
Robert Spencer #fundie frontpagemag.com

What offends Islam and Muslims? It ought to be a simple matter to cross those things off our list, right? Making a few sacrifices for the sake of our future of glorious diversity should be a no-brainer for every millennial, and everyone of every age who is concerned about “hate,” right? So let’s see. Drawing Muhammad – that’s right out. And of course, Christmas celebrations, officially banned this year in three Muslim countries and frowned upon (at best) in many others, will have to go as well. Alcohol and pork? Not in public, at least. Conversion from Islam to Christianity? No more of that. Building churches? Come on, you’ve got to be more multicultural!

Everyone agrees. The leaders of free societies are eagerly lining up to relinquish those freedoms. The glorious diversity of our multicultural future demands it. And that future will be grand indeed, a gorgeous mosaic, as everyone assures us, once those horrible “Islamophobes” are forcibly silenced. Everyone will applaud that. Most won’t even remember, once the jihad agenda becomes clear and undeniable to everyone in the U.S. on a daily basis and no one is able to say a single thing about it, that there used to be some people around who tried to warn them.

Raymond Ibrahim #fundie frontpagemag.com

Russia appears to be taking serious moves to combat the “radicalization” of Muslims within its border.

Recent pro-Islamic reports are complaining that Russia is banning the Islamic hijab—the headdress Islamic law requires Muslim women to wear—and, perhaps even more decisively, key Islamic scriptures, on the charge that they incite terrorism.


While this move against the hijab may appear as discriminatory against religious freedom, the flipside to all this—which perhaps Russia, with its significant Muslim population is aware of—is that, wherever the Islamic hijab proliferates, so too does Islamic supremacism and terrorism.


The reason for this correlation is clear: strict Islamic Sharia commands jihad (“terrorism”) against unbelievers just as it commands Muslim women to don the hijab. Where one proliferates—evincing adherence to Sharia—so too will the other naturally follow.

[The article also defends the banning of Sahih al-Bukhari, an important religious text in Sunni Islam.]

But Russia’s growing list of Islamic books to be banned on the charge that they incite terrorism is perhaps more significant.


According to Apastovsk district RT prosecutors, Sahih Bukhari is being targeted because it promotes “exclusivity of one of the world’s religions,” namely Islam, or, in the words of a senior assistant to the prosecutor of Tatarstan Ruslan Galliev, it promotes “a militant Islam” which “arouses ethnic, religious enmity.”


This begs the following question: what of the Koran? Can it too be banned on the same grounds? After all, Islam’s number one holy book is also replete with calls to violence and terrorism against unbelievers.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

No commemoration of the day that 3,000 people were murdered by Muslim terrorists would be complete without more Muslim whining that they are the real victims of their own attacks.

CNN has decided that the best way to commemorate September 11 would be with an editorial from one Sumbul Ali-Karamali with the obscene title, “American Muslims live in fear 11 years after 9/11?.

Right. They do. It’s not Americans who have to live in fear. It’s not Americans who are targeted for terrorist plots by Muslims in America every single year. It’s not Americans who are afraid of being killed, it’s Muslims, who have to “live in fear” because someone somewhere said something mean to them.

Shall we compare the number of Americans killed by Muslims in the last ten years with the number of Muslims in America killed for reasons of prejudice? The numbers would be lacking to the point of absurdity.

This shameless whinefest isn’t about fear, it’s about political influence. It’s devoid of even the faintest tinge of human decency. Like the Ground Zero Mosque, the goal is to hijack the dialogue and make it all about Muslims. On September 11 and on Ground Zero, there is this egotistical obsession with defiling even the graves of the dead.

“The defamatory rhetoric directed at Muslims and Islam in this country has little to do with the actual religion or its adherents and everything to do with fear of the Other,” Sumbul Ali-Karamali asserts.

Clearly. Today we commemorate an event that had no basis in reality, just fear of the other. The World Trade Center, Fort Hood, Times Square, the Portland Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, the Christmas Flight Bombing Plot and so many others— just fear of the other.

There’s nothing about Islam that leads its adherents to commit violence. And when terrorist after terrorist gets up in court and quotes the Koran, that has nothing to do with Islam. Over a thousand years of horrifying atrocities never happened either.

David Horowitz #racist frontpagemag.com

"After the death of Martin Luther King, the political left and the Democratic Party set out to institutionalize racism in American government and American law, and have been widly successful at achieving their malodorous objective. The result is that in America today whites and Asians are second-class citizens."

Danusha V. Goska #fundie frontpagemag.com

Visually, one can't help but compare the ranks in Triumph of the Will with images of row upon row of Muslim men prostrate in prayer. They all assume the exact same regimented poses at the exact same time. They kneel and then conspicuously elevate the one part of the human anatomy universally associated, through idiom and metaphor, with lower bodily functions.


The face, the anatomical feature most associated with emotion, thought, vision, awareness, communication, intimacy and expressiveness, the brow, the eyes, the lips, the nostrils, the mouth - the features we monitor to recognize, empathize with, heal, love, and know each other - is lowered to the very ground. The face, the one true map of human individuality, our unique anatomical signature, is denigrated as low as it can go. In Muslim prayer, and where women wear the veil, the face is eradicated. The face breathes dirt.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

[On ISIS:]

If we don't hit the terrorists where they live, they will kill us where we live. That is the lesson of 9/11. It's the lesson of the latest Paris attacks. It's the lesson of every Islamic terrorist attack.

We can bomb them in Iraq and Syria, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, or we can be murdered by them in New York, Paris, Los Angeles and London.

Obama officials said that they didn't want to hit ISIS with "shock-and-awe" style bombings. If they had done that, the Paris attacks might have been prevented.

