
David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

Years ago I had attempted to move from Guam to Hilo, Hawaii. It was very important that I find a doctor in Hilo who could and would prescribe my needed pain medications. I found and called a chiropractor in Hilo to inquire. The receptionist on the phone assured me that the doctor could prescribe my needed drugs, and that he was licensed as a chiropractor to administer pain medications. I was so delighted. Well, she lied to me! When I arrived in Hilo, the chiropractor not only said that he couldn't prescribe drugs, but didn't even know where to send me!

I kindly explained to the woman, and a female co-worker in the office, what pain and grief she had caused me. I explained that I forgave her because I am a Christian, but she should be careful in the future about giving out false information. It hurt more than I can express in words, when she and her co-worker laughed behind my back as I walked away, making a joke. I wanted to turn back and yell at them. I thought about going back during the night and slamming a big brick through their clinic window. But I realized that I would likely end up in jail, and it would just add insult to my injury.

So, I gave that crime (and it was a crime in God's eyes) committed by those two females to God for judgment. If the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, then according to Matthew 12:36 those women are in big trouble with God. They have no idea the wasted money, time, grief and suffering that she caused me, by giving wrong information. And then she laughs at me, like it's all a big joke! I pray for God to avenge me thoroughly! Matthew 18:6, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” I long for the day to see that cruel woman again in eternity, and God judges her for not caring, for her attitude of indifference, for taking my calamity that she caused as if it were a laughing matter! Oh how the tears will flow! Oh how the wicked will shudder in horror, as their sins (even their hurtful words) are held against them in God's court.

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie #conspiracy #kinkshaming stewart1611.blogspot.com

Over 90% of American women have little to no morals. They take off 95% of their clothes at the beach, or wherever there is water, causing ungodly men and lesbian women to lust. Ninety-nine percent of American men will commit fornication or adultery if given the chance. The Luciferian elite lurking behind the scenes to corrupt America's families have sexualized the United States. Read the prolific words of former retired Canadian Navy commander, William Guy Carr (1895-1959):

“Lust is sexual desire outside the Natural Law of God. Therefore Christ Himself seems to have confirmed that Satan was lustful and is father of the Synagogue of Satan as those who are Satanists teach and believe. Satanists have always used sex-bribery and the depravities and perversions of sex to obtain control of men and women they wished to use to further the secret plans of their diabolical conspiracy. Satanism makes a God of sex. They worship the human body because of its sexual abilities. When men and women prove they are unyielding to all other forms of devilish temptation, they often fall as the result of becoming involved in illicit relationships and perversions. Did not David commit abominable sexual crimes, including incest?” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Satan: Prince Of This World, by Commander William Guy Carr, p. 22

I highly recommend that you read William Guy Carr's numerous books. Satanists teach that Satan had sex with Eve in the Garden of Eden (which claim I totally disagree with). Satanist's entire belief system is rooted in human debasing with sex-perversion. Thus, Satanism and sex are inseparable. With this disturbing truth in mind from Commander Carr, it will become obvious to you just how evil and dangerous the sensual, promiscuous and sexualizing music videos of Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Carrie Underwood and thousands of other Satanic servants are! We are now living in Sodom and Gomorrha on earth in America!!! We truly have become The Great Satan.

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

When I attended the Harvest Baptist Church of Guam in 2013-2014, I fell in love with their nurse, Kris. She liked me too, which I know as sure as I am saved. When their pastors drove me out of their church, I missed Kris a lot. I thought about her every day for years to come. On February 21, 2017 I saw her in public, at Asan Beach Park in her hammock, and finally told her how I felt. She was still single. So I wrote her a long love letter and expressed my intent to properly court her at church, which would hopefully lead to marriage. Her pastors (Marty Herron and Joe Hanson) cruelly refused to allow me to return to attend church, even admitting that they didn't want me dating Kris. I wish those ungodly hypocrites could lose their wives and be alone, sharing my inexplicable pain. Shame on them for playing God with people's lives. Harvest Baptist Church is a devil's house.

So Kris sent me a mean letter, cruelly calling me a “father image” (she's no spring chicken) and told me never to contact her again. I abided by what she wrote, but it hurt more than I can put in words. I felt like committing suicide. I still love Kris in 2021, and would have married her at any point if she simply had contacted me, saying that she changed her mind. She moved away and that's that. You cannot tell a guy never to contact you again, and expect to find a husband. She will never find a guy like me, that I know. She might find some religious guy that goes through the motions, but she'll never find a man that loves her more than I do. She has a wrong attitude. She is a nurse trained at Bob Jones University, having pursued a career over marriage. God says she is turned aside after Satan (1st Timothy 5:14-15).

Women today have wrong attitudes toward men and marriage. I may never find a wife in America, because of all the wrong attitudes that are prevalent in society today, and that definitely includes the churches. They're all still part of our decaying American culture.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

Our wicked nation mocks God. Whereas God requires the death penalty (Leviticus 22:14), in the state of Maryland there is a fine for $10 for adultery. It makes me angry. It is wickedness that Americans are so tolerant of wickedness (legalized abortion, legalized homosexual marriages, sodomites adopting children, smut everywhere we turn, corporate theft, et cetera). As a God-fearing Christian I find myself sometimes praying imprecatory prayers (prayers for God to punish the wicked). David prayed for God to knock someone's teeth out! Psalms 58:6, “Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD.” I sometimes long to see God's hand of severe judgment fall upon America for our wickedness! This is normal for a righteous person to feel.

