
Paul Abramson #fundie cseblogs.com

(To somewhat paraphrase MATTHEW, from April 6th, 2008 at 7:01pm)

Dear Self (P.A.),

I think it useless to argue with GENO about evolution being fact. It is amazing that evolutionists accept that all dogs came a common ancestor, with incredible built-in diversity, yet do not call this evidence for divine creation.

They use ambiguous thinking, and carefully ignore any term of faith/belief/religion.

Evolution literalists either do not want to know the facts, do not want to understand the facts or they want to ignore the facts.

A wise man changes his mind, a fool never.

Inthebeginningministry #fundie cseblogs.com

I have finished college for the summer but two weeks before the end of term I got a really good witness with my college tutor. I mean really good! He threw all his arguments at me for an hour and a half. He found himself cornered so many times that eventually he didn’t know what to say. He was forced to admit that evolution is a religion, that the big bang is not part of science and that dinosaurs lived with man. He also admitted that there is no real way to know that the universe is billions of years old. He is by no means a convinced creationist, but they are some major concessions to make. One thing that I think that he was surprised to notice was the amount of times that he said ‘we think—’ ‘it might have—’ it’s possible that—’ or something like that. I took full advantage of pointing that out to him, and that opinions are not part of science.

End Times #fundie #wingnut #psycho cseblogs.com

Anyone that has taken care of a day old child realizes that that little creature is SELFISH and SELF WILLED beyond all belief. As that child grows, you do not need to teach him to be mean or disrespectful to his siblings, it comes NATURALLY. In fact, you will spend 18 plus years trying to instill “good” behavior into an organism that left to its own self would be anything but good with out a great deal of correction... So why do people get all hung up on “innocent” children. I sure wish you would have given me one of those “innocent” children to raise instead of the three sinful children that I did raise. Come on people get a grip of the obvious before your nose. I have never once met an “innocent” two year old. You are not dealing with reality if you believe children must learn to be sinners and are born “innocent” when it comes to the issue of having a sinful nature.

YoCuzwaasup #fundie cseblogs.com

God, (If there is such a person) love’s uncontrollable. It is a shame that we can’t be the same way. What I don’t get is those that make such and effort to crush a child’s belief in God. Would they do this if it were Santa Claus? Far be it Santa being compared to Jesus. Though they both have the same looks and clothing. White hair and beard, Red clothing, One flies with dears, Jesus on the cloud, Both watching who’s naughty and nice. Too bad the Evolutionist is on Santa naughty list.

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

[to a poster who tried to direct readers to accurate information about radiometric dating]

One should study BOTH sides of a debate prior to engaging oneself as a proponent of either side. You have not done this, per your recent posting attempts, Samphire. :-( Please either study, then come back. Or just save your typing for other blogs. We don’t want ignorant skeptics to hold us back any longer. I have made that clear. Start your own blog and I will be glad to post its address here. (Or study, learn that creation is true, then come back.)

Editor #fundie cseblogs.com

I wish I had a nickel for every ungrounded believer who has fallen for the spiritual deception of evolution.

Calling it science does not change what it is. And it comes from The Pit, not from scientific research. Evolutionary beliefs are completely incongruent with Biblical and scientific beliefs.

The Bible is out of sync with modern science? “4.5 billion”? Where on Earth did you hear such nonsense. Not from Scripture, which teaches 6 days, 6000 years ago. And not from science which shows that the “red shift” is quantized. Honestly. Quit following the broad path.