Had ISIS been hit hard, some of the fighters who made their way to France might have been killed. Or they might have been needed back in Syria and Iraq. Or they might have abandoned ship once the Caliphate failed and the Islamic State's pretenses of theological supremacy were exposed by its collapse.

Instead of fighting ISIS, Obama has faked a fight, concentrating on drone strikes and hashtags, and doctoring intelligence to make it look like these tactics are working.


We're not going to defeat ISIS with hashtags. We're not going to defeat it by calling it Daesh. We are not going to defeat it by taking out one of its leaders every few months.

We can only defeat the Caliphate by destroying it.

Obama had told the Pentagon that we can't defeat ISIS with guns. But ISIS had no problem massacring almost a hundred people in Paris with guns. We don't need "better ideas," as Obama suggested, to beat ISIS. Our civilization is already a better idea. It just needs defending from the barbarians at the gates.


The free world needs a Caliphate Doctrine. It must state clearly and unambiguously that any attempt to build a Caliphate, to subjugate territories to Islamic law with all its accompanying barbarism, and to demand the surrender of the rest of humanity through terror, will be met with utter destruction.

Not drone strikes. Not hashtags. Not calls for moderate Islam. Not even the "shock-and-awe" that Obama officials nervously disavowed. But the destruction that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan faced after they attempted to impose the rule of a master race and ideology on the world through terror.

If we do not want another century of fear, then we must make the Islamic State into an example.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

The "refugees" are mostly migrants. They are not coming to be part of any country, but to exploit it and then conquer it and rule it. They are not bound by any moral or ethical code that we understand.

Their advocates talk about "human rights", but in Muslim culture there is no such thing as human rights. Their cultures are tribal. There are no universal rights, only responsibilities to members of kin groups. When those kin groups remain intact, then members will prey exclusively on outsiders. When they fall apart, as they do during immigration and migration, then mass rapes and murders take place.

Europeans believe in human rights. Muslims do not.
Europeans believe women are equal. Muslims do not.


Europe can either have free women, bars, churches, synagogues, cartoons, free speech, pork sausage and beer. Or it can have millions of Muslim migrants and their wide-eyed toddlers.

It can't have both. Not for long. Because there will be "misunderstandings."

Bombs will go off, women will be raped and cartoonists murdered. And we will be told to change our behavior to avoid more of these "misunderstandings". After each "misunderstanding", we will lose more of our civil rights and the invaders will have more power to dictate our behavior and our way of life.

Until finally the only way to end all these "misunderstandings" will be a submission to the Islamic State. We may finally understand then, but it will be too late.

William Kilpatrick #fundie frontpagemag.com

The Arabian Candidate

In The Manchurian Candidate, the son of a prominent right-wing politician is captured by the Soviets and brainwashed in a secret Manchurian location. His task is to assassinate a presidential candidate, thus ensuring the election of the demagogic vice-president. Hence, the title "Manchurian Candidate."

The film has several parallels to current events. The main difference is that in those days, Americans had to be brainwashed into serving enemy interests by psy-ops teams. Nowadays, they come self-brainwashed with some indoctrinative assist from the American educational system.

In the film, a scary lady with leftist sympathies who looks vaguely like Hillary Clinton manipulates her husband into high political office. In real life, a scary lady with leftist leanings who looks vaguely like Angela Lansbury (only scarier) manipulates herself into high political office.


Another similarity is that in the film, the Angela Lansbury character has some sort of hypnotic power over her son, the unwitting assassin. Whenever it begins to dawn on him that something funny is going on, she flashes a Queen of Diamonds playing card and he falls into a catatonic state of complete obedience. In the present situation the Angela Lansbury look-alike merely has to flash the gender card and, presto, skeptical voters fall back into line.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

Devout Muslims who claim asylum because of religious persecution in a Muslim country should be considered highly suspect. It most likely that their Islamic practices are more violent than usual.


More Muslim refugees mean more terrorist attacks. It is an inescapable fact of history. We would not have Muslim terrorism without Muslim immigration. And the Muslim refugee terror wave of the past is even more likely to be repeated by groups of Muslim migrants coming from a war zone.

The question is not will these Obama migrants kill Americans. The question is how many they will kill.

Raymond Ibrahim #fundie frontpagemag.com

[CAIR spokesman Hussam Ayloush: "Let us not forget that some of our own foreign policy as Americans, as the West, have fueled that extremism. When we support cruel leaders in Egypt, or other places. When we support dictatorships, repressive regimes around the world that push people over to the edge. Then they become extremists; then they become terrorists. We are partly responsible. Terrorism is a global problem, not a Muslim problem."]

It's a testimony to CAIR's intellectually barren and morally bankrupt - or, in a word, Islamist - nature that it must fall back on one of the most manifestly false of all apologias: the claim that Islamic violence is a product of Islamic grievance - in this case U.S. foreign policy.

The fundamental problem with the "grievance" claim is that it contradicts what the terrorists themselves repeatedly say is their motivation - killing non-Muslims ("infidels") according to the Islamic doctrine of jihad.

Although jihadis do enjoy taking advantage of Western softness/naivety by claiming their murderous bloodlust is "our fault" - thereby killing two birds with one stone: 1) getting unwanted attention away from Islam/Muslims and 2) gaining concessions for the same - they also make it clear that hating, subjugating, and terrorizing the non-Muslim is required by Islamic law, or Sharia.

Bruce Thornton #fundie frontpagemag.com

The war on Christmas is really a war on religion. What is at stake in that war is whether the goods we live by and cherish - the dignity of the individual, tolerance, freedom, and respect for life - will survive, or whether they will succumb to the materialist logic that makes each of our unique selves nothing but chemicals, without freedom or dignity or transcendent worth, someday to be swept away by chance or force. Such ideas that turn humans into material things have been the precondition for the worst horrors humans have inflicted on one another. An occasional public reminder that we are something more than mere flesh and bone, capable of self-sacrifice and unconditional love, is not too much to ask from a free society that in its Constitution formally guarantees the right to religious freedom.

