
Navaros #fundie imdb.com

"You cannot honestly think that a chef accidentally stabbing his finger on a snake's tooth involved planning on the part of the snake."

What you said is not what happened. What really happened was this:

The severed snake head spent 20 minutes pretending to be dead, then woke up and bit the chef to death at the exact moment when it noticed that it had the chance. The serpent, using only its long ago severed head, performed the ultimate in cunning ambush. It's like a scene from a horror movie except it happened in real-life, because the chef underestimated the cunning of the serpent.

I feel bad for the chef dying, but maybe if he paid more attention to the Bible he would have realized that screwing around with serpents is a bad idea, and underestimating their powers of evil and cunning are especially bad ideas, hence he would not be dead now.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

ttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/chef-cooking-snake-dies-after- 4088634

"A chef preparing a dish from cobra flesh died when the snake's head bit him - 20 minutes AFTER it was cut off."

This news shows that just like Genesis says, the serpent is the most cunning creature, hence that is why satan possessed a serpent to trick Eve.

This incident also proves as true the murderous evil power of snakes, which corroborates their evil as described in Genesis and why God chose to curse them.

In other words, in this post I have provided a real-life example that makes ernie's mocking strawman posts against godly people, wherein he says things like "you believe in a talking snake!", look like the tomfoolery that they are.

Eat crow, ern.[biggrin]

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

"Why is God male?"

Because He is. That's like saying "why am I female?" or "why is my mother female?" or "why is my father male?"

"Does he have male genitalia?"

Of course He does.

"It seems silly for the creator of the universe to have a wang and yet not have a female"

That's because you are thinking of God in dirty, worldly, fleshy terms. God's Member does not conform to those debased forms of thought.

Navaros #sexist imdb.com

Title of the posting: How come there are no women in this "all-female" Ghostbusters?

I've read that that this will be an "all-female" Ghostbusters.

I've seen a couple of publicity photos for this film.

In those photos, I did not see a single woman.

All I saw were four or so butt-ugly, monstrous, masculine brutes.

Does it not stand to reason that an "all-female" Ghostbusters should actually have women in it?

Someone messed up there, big-time!

m-slovak79 #fundie imdb.com

sticking to religious standpoint, which is the only one that matters, says... sex outside of marriage is wrong. it's a sin and sin pushes us away from God which is obviously a bad thing as that can lead you to hell.

but us human's, given our fallen nature(which has always been that way since the fall of Adam/Eve), tend to find bad things appealing as they seem harmless to us and the sexual drive is the easiest thing to exploit since it's so appealing. but damages your eternal soul and can possibly lead you to hell.

praying often (preferably The Holy Rosary daily(i am a Catholic)) gives you strength, over a period of time, to resist your natural sexual urge (trying to resist that by yourself is not happening). just trust me on that. many people around here will likely see this and laugh though since they don't believe in God.

bdw317 #racist imdb.com


The movie Selma has very little to do with Martin Luther King Jr., and more to do with Hollywood trying to orchestrate how Ferguson and other future protest should be carried out!

And Oprah suggested this a week before Selma opened when she said that the Ferguson and U.S. wide spread protesting lacked leadership and a detailed plan as to what they wanted the outcome to be.

Then, the movie Selma is released! Oprah is a part of the Hollywood, Government controlled media that wants to transport this country back to 1950's mentality.

They want looting, cop killings, whites and blacks hating each other and fear! Movies like The Butler, 12 Years a Slave, The Help all have the racially tense material that takes one back to a time of hate and ignorance and racial intolerance.

There are about 35 of these types of movies coming out between 2015-16. One has to wonder why we are going backwards. It is all intentional. Don't fall for it people! Selma was clearly an attempt to race bate.

They didn't even bother trying to make Martin Luther King Jr. interesting in the movie! We learned nothing of his personal life, no humor, no depth of spirit, and there was absolutely NO chemistry between King and his wife in the movie.

The movie also introduces important characters and never explains to the viewer who they were! And, the movie has no one in it portraying the Rev. Jesse Jackson!

Why is this important? It is important because Jackson was a key part in Kings life and particularly his last days, up to the fatal shot on the balcony.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson has said that while taking his last breath, Martin Luther King whispered to him to carry on for him and take his place.

There are those who have researched Kings death and there is very credible proof that the Rev. Jesse Jackson was a part of the plot to kill King! The reader is urged to look up Steve Cokely, and his very detailed video research on the murder of Martin Luther King Jr.

The movie also skips past the deaths of Kennedy and Malcolm X, no footage, nothing! It's as if the movie Selma was made strictly to capitalize off the racially tense times we are experiencing in the U.S. now, and to play that one line about Ferguson in the rap song as the movie credits begin to roll!

I mean, as soon as the movie ends, we hear the word Ferguson! What kind of blatant mind control campaign was this!

And all this talk about who should be nominated for Oscars for this is also campaigning. They want you to start parroting the mess so you feel like you're in with the in-crowd that thinks the movie is hot! Don't fall for it.

Oprah is in the movie only for the purpose of putting butts in the theater seats! Just like Spike Lee in his Malcolm X movie strutting across the screen in the very first opening shot!

We see That Ham Oprah in Selma, the very first scene, first person, declaring, hey this is my movie! They never explain why Oprahs character was important in history or in this movie. She's there just for star power, like Marlon Brando in Superman.

I got a feeling that if Oprah could have gotten away with reciting the I Have a Dream Speech she would have done it!

A movie about the life of Selma Blair would be more interesting than Selma! And oh yes! When the viewer gets to the scene concerning the Selma march, you will be so angry at how they direct, wrote and act it out, you will want to scream!

In the end, you realize, the movie Selma, had nothing to do with Selma, or King!!!!!!!

