
Omrow #fundie community.channel4.com

Fanatics exists in all spheres of life.

If you look carefully you will see that Atheists tend to be more dogmatic than religious people.

In fact, you will observe that most Atheists follow a blind faith.

Atheists are as bad as any other intellectually blind person. They often refuse to use reason.

purifytheheartandmind #fundie community.channel4.com

For the ones that want to deny God and oppose him and mock him, he has a special place reserved for those people, pack lightly as it will be very warm where your going. Equally for the ones who have their faith intact look forward to great rewards from their Creator. It cant get any simpler.
By the way the Holy Quran is full of scientific facts revealed by God centuries ago, which are being discovered recently.

Amore #fundie community.channel4.com

The idea of homo sapiens and dinosaurs having lived side by side is ‘laughable’ only to those who approach the subject with deeply-ingrained evolutionary prejudices! There is plenty of evidence they have lived together. There are literally hundreds of stories and depictions of large, frightening, reptilian creatures, often called dragons, from different cultures all over the world. Many of them sound or look very like what we now call dinosaurs. How could so many different and widely scattered people all have come up with such similar ‘mythical’ creatures? Isn’t it far more likely they were describing animals they had actually seen? Dinosaurs?

Two dinosaurs are described in the Bible (Job 40:15 – 41:34). The first is ‘behemoth’, a huge, land-dwelling plant eater. Although footnotes often say this was probably an elephant or a hippopotamus, it was far more likely to have been a diplodocus or an apatosaurus. Neither the elephant nor the hippopotamus has a ‘tail that sways like a cedar tree’! The other creature described in Job, called ‘leviathan’, sounds remarkably like a kronosaurus.

In Carlisle Cathedral, over the tomb of a certain Bishop Bell, there is a brass plate. Around the edge of this is a Latin inscription, and between the words are depictions of various animals – a dog, a pig, a bird etc. However, one pair of creatures would be immediately recognised by any child today as dinosaurs. There’s really nothing else they could be! Yet Bishop Bell died in 1495, long before modern discoveries of dinosaurs. So how could the craftsman have known what they looked like unless he had seen them?!!

It is myth that fossils take millions of years to form. It is a myth that rock strata take millions of years to be laid down. The Mount St Helens volcanic eruption in May 1980, and its aftermath, laid down c.600 feet of finely layered sediment, and then cut a gorge through it, forming a canyon one fortieth the size of the Grand Canyon in about two years! The rock strata and fossil beds we find today are best explained by a global flood, as described in the Bible in the days of Noah.

You say: ‘I expect if my faith was strong enough, I could let all these problems pass without satisfactory explanation - all those scientists who believe in the literal account of the Bible's version obviously are in this category.’

Amore #fundie community.channel4.com

do you understand why I get angry when evolutionists go on about ToE being ‘fact’, supported by ‘masses of evidence’? Several people on this forum, though not you personally, have scoffed at certain Bible stories, most of which are quite feasible without the need to invoke the miraculous, and then they claim that reptile-to-bird evolution is science! On the contrary, unless someone can explain how any creature part way between a reptile and a bird could have survived at all, never mind been favoured by natural selection, please don’t expect me to believe that evolution is anything other than a fairy story – a nature myth - clung on to in desperation by rebellious humans who do not wish to submit to the lordship of a holy, almighty, Creator - God.

Amore #fundie community.channel4.com

I’ll tell you why evolutionism is so widely accepted - indeed, why it caught on so quickly when Darwin first published his Origins. It is because it gives human beings an excuse to do away with the Creator. And if there is no God, then nobody made us; there is no one with the authority to tell us how we should live our lives and run the planet. We can decide truth for ourselves. We can decide what is right and wrong. We can live a God-free life in a God-free society, indulging our lusts to our heart’s content with no restraints! Yippeee!

(After a rant from Romans1:16)

Paul goes on to list the evils that ensue when men and women reject God as Creator: sexual perversions, greed, hate, envy, murder, fighting, deception, malicious behaviour and gossip. People become back-stabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud and boastful — forever inventing new ways of sinning .. disobedient to their parents, unforgiving etc.

