
Patriarch Kirill #fundie #psycho #wingnut

The Church Court of the Russian Orthodox Church declared pacifism alien to the church heresy. This is stated in the case file of the church court on the defrocking of the priest John Burdin, who spoke out against the war - in his sermon he said that "we Christians do not dare to stand aside when a brother kills a brother, a Christian kills a Christian."

the decision to deal with the priest was made personally by Patriarch Kirill

"Pacifism is not compatible with the actual teaching of the Orthodox Church"

The publication studied the materials of the case. In them, the ROC calls pacifism a heresy that is alien to it.

“...the pacifism with which Priest Burdin tries to hide behind accusations against him is not compatible with the actual teaching of the Orthodox Church, in particular, set forth in the Fundamentals of the Social Concept. Pacifism in different eras of church history was present in heretical doctrines ...”

the clergy also accuse Burdin of "pseudo-pacifism." In particular, it says that Burdin criticized the Russian authorities, not the Ukrainian ones,

“So his pacifism is imaginary, one-sidedly oriented, his anti-Russian political position is clearly visible behind him, which is perceived in our country as unacceptable, and, what is important to emphasize, is radically at odds with the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, which he undoubtedly knows.”

In addition, the church court writes that Burdin violated many canonical rules. All of them deal with the topic of submission to superiors.

“84 canon of the Holy Apostles: “If anyone annoys the king or prince, not in righteousness, let him be punished. And if such is from the clergy: let him be deposed from the sacred rank; if a layman: let him be excommunicated from the fellowship of the Church.

Kiril #fundie #homophobia


In the U.S., a nation that claims to be founded on the teachings of Christ and the Bible, why is homosexuality accepted. God instructed that homosexuals within the nation of Isreal be killed and has since declared that people who practice such disgusting perversion will not inherit the Kingdom but will be destroyed. Why then do most people, while claiming to be Christian, completely disregard Gods feelings on the matter?

[after being confronted about America not being founded on Christianity...with evidence]

Mn. Bloody morons.
I do not hate anyone.
The act and not the person is hated by God.
If you insist that The founders of American government did not hypocritically CLAIM to base their standards on "Christian" values you are foolish.
At any rate The vast majority of Americans say that they are Christians.

Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill #god-complex #wingnut #conspiracy

President Vladimir Putin, whose picture was shown between two giant images of an ancient Orthodox icon on Tuesday, warned the West ahead of elections in March 2024 that any foreign meddling in Russia would be considered an act of aggression[…]
Speaking to the World Russian People's Council, led by the head of Russia's Orthodox church, Patriarch Kirill, Putin's picture was shown on a giant screen beside two copies of an ancient Orthodox icon[…]
The Kremlin chief said that the West was gripped by racist Russophobia which casts Russians as a people of backward "slaves" and warned that the United States allegedly wanted to dismember and plunder Russia's vast resources

Putin, 71, cautioned that Russians themselves should remember the lessons of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, the civil war and the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union, which he said had allowed the division of the Russian people

"I want to underscore: We consider any interference from outside, provocations aimed at causing inter-ethnic or inter-religious conflicts as aggressive acts against our country," Putin said

"I want to emphasise again that any attempt to sow inter-ethnic and inter-religious discord, to split our society is a betrayal, a crime against the whole of Russia. We will not allow anyone to divide Russia"[…]
Putin thanked Russian businessmen for evading the West's sanctions

"It was by combining the efforts of the state and business that we thwarted the unprecedented economic aggression of the West: its sanctions blitzkrieg failed"[…]
Patriarch Kirill said he would pray for Putin to continue his work for the "benefit" of Russia and its people

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow #crackpot #homophobia #fundie #wingnut

Russian Church Leader Appears to Blame Gay Pride Parades for Ukraine War

The head of Russia’s Orthodox Church appeared to blame liberal Western values — drawing particular attention to gay pride parades — for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in his Sunday sermon.

President Vladimir Putin ordered the deadly “special operation” in Ukraine on Feb. 24 to “demilitarize and denazify” the pro-Western country after recognizing eastern Ukraine's two breakaway territories as independent republics. 

But Patriarch Kirill said the war is about “which side of God humanity will be on” in the divide between supporters of gay pride events — or the Western governments that allow them — and their opponents in Russian-backed eastern Ukraine. 

“Pride parades are designed to demonstrate that sin is one variation of human behavior. That's why in order to join the club of those countries, you have to have a gay pride parade,” he said in his Forgiveness Sunday sermon. 