It really will tic you off! If you want a superior, realistic, well acted, well written movie and performance about Martin Luther King, you need to get "King" staring Paul Winfield.

And again, even in this superior version, there is NO Jesse Jackson!!!!! Why?

eragonbookfan #fundie imdb.com

(a review of "The Theory of Everything")

First off, I don't mind Stephen Hawking - definitely a smart guy, and I respect him for the atrocious disease he has. But I certainly don't think he's wise -concerning his remarks of "There is no Heaven" and "There is no God". Well, Hawking, if you evolved by chance, then that means your brain evolved by chance also, right? Now if your brain evolved by chance, that means your processes of logic also evolved by chance; so if your logic evolved by chance, you can't be sure it evolved the right way—you don't even know if you're saying the right words!

And I definitely did not ASK for a feature film about his life; nor that it was made by Hollywood, to add all the classic "HollyWEIRD" formulas into it, always wanting to add in a little bit of cursing, always wanting to add a little bit of sexual innuendos, and especially a little bit of bias.

This movie features one of my LEAST favorite actors Eddie Redmayne, who I thought was embarrassing in the musical "Les Miserables" (though the 1998 Liam Neeson version is a whole lot better, in terms of story.)

Anyways, in terms of the tension of this movie, did you know that every single piece of "evidence" to argue in favor of evolutionism has been either disproven, or discovered to be fraud? Even an evolutionist has to admit that fact. The man is Dr. Kent Hovind and if you watch some of his videos he will show you where, evolutionists themselves admit their "facts" are false, or at least have been disproven with science. Evolutionism is not Science as there are no facts to prove it. Evolution is theory and religion (because you must believe in it) only. Natural Selection IS a science, but changes are LIMITED within the animal kinds; all in all, it's not about "evolution".

Why are you guys trying to jam your religion down my throat, via Hollywood films, and tell me how to run my life? The religion of secular humanism is shoved down the throats of billions of kids worldwide and evolutionism is an integral part of that. But I don't suppose you have a problem with that, do you? Let me know when Hovind goes house to house and drags people to his seminars.

Just go to YouTube and search up Dr. Kent Hovind's videos - I watched them in Science and was BLOWN away!

1. Nearly all branches of Science were started by creationists (Isaac Newton, Edward Blyth, Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Carl Linnaeus, Raymond Damadian, etc.) 2. The evolution theory has added nothing to the advancement of Science – it's useless. 3. When students or professors fear expressing their conclusions under threat of being flunked, demoted, fired, or ostracized – Science is suppressed.

I was saying that Evolution is a faith-based worldview, not observational "Science", believe that the scientific evidence better supports the Biblical record than it does the unscientific worldview of Evolutionism.

Science proves, you *cannot* get a fossil unless you BURY IT ALIVE!! If you just left something dead on the ground, it'll either rot, rust, die, breakdown, or other organisms will come & eat it! And the obvious question should be, "Where's all this dust coming FROM???" "What's the evidence for a worldwide flood?" Answer: Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth!

Charles Darwin himself thought a cell in your body was simple little sack of jelly - now today, we know that a cell is MORE complex than a Space Shuttle, or any satellite ever put out by NASA.

Trust me when I say that Darwinian evolutionism is a carefully-protected state religion surviving on tax dollars - waste of money! Just think of all the billions of dollars being wasted by the governments trying to prove evolution when the living Lord God Jesus Christ has already revealed our true origins through His Word - and there *IS* evidence and conformation for that.

By simple definition, "religion" is a belief without proof or evidence

and the theory of evolution matches that quite well! There has

*never* been one spadeful of dirt that has ever disproven the Bible. And there are people trying to BLEND evolution and the Bible together, when both world views are POLAR opposite on every level; why should we take a perfectly good Bible, which has never been proved wrong, and compromise it with a dumb theory that has never been proved right??

There is a principle in Science: you can have any theory you want, but if the FACTS don't square with your theory, throw your theory away! They would've thrown out Darwinist theories of evolution a long time ago, except they don't have a replacement theory other than Creation.

Evolution has been taught to control & dumb down society. Evolution is indoctrination and not part of Science. Nearly all the founders of the basics of Science were Bible-believing creationists; they believed that anyone who studies true Science will be drawn to the Creator, and Satan has worked really hard in the field of "Science" to draw people away from the Creator. Satan is using dinosaurs to make people doubt . But dinosaurs were the original "dragons" in history, that's how they fit it. :)

In the end, just another just subtle anti-Science propaganda movie


apregnantlesbian #fundie imdb.com

Hypothetically speaking, that's the kind of religion I'd trust. Garden variety leftists ask "is a homophobic/misogynist/racist god who threatens to send you to hell worth worshipping?" Obviously I'm wired in a fundamentally different way, because I ask the opposite: is a God who ISN'T mighty, uncompromising and and fearsome worth worshipping? I don't think so.

american_champion_112212 #fundie imdb.com

Last year it was the sodomite known as Ellen DeGeneras.. The carpet munching daytime Tv show host was asked for the 2nd time to host the Oscars, and accepted.

Now "NPH", otherwise known as Neil Patrick Harris is slated to host the Oscars this year.. The 'man' who puts new meaning to the word queer..

So, why would the Academy do this?.. Is it to be politically correct?.. Is it because the Academy and Hollywood are mostly made up of godless liberal cowards?.. Is it a social statement to show that America is accepting?

Personally, I think it's because queers can get away with saying what they want.. If someone speaks up about a joke or comment, they may be called the dreaded Anti-Gay.. The Academy is in essence hedging their bets.. DeGeneras was praised for being cute and doing a good job(typical).. NPH will be applauded by the mass liberal media as well.. Why?.. Easy, he's queer.. And nowadays in America.. That's simply all that matters..