However, Jesus didn't come into the world to condemn the world (John 3:17), but to save it (Luke 19:10). I admit that a part of me wants to see the fiery one hour anhelation of the United States, which I believe is prophesied in Revelation chapter 18. We sure deserve it! America spits on the holy God of the Bible. Since 1973 Americans have murdered 60,000,000 human lives by abortion. It is wickedness! So says the Word of God (Exodus 20:13). Albeit, Jesus told His disciples not to pray for fire and brimstone to come down upon the wicked…

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

Lord willing, I want to find a wife. There's a young woman at Harvest I want to marry, but she won't know if she wants to marry me unless she gets to know me, and that means I need to attend her church. But because I am a Fundamentalist, and they are Neo-evangelicals, I am being punished for it. Sometimes I hate doing the right thing, but it is the right thing! Galatians 6:9, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Sometimes we just have to trust the Lord, and wait, which is frustrating. God is good.

David J. Stewart #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

If you are a Christian the whole world is waiting for you to fall. Could you imagine if a Baptist church were to sponsor something as despicable and raunchy as the popular TV show “Dance Moms”? Abby Lee Miller belongs in prison! If a church were to do the same thing, people in the local community would be outraged! Can anyone really wonder why there is an epidemic of pedophiles in society today, when ungodly filth like “Dance Moms” is aired on television? Nothing has destroyed America like TV!

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #racist #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

We are seeing children (youth) rule over our society with anarchy. Was reading the inspired Holy Bible at school each day to children so bad?


Of the six judges who removed and banned the Word of God (since 1962) from children's lives at school each day, four of those judges were Freemasons! At the innermost core of the cult, Freemasons worship Lucifer, and are responsible for the subversion of our nation. Yes, ladies and gentleman, Satanists are in control. Satanists are in control. If that seems nutty to you, just flip over any U.S. one dollar bill and see all the Masonic occult symbols.

According to SourceWatch, a front group is “an organization that purports to represent one agenda while in reality it serves some other party or interest whose sponsorship is hidden or rarely mentioned.” In other words, a front group claims to represent a group of people while actually serving another group. Black Lives Matter is such a group. It claims to represent black people and their struggle against racial injustice, but in reality, it is a Communist front group.


The Protocols of the Zionist Men of Wisdom also declare the abolition of the family in favor of mob mentality. Protocol 10:5 states, “…we will shatter the goy family and its educational importance. We will not allow the formation of individual minds, because the mob, under our guidance, will prevent them from distinguishing themselves or even expressing themselves. The mob has become accustomed to listen only to us who pay it for obedience and attention…” This fits with the statement that Black Lives Matter disrupts the family structure in favor of establishing a global collectivist family!

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut stewart1611.blogspot.com

I read where the honorable Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney said she has been banned from Facebook, put into what she called: “Facebook jail.” That is not freedom of speech. My website ministry has lost 75% of my web visitors over the past 5 years, censored by Google. Carlson Tucker has thankfully exposed this fascist form of censorship on social media. We saw how the media vehemently bullied, demonized and went after Pastors' Steven Anderson, Grayson Fritts and others who came out uncompromisingly against the LGBTQ community. For simply preaching what the Bible plainly teaches regarding homosexuality, these preachers have been permanently banned from social media, banned from some restaurants and even forced out of their lifelong careers. Pastor Fritts was forced to resign as a decorated police officer in Knoxville, Tennessee. Freedom of speech in America? Are you kidding me, no way!!! We do NOT have the freedom today to speak our mind anymore.

My lovethetruth.com ministry website has been banned from Facebook, with no reason given. I have written to Facebook three times, asking them what the problem is, but they have not replied. Anybody can accuse you of hate speech, and you will be banned on social media. That is fascism, not liberty. A truly “free” society is only one in which it is safe to be unpopular. This is the Devil folks. When a creep like Howard Stern can openly speak the most vile, perverse and disgusting things on social media with impunity, but Bible preachers cannot speak THE TRUTH about sin, you know the United States is in her last days.

David J. Stewart #fundie #dunning-kruger #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

To educate a child without acknowledging God as the Creator of all things, is to produce another educated fool in society. ...

Dear reader, God invented math. God invented music. It is not a coincidence that there are seven notes in a diatonic music scale. There are seven colors in a rainbow. There are seven days in a week. The mathematician Alex Bellos asked 44,000 people to name their favorite number and over 4,000 of them named the number 7, far more than any other number. Indeed, ask people to name a number from one to ten and many will name the number seven—as many magicians know. Seven is God's number, and therefore also my favorite number.

If I were to teach a class on math, I would base the entire course on the Holy Bible. The Bible is filled with math, from the dimensions of Noah's ark to the number of the coming Beast, 666. I would absolutely refuse to ever teach any class in which I was prohibited to include God in the curriculum. You simply couldn't pay me enough money to teach children in a public school, and I mean that with all my heart. It will be a cold day in Hell before I ever allow anyone to hinder me from including my blessed Creator in whatever subject I was teaching, I don't care if it was auto repair or computer science. To educate a youth without God is to create a ticking time-bomb in their adult life...

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Being a single mother is very difficult. Single Moms have so many pressing responsibilities to take care of. It is NOT a glamorous lifestyle! They have to carve out some time for themselves. By choosing to be single, not only have women left their child without a father in the home, but now they leave the child alone while they go out on dates and having a social life. Children are the ultimate losers from divorce and having children out of wedlock!!! Fornication is epidemic in America. According to the preceding 2008 ABC News article, 33% of single Moms had children out of wedlock. As of 2018 that percentage is up to 40% of women having children out of wedlock. This is a 28% increase since 1990. America's hook-up culture is destroying our society. No wonder crime is skyrocketing!