The Russian church leader characterized gay pride parades as a “loyalty test” to Western governments, which Ukraine’s breakaway republics have “fundamentally rejected.”

“For eight years there have been attempts to destroy what exists in Donbas,” Patriarch Kirill said, referring to the region where Kyiv has been at war with the separatist republics since 2014. 

“And in Donbas there is a rejection, a fundamental rejection of the so-called values that are offered today by those who claim world power,” he said.

“We know that if people or countries reject these demands, they are not part of that world, they become strangers to it.”
Patriarch Kirill painted the Russian invasion of Ukraine in more apocalyptic colors as a conflict “far more important than politics.”

“If humanity accepts that sin is not a violation of God's law, if humanity accepts that sin is a variation of human behavior, then human civilization will end there,” send there. 


A. J. #homophobia #fundie

I used to find “Will and Grace” funny and as a sitcom it was often entertaining. But the show clearly had an agenda and its premise was ridiculous.

Although the show’s main character was an openly gay man I don’t believe he ever had a boyfriend for most if not all of the show. It’s because making the show about the gay lifestyle would alienate too many viewers.

He lived with his best friend who was a young, 30-something who for a bizarre reason would rather spend all her time with a gay man then date men and get married.

There was also another flamboyant gay character in the show but both gay characters are heterosexual in real life.

Here’s the bottom line: Gays have embraced the frivolity and inanity of the culture they’ve created, not just in shows but in real life also.

They have been deceived, but deep down in their hearts most know their lifestyle will never be completely accepted. Hence they’ve created this fantasy world rather than face the truth. Most gays are messed up people psychologically when you get to know them.

Kirill had it right—”“Any sin kills the human soul and destroys people’s life. This sin [homosexuality] is one of the gravest sins because it changes people’s mental state, makes the creation of a normal family impossible, and corrupts the younger generation.”

We ought to have the greatest compassion for homosexuals and try to lead them back to Christ and away from the sin of homosexuality.

Patriarch Kiril #wingnut #fundie #racist

[Full sermon on Russian here:]

But then, about halfway through, the sermon took a turn for the shocking and dangerous. It was at about the point that he acknowledged where he stood: in a cathedral built not so much for the glory of God as for the glory of Russian military might. Here the Patriarch said he had come to address the leaders of their Russian forces, and through them, their troops. He reminded the assembled congregation of Vladimir Putin’s favorite propaganda point in this war: that Russia was fighting fascism in Ukraine just as it had in the Second World War.

And then the Patriarch, whose office was just a few centuries ago (a blink of the eye in the memory of the Christian East) located not in Moscow, but Kyiv, offered up a version of history that simply erases Ukraine from the map. Kirill blames “various forces” (i.e. outsiders, including—one would imagine—the West) that emerged in the Middle Ages for what he regards as a false division between Russia and Ukraine. In fact, he doesn’t even acknowledge there are such people as Ukrainians, referring to all involved parties (including, perhaps, one could speculate, Belarusians) as “Holy Russians.”

Disregarding for a moment how simply, factually wrong Patriarch Kirill’s history is, this sermon does mark a dangerous escalation in the rhetoric coming from the Moscow Patriarchate—and, we can assume, by extension the Russian state. This rhetorical advance is made all the more dangerous by the fact that most in the West won’t even know the sermon happened, let alone be aware of its pernicious implications.

Mike King #fundie #homophobia

The sodomite lobby has finally done it! Put away your green clothes and get ready for "the wearin' of the pink" in 2015. After decades of agitation, the rainbow brigades have broken the Catholic Church's will to resist. Hence forward, the sons of Sodom will proudly march under their own banners on what was once the Irish-Catholic Holiday of St. Patrick's Day. Of course, this festival of drunkenness had long since ceased to be a commemoration of St. Patrick or any form of spirituality for that matter. Like Catholic Mardi Gras, the hedonistic affair of St. Patrick's Day has devolved into the worship of St. Guinness, St. Heineken and St. Budweiser instead. But there at least remained some remnant of traditionalism to the affair. You can forget that now.

When the homosexual hordes march past New York's venerable St. Patrick's Cathedral next year, no doubt led by New York's openly Communist Mayor with the lesbian wife, Sulzberger's sleazy Slimes will almost certainly feature the 'historic' march of homosexuals on its front page. Your tea-totaling reporter here at The Anti-New York Times will bet you a whole keg of green (or pink) beer on that prediction!