Who I truly worry about in all this Satanic worship.. Is the youth of America.. Their minds are innocent, pure and fragile.. They don't need to be tainted or influenced by people who ruined their own lives and after lives.. As far as my kids go.. They know how wrong and evil it is.. And I strongly suggest fellow parents spread the message to your kids as well.. . God Bless.

j-curl #fundie imdb.com

[OT: Why any man would want to get married these days is baffling!]

Marriages commonly end in divorce, and women initiate the divorce ~75% of the time. Women nearly always end up owning things after a divorce which they didn't pay for (i.e., legalized theft), in some cases, even things which were owned by the man prior to even marrying the woman (and not just minor things either, it could be a house, which is usually a person's most valuable possession). And, if there are children, women are usually awarded custody, and men are "awarded" child support payments, despite there being no mechanism in place to ensure the money is spent on the kids, and despite the father no longer having any real say in how the kids are raised. On top of that, you could even end up paying alimony (more legalized theft).

Then there are other bizarre possibilities, such as having to pay child support for a kid or kids that aren't even yours.

Marriage is an extremely risky gamble; one which can cost you hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars and your kids if you lose, and which has no payoff if you "win" (other than getting to keep what you already have).

Marriage made sense at one time, but with the way things are now, I wouldn't even consider it. And there is nothing you can do that is guaranteed to protect yourself either, because there really is no such thing as an "ironclad" prenuptial agreement.

cooljoebay2 #fundie imdb.com

Ask yourself. Do you really think you can trust evildoers to give you Truth? Not a chance. These people are all worldly figures, seeking fame and fortune. They have just infiltrated Christianity to stink it up to betray GOD. Do they know it? Probably not. Because they are fools who have been deceived by Satan. Because Satan spends more time in the church than anywhere else.

There is only one place to find the Truth. And it has been written. 1000 years ago, there was only one place to get it. And we were never told to erect institutions or build technology to manage TRUTH. It was still already written. Today it is the same. It is written. We still are not told to use technology. But it is here. And it is used by the deceivers of the world.

You want the TRUTH. Better stay clear of movies like this one. You need to PROVE to GOD that your life is devoted to Him. And you do so by giving up this life. You don't pursue fame and fortune like Jaci Velazquez. She's an imposter. You do exactly what the real Jesus told you to do. Follow Him. He has called us out of the world. He didn't say to be part of the world. You don't aid and abet the enemy. You short circuit it by cutting off your support. Stop conforming. The mainstream form of Christianity is a complete fraud. It seeks to keep you in society while thinking you have found your way. But you are just another Adam or Eve.

Jesus showed that we have to stop helping to promote the evils of this world. Instead, we should be surviving off of what GOD gave us, while spreading His TRUTH. Need food? Grow it. Need water? Catch the rain. Need shelter? Live in a tent or camper. Stop striving for things of the world like the imposters in this movie. Else, you will be like the rich man who refused Jesus wishes for him to give up the riches.

deepfreezeband1985 #fundie imdb.com

(from the board discussing the upcoming movie Ouija. About using an actual ouija board.)

I have never been a religious person and was once a guitarist in a heavy metal band from the 80s. So you could say that playing music with dark tones could be considered satanically influenced even though at that time I didn't realize it. Music like (Ozzy, Motley Crue, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath) ect.
I have always tried to live as a good person as that is where my heart has always led me. But then I made the dreadful mistake later in life of using that damn board it has changed me forever, in knowledge I have searched out to try to fix this sin of engaging the spirit world.
In old pictures of me growing up I never seen spirit orbs but after using the board in 95 I have captured spirit orbs in so many pictures of my family, orbs mostly with my daughter.
Throughout all this I have learned a great deal of why there is an importance of reading the bible. God and Jesus are not here to make us slaves or control us but rather guide us thru a safe path of peril this world contains. To teach us the real meaning of the question WHY. (WHY = LOVE), love has many meanings, I think the Apostle Paul written them best in his letters to the many churches.

I want to point out that so many people today think God, Jesus and religion are the same but they are not. God never created religion and Jesus actually argued against the religious leaders while he walked the earth, Jesus didn't agree with the religious leaders teachings. It was those same religious leaders that were the ones that had Jesus put to death. Religion is man made, not God made. When man created religion the evil spiritual forces twist religion to make those who have no understanding of the bible and the world then hate God because of religion. Does the Devil exist? Yes very much so. Lucifer has many he commands to destroy us. Why does he do this? Lucifer is angry against God and wants to prove to God we are inferior, he wants to justify his actions in the things he did in heaven and the destruction of the human race. He tried to make himself a God above the REAL God, that was why he was cast out of heaven.
I'm not a preacher by any means but now rather a student of life. God definitely saved me from hell and he will do the same for all who search him. God is a God of love, he wants us all to have a good life but not a sinful one. I found this out from the perils I put myself and family in when opening spiritual doors that lead to death.
I hope that what I write here will open the eyes of ones why try to understand what I have written so to understand the world we live in and the spiritual world that is around us all the time. Both worlds exist together but one is the physical plain and the other is a spiritual dimension that is made if energy. We are bound by time, the spirit world isn’t.
God bless

apregnantlesbian #fundie imdb.com

The left hates the exceptional and hates the successful

This is why Israel is "evil" and the terrorists who want to kill them are "noble freedom fighters." This is why western culture is "imperialistic" when it spreads, but when foreign cultures move into your neighborhood and start trying to run the show where you live, it's "diversity."

Leftism is masochistic. The most basic impulses in its shriveled little heart are the same that cause religious fanatics to self-flagellate.

Pillowpants_O #fundie imdb.com

I remember years ago I always hear about these ninja turtles, but I usually don't pay attention to it because it's made for kids.