Daniel Greenfield #racist frontpagemag.com

The last of the Barbary Wars ended on a July, two hundred years ago, with an American victory. Two hundred years later, Marines are murdered by the barbarians we invited into our own country.


The United States of America faces a simple choice. We can fill our towns and cities with populations from terror zones and then act surprised when they kill us, or we can shut the doors on them.


Every immigrant from a terror zone to this country is a potential terrorist making the War on Terror completely unwinnable. [...] The dumping of refugees in Tennessee must end.


The war keeps coming home because we have filled our home with the enemy. It's time we clean house.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

Muslims are not the victims, either in Europe or Israel. They are not attacking Jews in Europe because the Europeans estranged them, but because they choose to be estranged. They have made choices based on their culture and religion. And those choices must be examined on their own terms.


The issue isn't Israel. It isn't even Europe. It's Islam.


When politicians blame Muslim violence on the failure to integrate, they are admitting that the outbreaks of Muslim violence are a throwback to the Middle East. They are Islamic, rather than European, expressions of hate.


Europeans, Jewish and non-Jewish, are leaving Europe.

They are leaving behind Socialist governments, high taxes, violent Muslim gangs and a sense of despair. They are leaving behind burning synagogues, Sharia patrols, moral vacuums and sex grooming gangs. Muslim anti-Semitism is not a European problem, but it is the symptom of a very European problem.

Matthew Vadum #fundie frontpagemag.com

The presumed Islamic State murder victim Kayla Mueller isn't quite the saintly martyr that President Obama and the media are trying to make Americans believe.


Mueller wasn't a humanitarian aid worker. She wasn't a peace activist. She wasn't trying to make things better for everyone in the Middle East. She was part of the problem, an ally with medieval theocratic totalitarians against Western civilization.

Mueller was an Islamic terrorist sympathizer who worked for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which certainly is not a humanitarian organization. The ISM is a terrorist-linked organization that attempts to sabotage the anti-terrorism activities of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The ISM backs the enemies of Israel, including Hamas, and those in the Palestinian Authority who seek to destroy Israel.


Mueller is not the first Islamist-sympathizing American to die by the hands of the Islamic State. James W. Foley, who was beheaded by IS in August, fancied himself a journalist but did little more than parrot Islamist propaganda. He mocked the Global War on Terror, urged that Sunni Islamist rebels be armed against the Assad regime, and supported terrorists' efforts to drive out the Christians of Aleppo.

Foley and Mueller were on the same wavelength. They were both fighting in their own ways for Islamic totalitarianism and both met gruesome ends at the hands of the Islamic State.

Perhaps their bad examples will discourage future Americans from throwing their lot in with those who would snuff out Western civilization.

Raymond Ibrahim #fundie frontpagemag.com

While more "progressive" voices cry "racism," the fact remains: there are several objective reasons why the West should give priority, if not exclusivity, to Christian refugees-and some of these are actually to the benefit of European host nations.


Christians are true victims of persecution. From a humanitarian point of view-and humanitarianism is the chief reason being cited in accepting refugees-Christians should receive top priority simply because they are the most persecuted group in the Middle East-well before the Islamic State phenomenon came into being.


Conversely, Muslim refugees-as opposed to the many ISIS and other jihadi infiltrators posing as "refugees"-are not fleeing direct persecution, but chaos created by the violent and supremacist teachings of their own religion, Islam.


Unlike Muslims, or even Yazidis, Christians are easily assimilated in Western countries, due to their shared Christian heritage. As Slovakia, which prefers Christian refugees, correctly points out, Muslims would not fit in, including because there are no mosques in the Slavic nation.


Meanwhile, Muslims follow a completely different blueprint, the Koran-which condemns Christians by name, calls for constant war (jihad) against all non-Muslims, and advocates any number of distinctly anti-Western practices. Hence it is no surprise that many Muslim asylum seekers are anti-Western at heart, if not members of jihadi organizations.

Mideast Christians bring trustworthy language and cultural skills that are beneficial to the West. They understand the Middle Eastern-including Islamic-mindset and can help the West understand it. Moreover, unlike Muslims, Christians have no "conflicting loyalty" issues: Islamic law forbids Muslims from aiding "infidels" against fellow Muslims [...] Indeed, an entire book about how "double agent" Muslims have infiltrated every corner of the U.S. government exists. No such threat exists among Mideast Christians. They too render unto God what is God's and unto Caesar's what is Caesar's.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

[On the attacks on women by Muslim men in Cologne on New Year's Eve:

What happened is inevitable and it will go on happening. More surveillance cameras and patrols won't stop it. Instead, as in the UK, it will go underground. Muslim men will groom and abuse troubled girls. The authorities will turn a blind eye until a decade later the story gets too big to be covered up. And by then thousands of lives will be ruined. The only way to stop it is to keep it out of Europe and America.

Islam was a declaration of war against women and non-Muslims by Mohammed and his followers. From the mob outside the Cologne cathedral to the rape rooms of the Islamic State, Mohammed's followers continue fighting the dead warlord's brutal and ugly war against women.


Merkel made this mess. And the only way to undo it is to undo Germany's asylum policies and likely its membership in the European Union. The migrant wave has fundamentally altered Germany's demographics in a way that makes the country hostile to women. The only way for women in Europe to have a future is to fight the migration mob. Otherwise what happened outside the Cologne cathedral, what happens to 99% of women in Egypt and what happens to the Islamic State will be their future.