And if people back then had no excuse for failing to acknowledge God as Creator, they have even less now, given that, thanks to telescopes, microscopes and deep-sea submersibles, we know far more about the wonders of creation than they did.

Want to know why the world's in a mess? Maybe it has something to do with mankind's refusal to acknowledge God as Creator and obey his laws.

I anticipate that this entry will cause another tirade of abuse to burst forth. Whatever, I have decided that it will probably be my last, at least for the time being, as I really can’t spare any more time. If I have made a mistake at all, it is the mistake of playing into the hands of folks who get warped pleasure from flinging personal insults at those who hold a different view of our origins from their own. Jesus said something once about not throwing one’s pearls before swine. (No, I’m not calling anyone a pig; it’s a figure of speech, OK?)

No doubt someone will also claim, triumphantly, that I am going away with my 'tail between my legs' because my arguments have been trounced. Wrong! My head is held high, and I rejoice in knowing that there is not one single scientific fact that contradicts the Bible.

God bless you all

Baron von Lotsov #fundie community.channel4.com

Well as I was saying there is some resemblance to the scientific process in that for some scientific assertion to be deemed correct it has to be universally valid rather than totally subjective. The proof of much of this can be found in the very language we use. The concept of evil is universally understood and the causes are as well. However the Bible has it all written down in a precise way and looking at it from the other perspective I can't find anything that is really at odds with this.

I mean there is some quite obscure stuff in it, one thing that comes to mind is that apparently it is forsaken to reproduce images of living things such as people, animals etc. Now you may ask what on earth is it on about, but apparently an image is a reflection of that thing in that it is its inverse, so a living thing that is something of God's creation is deemed as all good and its image is the inverse, i.e. it is emanating evil. Now this is really weird until you look a bit closer and notice how Satanists use mirrors to conjure up evil spirits and then just take a look at Hollywood and how images are so false and inhuman in many ways. It's a subtle thing but a good example of how a book of great wisdom can help you. If everything in it were so obvious then it would never have been necessary to write it in the first place.

Mr Woolf #fundie community.channel4.com

(The earth was created 6500 years ago and it was made to look like it was more than 4 billion years old in what looks like a 14 billion year old universe. That is much more likely than a book written by bronze age goat herds being wrong.)

And certainly much more likely than some story about a lizard turning into a snake.
Remind me: Did you ever get back to me with an answer about when a snake actually stopped being a lizard? That is, how exactly it changed from one species to another.
And how that happened?
And I don't think that you ever came up with a credible answer about why it was better to have no legs? Or shorter legs, at least?
I don't think that you really know, do you?

Makes a bit of a mess of your so - called theory of evolution, doesn't it?

zwaraaaa #fundie community.channel4.com

Fact: Atheists worship determinism.
Fact: Determinism is unprovable, just like god.

There are certainties and uncertainties, we know within a certain degree of accuracy what will happen in some experiments under controlled conditions yet there is no way to predict whether Schrodinger's cat will live or die. Thus determinism is unprovable.

[After some debate]

What's so difficult to understand about the concept "unprovable is not the same as disproven"? There is something very wrong with atheism if people turn out like this.

Your pathological obsession with pretending determinism exists despite the fact it is unproven is the equivalent of worship. You bear down so heavily on religions, especially christianity for some reason, because you want to avoid responsibility. By pretending only people who believe in god are capable of ignorance you shift attention away from your own, which is why atheism is so popular amongst Karl Marx worshippers.

MY HERO!! #fundie community.channel4.com

There are a lot of arguments against the existence of God (and heaven and hell) but what about Unseen Forces of Evil,wether you call them Satan or some other name.

1)Theres plenty of evil,death,disease and disaster in the world - a good argument,
for some people, against the existence of god but not against the existence of evil forces.

2)No scientific evidence? - well why would forces of evil want to leave evidence? It's perfectly logical that they would want to cover up their activities.

3)Their motives? - power perhaps or sadism.

4)Religions that believe in Satan also believe in lots of things that are,according to modern
science,illogical or unproven - Wouldn't that make them a great tool for 'forces of evil',use
religious fanaticism and fear to do your dirty
work for you on one hand and make yourself seem
so absurd to atheists and scientists (a possible threat?) that they don't believe in you
and they convince everyone else not to believe in you.