Recently I keep seeing the commercials for the new ninja turtles movie, and my sister said she's taking her son to see it when it comes out.

Out of curiosity I decided to look up on Wikipedia on the teenage mutant ninja turtles cartoon show. It say there that a rat becomes a guardian of a couple of turtles ever since they were little (and now their teenagers).

I get that the cartoon(based on Wikipedia) say it started in 1987 so policies revolving around gay adoption wasn't really around at the same time, but today it is.

Because the topic of gay adoption is brought up a lot in today's world, it kind of worries me what if this new kids movie purposely try to use the whole "turtles being raised by a rat" as a metaphor on why gays should be allowed to adopt kids?!

Children being raised by gay adults is a form of child abuse whether the liberal Nazis want to agree with me or not. It's bad enough that in certain areas of America they allow gays to adopt children, but the idea of supporting that immoral type of behavior in a kids movie is much worst!

They already put a gay character in ParaNormon which is just wrong because the target audience is children, and I'm hoping that the new ninja turtles movie isn't another example of the liberal Nazis trying to force their sick values on us.

What are your thoughts?

AriaOfTelengard #fundie imdb.com

Atheists have problems: How can someone be so ignorant towards God? I disagree with the lesbian Jew, but at least they acknowledge God. Well, the jews ride bikes instead of drive everywhere, so maybe the Jews are not so bad.

I believe it was best said in the TV series ¨The Stand¨ by Stephen King:

Nick Andros: I dont believe in God.
Mother Abigail: That dont matter! He believes in you!

ccharlie183 #conspiracy imdb.com

[On the board of "The Lego Movie"]

This entire movie's subplot(the propaganda) seems like it's not sure what it wants to be, like an occupy protester, it doesn't know what exactly it's protesting it's the only thing it seems to be sure about is that it wants Change change and more change. At the same time that they promote a communist agenda by saying that corporations are behind the evil of Borders(when in reality corporations are the only ones that benefit FROM open borders/no borders) they promote an Anti-collectivist ideology that we're all unique individuals who should never identify as a group when it comes to traditional institutions and cultures but we must "band together" to destroy the Evil Corporate government that promotes evil things like borders. This propaganda may seem to be incredibly confused but it's actually not, communism was created and pushed by the RICHEST people on the planet(Rothschild(Bauer)) people who've had the best psychologists working for them for 200 years, they know how to manipulate the masses. They are telling you to be an individual at the same time that they are telling you to open your borders, they are telling you that conformity is bad that we should all be eccentric anti-establishment characters, in fact in this movie they imply that it's uncool to be a conformist and like popular things, encouraging an entire generation to embrace counter culture(counter culture is genocide by the way, the UN defines any attempt by ANY group to change, destroy or manipulate ANY Culture, Race, Religion, Ethnicity, or group of any kind as Genocide and you cannot argue against that if you even try you I suggest you look up the UN's definition for yourself if you don't believe me, genocide isn't just a group of people killing other people it's attacks on ANY culture, race, religion or group it could be very indirect and even unintentional but it's still what it is)The people pushing this propaganda are the same people who created the communist manifesto and printed it( written by marx and printed one of his cousins, Bruno Bauer who later changed his last name to Rothschild) They own the entire western media, our banks, our education system and they pretend that your being anti-corruption if you just give up your identity, open your borders, destroy your own culture, race and entire civilization to create a new world ripe for exploitation for those that remain on the top while EVERYONE else suffers below them. Do you think the Mega Corporations that MADE this movie are really going to promote things that aren't in their interest(maximizing profits)? That's all communism is about, streamlining profits under the guise of good will and equality for all*(equality doesn't exist and it never did or will, no one is equal, no individual, no group, or culture) but communism has always been trying to overcome inequality by making everyone exactly the same in every way, the same language, the same(mixed)race, the same(generic)culture, the same opinions, the same income, If the could they'd even have a single Gender(oh Wait don't you know?, Gender is just a social construct now) we're not creating diversity by removing the mechanisms that created them(geographic isolation).

LukeLovesFilm28 #racist imdb.com

["You and your fellow racists supporting you in this thread really need to learn some history."]

History that is now conveniently made up just to prop up the minorities and whipping white people into submission. BUT, history has proven that life does not prosper, technology does not move forward in the hands of black people or women. Africa was a tribal country for how long... while white people were creating major civilizations like the Greek Empire, Roman Empire and Great Britain?? I mean, I swear you people want society to collapse and go back to its primitive roots. That's what happens when you put the power in the hands of children or primitives. White men made every goddamn luxury every person takes advantage of today and yet, all you fcking a$$holes can do is think about the bad things white men have done.

GayShaw #conspiracy imdb.com

[On the news that the new "Godzilla" movie will be related to Global Warming]

I hope this is not true. So-called anthropogenic global warming is a U.N. scam to bring in a whole new set of taxes called carbon taxes. It is junk science driven by an agenda to bring in a global governing body run by The U.N., CFR, IMF, World Bank, etc.

Did you know that several of the top global warming climate scientists got caught in exposed emails talking about how the warming had stopped in the late 90's, and discussing how they would "hide the decline" in temperatures from the public?

Google Climate Gate or Agenda 21 for more info. You won't get it from the main stream media.