Sadly, do you know where you can find the most single Moms at any given time... DATING APPS! It is tragic. Online dating is a disastrous modern phenomena. Over ten million American females are desperately searching for a man to step up to plate to be a father to her irresponsibility and whoring around. Older men can marry down with age and income, but women cannot. This means as a women grows older, the chances of her finding Mr. Right quickly disappears. Men do not face time limits on finding a wife, but women do because their beauty exponentially fades with age, and the child bearing years virtually end past age 40. I am 54 years old and single. I could easily marry a beautiful 20-30 year old woman in the Philippines any time I want. I could be 70 years old! An older woman could never have a young handsome guy as a husband. Women marry up; Men marry down. That is a fact!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

The happiest marriages are preceded by a proper courtship period. Waiting is what makes getting married so awesome and fulfilling. When couples have physical intimacy outside of marriage, the sacredness of the marriage bed is gone, cheapened, innocence is forever gone, and the special meaning of intimacy will never be the same. Satan knows this and wants to kill, steal and destroy your happiness. I cannot think of anything more sad, than a woman marrying the man of her dreams, having only a defiled body to offer him, handled by unholy hands by some bum who used her as a dog peeing on a fire-hydrant. That cannot happen to you if you get legally married first.

Since situations lead to temptation, a couple ought never be alone together until they get married. We need a revival of the importance of little things in America. The ungodly world scoffs at the idea of abstinence from drinking booze at all, but the fact is you cannot take two drinks of you don't take the first. The heathen world scoffs at the idea that women ought not wear pants. But there wouldn't be so many broken marriages and abortions if women clothed themselves properly. The way a woman dresses has a profound impact upon her behavior (1st Timothy 2:9). When I see a woman in a long modest dress, my first impression is that she is a Christian who loves God and righteousness. A woman in pants tells me that morality doesn't mean much to her, and that she doesn't care or understand how the man's mind works. You have no idea ladies of what goes through a man's mind when he sees a woman's buttocks and thighs. If you did, you'd either be scared or it would thrill your perverse soul.

David J. Stewart #wingnut #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

Since about 1980, inflation has continue to skyrocket upward, while livable wages have hardly increased at all. The central banks cause income inequality, forcing many of the middleclass into homelessness. California's homelessness problem is very bad! And now President Joe Biden wants to turn the United States into a giant California! God help us! We wouldn't need socialism if we'd get rid of the Federal Reserve! But as long as a private group of thieving criminals control our nation's currency, Americans will financially suffer! If it weren't for the fraud of the central banks, Americans would have enough money to purchase health care insurance. How can citizens pay their bills if they don't have a job? Your job is in Mexico, Singapore, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan and dozens of other countries.

President Donald Trump was a brilliant businessman. He understood the things I just said. For over 30 years China has been ripping off America! Mr. Trump put an end to that, but Joe Biden has already vowed in 2021 to undo the good that President Trump did. This is an insane way to run a government! Can you imagine if a large company switched CEO's every 4 to 8 years, who took the company all different directions? The company would falter and not prosper, just like our U.S. government is a failing entity. But I have never trusted Mr. Trump either, because he doesn't address the fraud in our banking system. No nation can prosper in a rigged system based on greed and fraud. Thomas Jefferson rightly warned:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

I have been refuting HBC since 2014 for saying these evil things, earnestly contending for the Christian faith (Jude 1:3). Bless God, I SHOULD say these things about Harvest Baptist Church of Guam, and by God's grace I will continue to say them until their wicked pastors and congregation repent and get right with God. Harvest Baptist Church of Guam have abandoned their love for Christ in pursuit of the love of money (1st Timothy 6:10). They are serving mammon and not God (Luke 16:13). Revelation 2:4, “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.”

I believe God led me to Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in 2013, to preach against them for their apostasy, but they are stiffnecked and proud. Revelation 2:21, “And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.” The Bob Jones University crowd for decades now have fornicated in spiritual whoredom with the heathen Neo-evangelical world. The Harvest Baptist Academy school on Guam, Bible college and Harvest ministries, are bad news! If you want to be spiritually corrupted, then you'll get what you deserve for eating at the Devil's table. Lordship Salvation is of the Devil. Harvest's pastors and staff OUGHT NOT be saying such things! They ought not be promoting Bob Jones University—because they promote Devil's Bibles, allow immodest clothing for female students, preach the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation (i.e., Calvinism), and just don't care! Right doctrine matters!
They just don't care, neither about the purity of God's Word, nor the accuracy of the Gospel, nor about hurting people like me who pleaded three times in 2017 (and since) for their love, kindness and spiritual help. Sadly, it appears that the pastors of Harvest need a whole lot more spiritual help than I do. My office is open 24 hours a day fellas, just knock on my door. I'll do my best to help you get right with God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

When I attended the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam for the year of 2018, Pastor Sean Quinlan shamefully berated me for my zeal to expose the rotten Bob Jones crowd. I was speaking with Bill, a man at the church, and my friend, about what is wrong with the modern Bible revisions. While I was edifying my brother in Christ, I mentioned that “Bob Jones University sells corruptible seed (Devil's bibles).” Pastor Quinlan was eavesdropping on our conversation and became upset when he heard that. I found out from talking to Quinlan that he bids Godspeed to the Calvinist Bob Jones camp!

I was disgusted with him as a church leader. Pastor Quinlan literally called the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam: “our sister church!” I rebuked him upon the authority of God's Word, informing him that Harvest Baptist Church preaches the Devil's false gospel of Calvinism! Quinlan shameful replied: “It's none of our business what they do at Harvest!” I fully knew then that I was talking to a total damned fool. Any pastor who sinfully bids Godspeed to Calvinists ought not be trusted to preach behind any pulpit.