Ekkman #fundie cseblogs.com

Once what I see is applied to a designer then I know that I can study what I see since now it has a purpose and an intelligent mind behind it showing me that it is worth study. But if things just happened by chance, no design then it would be senseless studying it since it might all change tomorrow. An evolutionist can never know if his data will change tomorrow since things just randomly came together in the beginning. I can see that to an evolutionist there would be really nothing to study since there are no absolutes.

pabramson #fundie cseblogs.com


Fellow Skeptics, we remain intellectually superior to those lowly creationists. We are so superior that we have only studied evolution. Let us collectively pat ourselves on the back for having reached this evolved pinnacle of wisdom and understanding. Without investigating the claims of those lowly creationists we can proudly proclaim their error. There is one thing that remains though, where on Earth are they HIDING those creationist scientific evidences! That is the only minor thing that we have not yet been able to figure out! But all else is clearly known to us. Keep marching forward towards that spiritual cliff ahead. Feel proud. And when you are in front, take a deep breath, and gaze at the beautiful view. And keep marching even as you fall off and tumble through the air. So invigorating. Now let us recite the Skeptics Creed:

“I am a skeptic. All that is answers to my understanding or else it does not exist. I am too strong to admit weakness, particularly spiritually. I deny the role of The Scientific Mathematician who created and sustains the universe. Instead I contend that the trillions of known stars and the magnificience of abundant interlocking scientific laws of motion, preservation, heat, sophisticated chemical and biological interactions ALL exploded from nothingness into chance existence for no reason. There is thus no purpose to life.

Timothy Fellows #fundie cseblogs.com

Most churches today are basically government opperations, allowed to opperate according to the “rules” of the government. Most preachers today not only have licenses to preach but they conduct marriages under the authority of the state, instead of traditional covenant marriages. We are increasingly living in not just a socialist, but a communist society where the government owns everything, and one must get permission to live, work, travel and freely conduct public affairs of business. Dr. Hovind is being persecuted in the Unites States of America and is a litmus test for the Christians out there — Watch out, They’re coming for you next; unless, of course you conform to a state church system, fully approved and answereable to the government. Whatever happened to the separation of Church and State?

Jailbird Kent Hovind #fundie cseblogs.com

[Regarding his conviction for tax fraud]

Many lawyers and paralegal have looked over our case and said that it will be overturned. They tell me that all I need is patience. Well, I do want patience — I just want it right now! The Lord and I are discussing this often.

dutchsinse #fundie cseblogs.com

I guess Samphire really doesn’t see that coming onto a creation blog, making all kinds of challenges to people over a comment board, and picking apart the bible (which they obviously already have studied somewhat)— is telltale proof that God is working on them.

Any atheist, non-christian, who comes onto a creation blog to engage in debate is just a short step away from finding out something they DESPERATELY don’t want to believe.

I was an atheist, until I realized atheists REALLY DON’T EXIST! Since they cannot prove “there is no god”, they are technically what is referred to as “agnostic”— meaning the just don’t KNOW.

So once you realize it is impossible to “prove a negative”— the “atheist” loses their steam.

pabramson #fundie cseblogs.com

== Mummified Pre-Flood Dragon Found! ==


“Rare Mummified Dinosaur Unearthed: Contains Skin, and Maybe Organs, Muscle”

A few others have been found in the past. But evolution-believing scientists have been slow to admit their existence. Their religious belief in the “millions of years —” stuff inhibits good research and the honest reporting of all finds.

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

This life on Earth is but temporary. It is preparation for REAL life. Some folks are not passing the tests. They cheat and steal. They push down others. They look to fight for its own sake. They deceive.

Logically, the most important thing in life is your personal relationship with our Creator!

He has given us a book, The Holy Bible. In it are many instructions and historically accurate stories.

Your SOUL (your essence — your karma — your inner being) will go back to God after this life.

Don’t make it your life’s pursuit to hide from God behind evolution (without even bothering to watch even one Kent Hovind video)

Three Crosses #fundie cseblogs.com

[I can’t help but think that committing fraud, getting convicted, and going to jail is quite a strange way to spread the gospel.

Besides, Kent Hovind’s conviction got a high profile in the press, and I fear has confirmed the opinion of many Atheists and Christians that evangelists are just crooks. Kent would need to witness to half the US jail population to make up for all the people he has driven away from Christianity by his fraud and conviction.]