The homosexuals of New York already have an annual 'Gay Parade' (which I had the 'pleasure' of catching a glimpse of back in my New York days. Yikes!), so why must they insist on marching as homosexuals and under homosexual banners on St. Patrick's Day? Why not march as regular people of Irish descent, or simply as 'Irish-for-a-day' revelers?

The reason for the obsession with the St. Patrick's Day Parade is simple. By marching as homosexuals, in front of children no less, on what was originally a Catholic holiday, the sons of Sodom (unwittingly in service of Zion) can flash a huge middle finger (and God knows what else) at the targeted Cathedral of St. Patrick, and the Catholic Church in general.

Oh the Satanic joy they will feel in their hearts as they strut past the Grand Cathedral which they once stormed during services, blowing whistles and throwing hundreds of condoms (some of them semen-filled) at horrified worshippers, before chaining themselves to the pews.

And now, they have won.

And what does the 'New World Pope', that feckless Marxist-loving weakling in the Vatican have to say about this latest step towards cultural oblivion? (cue Crickets) Or how about his emissary, Cardinal Dolan of New York? (cue Crickets) Evidently, the camera-seeking Pope Francis is too busy commemorating the 'HoloHoax', promoting illegal immigration, and kissing women's feet to concern himself with this latest affront to what was once an important institution for the moral stability of the West.

Compare the sinful silence of the 'New World Pope' on these controversial matters to that of a true spiritual leader, Patriarch Kirill of Russia. Here's Kirill on recognition of homosexual marriage:

"a very dangerous sign of the apocalypse means people are choosing a path of self-destruction".

Amen Father. AMEN!

Mike King #homophobia #fundie #wingnut

The Poofter-Mania at Sulzberger's Sodomite Slimes continues with this breathless announcement of the latest group of "Christians" to capitulate to the ferocious forces of affiliated faggotry. The Presbyterians join the Church of England and the Argentinian Marxist in the Vatican in watering down the moral opposition to the abominable oxymoron known as "same-sex marriage". Get a load of this godless gutless gobbledey-gook from today's story:

"The vote amends the church’s constitution to broaden marriage from being between “a man and a woman” to “two people, traditionally a man and a woman.”

Who writes this stuff? Satan? How long will it be before even that tortured terminology is watered down to something like: "two people, most often, but certainly not always, a man and a woman." Give it a few years!

The most troubling bit of information contained in the piece is the following:

"With many conservative Presbyterians who were active in the church now gone, as well as the larger cultural shift toward acceptance of same-sex marriage, the decisive vote moved quickly toward approval, according to those on both sides of the divide."

There it is! Churches no longer follow the self-evident laws of Nature and Nature's God. From the Pope to the Protestants, many of today's churches are instead following "the larger cultural shift". Whatever happened to following the teachings of Jesus Christ? Remember him? The one that the Christian Churches profess to follow? Jesus (as well as Buddha, Confucius, Mohammad, Lao Tzu, Zoroaster etc) specifically warned followers to not follow "large cultural shifts". Here's a refresher course from the big J.C. himself, as quoted in the Book of Matthew:

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."

What bloody purpose do the Christian churches or any other organized religion serve if they intend to follow "public opinion", as manufactured by Jewish Marxist Hollywood and the Jewish Marxist New York Slimes? The moment churches go down that road, they cease to be Godly entities inspiring virtue; and degenerate into little more than glorified social clubs following "cultural shifts". Heck; the preachers and priests may as well erect wide-screen TV's, order up a bunch of chicken wings, and turn the Sunday mass into a football party. Maybe bring in a bunch of scantily-clad harlots to serve beer and take bets. That ought to boost church attendance, eh Frankie?

Listen up Pope Frankie and Presbyterian Poofters. This is what a true "man of God" sounds like:

"The trend of legalizing 'gay marriage' is a very dangerous sign of the apocalypse.....Lately, we have enormous temptations, when a number of countries opting for sin is approved and justified by the law, and those who, acting in good conscience, are struggling with such laws imposed by a minority, being repressed. Everything must be done to prevent the approval of sin on the spaces of Holy Russia. Otherwise the people are embarking on the path of self-destruction” -Russian Patriarch, Kirill.

Unlike the pusillanimous Presbyterians and the Pontiff of Poofterism, the good Patriarch Kirill will not water down eternal truths in order to please The New York Slimes. Bless you Father!



God's Army is in Russia!