The theory of evolution and the big bang do nothing to disprove the existence of 'forces
of evil' since any such force would be destroyers/corruptors/manipulators rather than creators.

kashif786 #fundie community.channel4.com

People of the West of the Pope, are all inherently worshipping the devil, they have no consciousness of Allah, Exalted is He! and rely on the Pope to continue with this order of injustices and suffering in the world and lies and hatred of the truth. If I was to grip one person in the world for the suffering and injustices in the world, I get the Pope.

It is only the devil worshippers who want to continue for the world to suffer, to keep people away from truth and to continue worshipping the devil in their lives.

Be not of those who promote vanity, pride, hatred, lust, envy, arrogance, malice and greed- the devil worshippers.

LetFreedomRing #fundie community.channel4.com

(Regarding "militant" Christianity in the US)

I would love to see your proof of this. Please give us your proof. This is being spread around by the far left gay atheist extremists in the USA, but no one can find any proof of it whatsoever, and many people have done research on it. They are very angry at Christians because they are against gay marriage. This is nothing but pure politics. I seriously doubt you will ever find another group of Christians picking up their guns and going to war with anyone. It just isn't going to happen. If you do a search on google for "Christians domionists" and you sort through all of the gay websites accusing Christians of this, you will find a few Christian websites in there among them debunking everything they accuse Christians of and making them look like total fools. There is nothing to this but politics. And if there did happen to be a small group of people calling themselves Christians doing this type of thing, I am certain the FBI will take them down and an overwhelming majority of Christians in the USA will be standing behind them. Radical groups cannot grow unless the majority of people allow them to grow.

An example of how I know these far right Christian extremists do not exist in the US, unless it is a very small group, is when Bush was going to nominate Harriet Miers for one of our judges and the far rights would not except her nomination. The news stations went on and on about how religion Miers was, but the far rights were furious at Bush for wanting to nominate her b/c they didn't think she was qualified for the job. They were not worried about how religious she was, as almost all Americans could care less about their politicians' religion. They were only worried about her qualifications. This really put a damper on the far left extremists' propaganda.

It's hard to realize what is really going on in another country. The Christians in the USA have never fought one another or anyone else following any other religion and have always been very peaceful people. There are many Christians in the USA who are involved in politics. Separation of church and state was NOT meant for all Christians not to participate in politics as the far left extremists wants everyone to believe. They just want Christians to stay out of politics so they can further their agenda and this is exactly why they have started all of this ridiculous propaganda. From the beginning of this country, Christians were involved in politics. You can take the religion out of the government but you can't take the religious people out of politics. Christians are people, too, and they have just as much of a right to get involved in politics and worry about their country as anyone else does. In fact, it was an overwhelming majority of Christians who built this country, who wanted religious freedoms and fought and died to have religious freedom in this country.

Babybear #fundie community.channel4.com

Actually, when Darwinism is taken away, no philosophy of 'conflict' remains. The three monotheistic religions that most people in the world believe in, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, all oppose violence. All three religions wish to bring peace and harmony to the world, and oppose innocent people being killed and suffering cruelty and torture. Conflict and violence violate the morality that God has set out for man, and are abnormal and undesired concepts. However, Darwinism sees and portrays conflict and violence as natural, justified and correct concepts that have to exist.

For this reason, if some people commit terrorism using the concepts and symbols of Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the name of those religions, you can be sure that those people are not Muslims, Christians or Jews. They are in fact Social Darwinists