Robert Spencer #fundie frontpagemag.com

[On the 2016 Brussels bombings:]

At least 28 are dead in Tuesday morning's jihad attacks in Brussels. Enough.

It's time for votes of no-confidence. Parliamentary systems generally allow for votes of no-confidence that trigger new elections. It's time for the governments of Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and more to fall. [...] The existing governments are responsible for policies that have turned Europe into a war zone, and that war is just beginning. The political and media elites have failed Europe and the free world, and put Europe on a course toward civil war and bloodshed unseen on the continent since the days of Hitler.

A new Hitler is in Europe. It is not Donald Trump. It is not the "right-wing." The new Hitler is very much like the old Hitler: he hates Jews. He has contempt for the historical patrimony of Western civilization. He means to rule by an iron fist and subordinate every other power to his will. He respects only strength, and despises weakness. The new Hitler is not just one man, but millions - millions who believe in an ideology that teaches warfare against and subjugation of free people under its heel.

Historically, Europe saw the threat that the men who held to this ideology posed, and shed blood to resist their advance. Now, the sons and heirs of those who gave their lives to make sure their children and their children's children would live free have flung open the gates and invited in those who would enslave them. They have invited them into their countries in massive numbers, and vilified and ostracized anyone who dared note the lessons of history and the content of the invaders' ideology.

This morning, as a result of these policies, Brussels is engulfed in chaos and the grief of blood shed in war. There will be much, much more to come of this.

It is time to sweep them out. All of them: the multiculturalists, the cultural relativists, the internationalists, the levellers, the elites who have brought this death and destruction upon Brussels today, and Paris yesterday, and the rest of Europe tomorrow. Europe, if it is to survive as a home of free people, must turn out its entire political and media establishment. This can be done peacefully, and ust be done quickly. If Europe is to survive as a home of free people, it needs governments who recognize that the "refugees" storming into their countries now include an untold number of jihad murderers who mean to kill their people and destroy their societies, and who have the courage to stand up and stop that refugee flow, and turn it back.


This is a war. It is a war for survival. It is a war that will determine whether Europe (and North America is not far behind) will live in freedom or slavery. The present European political and media elites are inviting the slavery of their people. They must be soundly repudiated. Too much is at stake to continue to countenance their self-delusion and fantasy. Those who are struggling to survive cannot afford to be unrealistic about what they're facing. In the United States also, we need leaders who will speak honestly about the nature and magnitude of the war we're in. Surely there are some people in Europe who are both able to lead and willing to tell the truth. It is time for them to be peacefully installed in power - before it's too late, as it very soon will be.

Robert Spencer #fundie frontpagemag.com

The Reuters headline was "Obama wants U.S. to prepare for 10,000 Syrian refugees next year: White House."

Prepare? How can we prepare? Bomb shelters? Underground bunkers? Metal detectors at shopping malls? Funeral arrangements? Exactly what preparations does the President expect us to make?


Such talk is, of course, "hateful" and "Islamophobic," besides the evergreen "racist." Now we see the cost of this manipulative sloganeering: an untold number of Americans is virtually certain to die at the hands of jihadis hidden among these refugees, and the public square is so corrupt and compromised that it isn't even possible to have a mature and thoughtful public debate about the Islamic concept of emigration and the role it may be playing in this refugee crisis.

So here is one way that lovers of freedom can prepare, as Obama wants us to, for this "refugee" influx: call upon your elected officials to oppose this, and endeavor in every possible way to inform them about the Islamic State's statements and the facts that the overwhelming majority of these refugees are male, Muslims, and able-bodied. Where are the women who have been displaced? Where are the elderly or chronically ill people? Where are the non-Muslims, even as tens of thousands of Christians have been driven out of their ancestral homelands?


If, in a few years, the Statue of Liberty is a smoking ruin and Obama's successor is living in hiding while the White House is repaired from a jihad terror attack, courtesy some of these "refugees," American policymakers may wish they had worked more forcefully to make sure that the U.S. followed the example of those Muslim countries. But at the moment, the political cost is just too high for anyone who opposes this refugee influx - even though the societal cost of ignoring the threat is likely to be astronomical.

Robert Spencer #fundie frontpagemag.com

Barack Obama has excoriated those who would restrict the entry of Muslim migrants as religious bigots. Donald Trump has been reviled as a new Hitler for daring to suggest that there should be a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration until adequate vetting procedures can be devised. Even conservative commentators have in response called for a ban on "Islamists," rather than Muslims, blithely ignoring the salient fact that there is no reliable way to distinguish the one from the other.

And so as Christmas 2015 comes and goes, and 2016 dawns, nothing is much more certain - given the wholesale self-imposed blindness and willful ignorance of our leaders and opinion-makers on both the Left and Right - than that we will become victims of the enemy we have welcomed in our home. To see exactly what form will that take in the coming years and decades, we need only look around the world during this Christmas season: Somalia, Brunei, and Tajikistan have banned Christmas celebrations as "un-Islamic," and Indonesia plans to deploy 150,000 security personnel to make sure that Islamic jihadists don't target Christians in jihad mass murder plots as they celebrate Christmas. We don't hear very much about Christmas in Iraq this year: there are hardly any Christians left there to celebrate it.

But surely none of that can happen here, right? Someone will stop it. Someone will do something. Christmas celebrations banned in the U.S. to avoid offending Muslim sensibilities? Inconceivable! Christmas celebrations threatened with Muslim violence, not because they drew Muhammad or otherwise offended Muslim sensibilities, but simply for the fact of being Christian celebrations? It could never happen here! Christians driven out, or forcibly converted to Islam, or killed? That sort of thing only happens over there. Not in America. The refugees (refugees like the Paris jihadis), they will all be vetted moderates (just like Tashfeen Malik). Anyone who thinks anything could go wrong is a racist, bigoted Islamophobe.