Still look forward to the movie, but I hope it doesn't go pushing the BS global warming agenda.

jesusfreak96-274-169681 #fundie imdb.com

[Regarding a Left Behind remake]
I find it sad and kind of disturbing that Cloud Ten Pictures, who have traditionally been known for making "spiritual" if not fully outright Christian films has 1) decided to reboot a perfectly fine trilogy and 2) made really suspect casting choices, if the rumors are to be believed. I find it hard to believe that the moral and ethical integrity, as well as the doctrinally sound principles portrayed in the books, and to a lesser extent the original movies, will be preserved when you have such a notorious "Hollywood type" in the main role. I don't dispute Nic Cage's acting ability, I absolutely love his performance in the National Treasure movies. What I dispute is his moral standpoint, and his willingness to portray a character that in his original state in the books is a 100% committed and conservative Christian, who is willing to die for his faith. That sounds like the exact opposite of how Nic Cage would live his life. I think that something is going to have to give somewhere, either in the Lalonde brothers' script, or in Nic Cage. I hope the latter, because the books have a message that the world needs to hear. For right now, I'm hoping that this is all just rumor, and it's not real, but if it is, I pray that God will bestow wisdom upon the Lalonde brothers, and help them to be a good and positive witness for Christ to these lost souls that they have cast in their movie.

ID_Neon #fundie imdb.com

If evolution were true...

Why does all life require 20 amino acids which are extremely complex, oxidize and are destroyed by oxygen, and favor only right handed molecules.

Wouldnt it be logical that early life would have evolved from a single amino acid and worked its way from a simple amino acid to more complex amio acids before finally becoming a multi-amino acid life form?

But the "earliest life form" uses 20 amino acids all right handed and lives off glucose.


ID_Neon #fundie imdb.com

Reasons the grand canyon disproves evolution

This thread is about how the grand canyon could not have been formed by uplift like "scientists" say.

1) unlike all other areas claimed to habe uplifted, Great basin, Tibetan Plateau, numerous mountain ranges, the Grand canyon plateau is remarkably flat.

2) uplift causes faulting, which doesnt really occur in the frequency of an uplift zone, and uplifting often diverts rivers so why is the colorado not diverted elsewhere by a fault?

The colorado river could not have carved the grand canyon because it goes from lower elevation to higher elevation unless you try to explain this away by uplift which for two obvious reasons, isnt occurring.

Furthermore, the Nile and the Mississippi are both much older than the colorado river, especially the mississippi, both have massive deltas and no massive canyon.

Yet the colorado going thru the grand canyon has almost no delta.

Since the rate of uplift us argued to be the same now as before the delta should be bigger than the other two rivers because of the massive amounts of sediment being removed.


markrichardson887 #fundie imdb.com

No, no, I am not a 'homophobe'; I'm a sensible, rational, human being. Why isn't the homosexual lifestyle considered a mental disease?

There's nothing 'normal' about it. Just because it's present in the animal world, does not make it right. Some animals rape one another. Some steal, and scavenge. Some kill members of the opposite sex after mating. How are these wrong, but not the gay lifestyle, which is also found in nature?

Can any gay supporters make a logical case, without calling me names or bullying me? Why are certain perversions accepted, but not others?

Am I an 'incestophobe' too?
A 'beastophobe'?
A 'pedophobe'?

I personally feel that our rejection of judeo-christian values in The West, will ultimately lead to our demise. We accept too much, and we will end up like Pagan, soulless sinners, in a fog of perverse scum. I'm not saying everyone should be a Christian, I'm just saying, Christian values are clearly the backbone of the most noble morality.

The fact that The Bible, (which must be read in a scholarly manner), is against homosexuality, shows you just how enlightened those of the past were. We got The Golden Rule from The Bible; we learnt The Ten Commandments; why can't we learn sexual morality too? Again, I'm not forcing my beliefs, but I'm wary of secular humanist propaganda spreading through Great, Western Nations.


BarrySoetoro #fundie imdb.com

[Part of a review of the movie "Last Ounce of Courage"]

Yes, things do get better when this thing we mistakenly call, the "democrat party" is finally packed into a closet of its own. It is a statistical fact, without the legions of immature, rebellious, "tolerant from their inherent ignorance" - youth, voting for people calling themselves democrats, the democrat party would quite literally, implode and cease to exist. Democrat's biggest fear, is a generation of youth finally comprehending their end game of tyranny and how they are being used to oppress themselves. It is the MATURE, ADULT people's DUTY to bring the reign of the terrorist organization otherwise known as, "The Democrat Party" to an end, and there is NO TIME TO LOSE! Any citizen who votes for ANY ONE in this terrorist organization, does so, thumbing their shameless noses, not just at God and their country, but at their own parents and grandparents, and every single person who STRUGGLED, FOUGHT, and DIED to make sure they'd be born into a nation we can all be proud of. Until we REVERSE Obama and gang's relentless pursuit of demoralizing our youth and criminalizing Christianity, we will pay with the lives of our children and grandchildren. Argue your God hating all you want, NO PERSON is better off in this immoral, fraudulent government's hands, and this movie goes a long way to show it, FINALLY, someone had the courage to say what politicians are either too immoral or too coward to say.

aredo3604gif #racist imdb.com

Skin color doesn't matter! If you really believe that black people are more erotic just because they are black then you have some serious issues.
And unfortunately this is what the Left Wing worldwide and Democrats in the USA caused to our society, people like you going around telling what you just said.. you are the racist ones for sure.
Barack Hussein Obama got elected only thanks to the massive Left Wing marketing promotion of his skin claiming that being black must be a god, perfect and good... he got elected thanks to real racism, Left Wing uses racism for its own agenda and too many people followed like sheeps. It's the same marketing machine that made the awful silly Avatar a huge business success despite being one of the worst movies ever made, a lazy work with barely average CGI but people go around telling that blu Na'vi cats are cool and don't look cartoonish despite that being the reality of the awful CGI level that they delivered up to the point that the porn parody of Avatar looks way better and more realistic despite being made with a few bucks and with Star Trek like effects.

dbznarutofan2008 #fundie imdb.com

1: Just because it seems inconsistent to the logical mind doesn't mean it really is.Hilarious how you atheist tards seem to think the universe has to bow to your limited human logical understanding.How arrogant.