Sir I’m so so so— sorry for the position you will be in when what you’ve said comes to bear. Why didn’t you say “I can’t help but think that preaching the Word ,getting convicted, and being hung on the cross to die while beaten and ridiculed is quite a strange way to spread the gospel.” I don’t mean to imply that Kent Hovind is the same as Jesus Christ but if you beleive that loving your brothers is a crime and that teaching the truth is a crime —.

pabramson #fundie cseblogs.com

If you have heard much of Dr. Missler’s teaching you know that he periodically points out that the End Times will be like the times of Noah. He thinks — that the fallen angels may again (among those not bound in darkness now, Jude 6) take women whom they want.

We know that some very large “human” skeletons have been found (over 12 feet tall). There appear to have been some “Nephilim” after the Flood as well: Numbers 13:33 “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”

dutchsinse #fundie cseblogs.com

For years, people like Samphire, were saying the whole bible was false and made up. But once the archaeological sites were found, they said that Jesus didn’t exist— once Josephus’s writings were found, they said that Jesus wasn’t Resurrected—

People like Samphire used to say that the Old Testament was “lost in translation”— that is .. er— until scholars found the dead sea scrolls, which matched almost word for word the modern translation— thus disproving the “lost in translation” BS.

People like Samphire used to say King Herod wasn’t real— now they found his temple.

How much more goal post moving are they going to do before REAL belivers make the PHYSICAL discovery, lay the ultimate smack down, and prove that Jesus resurrected?

warocuya #fundie cseblogs.com

Only evolutionists see something wrong with asking for your Constitutional rights. You see the Declaration of Independance says that we are endowed by our Creator— if you are an evolutionist then the Constitution would have little meaning. I mean it doesn’t say “endowed by the ancient prebiotic soup—”

GaryMurray #fundie cseblogs.com

{... speaking about a visit to the Coca Cola Space Science Museum. I just lost 10 IQ points reading the discussion in this thread so you don't have to ...}

Of course we left the video early and slipped up the darkened corridor towards the exit which is typically lit after the video, dropping Chick/Hovind tracts “In the beginning” and “Big Daddy” everywhere.

It wasn’t a ‘full house’ but people came out had the other side as well. ;)

On that note, I also enjoy visiting my local Walmart from time-to-time and shop for groceries, on my way down the drink aisle to get my Mt Dew and Coca Cola on the left, I turn to the right while passing the beer and wine aisle. Its amazing how easily those tracts fit snugly inside the box handles of the 12/24 packs ;) Something everyone should do is take a hand full of tracts with ya to the store— Slip those in from time to time— Easy witnessing, you can make good use of those prepaid solicitation envelopes you get in the mail also, forget the return credit application, just pop in a gospel tract, make the soliciting company pay for sending gospel tracts to the receiving department employees. :)

Sade Tennyson #fundie cseblogs.com

[re: Hovind's imprisonment]

This looks like scenerios in communist countries in those days, when christians brother were accussed of something that makes them appear like law breakers, thereby justifying their being sentenced to 10years or more in prison & later the wife will be sentenced as well & the family find it hard to know where they are being held. As soon as the family know where they are being held, they are moved again, untill the family leaves all in the hands of the Lord. Is this tending towards the same style. This would only make it clearer that brother Kent Hovind’s major offence might be for standing against the religion of those who believe there is no God.
In that case, our Lord is more than able to sustain his servant brother Kent Hovind—.the rest of us who still believe in God, should prepare for the coming persecution as well—..

editor #fundie cseblogs.com

Does evolution teach/encourage one to commit adultery or not? —Shouldn’t one “spread their seed” as in “survival of the fittest” and all that? If “God does not see” (according to one’s beliefs) then this directly affects human behavior. // And again, this planet is owned; your soul is owned. FEAR God and keep His commandments. The oversimplified “God is luf, luf, luf” (love—) stuff is incomplete, poor theology, I would contend.