Of course. Someone will do something, right? Someone, somewhere, sometime, will have the courage to brave the smears of "racism" and "bigotry" and "Islamophobia" that are certain to come his or her way, and put a stop to all of this before it gets of hand, right? Of course someone will. America is forever. America can't be destroyed. You will become victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home? Nonsense. Don't be racist. Don't be xenophobic. Everything is going to be all right. Let's just eradicate all this right-wing extremism, and everything will be fine, and we will all march together into a bright, beautiful multicultural future. Just like in Mosul. Just like in Somalia, and Tajikistan, and Brunei.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

The average number of children of the 2020 Dem field is 1.5. That’s below replacement rate.

By contrast, the Republican primary field average in 2016 was 3.1 Above replacement rate. The most fertile Republican in 2016 had twice as many children as the most fertile Democrat in 2020.

The Dem 2020 candidates have a total of 18 children. The Republican 2016 field had a total of 50.

These demographic snapshots are also philosophical trends. They show that on average, Republican leaders still believe in the future and their Democrat counterparts don’t. The enthusiasm for abortion is mirrored in their own lifestyles and beliefs. The future is doomed. A prematurely short amount of time from now the waves will roll over their beachside mansions. Starving refugees will flood Marin County. The future will belong to climate refugees from El Salvador and Somalia who will run the country. All the old white Democrats can do is graciously show them the ropes and implement socialized medicine.

And then have a chardonnay, short some energy stocks and watch the tide of change roll in.

Make America Great Again infuriates them with its assertion that the decline at the heart of the selfish nihilistic philosophy to which they have given their lives isn’t inevitable. And they will do everything to prove it wrong, and that their wreckage of their duty and country was right, by destroying America.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

Muslim frustration leads to aggression. When the poor dears get worked up enough, they get violent. The more their violent efforts are frustrated, the more violent they become. Before you know it, they're throwing a suicide bomber tantrum and diplomats rush off with a pile of candy and concessions to reduce their frustration levels to slightly less murderous norms.

Instead of giving them an immigration time-out or a shock-and-awe spanking, they hunt down whoever made poor Mohammed Jr. feel so frustrated that snookums is out on the streets stabbing people.

"What do you want from Mohammed? He's frustrated. He's a very sensitive boy. Why can't you be a little more understanding of his feelings and stop trying to fight back when he comes at you with a butcher knife?"

All this global Muslim frustration, though, seems to indicate that the problem might be Mohammed.


There's a place we send people who start killing when they get frustrated enough. It's called prison. We can't lock up the entire Muslim world, but we can lock ourselves away from it by ending migration and immigration to the civilized world from a Muslim world where frustration justifies violence.

And maybe, if Muslims get frustrated enough by this civilizational time-out, they'll choose civilization over barbarism.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

[On the 2015 Paris attacks, all of which were likely perpetrated by European nationals:]

Before the man carrying a passport in the name of Ahmed Almohammad blew himself up at France's national soccer stadium, he came on a boat from Turkey with hundreds of refugees. He passed through Greece, Serbia and Croatia, along with countless other migrants, accompanied no doubt by journalists and human rights workers eager to document the plight of the "refugees." [...] His passport may have been real. It may have been fake. No one was likely to notice. The name on his passport was not on an Interpol warrant. And so he was allowed into the heart of Europe.


Any talk of vetting is nothing more than plausible deniability. Unless a terrorist is already in our database, vetting him is a lost cause. Our system couldn't handle the World Trade Center bombers or the 9/11 hijackers and they came from functional countries that weren't in the middle of a civil war.

We are not going to be able to vet tens of thousands of people who claim they come from Syria, who have fake passports or who plead that they lost their passports at sea, whose names can be rendered in enough ways to give even a linguist a headache and who will get access to the United States long enough for them to disappear even if we did eventually turn up something on them.


ISIS may have carried out the brutal massacres in Paris, but Hollande, Merkel and the other friends of the refugees helped make it happen. And they want to help make it happen around the world.

The migrant crisis is an invasion. The bodies in Paris could just as easily have been stacked up in any country that was foolish and feckless enough to open the door to ISIS by taking in "refugees".

If Obama and Kerry succeed in their plan to bring tens of thousands of Syrian migrants to America, the next brutal massacre might not happen in Paris. It might happen in one of our cities instead.

Bravenak #racist frontpagemag.com

I cannot stand him. His fans are racists who run around calling blacks racist and wonder why we hate him and them. I don't even LIKE Hillary but I will vote for her just so his fans can feel the sne BERN that they have been passing out.
Look at the racist comments here. I did not know jews hated us blacks so much. Good to know. I will return it in kind. There are so few of them It's a wonder they have the gall to think about being racist against blacks.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

The mass anti-Muslim riots after September 11 never materialized; just as they never materialized after the Sydney Siege in Australia or the latest Muslim massacres in France.


On one side are the bodies heaped across Europe and America. On the other is the occasional slice of pork on a mosque door, a little graffiti scrawled on a wall or a dirty look on public transportation.

One is genocide and the other is petty vandalism.


It is that sense of self-pitying Muslim victimization that leads easily to Muslim violence. Violence is often sanctioned by victimhood. That Muslims believe themselves to be the victims is nothing new. The Nazis also believed that they were the victims. So did the Muslim killer in a Kosher supermarket who claimed that ISIS, with its mass rapes and genocidal campaign, was the victim of French intervention.

If European Muslims really want to end atrocities like the ones that took place in Paris, instead of making themselves into the victims, they should examine the complicity of their religion, their politics and their sense of victimization in perpetrating them.

ebonystone #fundie frontpagemag.com

Yes. At present the Moslem Victim Card is the top trump in the deck. It out-ranks the Black Victim Card, the Gay Victim Card, the Feminist Victim Card, the Latino Victim Card.
If Zimmerman had said he was a Moslem, and that Trayvon had "disrespected" his religion, he would never have been charged with anything.