David J. Stewart #fundie #dunning-kruger #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Parents who enroll their youth into a state university are feeding their children to the WOLVES! The level of temptation is beyond comprehension in today's ungodly public and state universities. And for that matter, Bible colleges have sadly become a big scam as well...

I was utterly disgusted by what I saw when I attended Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College. Pastor Jeff Redlin is a little man, with a small heart, selfish and abusive toward suffering people. When I told him I was sleeping in Walmart's parking lot, he coldly walked away. When I told him I was divorced and hoping to find a wife, he shamefully mistreat me, scolding me as a 54 year old man for hoping to find a wife at church. What a rotten person!
Parents, if you love your child, do not enroll them into the Devil's college! Save your money. I am not an expert on college advice, but I am a Bible preacher. I would rather be as ignorant as a box of hair, and as uneducated as former war-criminal President George W. Bush, than to be an educated intellectual eating at the Devil's table in a state college.
Also, I am 100% against young women going into the military. Many commit the sin of fornication, adultery, get pregnant and some raped in the Armed Forces. Search the internet if you doubt what I say. However, once they have done so, I always support our troops (unless they go murder innocent people like they did in the Iraqi War). This is why I strongly discourage young people from enrolling in the military. You may be required to go murder innocent people, or face court-martial. You WILL be subjected to the foulest filthy language, perverse jokes and ungodly behavior imaginable. You WILL be screamed and yelled at by your drill instructor, who will use vulgarity beyond your imagination. I'm just giving you a heads-up. Is that what is best for a young Christian man? I think not.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

The year “1984” is the titled of a popular science-fiction book authored by George Orwell (1903-1950). The book portrays a futuristic police state, in which even thinking as an individual has been criminalized by an oppressive government. In many ways, the book became a foreshadow of the increasing government oppression in America today. Our founding fathers could not have envisioned a woeful time when same-sex marriage, transgendered restrooms and homosexual adoptions would be legalized. Woe unto America!
Know this friend, unarmed citizens effectively have no rights in America! Remember that! Likewise, if you cannot afford to pay tens-of-thousands-of-dollars to hire an attorney, effectively you have no rights in the United States! If Child Protection Services (CPS) targets your family and accuses poor parents of neglect, you are not entitled to a free attorney (as provided for in your Bill of Rights). The thug government gets around the 6th Amendment by charging parents with neglect, which is not legally considered a crime.

The state fully knows that hardly any parents can afford to hire an attorney (which are all very expensive), so by charging the parents with an administrative offense instead of a crime, they can easily confiscate your children and put them up for adoption, drugging and then raping them (even in government custody). There's a special place in Hell for CPS thugs, judges, lawyers and everyone involved who ruin families! You have seen the definition of “evil” until you've met an administrative CPS judge! What scum and filth!
America's second U.S. President, John Adams, wisely stated that the U.S. Constitution was only intended for a society restrained by morality and religious beliefs
The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are being torn apart between liberals and conservatives in U.S. courts. The immoral mess in America today is our own creation. If men will not be ruled by God, then they will be governed by tyrants. This whole transgendered bathroom nightmare today is about satanic mind control. The Luciferians behind the subversion of the United States want to condition everyone to accept their enslavement.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Please ladies, you cannot expect to find a man who wants to be second, third or fourth place in your life to a career, children, family, a former boyfriend or husband or anything else. I see profiles of women who say their children will always come first. Good luck finding a husband! Women expect a man to pay all the bills and support the family (and he should), but then they want him to come in third or fourth place in her life. That is a wrong mindset! I've even read widow's profiles where they say they want a husband, but no man will ever compare to their former husband. Good luck finding a guy!

God created a woman to be her husband's “help meet,” not to be a mother, pursue a career, guide a home, or anything else. Genesis 2:18, “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Her husband is her purpose in life. If you don't like that, don't look for a Christian man to marry, because you won't be happy. And you definitely won't be happy with the immoral playboy you'll find that has no Christian values. If you want a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy, then go to Tinder.

Women want the best of both worlds, but they cannot have it! You cannot maintain your independence, put your children first over your husband, only offer free time to build a meaningful relationship that leads to marriage, and sanely expect to meet someone. Men want to be first. Men want a good deal, not a raw deal. Women these days offer so little, but demand so much. That is why of the dozens of women I have contacted, no one wants me. Perhaps they are doing me a favor. Most women don't even bother to write back. Being on Guam doesn't help. I really need to move, but am overwhelmed with the whole thing.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

I miss the 1970's, when there were no microwaves, no cellphones, no credit cards, no cameras all over public places, no internet tracking of everywhere you go, there was no public internet until the 1990's came! The 1970's was a simple time still in the United States. Where I lived in Chicago, people used string to section off their front garden. Move ahead 30 years later and everybody has tall chainlink fences around their lawns, with warning signs that threaten they'll call police.

Adults are no longer permitted to enter or sit in public playground without a child with them, and if you do people will wonder if you're a pedophile, call the police, and you will be arrested and fined. This is what our nation has succumbed and descended to. Homosexuals have come out of the closet and are quickly preparing the stage for the coming Man of Sin, the Antichrist.