rothwellrogue #fundie community.channel4.com

"Flaw" is probably not the right word. A flaw is a defect that mars the perfection of something. There is nothing approaching perfection in evolution. I think if anyone looked at it objectively i.e. not trying to prove there is or isn’t a God, as fills up most of these forums, then it would not stand up to scrutiny. Evolutionists HAVE to find a material answer to everything and will not allow anything that resembles supernatural intervention. Therefore they clutch at straws in trying to squeeze evidence into their already prepared framework. Evolution says everything started with a Big Bang but offers no evidence of where all the matter came from. They say that life started from nothing but offer no explanation of how. In order for evolution to work there has to be information added to DNA, this is a central key which cannot simply be avoided, and there is no evidence of this happening at all never mind the millions of times it is supposed to have happened to get we are today from nothing. The same applies to mutations which are usually harmful and damaging but we are supposed to believe that millions of beneficial mutations have taken place over millions of years to move microbe to man. Evolutionists will avoid answering these questions or point to some ridiculous idea that bacteria evolved immunity to insecticides and if left long enough would change into an elephant or bird. Evolution is not flawed it is blatantly ridiculous and if there was another way for people to live without admitting the existence of a superior being, and of course what that would mean in terms of answering to him, then it would be laughed at, as indeed it should be. Of course if people want to believe in evolution it is their choice. However there is a far more serious issue to consider. There is a God and there is an afterlife and evolution is stopping a lot of people from hearing the truth. Jesus once gave a blind man sight and the man was asked how it happened. He said “I do not know, all I know is that once I was blind and now I can see”. Until the blindness that believes the lie of evolution is removed then people, tragically, will fall for it.

Baron Von Lotsov #fundie community.channel4.com

(About the Bible)

It requires intelligence to understand it. What it teaches is both profound and timeless, and above all it is the truth. The intelligent man will read it and reflect on their own experience to assess whether it holds truth or falsehood. The fool will just discard it without attempting to understand. However the challenge is greater these days because we are under bombardment by evil, which cannot survive people knowing the truth.

If you look at the way the system works it tries to make us reject it because this act depowers us. The immoral person is one who is compromised and powerless and the evil of the system can only exist by it bringing everyone down to its level. Once you are open to temptation you are also open to bribery, blackmail and so on. This is how our government operates and the Bible does hold the key to how humanity could regain its power. For example if everyone had a high moral standard and could regulate their own actions a government becomes redundant!

kellyf355 #fundie community.channel4.com

Hello all
Do you think that the moral decay that has set deep in Western Society is due to the dilution and compromise made by the Christian Church? Figures out last week showed that church attendence is the lowest since records began and violent crime is higher in Europe and the US than it has ever been.
How much of this is due to the waning of Christianity? Do you think that if a immoral decadence had not pervaded the west in the last fifty years, then we would not have seen the ascendence of militancy in all religions?
Christianity has pathetically compromised to all groups of society, relinquished its obligations and has nothing left to say. Is this why Islam is growing at a massive rate especially in the West. 3rd and 4th generation muslims are now more devout than any of their forefathers. The reverse is true in Christianity. So why the difference? Is it because Christianity is now a lame duck which bows to any minority focus pressure group, ready to accommodate anyone. Don't want to pray? never mind you can still be a christian. Don't want to give up your 3 day boozing binges and then beat on your wife and kids? Never mind, you can still be a christian. You catch my drift?
I maintain that it is the lack of a moral code previously provided by Christianity that has given rise to militancy and rejection of Christianity as a genuine faith of God. Maybe 2000 years ago, but now? No Way

want to learn about religious brutality and genocide? Start with the Christian 1st Crusade and end up with the atheist Hitler...

Mr Woolf #fundie community.channel4.com

But during the flood, it didn't just rain, there was water gushing, earth opening up and all sorts. So, it would have been rather like a washing machine, in a way: I could imagine that when it all subsided, the dinosaurs fell to the bottom first?

Lorenzo De La Cruz #fundie community.channel4.com

'Atheism is a denial of a god.'
'Therefore It Is A Religious Position,' 'Indeed, A True Atheist Thinks Of The Gods Constantly, Albeit In Terms of Denial. Therefore, Atheism Is A Form Of Belief. If The Atheist Truly Did Not Believe, He Or She Would Not Bother To Deny.'

GapOfTheGods #fundie community.channel4.com

Atheism is another denomination of Christianity.

[WTF?? Atheism is another denomination of Christianity?Utter drivel]

How can it be drivel? Another man's opinion can be as valid as the next man.

I am starting to believe the same way of Atheism as another form of religion.

The same way that Satanism can be regarded as another denomination of Christianity. They deny that christ will save them, so just end up in the opposite direction.

Just your perception can be put to the test.

Cassie #fundie community.channel4.com

[Rape in the Bible]

Women are naturally weak, they are more open to sin, then men are.