Millerfamily6 #fundie cseblogs.com

I must say that I, as a sister in Christ, detect rebellion in your heart towards the Word of God. Yes, we are all equal in the Lord’s eyes; however, God our Father has established certain roles for men and women and He does tell us in his Word what those roles are. A woman can share the gospel with others, certainly, but just not in a church leadership role, nor is a woman allowed to teach and lead other men “in the church.” This is clearly laid out as doctrine in the NT for the church—the Lord does not allow women pastors and 1 Tim 2:14 tells us why—.because Adam was was formed first and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. The Lord does tell us that women are to be keepers at home, and the husband is to work and provide for his family, which is not to say that a woman cannot help out in some way (Prov. 31), but her main role is at home with the children serving her husband and being a helpmeet to him (this idea is so foreign in our culture because of the vain philosophy of women’s lib). The Lord tells us in His word for wives to be submissive and obey their husbands in all things (I’m still not perfect in this area and praying through this).

Istvan #fundie cseblogs.com

There is no proof for the nothing exploded into something for no reason, and here we are now “masters of the universe”. You guys used to think the universe has always existed. No beginning, no end. The Bible has always said that there was a beginning. “In the beginning God—”. Then redshift came along and you changed your mind. So now you think the universe had a beginning. Big Bang. But you are still not better off, because stellar evolution just does not work. Chemical evolution does not work either. Shall I continue? Why should I? If you have no universe and no chemical building blocks to work with, you are not going to get anywhere. You have nothing.

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

For thousands of years EVERYONE still remembered the Great Flood. Even up until the 19th and 20th Century peoples around the world - still remembered that their ancestors from long ago came from the few survivors of the Flood.

Let’s skip forward to modern times.

What does the anti-Christ need to have in place before he can assume power?

I believe that one thing he needs in place is an ANTI-history. A believed history - that he comes as the answer for perceived history and needs.

Evolution provides the foundation for this anti-history. It replaces our true human history with a believed fake history that has nothing to do with what really happened - but it is believed. “Myth-ions and myth-ions of years ago—” the story of deception goes.

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

2 months ago we made a radical shift in this blog. Up until that time pretty much anyone could respectfully address the creation-evolution issue, Bible controversies, etc. But we finally decided that an orientation of “Since the Bible is true—” is more positive.

One can answer skeptics over and over and over, and still they will look for mental hiding places from God. Just as a thief just can’t seem to find a police officer no matter how hard he tries, the unrepentant sinner just can’t seem to find God no matter how hard he tries.

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

Evolutionists only know ONE side of the debate. Creationists know BOTH sides. —So logically, which side is the one in ignorance?

“You can lead an evolutionist to science, but you can’t make him think.”

cookster #fundie cseblogs.com

I’ve also heard of another movement in certain Church’s that are trying to say that Jews do not need Jesus to be saved—something I vehemently disagree with. I have notice John Hagee really pushing for Christians and Jews to work together, I’m not quite sure what he is saying in relation to this subject—I just hope the Gospel message is not being pushed out in the name of “co-existing”. Isn’t it disturbing how many times that Christians do the wrong thing in the name of Christ over the last 2000 years?

Editor #fundie cseblogs.com

You need to be corrected on something which is quite foundational. Don’t come here expecting wishy-washy “oh gee, maybe the Bible is wrong” — “maybe we are smarter than God—” At this time you have aligned yourself with being a part of the problem...

There are some 40 authors for the 66 books in the Bible. A part of it was even written by God’s own finger! Doesn’t it seem like if just “some of it, gosh, might be, you know, nice to read and learn from, when we feel like it, except when it differs with human consensus—. (is that what you believe!?)—” - (To continue - ) Doesn’t it seem like if just “some of it—” is true, that this would include the part written by God’s own hand!?

Then read and learn from the middle of the Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:11a “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is—”

In other words Creation is a non-negotiable. Think Biblically. Think scientifically. Become a creationist.

The Welders Wife #fundie cseblogs.com

I also celebrate The Feast of Dedication, because it provides an opportunity to talk about Messiah, and I also celebrate Christmas for the same reason. They are both open doors from the Lord to present the Gospel! The Lord gave me a ‘personal’ understanding of how this works: If it wasn’t for the Christmas celebrations, I wouldn’t have heard about Jesus being born when I was a very small child, because my parents were heathen evolutionists.