David J. Stewart #fundie #wingnut #homophobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

I have been frustrated since President Joe Biden came to power in the White House. President Trump kept his promise to erect a 2,000 milelong Mexican border wall to keep out illegal immigrants. It's about time! But now President Biden is effectively undoing the good Mr. Trump accomplished, allowing 25,000 immigrants into the country this week alone. Joe Biden wants to make all the illegals legal.
By allowing poor and unskilled immigrants to continue flooding into the country, parasiting off American taxpayers who have to pay the bills, President Biden is fulfilling John Lennon's dream of a country without borders, because without borders a nation ceases to be a country! By promoting multiple Bible versions, churches and Bible colleges are helping to build the New World Order, denying that we have one absolute infallible Holy Bible today in English. By preaching various plans of salvation, people everywhere are confused in the churches.
This is where John Lennon's foolish ideas actually lead, to a breakdown of law and order. The 2020 riots were a reality check, showing the moral condition of our country today. Democrats and wacky liberals pulled down historical statues across the country, even destroying a statue of Christopher Columbus. You may not like our nation's often ugly history, but it is still our history. We cannot change the past. By tearing down historical monuments in an attempt to erase our past, it only dooms us to repeat the past instead of learning from it. There is much wisdom in what I just said.
The reason why America is in such a mess today is because people are no longer following the Word of God. When men disregard the Holy Bible, there is no longer an absolute moral standard; consequently, man becomes his own God. The U.S. Supreme Court flaunted itself above God in 1973, when they legalized abortion. The Supreme Court has a nasty history of overruling God! We saw this in June of 2015 when same-sex civil unions were legalized in America. Where will this evil departure from moral law and God's divine order take our nation?

David J. Stewart #fundie #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

Now if the very words of God must be pure, and if in fact the King James Bible contains the preserved words of God, then any other words are not the words of God. This means that the Revised Version is not precious seed because it is not incorruptible. This means that the Good News for Modern Man is not precious seed, because it is not incorruptible. This means that the Living Bible is not precious seed because it is not incorruptible. This means that the Reader's Digest Bible is not precious seed, because it is not incorruptible. This means that the New King James Bible is not precious seed because it is not incorruptible. This means that the New Scofield Bible is not precious seed, because it is not incorruptible. This means that the New International Version (NIV) is not precious seed, and it is not incorruptible. This means that the American Standard Version is not precious seed because it is not incorruptible. If the versions do not agree, then all of them cannot be the very words of God that have been preserved for us.
Can a person then be born again from it? You answer that question. According to I Peter 1:23 we read, "Being born again, not of corruptible seed...." Then, if corruptible seed is used, one cannot be born again. I have a conviction as deep as my soul that every English-speaking person who has ever been born again was born of incorruptible seed; that is, the King James Bible. Does that mean that if someone goes soul winning and takes a false Bible that the person who receives Christ is not saved? I believe with all of my soul that the incorruptible seed must have been used somewhere in that person's life. If all a person has ever read is the Revised Standard Version, he cannot be born again, because corruptible seed is used, and I Peter 1:23 is very plain to tell us that a person cannot be born again of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible seed, and it explains that that incorruptible seed is the Word of God, and it explains that it liveth and abideth forever.
The perfect Word of God must be used if a person grows in grace.

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

When Mr. Trump was U.S. President, he rightly banned transgendered people from serving in the military, because it undermines the moral integrity of our soldiers. The first thing Joe Biden did as U.S. President was overturn that law, allowing transgendered people to serve in the armed forces. It was in December of 2011 that U.S. President Barack Obama decriminalized our soldiers having sex with animals. Isn't that sick? Soldiers can mount an animal now. God will not bless this wickedness!!! Anyway, that is a different blog for another day. Our nation is going down faster each year morally, forgetting the holy God of the Holy Bible. Oh how we need citywide revivals in our nation once again, as it was a century ago.

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

The following Bible verses are very sad, explaining what happened to Achan and his entire family because of his sin. Joshua 7:25-26, “And Joshua said, Why hast thou troubled us? the LORD shall trouble thee this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, after they had stoned them with stones. And they raised over him a great heap of stones unto this day. So the LORD turned from the fierceness of his anger. Wherefore the name of that place was called, The valley of Achor, unto this day.” Times sure have changed in 4,000 years. I just learned today that anybody caught shoplifting less than $50 is not taken to jail anymore in California, they are just fined $250. Consequently, shoplifting has increased statewide. Literally, people just pick up items and walk out the door.

The Lord commanded Achan and his entire family, even all his livestock, to be stoned to death and burned. That sure seems cruel doesn't it? That is only because in America we don't hate sin like God does. Most of us as Americans have grown up watching thousands of murders, robberies, rape, thefts, taking the Lord's name in vain, dishonoring parents, adulteries, substance abuse and assaults on television. Consequently, we have become desensitized to the awfulness of sin and evil. All crime is sin, but not all crimes are evil. Evil is premeditated sin. If a man snaps in an argument and kills another man, it was a crime of passion, a sin, but not evil, because he didn't plan to do it. That is why in many cases, men who murder someone in a fit of road rage receive lighter sentences. But the 67 year old man who went into a Minnesota medical clinic yesterday, shooting 5 people and murdering 1 so far, planned to do it. What he did was evil. When a woman has an abortion, it is evil. She scheduled it.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

Deuteronomy 5:11, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” Hollywood has much blood on their hands. Movie directors' Ridley Scott, Jim Cameron and Steven Spielberg are the biggest perpetrators of the slander: “God damn!” These blasphemous words are heard in all of the Jurassic Park series. These sinful words are heard in all of the Alien series. Deuteronomy 5:11, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”