The rapes happened in the bible yes they happened and were recorded , why to teach us a lesson, have you not heard of parables, in the Bible, these happend to teach us women not to bare are flesh or to lust.

(So you worship a Pro-Rape God with sadistic personality disorder?)

God allows it to happen, in the hope that it would teach us and strengthen are faith.

It happens, but most female rape victims often bring it on themselves.

(What a unbelievable statement! Are you for real? Please be a troll.)

a troll? yes i am being real.

God is not sadistic, he allows it for are sake, so we could learn.

(So God is Satan? I'm Confused.)

kashif786 #fundie community.channel4.com

People of the West of the Pope, are all inherently worshipping the devil, they have no consciousness of Allah, Exalted is He! and rely on the Pope to continue with this order of injustices and suffering in the world and lies and hatred of the truth. If I was to grip one person in the world for the suffering and injustices in the world, I get the Pope.

It is only the devil worshippers who want to continue for the world to suffer, to keep people away from truth and to continue worshipping the devil in their lives.

How have I found the people in the West, and left them dumbfounded with label devil worshippers. By looking through history and interpreting it, to show them the fallacy of the Trinity and how it effects the believers in Trinitarian, in that it makes them devil worshippers.

I shall not reveal to you my reason other than the one that means, if they were in the Jesus ' place and his situation they would have worshipped the devil. Isn’t that the reason that these people are all saying the devil can grant power on earth, so let us worship the devil.

The devil says 'look at him, look at him now' - points to Jesus on the cross
And they say, 'we hear you, we obey you, we worship you"
But when they see Jesus as they presumed raised from the dead, they say,'Jesus u r Lord, we worship u'-

Then they are confronted with the Jewish scriptures and decide God is one of three, and hold firm to their idea that Jesus is a god, which is all because they are all devil worshipping until Jesus comes back, then they are left dumbfounded, and make Jesus the worshipped but by doing so they are worshipping the devil, if they do that. For there is no god, except Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.

Virgin Wool #fundie community.channel4.com

The most frightening potential result of warming for me is when the vast reserves of methane under the oceans start to evaporate, creating vast fireballs, tens of miles in diameter, burning at thousands of celcius.
Revelations, anybody?

[yes please. tell us a few of the gory bits. all i know is that there will be trumpets.]

The wailing and gnashing of teeth is the bit I'm looking forward to

[Is this tonque-in-cheek or are you serious? If you're serious why will you enjoy this?]

I didn't say I would enjoy it, I said I was looking forward to it.
The guys doing all of the wailing and gnashing: They're the ones who spent their time sniggering at the Christians, and denying the majesty of God.

Baron Von Lotsov #fundie community.channel4.com

(Re: Harry Potter)

Witchcraft for kids. You have been conned by the hype. Not everything that encourages kids to read is a good idea. The anarchist's cookbook might encourage them to read, so your logic is faulty. This Satanism should not be encouraged in school; you are abusing your position of responsibility in guiding other people's children to something that is really dodgy.

Mullah #fundie community.channel4.com

Convinced atheists adhere to no concepts of good and bad, but make them up as they go along. To me, they're no different from machines! A bit like the gun which is capable of cold, mindless, killing - devoid of all consciousness of responsibility.

inbreda #fundie community.channel4.com

Religious people don't even need to go to war to be dangerous and to cause suffering to millions. They are inherently dangerous and should be vi.lified for the mental retards they are. Why society tolerates these intolerant people I do not know.

M11 #fundie community.channel4.com

It may sound a bit harsh, but it seems like the best way to get rid of HIV and AIDS would be to stop keeping the infected people alive for 20-30 years with these drugs. As that way just allows the infections to spread and spread.
Surely HIV and AIDS would naturally die out with the infected dead as there would be nobody left alive to keep spreading and spreading it.

JJ_Wilder #fundie community.channel4.com

[Madonna is the Antichrist]

I really dont believe that the AC will be a MAN, Madonna is very charismatic and talks a lot in the media about world peace............. Shes seen as a charitable person and the adoption would of done her popularity a lot of favours with a lot of people around the WORLD.............

A lot of people WORSHIP her as well and she comes from a little Horn "UK"...............