Editor #fundie cseblogs.com

The end is CREATED by the means. Evolution, with its “might makes right” fosters meanness. When it takes over in men’s minds no more of the: “There but for the grace of God go I.” Instead it’s: “Survival of the ‘fittest’ and slavery and death for the weak.” Pain, suffering, and death are exemplified as purifying and building up, when they actually pull down.

The Welders Wife #fundie cseblogs.com

When Cain’s descendant Lamech took 2 wives, he opened the door for acceptance of plural marriage to his own undoing, because now that ‘society’ accepted plural marriage, the Nephilim in all likely hood took a multitude of wives in order to build up their own armies, who in turn brought down the descendants of Cain’s descendant Lamech & everybody else, except the 8 on the Ark.

Why aren’t the sons of the Nephilim still being produced? It’s because the angels that were involved in this ultimate degradation of the family are now locked up in pits of darkness in the deepest pits of Hell, otherwise, it would still be going on! Jude 6 & 2 Peter 2:4-5 .

Noah wasn’t told to build the Ark until after Shem, Cham, & Yafet were married adults. By that time all his other descendants (if they existed) were dead! My guess is that the Nephilim killed all his other descendants in retaliation for his preaching against them.

Istvan #fundie cseblogs.com

Evolutionists teach that there is no perception after death. So it only smarts while you die, but as soon as you are dead, it is quite alright. No perception. As Hamlet said: ‘The rest is silence.’ According to what you believe those people who are already dead feel no pain whatsoever. You should not worry about them. They are fine. They are so fine they do not even exist. Can you imagine yourself not existing? I cannot. Yet this is what your evolution theory teaches. It also teaches that those who are already dead were no more than a bunch of molecules arranged to make a living being we happen to call man. Why feel sorry for a bunch of molecules.

Paul Abramson #fundie cseblogs.com

Only a few short years later, the teaching of evolution over Genesis began to take its toll. In 1962 and 1963, prayer and the Bible began to be removed from the classrooms. Premarital sex, divorce, drug use, violence, and general rebellion filled the 1960s as evolution’s conclusions were taken and applied en masse.

No longer could one neglect to lock their home, auto, and business. Evolution in practice encouraged “survival of the meanest” and “survival of the most deceitful” instead of “honesty is the best policy”.

Then “no fault insurance” became the norm as enough persons (believing evolution, whether consciously or subconsciously) decided to lie when recounting an auto accident. Wall Street deals used to be done on a handshake. No longer. Eventually it has become necessary to have drivers pay for gas first, then pump, as evolutionary tenets took hold in men’s hearts and minds.

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

[when it was pointed out that even Answers in Genesis disputes Setterfield's speed of light conclusions]

I see a pattern in your (plural, i.e. from the skeptics as a whole) posts:

Deny, object, pull down, disagree. Look for some less well researched creationist organization that disagrees with Dr. Hovind. Find some reason to besmirch or to poke fun. Interrupt, look for errors.

It is one thing to disagree honestly.

It is quite another to aim to detract and distract.

Mattwerk #fundie cseblogs.com

Just a question I have about the KJV though. Apparently the Greek “Mia Sabbaton” was always translated as Sabbath, except for in 2 cases in the New Testament (I forget the verse numbers) where they were “deliberately” translated as “first day of the week” - apparently to get the ball rolling for Sunday worship. Anyone care to shed light on this issue? It would be scary if even the KJV had an error, worse if deliberate!

The Welders Wife #fundie cseblogs.com

[I thought all the answers were in the Bible.]

When [Henry Morris] started writing, there was very little information out there. He’s the one who got the ball rolling. Secondly, it’s human nature not to research a thing out, if you are in total agreement with the speaker. You are more likely to search things out when you disagree with somebody. God didn’t give Dr Henry Morris all the answers for this very reason! It’s one of those things that motivates the research in the Creation Science movement to keep going.