Raymond Ibrahim #fundie frontpagemag.com

[A group of Christian Iraqis fleeing from ISIS illegally entered and were detained in the US.]

[W]hile Christian minorities pose little threat to the United States - indeed, they actually bring benefits to U.S. security - Muslims all around the U.S. are supporting the Islamic State and Muslim clerics are relying on the refugee influx to conquer Western nations, in the Islamic tradition of Hijra, or jihad by emigration.


In Islamic usage, the "cause of Allah" is synonymous with jihad to empower and enforce Allah's laws on earth, or Sharia. In this context, immigrating into Western lands is a win-win for Muslims: if they die in the process somehow, paradise is theirs; if they don't, the "locations and abundance" of the West are theirs.

All the while, true Christian refugees, fleeing the same hostile Muslim forces being allowed to enter Europe and America by the thousands, are thrown back to the lions by the Obama administration.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

Once we distinguish a "good Islam" from a "bad Islam," we have established the "good Islam" as a state religion. And then we have to support it and enforce its laws. Few leaders demonstrate the folly of trying to defeat Islamic terrorism by embracing Islam better than the Ayatollah of State [John Kerry].


Instead of religious freedom, the Secretary of State is promoting the Apartheid laws of Islam.

John Kerry doesn't have the right to use the United States government to enforce Islamic supremacism. He can be an Ayatollah, a Mullah or an Imam. Or he can be the Secretary of State of the United States.

He can't be both.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

The Syrian refugee crisis that the media bleats about is not a crisis. And the Syrian refugees it champions are often neither Syrians nor refugees. Fake Syrian passports are cheaper than an EU politician's virtue and easier to come by. Just about anyone who speaks enough Arabic to pass the scrutiny of a European bureaucrat can come with his two wives in tow and take a turn on the carousel of their welfare state.


The bleeding hearts of Europe and America want to take in the cute kiddies, but they'll be getting the Husseins instead who will be running neighborhoods in London, Paris and Toronto. And then the kindly natives will notice that their daughters are coming home late and wonder what is happening to them.


The crisis here is caused by the magnet of Western welfare states. Get rid of the magnet and you get rid of the crisis. Stop letting migrants who show up stay and there will be no more photogenic rafts filled with "starving" and "desperate" people who pay thousands of dollars to get to Europe and then complain about the food and weather. Put up border fences and the "hikers" will go home.


Slovakia has announced that it will only take in Christian refugees and that's the right thing to do. Christians are the real victims of this Muslim conflict. The vast majority of the refugees, many of whom aren't even Syrians, aren't.

Skydive5 #fundie frontpagemag.com

What is needed is more truth from the Pulpit.

Islam conquered well over half of Christendom, but Western Civilization forgot all about that. We are taught, even to this day, that the "Dark Ages" were brought on by the Germanic tribes sacking the Roman Empire. Hogwash! The Mediterranean Sea was shut down by Islam for all except its slave trade.

What single medium of communication existed in Europe throughout all those years since 9/11/1683? Why did we totally forget?

Matthew Vadum #fundie frontpagemag.com

Obsessed with his legacy, President Obama is determined to unravel America's immigration system in order to flood the country with desperately poor, illiterate peasants from the Third World, especially those from Mexico, who come to the U.S. and depress labor markets while they suck the nation's welfare state dry. Obama wants to do this in order to wash away the rule of law tainted as it is by Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence, along with whatever stubborn residue of American Revolutionary enlightenment that remains deeply embedded within the tissues of our culture and free institutions.


Progressives have long complained that the immigration system is broken, but they attach a special meaning to the word broken.

They mean it is functioning in a less than optimal manner, failing to lure every single prospective illegal alien available to wade across the Rio Grande or walk across the nation's largely undefended border with Mexico. To them, the immigration policy is a taxpayer-subsidized get-out-the-vote scheme for Democrats and the best reform they could imagine would be to abolish America's borders altogether.

Obama's amnesty plan is a step in that direction.

Daniel Greenfield #fundie frontpagemag.com

Bicycles are one of the obsessions of Mayor Bloomberg and his transportation secretary Janette Sadik-Khan. Khan is the granddaughter of Imam Alimjan Idris, a Nazi collaborator and principle teacher at an SS school for Imams under Hitler’s Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini. The bio of his son, Wall Street executive Orhan Sadik-Khan, frequently mentions the bombing of the family home in Dresden and surviving trying times after World War II. It neglects to mention that the times were only trying because their side was losing.


In partial revenge, Khan has made many New York streets nearly as impassable as those of her grandfather’s wartime Dresden. Bike lanes have turned two lane streets into one lane streets. Infidels sit in their cars and honk while bike lanes go unused and midtown bus lanes sit empty except for the occasional daring taxi driver braving the bus lane camera and the 150 dollar fine.


Of such strange alliances is the technocratic banana republic on the Hudson woven. A Muslim Nazi collaborator’s granddaughter oversees the de-car-ing of a city after a plan based around a plan from the tenure of a modern collaborator with Muslim Nazis falls through. Imam Idris might have called it the providence of Allah. But more likely he would have found a way to get his piece of the pie.

Don Feder #wingnut #conspiracy frontpagemag.com

[From "The Elements of Revolution Are All in Place"]

In a recent poll, 61 % of Americans said we’re on the verge of civil war. What’s coming is cataclysmic, but there are better ways to describe it. Instead of civil war, think revolution.

Some believed the proletarian revolution was coming in the 1930s, during the Great Depression – others, during the rise of the New Left in the 1960s.