2: I think maybe liberal atheist tards can quit whining about barbarianism the day they stop calling women killing their unborn a choice.Until that time perhaps you should STFU

3: Oh of course the bible was changed,written by different people etc..all because the 'suits' told me so.You tards really will believe anything as long as the authoritarians tell you so eh?

guess you're not so different then us lowly ol dumb theists eh? :P

curmed52 #fundie imdb.com

When the Jews were freed from Egypt, God had them walk for 40 years to get to Palestine, as far est as what is now Iraq and then through Jordan. The trip would take a few months if they had walked straight from Egypt, through the Sinai to Palestine. Why did God insist on this? Commentaries say that he understood that former slaves could not handle freedom so a generation or two had to pass so that only people with a history of freedom entered Palestine.

We freed the blacks without insisting that they bear the responsibilities of freedom, so they don't act responsibly. And now we have made them wards of the state, dependent on gov for everything. They cannot and will not ever be free.

dbznarutofan2008 #fundie imdb.com

In a discussion about the movie "RatpurePalooza":

Ah yes..'fairy tales'..another cute little mind control trigger word for the deluded.Congrats..you've fallen for another Globalist sponsored lie thats been furiously promoted through our public indoctrination system the last couple of decades.Namely the atheist/evolution delusion.

And why is God and the story of creation a fairy tale you might ask.
Ah well...the public indoctrination system and the white lab coated shills told him man came from primates and that God doesn't exist enough times,and therefore it is now magically true.Witness the true power of indoctrination!

'A lie told often enough becomes the truth' : Vladimir Lenin

The powers that be want to whole heartedly thank you for being so gullible,and falling for their lying propaganda so easily.People like you are what makes their quest for world control such a feasible goal.

Soupful #conspiracy imdb.com

[after somebody pointed out that Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, whom he quoted earlier, was a notorious Hitler supporter]

Histler was a groomed pawn of the Sionists and banker cartels Rothchilds (Bauer), Rockerfeller's and ect ..

They are not jews either they are Sionists and have no allegiance to any nation, religion or politcal party other than their own.

They did finance and back both World Wars, engineered the banking collapse resulting in the great depression ect ..

Have been the shadow government for a long time and ruler of Corporations that now control the world.

It is not a secret and the New World order is their agenda see Rothchilds, David Rockerfeller, Heins Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Monarchy, CFR, Vatican, Federal Reserve, Trilateral Commission, Committe of 300, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, NATO, NASA, UN ect ..

McMike1 #conspiracy imdb.com

[Discussing "Zero Dark Thirty" and Osama Bin Laden]

With this boogie man retired from the government's "foreign terrorist" propaganda, the next wave, which we are in right now, from the CIA, is sending the black ops as "domestic terrorists" wearing masks to the theaters, schools, or shopping malls to slaughter we the people.

If you choose to ignore the above stated conspiracy, you, as a common person, will find yourself continually scanned, disarmed, and stripped from your constitutional rights (e.g. the 9/11 Patriot Act).

After the collapse of the twin Towers, the rubble was "shipped to China" as we were told. Similarly, we now are being told that Osama Bin Laden was "discarded into the ocean" with no pictures, no medical exam report, and no autopsy report available to the public.

Continue to feel protected by the big brother at your own peril. Do you somehow sense that staff from behind in the course of the past ten years? The choice is yours.

pooloo_ville #racist imdb.com

It is not racist to not want your child to marry someone of another race. If you have valid reasoning for it, that is.

What would be valid is suggesting that race-mixing causes a degradation of the genealogy and causes the next generation to be less valuable than the last.

Also, interracial marriage destroys the races, as it mixes them all up.

IamGod333 #conspiracy imdb.com

Steven Spielberg and his choice of movies to Produce are always for esoteric reasons that serve the Shadow Government.

This movie Lincoln is scheduled for release in November, which just by chance happens to be a time when sitting President Barack Obama is to seek a second term.

Also, President Barack Obama sites Abraham Lincoln as his favorite President.

Judging from the trailers and press info from this movie, I get a sense that it takes great advantage of revisionist history, under the guise of patriotic poetic license.

The trailers appear to portray Lincoln as a dogged white male who detest slavery and the public perception of blacks as property or cattle. Head held down, tears in his eyes, overcome with grief at the treatment of his poor black Negro's!

I shall reserve my suspicions until after I see the movie so that I may come back here with more facts. However, I wonder if the following words spoken by Abraham Lincoln, will be included in this movie:

Abraham Lincoln Quote

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.”

CrytothePrinceofPeace #fundie imdb.com

Has anyone ever seen an actual demon?

I have. No joke. Im certain probably all the born again Christians have as well. In the book of Ephesians it reads our battle is not with flesh but these evil spiritual powers. Born again Christians are their biggest targets because they are saved by the blood of the Lamb of God and know the truth and have authority over them. They are the only ones that can do damage to Satans Kingdom.

Im also certain if mess with the occult you probably them because you have opened up doors to them.

What do they look like? They are of the blackest black and darker than the darkest dark. They are like 3 dimensional shadow figures. I have seen them peaking around my door way which I initially thought was strange but it makes sense that they do things in secret and in the dark lest they expose themselves. They also have the most evil emanating from them that no words can describe the evilness. They are pure hate and darkness.

I noticed that singing worship music to my King and Lord Jesus Christ really repels them. They really hate it when praise goes to God.

Now the prideful person laughs that Satan and his minions actually exist. Guess what? Satan and his minions are laughing back right at you. To them that person is just another blind soul that will end up in hell.

But as much as Satan hates your guts Jesus Christ loves you more. Go to Him if you want everlasting life and life more abundantly.