Istvan #fundie cseblogs.com

If you believe that there is no God, life and death becomes meaningless. Without an eternal soul, you are no more than a bunch of molecules, a living mass of material. So according to this godless dogma, squashing a human being is exactly like squashing an ant or a tomato.

sonofjapeth #fundie cseblogs.com

I am convinced that during the days of Jared there was an initial group of about two hundred angels who desended into the reigon around Mt Hermon and married human women. Then there was a trickle down of angels up until the flood. After that (the flood) there was a continual trickle down until approximately 1300-800 B.C. My assumption is that by then, those that couldn’t resist the allure of women were just about all here on the earth. I suspect that there are still possibly an occasional angel that falls in love and decides “it’s worth it”.

Editor #fundie cseblogs.com

Today, simultaneously, we have alpine, desert, tundra, savanna, forest, and other ecosystems - all at the same time, and each with respective fauna (animals) and flora (plants).

It was the same before the Flood. You would have had many different ecosystems thriving ALL AT THE SAME TIME, during the 1600 years. I will use the evolution-believed names, but without their mythical “sequence”. In the pre-Flood era, simultaneously, there were: jurassic, cretaceous, devonian, ordovician, silurian, and cambrian ecosystems - all thriving AT THE SAME TIME. That is what common sense shows, as it fits similar to what we see in the world today. -Creation, once again, consistent with common sense and with known science.

defendtruth #fundie cseblogs.com

These six waterpots (normally used for washing feet) when full would contain about 150 gallons. [Jesus ordered them filled with water, and turned the water into wine.] This much additional intoxicating wine would certainly be too much for guests who were already drunk, and it is inconceivable that Jesus would provide such. This "good wine" had been miraculously created by the Creator and was brand new, with no time to ferment and become old, intoxicating wine.

Mattwerk #fundie cseblogs.com

She was confused about Creation, he converted her to Evolution, leaving her more confused, but more worryingly, doubting the Word when it comes to Creation. And you know, once you have “reason” to doubt part of the Bible, what is stopping you to doubt any other miracle or unthinkable feat that our Lord has achieved? (like our former Methodist minister, who believes Jonah wasn’t swallowed by a fish, it’s a fairy tale!)

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

Recall that there is good evidence that the speed of light itself is SLOWING. Yet another area of research where creationists are ahead!! (Barry Setterfield is one of the primary researchers in this area; he is a creationist.)

Fellow believers, in several areas of study we have been many years ahead of evolutionists on multiple occasions! They are mentally hobbled by their backwards theory.

The speed of light is not a constant! That is nonsense. It used to be believed; but the weight of good scientific research shows otherwise. The evolutionists and their hiding-from-God beliefs are holding us back - AGAIN!

evilutionc #fundie cseblogs.com

I’m afraid you don’t know Jesus at all to try to declair His character. He was not a doe eyed hippie like portrayed by most folk. He was much different than most people like to presume. Much to the the contrary. Incidently if you were to meet him in the flesh, you would be most likely to decide that He was not a Christian at all by your standards! Again, I dare you to read for yourself His own words!! Too simple for you??? (old KJV version of course)

The Welders Wife #fundie cseblogs.com


For those of you who read this blog & are also packing Shoe Boxes for Operation Christmas Child, have you ever thought about adding Creation Science Material to your shoe box? Even if they don’t speak English, there’s usually somebody who can translate the material for them. This year I am printing stuff up on my printer & enclosing it in some of the boxes. One year I found Creation Science coloring pages somewhere on the internet that we enclosed in the shoe boxes.

P.A. #fundie cseblogs.com

I have a friend who witnessed a dinosaur fossil find (in a road widening cut) over a decade ago where an Indian arrowhead had directly damaged the bone. At that time he wondered why they were excavating so quickly. They claimed that it had to be a fraud. The local university, being evolutionists, hushed it up. This goes on all the time.

EndTimes #fundie cseblogs.com

Although, I would not waste my time reading at all from the NIV, NASB, NKJV or any other Alexandrian based English Version, they do contain the gospel which is what ALL men everywhere are saved by and nothing else, OT or NT. However, if you wish to understand prophecy and other deep mysteries of the Bible, you need a text that has not been corrupted. IN English, that is the KJV. If you wish to grow in the doctrines of the Bible, you need a pure word that will lead in you in the paths of righteousness which means again, you need a pure text.