Patriarch Kirill #fundie

Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, has told his followers that "sacrifice in the course of carrying out your military duty washes away all sins"

The patriarch's comments during his Sunday sermon on September 25 came amid nationwide protests and rising criticism over the Kremlin's recent announcement of a partial mobilization to replenish Russian forces fighting in Ukraine[…]
Russian officials have said the draft would focus on reservists and would bring 300,000 fresh troops to the war effort. But Russian media has said the real target is 1 million new troops[…]
Kirill, a prominent supporter of President Vladimir Putin who has "blessed" the war effort and warned by Pope Francis against becoming "Putin's altar boy," has previously claimed that Russians were doing a "heroic deed" by killing Ukrainians, even as he has urged them not to see the Ukrainian people as enemies

"We know that many today are dying in the fields of internecine battle," Kirill said at a church near Moscow on September 25. "The church is praying that this battle will end as soon as possible, that as few brothers as possible will kill each other in this fratricidal war"

However, he added, "The church realizes that if someone, driven by a sense of duty and the need to honor his oath, stays loyal to his vocation and dies while carrying out his military duty, then he is, without any doubt, doing a deed that is equal to sacrifice"[…]
Following Russia's invasion in February, about 400 parishes of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine that had remained loyal to Kirill cut ties with the Russian Orthodox Church over the patriarch's position on the war

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill #fundie #pratt #psycho #wingnut

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill delivered a sermon Tuesday claiming Russia “has never attacked anyone” and “doesn’t want to fight,” despite Putin’s troops literally lobbing bombs in Ukraine as he spoke. Speaking in the Cathedral of the Archangel at the Kremlin to mark the Orthodox holiday of Radonitsa, Putin’s top spiritual shill all but called for Moscow’s assault on Ukraine to continue. Asking the saints buried in the cathedral to protect Russia’s “sacred borders,” he said he hoped Russians had enough “wisdom, strength, and honor to defend the sacred borders of the fatherland,” RIA Novosti reported. “It’s amazing when a great and powerful country has not attacked anyone, it has only been defending its borders,” he said, echoing the Kremlin’s claims it is only “defending itself” as it kills unarmed civilians in Ukraine. At least nine more people were reported dead in Ukraine’s Donetsk region as Kirill spoke, including three people who had left their homes simply to get drinking water.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #dunning-kruger

[From "War and the gay parade"]

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has given a sermon that reduced numerous officially unofficial mouthpieces of the Global American Empire’s officially unofficial state religion to incoherent rage

The war in the Ukraine is a holy war – not because Putin is holy, but because the unofficially official state religion that seeks to rule the world is unholy

The proximate cause of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was that Nato was persistently pushing to expand to Russia’s borders
The Cathedral wants to make Donbas to hold gay parades too, as a step towards making Russia hold gay parades

It is not NATO that they want to expand, it is our officially unofficial state religion

This sermon calls the war for what it is: An armed defense against a hostile power seeking to expand its unchristian faith by force. Putin invaded Ukraine to defend his power in Russia – but his power in Russia is threatened because he would not hold a gay parade. In this sense he invaded Ukraine in defense of Christianity
I wrote in 2017

Because the Cathedral is primarily driven by holiness competition, it is incapable of acting rationally. This is in some ways a strength. The way to win at chicken is to first drink a bottle of vodka, then at the last moment rip out the steering wheel and throw it out the window

But it is also a weakness. The likely result is, sooner or later, to blunder into war, state to state, state level civil war, nonstate war, and likely all of the above

And now, in 2022, blundering into state to state war

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill #fundie #psycho #wingnut

Beneath the gold onion domes of the Danilov Monastery a few miles south of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin’s chief shaman explains why Russia is hell-bent on destroying Ukraine.

“If we see [Ukraine] as a threat, we have the right to use force to ensure the threat is eradicated,” Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill recently preached to his church’s 90 million faithful followers. “We have entered into a conflict which has not only physical but also metaphysical significance. We are talking about human salvation, something much more important than politics.”