CryToTheAlmighty #fundie imdb.com

Sleep paralysis is demonic. Yes, I've read the supposed scientific explanation for it but it is completely ridiculous. Two People sleeping together have had sleep paralysis simultaneously, how do you explain that?

I personally had numerous experiences with it. I have absolutely no doubt it is demonic. Some of my experiences were so crazy that I was totally 'mind blown' even though I mentally know our battle is not with flesh and blood but with demonic principalities and powers. That's why when I know an attack is coming on me I pray in Jesus' name - the King of Kings and Lord of Lords - it stops. Am I surprised? No. Because all authority and power belongs to Jesus and the demons tremble at Him.

I would get into details about my experience but it is not like anyone would believe me unless he/she is true Bible believing Christian who is under the blood of Jesus. Most people on this board are too blinded by scientism and naturalism to accept the source is demonic.

blackberrypie #fundie imdb.com

[in response to the assertion that gay people are human and deserve equal rights]

Listen up and listen good, pissant,

A huge heresy has infiltrated western culture over the last 50 years. In this heresy the cardinal human virtue is that everyone must be nice. These rules say that you have to agree with everything everyone says. You can't disagree with anything.

We're so far gone that we're at the point now that if someone were to say 2+2 = 7 people in western culture like yourself think that they're expected to rub their chin and say...

Ok, let me see if I can relate to where you're coming from there. Let me see if I can figure out where we can find common ground on this.

NO. 2+2= 4, not 7.

I don't enter into a dialogue with objective lies because it serves no purpose. I don't dialogue with the devil. I don't compromise with lies and with evil. I speak the truth and I speak it clearly without apology.

If someone wants to say that I'm rude and abrasive for pointing this out I wear it as a badge of honor. I'm going to speak the truth and you're going to hear it and if you decide to go and embrace a lie the problem will be yours alone.

It is NOT beautiful or normal for two men to be banging and fondling each other. Homosexuality is disordered behavior and as such is not worthy of respect.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Every Christian since the dawn of time has always known that God has a Penis. I tried to clarify that fact for ignorant atheists who mis-stated the fact, and falsely claimed that I said God was biological, which is something that I never said.

You and your cabal of atheist pals - most of whom are thieves and stalkers - may laugh it up because you are immature, but that's the truth and that's what the Bible says. If you were mature than you would not find it hilarious every time someone says "Penis," and you would not mock God's Word. But as a Bible denialist who serves mammon rather than God, that is of course not what you do.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

That's correct. No studying is necessary to know evolution is wrong.

One needs only to ask one question:

Post the evidence for evolution.

darwinists cannot do this, because there is none.

darwinists will say that there is evidence for evolution, but that's a lie.

Any 'evidence' a darwinist ever brings up, or ever can bring up, is always loaded with presuppositions and assumptions that evolution is true. Ergo, that is faith, not evidence.

No evidence for the claim that evolution is true = no reason to believe that evolution is true.

No studying is required to reach that conclusion. Indeed, anyone with common sense, and especially anyone with education in critical thinking, must inevitably reach that conclusion.

The only ones who wouldn't reach that conclusion are those who either have no common sense, and/or those who do not know how to think critically and/or those who know how to think critically but choose not to regarding darwinism.

ThrowItUp #fundie imdb.com

[1. Humans are apes.
2. How are you quantifying intelligence? Chimpanzees for example are tool users, engage in cooperation and sharing, are capable of deception, have analytical problem solving skills, are creative, and can learn symbols.]

1. No they are not. Humans are in God's image.

2. But chimps smell their own poo. 'Nuff said.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

There is no such thing as 'fundamentalist,' except for darwinist/atheists fundamentalists who rabidly stalk, steal from, slander, attack, and try to silence anyone who speaks out against their worldview.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Actually, darwinists like miller are the ones who lied at the trial, such as by saying that 'evolution can be proven wrong.' darwinists will never accept evolution as wrong because when irrefutable evidence that proves it wrong, like soft tissue in t-rex, comes out, they just tell more lies about it to say pretend evolution is true.

darwinists have also lied at other court trials and to the public for decades. The whole history of evolutionism is based on nothing but lies by darwinists, and those lies presented as 'facts.' I.e. Piltdown Man fraud/hoax was propagated by darwinists for over 40 years!!! And darwinists lied in court such as at the Scopes trial to use that fraud to 'prove' that evolution is true.

And that's just one of many of darwinists frauds/lies/hoaxes. Here's a bunch of others: ida darwinus, lucy, nebraska man, java man, neanderthal man, cromagnon man, peking man, nutcracker man, archaeopteryx, tiktaalik, 'vestigal' organs, 'junk' dna, soft tissue in t-rex, haeckel's fraudulent drawings etc. etc

They lied again at dover also by saying that similiarity in a genome means that apes transformed into men.

darwinists got nothing but lies.

darwinists are the kings of liars.

ThrowItUp #fundie imdb.com

Most scientists never even taken a class on evolution. And there are many more scientists who have actually taken time to investigate the validity of the theory have discovered it is bunk.
The truth is most scientists don't want the creation explanation because of the implications so they force feed the evolution fairy tale to people despite the evidence that goes against. For examples, more and more scientists have come out to say that Darwin's Tree of Life is false; random mutations (coupled with natural selection) decreases genomic information instead of increases; the fossil record shows special creation rather than evolution etc.