Hollywood makes light of sin! Actors get paid money to lay on top of each other, kiss and do what only legally married people should do in the privacy of their bedroom. They are blaspheming the Word of God in more ways than just cursing in his holy name. And now sodomy and lesbianism saturates Hollywood and Walt Disney's films. God's judgment won't sleep forever. A day of reckoning is coming! Hollywood actors all know that to “make it big” in the movie business, the clothes much come off, and actors are expected to debase themselves. In the 1997 ungodly movie Starship Troopers, the actors were required to strip down butt naked to be filmed for the movie. Director Paul Verhoeven also stripped down to his birthday suit (the suit you were wearing when you came out of your mother's womb).
I cringe every time that I hear someone take my dear Savior's name in vain. I admittedly like watching the Jurassic Park movie series. I also like the Star Trek movie series by atheist Gene Roddenberry. William Shatner (aka, Captain Kirk from Iowa, also an atheist) repeatedly curses in the Lord's name in the movie. I hold my ears when that part of the movie comes, because I don't want to hear ungodly people cursing my precious God's name. I literally place my hands over my ears sometimes, because I don't want to hear it.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Hebrews 13:8 proclaims that Jesus Christ is THE SAME yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Lord never changes. Our American culture has drastically been transformed in just 50 years. In 1962 homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states, but as of June 2015 same-sex marriages is permitted in all 50 states by federal law. Likewise, since 1972 federal law has permitted abortion in all 50 states. In the 1950's most Americans were skinny, at their proper weight, but today in the 21st century 42% of Americans are obese. Women are covered in tattoos today, but in the 1970's tattoos on women were unheard of. There were no women combat soldiers in the U.S. back then. Feminism has ruined American homes!

But despite all these DRASTIC changes for the worst in our country, God and His inspired infallible Words have not changed. Wicked men keep changing the truth of God into a lie (Romans 1:25), but that doesn't change THE TRUTH! Men can change the Bible all they want, but the infallible unchanging King James Bible still stands! The churches have changed, and they're becoming deader and more unrecognizable every year. The power of the Holy Spirit is absent in 99% of churches today. Instead you'll find a place of entertainment. You'll find psychology instead of theology in the pulpit. You'll find unity by compromise instead of division over truth. The average pastor and church are far more concerned about avoiding a church split, than they are about pleasing God by contending for the faith (Jude 1:3).

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

I attended the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for one year, between 2013 and 2014. The Bible says that a godly man who abides in the Scriptures hates every false way. Psalms 119:104, “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.” After attending Harvest for several months, God gave me a burden to help Harvest's pastors see THE TRUTH. What saith the Scripture? Proverbs 12:17, “He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.” I bought several books with my own money and gave them to the pastors. They resented my help! I gave the pastors Michael P. Bowens helpful book titled: “I Never Knew You.”
I also gave the pastors Dr. Al Lacy's helpful boom titled, “NIV: The Antichrist's Bible.” They didn't like that one either. I gave them Pastor Max Younce's helpful book titled, “Martin Luther: Master Of Deceit.” I was a fighting Fundamentalist in a cesspool of Bob Jones University's Neo-evangelical graduates. BJU's graduates were trained by academics at the college, not by church builders, so they have no compassion! That perfectly explains why Harvest's pastors, then and now in 2020, couldn't care less about me. They might as well have hung a noose around my neck and pushed me off a cliff.
Truthfully, the only reason I even wanted to go back is because I fell in love with a young woman in their church in 2017, but she left a letter by my front door telling me never to contact her again. I lovingly gave her a really cool care bear with her name embroidered on it, placing it directly into her warm hands, but she coldly left the bear by my front door later. Only a heartless immature woman would be so cruel. The bear told me how mean she was, and that he never wanted to go back! So I cried as I gave him away to the thrift store. I hope the bear will forgive me for putting him through that...lol.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

The world is filled with bad advice! I ran across the following ungodly opinion today, from a woman named Avivah Wittenberg-Cox. She is a career woman, with a feminist mindset. Her horrible advice for women, is to stay single if they cannot find a man to pander to their career ambitions and goals. This is the Devil talking
Women ought not be in the secular or religious workplace. Women belong at home, married and bearing children, guiding the house as the Bible teaches (1st Timothy 5:14-15). Our nation is being destroyed today by career woman. Instead of being at home where God intended for them to be, they are pursuing careers, fighting in the military, advancing up the corporate ladder, childless and miserable at age 40. It is so tragic! Please read the preceding article, about how miserable career women are!!! Avivah has it all wrong, looking at things from a selfish point of view, totally bypassing God's purpose in making a woman, which is to be a HELP MEET for her man!

Avivah states: “The 20th century saw the rise of women. The 21st century will see the adaptation (or not) of men to the consequences of that rise.” Oh, we're going to see the consequences of their rise alright. Even so, it is already happening in America. Isaiah 3:12, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” To the same degree that ungodly women are forfeiting motherhood, and pursuing corporate success instead, we are seeing the destruction of the traditional family. Lesbianism is on the rise. Abortion is commonplace. Broken homes are everywhere. Drug abuse is epidemic. Fewer people are willing to get married anymore. The situation has become so bad in these crazy modern times, that fornicating women are increasingly having their eggs frozen because they cannot find a stable relationship. Hello, it is called a “MARRIAGE”!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho #dunning-kruger #wingnut stewart1611.blogspot.com

The Bible says to correct a child, spanking the child when necessary. That is not child abuse, if done properly. God put that padded area in the back for a reason, for spankings! I have watched numerous documentaries, listening to interviews of men in prison. Many of them will testify that there was no father in the home to correct them when they did wrong. A loving parent disciplines their child with love, not with selfish anger. No decent parent wants to spank their child, but God commands parents to do it, or watch their child grow up to be a fool, and perhaps even a lawless criminal. Do you think all these youth in the spring and summer of 2020, who were rioting and looting in response to George Floyd's alleged murder, destroying the property of innocent people, were raised in good Christian homes? No, they were left to themselves, growing up in one parent homes without proper discipline, running the streets, doing illegal drugs and out of control. We've raised a generation of undisciplined spoiled brats!


