We are living in very wicked times, perilous times (2nd Timothy 3:1-7), in which Marxist organizations like the American Defamation league (ADL) are doing everything in their power to destroy Bible Christianity and corrupt our nation's youth. Their stated mission is to I just read a sad article about a grandmother in Sacramento, California asking who murdered her grandbaby in a gang-related drive-by shooting. Folks, what more can we expect from our youth, who have been indoctrinated with the blatant lies of evolution in ungodly public schools, while being deprived the truth about God their Creator? We have brought this upon ourselves, by allowing wicked groups like the ADL to ban Christmas, Easter, the Bible, Jesus Christ and anything that even remotely teaches children's about their wonderful Creator. Literally, we have destroyed ourselves in the name of “rights”:
The ADL has done more to destroy our nation that people can imagine. Don't you dare complain when another Golden State Killer comes along, breaking into your house, tying you up, raping your family, and then leaves in the darkness of the night with your riches. Without the Lord Jesus Christ the family falls apart! We have raised up a generation of monsters, who have no faith in God, and the ADL is much to blame! The ungodly secular media won't tell you that, they'll just make a living off all the horrifying crimes committed by ungodly sinners. Can we honestly expect morality from a Godless people? You're a fool if you think so.
The Holy Bible is a child's moral compass in life. Psalms 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:9, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.” The Good Book teaches young people to love God and their neighbour, honor their parents, obey the government, work hard and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. The demonic ADL blocks, bans and forbids all of that! Consequently, we have a society of Godless criminals today!