Evolution is the biggest lie people have fallen for. If I didn't know better I would think Satan is behind the lie to cast doubt on special creation. "No, no you who is more complex than all the machines and computers in the world combined evolved from a single cell which accidently formed billions of years ago." The world falls for it hook, line, and sinker. Satan didn't have to have the Bible burned or only in the hands of few evil men as in the era when the evil Catholic Church had control, he will just have people doubt it by propagating a bogus theory. Hardly anyone would know it's bogus because people are too lazy to research all the facts themselves.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Can you blame them? They are always called "retards," "idiots," "morons," "fundies" and all kinds of other horrible names. They often get slandered, stalked, and have their property stolen and changed by crazy atheist psychopaths, including many right here who use IMDB as a platform to do those things.

xtians are perfect saints in comparison to the infinitely more abusive atheists that they have to put up with.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

How about:

atheist beliefs in darwinism.
atheist beliefs in murdering babies.
atheist beliefs in murdering the severely handicapped by slow starvation and dehydration (i.e. Terri Schiavo).
atheists beliefs in stalking and theft (most atheists who are on IMDB do these things)
atheist beliefs in hating, silencing and personally attacking anyone who opposes their viewpoints.
atheist beliefs in space aliens.
atheist beliefs that george carlin is funny and brilliant.
atheist beliefs that bill maher is brilliant.
atheist beliefs that penn and teller are brilliant.
atheist beliefs in supporting almost every immoral cause that exists.

Almost every atheist, if not every atheist, believes in those things.

It's like the poster said, atheists share tons of common beliefs, many of which are extreme, especially the pro-murder beliefs that atheists have.

Navaros #fundie imdb.com

Everyone has a religion and a god. Yours religion is atheism and your god is nature, albeit a false version of nature, one based on the fabrications darwinists make about nature which give it powers that it does not have in reality.

ThrowItUp #fundie imdb.com

Satan's desire is to conform the world by deceiving as many as he can without detection. He has produced an abundant number of servants in Hollywood who are participating in his grand scheme of things without most people discerning it, who, like the false prophet in the book of Revelation, look like a lamb yet speak as a dragon. Many who grew up with Bonanza, Little House on the Prairie and Highway to Heaven will be shocked to learn that the main character associated with all of these shows was a spiritist who received his "moral" scripts from the sprit world. One, two or all three of his television programs can be viewed every single day. Millions and millions of people from two generations have seen his shows and have been affected by his vision. Before analyzing the facts let us start with the Biblical premise outlined in God's Word for detecting Satan's servants:

"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve." –2 Corinthians 11:13-16

Remember, Satan himself is an actor who portrays different personas with the utmost skill in order to mislead many. One of his tricks, according to the above verse, entails presenting a skewed righteousness. Satan will support "religion" and "morality" if it will keep people from discovering the only true saving grace found through Jesus Christ. All the morality in the world will not save a sinner who has not been pardoned from his sin.

This is precisely what Landon portrayed to his audiences and the people ate it up. What he was feeding them however was candy laced with messages from the demonic realm whose tentacles we have seen spread throughout the Hollywood industry. Those who knew Landon claimed he had supernatural abilities that are common to occultists, and that these powers allowed him influence over others.

drystyx #fundie imdb.com

Except that's incorrect. I don't know if you're lying, or just ignorant of the facts, but Paganism forces its way into Science class more than anything.

We have planets named Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc.
We have no planets named "Noah".

We have elements named Neptunium, Promethium, etc.

We have no elements named "Moses".

Hatred of Theism fills the Universities, though. They force their hatred upon theism in no subtle way, actually banging you on the head with a hammer, in trying to make anti theism look like strength and victory. We know this because of team names.

Unless you live in a fantasy world where we have the Duke Blue Angels, the DePaul Blue Christians, the Arizona State Sun Angels, the Mississippi Valley State Angels, and the Wake Forest Screaming Jesus Men.

But I live in the real world.

ThrowItUp #fundie imdb.com

People have been harassed by "Aliens" but they immediately went away when they called on the name of Jesus Christ (if you didn't know, Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords which only through Jesus you can be saved and has all authority in heaven and Earth). It's also interesting that people who have been communicated with these "aliens" are getting a bunch of Satanic New Age drivel not much unlike what the New Age gurus that you see on Oprah teach.

UFOs and Aliens are really demons. If it talks like a duck, walks like a duck... it's a duck.

I believe Aliens will be used to explain the rapture of believers of Jesus Christ. New Agers will say that they have been transported to another galaxy or something. Satan has been planning this for a long time.

I also believe a false alien invasion will be used to fool the world to attack Jerusalem: "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." (Rev. 16:13, 14)

The frogs John saw could very well be the iconic gray alien. John wrote the Book of Revelation 2000 years, he didn't know any other way to describe them.

Beware-OfTheHippieDrill #fundie imdb.com

[[Title: Marriage is not a 'right']]

It's a ceremony of the church. Why do so many gays want a Christian ceremony anyway? Ever think of that? I'll tell you why, it's because what they really want is to shove their gayness down people's throats and be drama queens by claiming it's a civil rights issue.

bdollars21-1 #fundie imdb.com

[You might say well of course I still have to be a good lad, follow the Commandments and all that, but then what was the point of the sacrifice?]

Actually, you DON'T *have* to do ANY of those things. That's the Good News. You are NOT "good". Castlewood is NOT "good". *I* am NOT "good". NO ONE is "good" ("there is none righteous, no, not even one"). That's why people NEED a righteousness other than their own hopelessly fallible self-righteousness. Only Jesus' righteousness (imputed onto believers) allows sinful people into heaven.

Their actions are, to a large degree, irrelevant. Actions cannot earn a person heaven (Isaiah 64.6, among others) and they cannot take AWAY from salvation. A person is either saved or not. Salvation is a "forever" thing, not a contract that requires constant renewal. Once a person is saved they can do, frankly, whatever the **** they please. Will a deliberate life of sinful choices (constant sexual gratification, alcohol binges, gluttony, greed, etc) have consequences in this life? Absolutely! Will such actions take away from a person's rewards in the afterlife? Probably! But God chastises his children. No believer goes to hell. Even if they're murderers. Like Moses, David and Saul.

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