Famous people like Dr. Benjamin Spock and television host Oprah Winfrey, have foolishly said publicly that spanking a child damages them psychologically. Yet Oprah says: “If you don't fix the hole in the soul—the thing that is where the wounds started—you're working at the wrong thing.” I am so sick of the hypocrisy of these leftists, liberals and secularists, who speak of fixing a child's soul, but don't want the Holy Bible in public schools. Since 1963 the U.S. government has banned the inspired Holy Bible from children's lives at school, removing from children God's moral compass for man.

David J. Stewart #fundie #wingnut #transphobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

I see President Trump getting re-elected. If not, my mind will be blank in November, because I haven't even thought it thru what it will mean if Biden/Harris get elected. I know it would mean a major disaster. If you didn't like Mr. Obama in the White House, who gave us transgendered restrooms, then you don't want a Democrat. Democrats are always for big social handout programs, which means massive debt spending. Right now, the Coronavirus has cost the American people $6,000,000,000,000 in reckless debt-spending because of the virus pandemic. Our nation will never be able to pay back these outrageous loans, and the banksters know it!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

The New World Order was hidden for thousands of years from mankind, but today is being revealed. That is why we see the All Seeing Eye, The Great Pyramid, and Obelisks, being promoted around the world. Occultists call this the "Externalisation Of The Hierarchy, which I have written about.

That simply means that the Devil decided it was time to reveal his plans to the world. Occultist Alice Bailey wrote much about this. It was in the 1970's that we really started seeing occult symbols highly promoted in the media, but occult symbols go back to the beginning of human civilization. Many occult symbols were displayed in ancient Egypt.

As we see, occultists had diabolical plans for our nation from the very start. Notice that the capstone of the pyramid is detached from the base of the pyramid. I think that represents the unfinished tower of Babel. Satan's sinister plot was foiled by God, put on hold until a future date. I believe that Luciferian plot resumed in the 18th century, and has developed slowly to what it is today, a New World Order, being led by the United States of America. Eventually, the Antichrist will be the fulfillment of all these occult (meaning "hidden") symbols. Lucifer has tried to unite mankind against God since the very beginning, which we see at the tower and city of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). The picture below is 'The Great Seal,' developed in 1782 by Freemasons to represent the United States.

Look at this picture of occult signs in the media...

They are all displaying the All Seeing Eye, or the classic 666 hand sign (i.e., the okay sign), which forms three 6's. Why are they all doing this? It is because this is what they have been trained to do by Satanists who control the music, entertainment and Hollywood industry. I was shocked when I saw what they paid Taylor Swift to do. This is what Satanists are promoting to our impressionable children.

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

I love the folks at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. They won my heart and have had it since 2014, but because they are diehard Neo-evangelicals, they drove me out of their church as a Fundamentalist. That is what's at the root core of the matter, nothing else! Like the Apostle Paul, I told THE TRUTH, and they couldn't handle it. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” Since I am not an apostle, the pastors at Harvest have no respect for my preaching, but I am telling THE TRUTH. It doesn't matter who I am, the truth is what matters. I know God is on my side, because I am telling THE TRUTH. Romans 3:4, “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.”

In 2017, I literally begged to come back to Harvest, because I was in love with a woman there. I humbled myself to Pastor Marty Herron. I explained my broken and traumatic life. I explained that I am a graduate of Hyles-Anderson College, which he already knew. I offered to voluntarily do any job they had for me to do, to be a part of their ministry. I offered to clean toilets, literally. Pastor Herron threw me under the bus. He cruelly told me to, “Go elsewhere,” to find a church that agreed with my beliefs.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

I fell in love with a young woman across the street from me in 2017. I diligently tried to go back to Harvest Baptist Church where she attends, but her pastors can't get over themselves, so they refused, as they have cruelly since 2014. So much for the love of God. It's just as well, because they don't believe right at Harvest. Anyway, I bought a care bear to give the young lady, and personally gave it to her. I wrote her a long love letter. I poured out my soul to her, and pretty much told her that I wanted to properly court her and marry her. To my dismay, she coldly left the bear outside my door later that night when I returned, with a mean letter telling me never to contact her again. She was no better than her cruel pastors.

Yet, still today three years later, she waits for me every so often when I am returning home, timing herself. She hears my music (I like to feel loud music) and walks out toward me from her friend's house when I arrive. My heart leaps when I see her, and I feel happy, but yet sad later on, confused and wondering why she does that. Is she leading me on? Is she letting me know that perhaps she does have some feelings for me? Is she playing me for the fool? Is she confused herself, not wanting me, but not wanting to let go either? As you can imagine, this scenario is frustrating for a man who loves a woman. I have always loved her, and my feelings have never changed since I first saw her mowing her lawn in 2017 across the street from me. But she spurned my love in 2017, and has never told me anything otherwise. So why does she want me to see her every couple months? I am 100% sure she is deliberately doing this.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

I tremendously love Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. I love him for many reasons, but mainly because he STANDS!
God is going to ask YouTube's owners in eternity why they allowed homosexuals, abortionists, feminists and evildoers to speak all manner of filth, wickedness and blasphemy against God and His children; but they persecuted godly Bible preachers, banning their truthful sermons as hate speech. God is not going to care about the social platform and politically correct agendas of our time, He is going to judge only on the basis of what is good or evil (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). God will hold YouTube's owners accountable (Hebrews 4:13; Matthew 12:36; Matthew 25:40). I say that humbly, for we must all appear before the judgment seat of God (Romans 14:10-12). The $64,000 question is will you appear in court as a child of God (2nd Corinthians 5:10-11), or as an unsaved criminal (Revelation 20:12-15)?
Transgender celebrity Nikkie de Jager has made over $12,000,000 on YouTube. It is blood money! Yet Pastor Steven Anderson hasn't asked one penny, and he has been banned restlessly. So you can speak against Christians who fear God, the Holy Bible and God Himself, but you cannot speak against defiant sinners. What saith the Scripture? Proverb 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.” Here is the truth of this entire matter. The unjust man (the wicked person) is an abomination (he is loathed) to the righteous man, and vise versa. Pastor Anderson is a righteous man—a preacher of righteousness!