C.T. #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

[From "Good Christians"]

The apoplectic left is choking on their own saliva—including Fox News (they’ve always been phoney traditionalists)—because Putin has defecated on American superbia (‘Nobody invades countries but me…’). Here’s another quotable quote by Nick Fuentes: ‘I for one am glad that Putin is standing up to Washington DC. Fuck the State Department, fuck the Pentagon, and fuck NATO!’ (see again our previous link from Fuentes here)

Someone with far more media audience than Fuentes in Eastern Europe, Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, has endorsed Putin’s vision on Ukraine. According to him, ‘the West essentially organises genocide campaigns against countries that refuse to stage gay parades’. Unlike these good Christians, neither normies nor most white nationalists are getting the historical significance of the Ukraine war

If Putin wins it’ll be the biggest setback for the anti-white project we’ve suffered since the defeat of Nazi Germany. With the Russian-Chinese alliance (one flaunting the atomic missiles if the anti-white West wants to attack, and the other the economic muscle), the interregnum that started in 1945 will be over and the dream of Fukuyama, winning using ‘soft totalitarianism’, will evaporate like morning dew in the sun

And soon the petrodollar will evaporate as well…

BCP #fundie

The Eighth Pan-Orthodox Council, which is to take place on the feast of the Holy Spirit, 19 June 2016, will launch the process of expulsion of the Holy Spirit from the Orthodox Church. It will de facto be the beginning of gradual spiritual suicide – suicidium. The main initiator of the Synod is the apostate Patriarch Bartholomew and the apostate Patriarch Kirill. Both of them are under an anathema – God’s curse – according to Gal 1:8-9. Through “theological dialogues” with the apostate Vatican, they want the spirit of the New Age to infiltrate the entire Orthodox Church. The Pre-Council Conference conclusions are formulated in a positive light. However, they actually disguise the real intention, i.e. self-destruction of the Church as well as of the Russian and the Greek nation. Other Orthodox nations will likewise be drawn into this self-destruction process.

Merkel has enforced suicidal legislation and sodomism through an incomprehensible text of the Lisbon Treaty. A similar method of positive terms is applied by the Vatican globalists. Unfortunately, the apostate Patriarchs are in unity with them nowadays.

Apostasy of the Church

The planned programme of the Council for all the Orthodox Churches is to conduct so-called theological dialogues with apostate Vatican theologians. The Orthodox Church is thus certain to be infected with the heresies of the apostate Western Church. The Vatican’s programme is primarily the promotion of interreligious dialogue with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other pagans. This so-called dialogue is a betrayal of the Gospel. The Vatican is in unity with the NWO globalization programme whose aim is to create a global New Age religion which worships demons and, in the highest degree, Satan. This concerns the so-called Illuminati at the 33rd degree. Today they control the UN, World Banks, supranational organizations, and through the NWO they incorporate the programme of a global holocaust, so-called reduction of humanity to “the golden billion”. The responsibility for this upcoming holocaust of the nations rests with the apostate Vatican which betrayed orthodox doctrine!

The turning point came at the Second Vatican Council through the infiltration of syncretism and heresies. A similar turning point in the Orthodox Church is to come through the Eighth Pan-Orthodox Council. They will attach the Orthodox Church to the poisoned stream of apostate Western Christianity and establish unity through so-called theological dialogues. It is like creating unity with an infected person. The fruit is death.

Patriarch Kirill #fundie

Over the weekend, the WannaCry ransomware attack targeted Microsoft Windows systems across the globe, even disrupting hospitals in Britain.

But Russia won’t have to worry about anything like that happening because the Orthodox Church’s Patriarch Kirill apparently visited the Ministry of Internal Affairs and sprayed holy water on the computers.

They can hack our political campaigns, but they think spraying water on computers is a smart move— #Logic

It won’t do any good, obviously, and I suspect the government let Kirill work his magic because he’s a powerful figure in the country. I think the government official standing in the middle of the room with the “you’ve got to be kidding me” look speaks for all of us.

Kirill has previous blamed the rise of ISIS on the “godless, secular” civilization in which we live. Also: Pride parades. He also thinks marriage equality is a “very dangerous sign of the apocalypse.”
And now he’s adding to his bullshit-filled toolbox with holy water. Because who needs a white hat when you have religious headgear at your disposal?

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow #fundie

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church has partially blamed an increased acceptance of homosexuality for the rise of Isis.

Patriarch Kirill claimed he was not surprised that some Muslims are flocking to Isis' quasi-religious state as a way of escaping the “godless civilization” that celebrates events such as Gay Pride.

In an interview published on the Church’s official website, Kirill said: “[Isis] is creating a civilization that is new by comparison to the established one that is godless, secular and even radical in its secularism.”

“We can have parades for the sexual minorities - that is supported - but a million French Christian protestors defending family values are broken up by police,” he added.

Kiril said because the “godless civilization is reaching maturity”, it should come as no surprise that those who are opposed to liberal, secular ideas end up joining terror organisations.

“If you call non-traditional relationships a sin, as the Bible teaches and you are a priest or pastor, then you risk not only your ability to serve but you may be sent to prison,” he said.

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