But they were only sparks that never ignited.

What was kindled decades ago, now has burst into flames.

The pieces are all in place: rioting without end, war on the police, government complicity with anarchy, one party firmly in the grasp of revolutionaries, ongoing efforts to erase our history, radicals with a death-grip on the culture and an election from which there could be no turning back. To view any of these elements in isolation would be a tragic mistake.

The riots following the death of George Floyd have been anything but spontaneous. They were planned and organized by Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others. The founders of BLM describe themselves as “trained Marxists.”


If they win, Antifa and BLM will be used to attack and intimidate opponents of the regime -- morphing from storm troopers to S.S. Resistance will be labeled racism.

With statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico (and who knows where else), court-packing and ending the filibuster, our system of government will be permanently altered to assure that this election will be the last real election.

Like France in 1789, Russia in 1917 and Germany in 1932, we stand at the brink. Thank God Trump is no Louis XVI.

Don’t think civil war. Think firing squads, gulags and death camps. Think the Black Lives Matter flag flying over the White House and Capitol.

Raymond Ibrahim #racist frontpagemag.com

Exclusive: 'A Piece of Meat' - How Muslim Men See White Women

A British girl was “passed around like a piece of meat” between Muslim men who abused and raped her between the ages of 12 and 14, a court heard earlier this month. Her problems began after she befriended a young Muslim man who, before long, was “forcing her to perform sex acts on other [and older] men,” and receiving money for it. When she resisted, he threatened her and her family with death and destruction. Speaking now as an adult, the woman explained how she eventually “lost count of how many men I was forced to have sex with” during two years of “hell” when she often considered suicide. Among other anecdotes, the court heard how the young “girl was raped on a dirty mattress above a takeaway and forced to perform [oral] sex acts in a churchyard,” and how one of her abusers “urinated on her in an act of humiliation” afterwards.

Although her experiences are akin to those of many British girls, that she was “passed around like a piece of meat” is a reminder of the experiences of another British woman known by the pseudonym of Kate Elysia. The Muslim men she encountered “made me believe I was nothing more than a slut, a white whore,” she said. “They treated me like a leper, apart from when they wanted sex. I was less than human to them, I was rubbish.”

What explains this ongoing exploitation of European women by Muslim men—which exists well beyond the UK and has become epidemic in Germany Sweden, and elsewhere? The answer begins by understanding that, although these sordid accounts are routinely dismissed as the activities of “criminals,” they are in fact reflective of nearly fourteen centuries of Muslim views on and treatment of European women.

For starters, Muslim men have long had an obsessive attraction for fair women of the European variety. This, as all things Islamic, traces back to their prophet, Muhammad. In order to entice his men to war on the Byzantines—who, as the Arabs’ nearest European neighbors represented “white” people—the prophet told them that they would be able to sexually enslave the “yellow” women (an apparent reference to their fair hair).

For over a millennium after Muhammad, jihadi leaders—Arabs, Berbers, Turks, Tatars et al—also coaxed their men to jihad on Europe by citing (and later sexually enslaving) its women. As one example, prior to their invasion into Spain, Tarek bin Ziyad, a jihadi hero, enticed the Muslims by saying, “You must have heard numerous accounts of this island, you must know how the Grecian maidens, as beautiful as houris … are awaiting your arrival, reclining on soft couches in the sumptuous palaces of crowned lords and princes.”

That the sexual enslavement of fair women was an aspect that always fueled the jihad is evident in other ways. Thus, for M.A. Khan, an author and former Muslim, it is “impossible to disconnect Islam from the Viking slave-trade, because the supply was absolutely meant for meeting [the] Islamic world’s unceasing demand for the prized white slaves” and for “white sex-slaves.”

Just as Muslim rapists see British and other European women as “pieces of meat,” “nothing more than sluts,” and “white whores,” so did Muslim luminaries always describe the nearest European women of Byzantium. Thus, for Abu Uthman al-Jahiz (b. 776), a prolific court scholar, the females of Constantinople were the “most shameless women in the whole world … [T]hey find sex more enjoyable” and “are prone to adultery.” Abd al-Jabbar (b. 935), another prominent scholar, claimed that “adultery is commonplace in the cities and markets of Byzantium”—so much so that even “the nuns from the convents went out to the fortresses to offer themselves to monks.”

But as the author of Byzantium Viewed by the Arabs, explains:

Our [Arab/Muslim] sources show not Byzantine women but writers’ images of these women, who served as symbols of the eternal female—constantly a potential threat, particularly due to blatant exaggerations of their sexual promiscuity. In our texts [Arab/Muslim], Byzantine women are strongly associated with sexual immorality . . . .While the one quality that our sources never deny is the beauty of Byzantine women, the image that they create in describing these women is anything but beautiful. Their depictions are, occasionally, excessive, virtually caricatures, overwhelmingly negative…The behavior of most women in Byzantium was a far cry from the depictions that appear in Arabic sources.

The continuity in Muslim “dealings” with European women is evident even in the otherwise arcane details. For example, the aforementioned Kate “was trafficked to the North African country of Morocco where she was prostituted and repeatedly raped.” She was kept in an apartment in Marrakesh, where another girl no more than 15 was also kept for sexual purposes. “I can’t remember how many times I’m raped that [first] night, or by who,” Kate recounts.

This mirrors history. By 1541, the Muslim Barbary State of “Algiers teemed with Christian captives,” from Europe that “it became a common saying that a Christian slave was scarce a fair barter for an onion.”

According to the conservative estimate of American professor Robert Davis, “between 1530 and 1780 [alone] there were almost certainly a million and quite possibly as many as a million and a quarter white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast,” of which Morocco—where Kate was abducted to in the modern era—was one. Women slaves—and not a few men and boys—were always sexually abused. With countless European women selling for the price of an onion, little wonder by the late 1700s, European observers noted how “the inhabitants of Algiers have a rather white complexion.”

