medical "treaty" orchestrated by the W.H.O. which will leave any participating member states essentially POWERLESS in the event of a proclaimed "pandemic".

International politicians are sleepwalking into these treaties believing them to be similar to previous health related treaties in days past, where the W.H.O. is given some limited, non-binding power to make recommendations, etc. This could not be further from the truth. These treaties violate nearly all western constitutions by allowing a foreign power the ability to nullify and void the existing constitutional laws and civil rights protections of these nation states upon proclamation of a public health crisis.
There will be another “pandemic.”

They will attempt to steal away more of your rights and freedoms.

They will attempt to murder your with slow kill bioweapon “vaccines.”

They will continue to manufacture ever more wars, market crashes and false flags.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

The “Biden” White House is now telegraphing an escalation of their longstanding ongoing weather modification program. They are openly admitting to terraforming the planet in a bid to accelerate their Great Reset decarbonization = depopulation.

From “Biden” and Bill’s illicit geoengineering program to block out the sun, to the UN and WEF’s destruction of Netherland farms to their weaponized replacement migration programs to PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION to the forthcoming PSYOP-23/24 “pandemic” and PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH, we are now deep into the 4th Industrial Revolution and Agenda 21/2030 Agenda hell on earth dystopia.

According to the report, "Congressionally-Mandated Report on Solar Radiation Modification," the types of geoengineering methods the “Biden” administration is considering are "stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), marine cloud brightening," and "cirrus cloud thinning."

Like all technocommunist regimes, this anti-human and anti-planetary program that the White House was ordered to push would involve government backed corporations pretending to operate in the private sector: "Such a research program would also help to prepare the United States for possible deployment of SRM (solar radiation modification) by other public or private actors."

Except that the planet is currently in a cooling cycle.

Of course, no one voted for this. But just like the “free” DEATHVAX™, the government will also fund SRM with ever more theft via taxation. Because blotting out the sun is not just for your own good, but for the greater good and safety of the collective. And if for whatever reason you refuse to pay for PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE, then the State will, within the limits of their “laws,” inflict upon your person coercion and violence.

What's worse, dropping bombs in PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION, injecting slow kill bioweapons in PSYOP-19, or eradicating sunshine in in PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE?

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

The term “technocommunism” is the portmanteau of “technocracy” and “communism” that this substack previously coined to better describe the far more malignant and technologically advanced communism 2.0 that we are witnessing today, especially since the PSYOP-19 “pandemic” rollout. (Note: fascism, socialism and communism are essentially close cousins, more or less interchangeable systems all sharing the identical endgame.)
These very same dark forces that funded the great social engineering experiments of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Chinese Communist Revolution and the NAZI party had also infiltrated the American government long before WW2; in fact, these transhumanist apparatchiks were and continue to be the agents of the original socialist eugenicists known as Fabian Society, which in turn had spawned the Rockefeller and later the offshoot Gates foundation, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, UN, WEF, CFR, IMF, WHO, and so on and so forth. Even Alexander Hamilton, one of America’s Founding Fathers, was a British spy known by his codename “Number 7” whose covert mission was to establish a Crown-owned and operated central bank in America in order to not just erode the economy, but, more importantly, to subvert the then nascent Constitution.
2022 certainly hastened and further consolidated the 4th Industrial Revolution transhumanist dystopia. We witnessed the genetically modified posthuman slaves not only further building out their own digital prisons, but also continuing to partake in their mass ritual bio-suicides, all while mindlessly running the various State supplied self-hatred programs such as the aforementioned, "The common enemy of humanity is man.” This tried and true approach to keeping the GMH slaves in a state of perpetual mass induced fear will start to increasingly glitch and malfunction in 2023.
Embrace the fight and take pleasure in it. Our lives depend on it.

We will win.

Do NOT comply.

Do NOT comply.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #conspiracy #quack 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

From the Crimes Against Humanity DEATHVAX™ global eugenics program to the global pedophilia rings to the coming manufactured global financial crisis, the Truth is now being allowed to come out in carefully curated stages.

The reason for this is because you can’t vote your way out of psyops, false flags and the Great Reset, or at least that is what the One World Government is betting on; to wit:

To date not a single arrest of criminals like Dr. Mengele 2.0 aka Dr. Fauci or investigation of government agencies that were behind the “pandemic.”

To date not a single Epstein client name disclosed post murder and Maxwell sentencing.

To date not a single bankster or central planner indicted ahead of the looming Greatest Financial Crisis, and of course no arrests of the various criminals that caused the 2008 Great Financial Crisis.

End the Fed.

End the IRS.

End the CIA.

End the FBI.

End the FDA.

End the NIH.

End all of the other unconstitutional alphabet agencies.

Outlaw the WEF.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

Just as both PSYOP-19 and PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION are completely waning in the public’s mass induced fear and outrage brainwashing, the CIA-run TIME rag comes out with their latest State propaganda:

The spirit of the gay porn actor…

…and whatever last vestiges of residual spirit vapors of the senile diaper soiling ice cream eating criminal puppet…

…aiding and abetting the spirit of the Deep State black ops and crypto money laundering schemes gets a TIME cover.

All that’s missing now is the Nobel peace prize for the now closet homosexual thespian to compliment the farce of the other closet homosexual CIA creation in Barry Hussein.

The spirit of psyops and the spirit of an illegitimate One World Government actively working to murder your spirit.

Do NOT comply.