(So tell me who the false prophet is? Let me guess?? is it Britney or could it be Beyonce?? [rolling around laughing smilie]You are a Fool JJ.)

Let me guess your a demonic LESBO madonna fan ??? and i was being SERIOUS!!!!!!

MISS im to fat and ugly to attract a husband, so "i'll have muff instead"

(Dimwit! Consider yourself reported to the admin)

WHAT ?? For having an OPINION ? Your a MAD Madonna fan? Maybe i should call an Exorcist to remove that Devil out of you ?? THANKS for giving what i was saying Credibility

Evil Feminists like MADONNA would stick together
and support one another.

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
1 John 2:18

stevey #fundie community.channel4.com

if i eveer came face to face with darkins i woud tel him THIS

i hope you get to com face to face wit god on judgement day im surre he woud luv to wipe the smirrk off his smug face hell is go ing 2 b a very painnfull exprence for him im surre darkwing will keep him commpany they coud talk bout evilolution .. ... ..

Virgin Wool #fundie community.channel4.com

Regarding the existence or otherwise of my God, I hope you remember your little outburst come the day of judgement:
"Ah, yes, Welsh Wizard: Now, let me see: Hmmmm. Ah, yes: Go to hell."
"Aaaah, but God: I've been a good person, and I sent money to Africa so that the poor people could shag in safety, and not die from AIDS"
"Yes, but that didn't really help my plan, Boyo. And you failed to show me respect"
"Yes, but I didn't think that you really existed, though! I'm really intelligent, and I applied logic to the situation, and concluded that you couldn't possibly exist, so that's why I never gave you thanks for my home in the Welsh borders, or my education, or for food and drink, for clean air, for freedom from tyranny, for....."
"Don't give me that, you silly Welsh to$$er. Virgin Wool told you loads of times, and you just mocked him. Now, into the fiery pit with you"

Mullah #fundie community.channel4.com

Of-course religious people do bad things sometimes. But at least their religion forces them to acknowledge within themselves the evil they do. Atheists have no such guidance. They are just like psychopaths! Cold, mechanical, soul-dead!

Baron Von Lotsov #fundie community.channel4.com

Indeed. You need to look a bit closer at the Egyptian society to understand how evil they really were. Same goes for the other major heathens, the Romans. Also lets look at the ancient Chinese and things like the Great Wall of China.

(you've missed a few;
the crusades; the inquisition; the spanish conquistadors; the witch trials; etc etc all backed up by your "good book")

Again, you should look closer at your history. The crusades were the work of the Knights Templar. The Spanish inquisition had the knights of Malta dabbling in the Spanish affairs and so on.

As for Wikipedia does anyone see why it is called what it is called? Wicca, Wicked etc..

the crusades were driven by the church and were composed of just about every fortune seeker you can imagine.
In fact the templars were eventually to suffer under both the albigensian crusade and the inquisition
me thinks it is you that needs to brush up your history)

The Bible has something to say about that sort of thing as well. The devil disguises himself with all manner of things. One of the oldest tricks in the book I imagine and naturally you are falling for it.

Yahwehs_Child #fundie community.channel4.com

If atheists have their way, every christian will be marched at gunpoint, then shoved into a concentration camp and murdered.

Atheists have a very sadistic side, almost satanic nature, They suffer from elitism,snobbery and vanity. They are worse than any sort of fundamentalist!! and yes you heathen scum can report me to the Admin.

Delete my post Admin/Mods! Because sometimes the truth hurts and you will just go to show that your Biased.

Pofflyend #fundie community.channel4.com

The fact that Christianity appears to face more attacks about its beliefs, and practices than any other world religion would suggest to me that it is the one true religion. The forces of evil do not waste their energy attacking religiond which pose it no threat.

JJ_Wilder #fundie community.channel4.com

What is the ROUTE of all evil, you may ask? Women of course.

Men are not responsible for EVIL, HERES two examples :-:

Adolf hitler -

His mother was anti-jew and she was his main role-model, ENOUGH said.

Adam -

Eve was to BLAME for the corporation of MAN & the serpent in the garden represents femininity, for satan is most likely to be a WOMAN.