It was the same elsewhere. (The number of Europeans enslaved by Muslims throughout history is closer to 15 million.) The slave markets of the Ottoman sultanate were for centuries so inundated with European flesh that children sold for pennies, “a very beautiful slave woman was exchanged for a pair of boots, and four Serbian slaves were traded for a horse.” In Crimea—where some three million Slavs were enslaved by the Muslim Tatars—an eyewitness described how Christian men were castrated and savagely tortured (including by gouging their eyes out), whereas “The youngest women are kept for wanton pleasures.”

Such a long and unwavering history of sexually enslaving European women on the claim that, they are all “pieces of meat,” “nothing more than sluts,” and “white whores,” should place the ongoing sexual abuse of Western women in context—and offer a dim prognosis for the future.

Mark Tapson #racist #wingnut frontpagemag.com

Make Western Civilization Great Again

Universities have been ceding ground to anti-Western activists for decades now (remember Jesse Jackson leading chants of “Hey ho, hey ho, Western civ has got to go” at Stanford back in the ‘80s?). So it should come as no surprise that Yale recently announced it would grant yet another concession to multiculturalist students who demand that diversity of skin color replace the oppressiveness and irrelevance of Dead White Males: this spring will see the end of one of the school’s previously most popular classes, a survey course called “Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to the Present.”

According to the Yale Daily News blog, in its final iteration the course will shift from transmitting to students a greater appreciation of their cultural heritage, to a more “woke” focus on subverting the canon of Western art itself. The course’s instructor, art history department chair Tim Barringer, has stated that the class will still cover Western art chronologically from 1300 to the present, but he intends to emphasize that other regions, genres and traditions are as “equally deserving of study” as Western art, because according it any special reverence is “problematic.”

As we are all reminded daily now in every cultural arena from academia to Hollywood, anything Western is “problematic” (to put it politely) because multiculturalist doctrine deems that all cultures must be revered equally – except for Western culture which, because of its association with the toxic privilege of “whiteness,” must be denigrated, deconstructed, and dismantled to heal the nonwhite victims of its oppression and exploitation. Thus, we must be careful not to elevate the great works of the greatest artists in world history over other, “equally deserving” genres and traditions.

In a syllabus note to potential students, Barringer wrote that the emphasis would be on the relationship between European art and other world traditions. That is a fair topic for study, considering that Western artists have occasionally been influenced by other traditions: Picasso and African masks, for example (although such influence now would be devalued as “cultural appropriation,” another racist concept concocted by the postmodern and/or Marxist left). But the class also, according to Barringer, will consider art in relation to – wait for it – “questions of gender, class and ‘race’” and will discuss its relationship to Western capitalism. In other words, immersing ourselves in the transcendence and beauty that literally define great art and touch our common humanity must take a back seat to imposing our earthbound interpretations of how art divides us. Climate change also will be a “key theme.” Of course it will, because all intellectual streams now must feed into the river of today’s acceptable groupthink.

The Yale Daily News also reports that Barringer said he will invite students to write an essay nominating a work of art that has been left out of the course’s curriculum or its textbook. “I’m really looking forward to seeing what works the students come up with to counteract or undermine my own narratives,” he wrote. Newsflash, professor: your job is to educate and open the minds of your students, not see what these kids “come up with” to undermine your “narratives.” If they’re coming to school to lecture you and delegitimize your expertise, then what is the point of your job? What is the point of an art history department if art history can be wiped out or rewritten to suit and validate the gender- and race-obsessed whims of youth? Indeed, what is the point of a university anymore if it only exists to conform to the arrogant demands of children drunk with the power of their own dogmatic wokeness?

This change in the History of Art Department follows the Yale English Department’s decision in 2017 to “decolonize” its degree requirements after students presented a petition demanding that a survey course called “Major English Poets be abolished, and that the pre-1800/1900 requirements be refocused to deliberately include literatures relating to gender, race, sexuality, ableism, and ethnicity.” Yale caved then as well, making the course introducing English majors to such luminaries as Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton, Spenser, Wordsworth, and Eliot “optional.” Meanwhile students can choose from such other options as “Black and Indigenous Ecologies,” “The Politics of Museums,” and “U.S. Afro-Latinx Literatures.”

Like far too many other universities, Yale quite simply has given students who have traded any sense of intellectual humility for belligerent activism too much power to determine the direction of their own edification. As the Yale Daily News notes, the art history major has adapted to changes “suggested” by students pushing to increase minority and female representation. The Director of Undergraduate Studies Marisa Bass noted, for example, that students have prompted the creation of art history courses like “Global Decorative Arts” and “The Politics of Representation.” She didn’t say whether there would be room in one of those courses for a truly notable “global decorative art” such as the breathtaking genius of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel paintings (pictured above). Presumably, that would be “problematic” because Michelangelo is not representative of the correct skin color and genitalia that some students have declared must be prioritized.

There is nothing wrong with a history of world art survey course that examines art from all over the world. But the de-emphasis of Western art at a major university in a course whose time frame begins with the European Renaissance, and the administrative kowtowing to a very vocal minority of politicized students, is an intentional devaluation of our own civilizational achievements and does a disservice to students who need to be roused from the anti-Western indoctrination they are subjected to now from kindergarten onward. Teaching that our own culture has a “problematic” history while uncritically revering every other tradition is anti-intellectual, bigoted, and self-loathing. And downgrading our appreciation for and comprehension of great art to examining it in terms of its racial and class dynamics is reductionist and divisive.

It's time for our universities to help make Western civilization great again.