andy schlafly

James A. Wilson #fundie

Conserva"pedia is a liberal wiki founded by RINO and Papist Andrew "Andy" Schlafly. Schlafly founded the wiki as a response to what he saw as liberal bias in Wikipedia, but has had no problem with liberal biases of his own.

"Conserva"pedia is known for removing true conservatives from their site if they espouse views that are consistent with the wishy-washy RINO views of Schlafly. The site promotes neocon nonsense, and they believe in further expanding the bloated military budget. They, therefore promote the liberal homosexual agenda through their ringing endorsements for adulterer Donald Trump despite Trump having paid off a porn star regarding an affair they had.

"Conserva"pedia also promotes false religions, such as the Roman Catholic "Church", Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Judaism. They are also soft on Islam and are apologists for the liberal former "president" George W. Bush and soft on Barry Soetoro of Kenya.

While claiming to believe Jesus Christ is Lord, they believe in the fake Jesus the papists and "papist-lite" Protestants believe, i.e. the long haired hippie depiction of Jesus.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Negative numbers were not fully accepted by mathematicians until the 1800s, including how a negative number dominates the result in multiplication with a positive number, to yield a negative outcome. Yet Jesus's parable of the sower and the seed, in Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-8, and Luke 8:4-8, explained the same effect nearly 2000 years earlier.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

Recall that the language of Mesopotamia was cuneiform, based on wedge-like characters. Can you imagine such primitive writing conveying the concept of "Holy Spirit" or "sin" or "redemption" or "faith"? It was an inadequate language, far too primitive for the needs of the powerful concepts of Christianity.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

E=mc2 is a meaningless statement in physics that purports to relate light to matter. In fact, no theory has successfully unified the laws governing mass (i.e., gravity) with the laws governing light (i.e., electromagnetism). Simply put, E=mc2 is liberal claptrap.

Biblical Scientific Foreknowledge predicts that a unified theory of all the laws of physics are impossible, because light and matter were created at different times, in different ways, as described in the Book of Genesis.

[Emphasis added]

Andy Schlafly #fundie

A logical fallacy is an error in logical reasoning. While the common usage of the word fallacy would include any error in reasoning, in logic a fallacy is defined as a particularly deceptive argument which seems correct, but upon further examination is found to be incorrect.[1] The maker of such an argument, however, need not be aware of its fallacious nature.


Logical fallacies are the beloved debating tactic of liberals; for this reason, it is not advised to debate them unless you have to, as you will only end up frustrated when one of them inevitably claims global warming is true because Al Gore said so.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

In the story a mob surrounds a woman to stone her for adultery, and ask Jesus what they should do. Jesus is describing as writing in the ground, and eventually beseeches those who have not sinned to cast the first stone. The crowd then disperses, beginning with the eldest first. This apocryphal passage is a favorite of liberals who oppose those who stand up for Christian values, as when the left-leaning Bill O'Reilly cited this passage to criticize the star of Duck Dynasty for standing up against homosexual conduct.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

[re: error in translating the bible]

Logically, there are three sources of error: imprecision in the original language (e.g., Greek), imprecision in the modern language (English), and liberal bias in translating between the two.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

[Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Winter Solstice, Eid-Mubarak. Whatever your beliefs and whatever your language, may the season find you well. Peace on Earth and goodwill toward men.]

Faith is what makes people well. If one instead worships the "Merry Winter Solstice," for example, God help him when the depression and anxiety and addiction and temptation hit.

Andy Schlafly #fundie

...inventors and doctors and engineers don't typically even bother learning relativity. Should I repeat that? Complain to engineering departments and medical schools if you think that should change. Nothing useful has even been designed or built using relativity. If you want to look and look and look for a counterexample then you'll be wasting your time. I'm not going to waste mine. This is my final reply on this topic for now. Do something logical, such as editing the Bible, and after benefiting from that experience we can revisit this issue in a month or so

Andy Schlafly #fundie

["And as he said these things unto them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to urge him vehemently, and to provoke him to speak of many things
Laying wait for him, and seeking to catch something out of his mouth, that they might accuse him." -Luke 11:53-54, KJV]

Proposed Conservative Translation:

As Jesus told them off, the scribes and Pharisees furiously interrogated Him about everything,
plotting and seeking to quote Him for a politically incorrect remark to use against Him.

Andy Schlafly #pratt #transphobia #conspiracy

Transphobia is a term made up by LGBT Marxists, who claim it is the "fear" of people who have willfully undergone anthropogenic sex change operations. LGBT agenda supporters use this non-existent "phobia" as an emotional smear term against anyone who opposes gender confusion, unnecessary surgical mutilation for the sake of "changing gender", and especially the intentional targeting of children by gender confusion activists to groom them and confuse them about their biological sex.

Andy Schlafly #fundie #sexist #crackpot

Gender-neutral terminology is used by politically correct liberals in a ploy to efface the natural differences between men and women, sometimes with absurd effect. Thus, although in legal texts the word "he" and "his" have been used for centuries to apply to both sexes, political correctness advocates insist on the cumbersome "he or she", "his or her". Sometimes people mistakenly use of "they" (or "their") despite the fact that this usage is grammatically incorrect. They also try to abolish terms as policeman, fireman, postman, fisherman, chairman, actress and waitress, claiming they are sexist terms. Use of gender-neutral language is a hallmark of overly liberal translations of the Bible.

Some languages use different words or suffixes depending on the gender of a noun, and attribute gender to non-people nouns. However, formal English does not ascribe gender to inanimate objects and defaults to the "male" pronouns or words when referring to either gender. For example, "All men are created equal," is correct English and the statement includes both males and females.

The fact that there are two different genders – male and female, based on one's biological sex – is affirmed through Scripture:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 (ESV)

Andrew Schlafly #crackpot

[Submitter’s note: yes, you’re reading this right- Andy and a cake metaphor vs. the Theory of Relativity]

The problem is that '''E=m2 does not meaning anythimg [sic] that makes sense.


Eating a pound of cake does not cause one's energy to increase by the speed of light squared.

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