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

The Bible says in the last days, that people will despise those that are good! I exposed the Devil's corrupt modern Bible revisions. I did a good thing! Harvest despised me for being good, for being truthful, for caring enough about them to make an issue. Harvest Baptist Church on Guam doesn't care about me, or the truth, or doing the right thing; they just care about getting paid. God will be their only Judge! Romans 14:10, “But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.” I am not the one holding out in this ongoing feud, the ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam is, refusing to let me attend church services. That is wicked! I am not upset with Harvest for the past, but for what they are doing right now—ostracizing me! They are the haters, not me.

All I have humbly requested since 2017 is to quietly attend church services, to hopefully find a wife, but they despise me so much that I have been permanently banned and ostracized by the Harvest Baptist Church cult on Guam! It is spiritual Micronesia madness! 1st Peter 5:7, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” If we are to be Christlike, then we absolutely must care. We must not just care about our close friends, family and those whom we like, but also those whom we disagree, and those whom we don't like. In truth, Biblically we must care about EVERYONE! The Harvest Baptist Church on Guam couldn't care less about me or my family.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

I was looking around in my Pinterest account today, and under “Account Settings,” I was disgusted what I found. You are asked by Pinterest to specify whether you are a “male” or a “female” or “Non-binary.” That is a sinful term dear reader. God created every human being either a male or a female. Even when there are some genetic abnormalities from birth, a person is either a male or a female biologically, nothing in between. The worldly term “Non-binary” is of the Devil. We are living in very strange times in the world today, when people are confused about nearly everything, including their gender.
For anyone to claim that someone is not truly wholly a male or a female is to contradict the plain teaching of the inspired Word of God. Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” There are no cross-gendered people, only wicked people who CHOOSE to blur the lines of gender which God has created. I am sick and tired of hearing that homosexuals are “born that way.”
I will NEVER accept, recognize nor honor the term “Non-binary gender.” Over my dead body! God created everyone either a male or a female. Have you ever noticed that in EVERY homosexual relationship that one partner takes on the female role (i.e., a sissy), and the other the masculine role (i.e., a dyke). This fact evidences the truth that God created each human being as either a male or a female. It also proves that homosexuality is a perversion of nature, abnormal, and a vile and disgusting sinful habit. Homosexuality is 100% a choice, just like every other sin. We are all sinners by nature and choice. That is why we all need to be redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, or else you will go to Hell to suffer for ever, paying the price for your own sins against man, self and God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #psycho #kinkshaming stewart1611.blogspot.com

I have been searching for a wife for years now. God willing, one day I will find her. I already have someone I want, across the street from me, who visits (whom I wrote about toward the last part of 2019 in numerous website articles), but she doesn't want me. I do love her. I keep picking women who don't like me. So what's a man to do? All I can do is keep praying, trying and hoping to find a wife. I signed up for eHarmony. You wouldn't believe some of the hilarious profiles that I read! For example: I couldn't sleep tonight. It is 2:30 a.m. on Sunday. So I went to surf eHarmony's Matches for me. Here is a 38 year old woman named Iris in Chicago who writes:

I am friendly & kind hearted. I don't know why people r afraid 2 approach me. It does not bother me 2 eat pizza everyday. I am not interested in dealing w/ a man obsessed w/ "physical fitness" or "counting calories". I am all 4 improving health, but not in a hitler/commando type style. I am not into sports. I am not a "white glove clean the house daily freak". I know there is a lot 2 chew here already, but would u not want an idea of what a person is all about b 4 deciding to jump in or not?

If you saw her profile photo, you'd believe that she eats 2 pizzas every day!

I’ve actually had a few a*holes tell me that I shouldn’t be on eharmony because I am too fat! Listen… fat people, ugly people, disabled people, even villains want and need love. If voldemort can find love, so can I. I am who I am and your approval is certainly not needed. Public opinion be damned!

I've already contacted her and we're getting married next month...lol. No, I'm just kidding! Iris continues her rant, saying that she wants to find a man, who:

Someone who shares the same interests as me is an absolute must. A chubby chaser is a plus. I want a man who enjoys food and knows what he wants out of life. I am not interested in dealing with a man who has kids [or even wants kids]. Someone would really have to be outside the box [literally] in order to deal with me. My standards may be too high, but I know what I want and I am not willing to settle for less.

I truly feel sorry for this woman. Her attitude is atrocious! She wants to selfishly find a man to fit into her own interests. She wants a man who likes refrigerator-sized women. She boasts of her poor health and clearly plans to stay in poor health, and seeks a man who likes to abuse his health like she does. She doesn't have or want children. She doesn't want to “deal with a man” who has kids? High standards? Lady, your standards couldn't be any lower! She wonders why people are afraid to approach her. Really?

David J. Stewart #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

I was sad to hear that Edward Lodewijk van Halen (1955-2020) died two days ago.


It is not my place nor anybody's else's to judge where Eddie went in eternity, but we do know from the Holy Scriptures that unless Eddie was born again, he most assuredly DID go straight to Hell forever. I hope secretly for his sake that Eddie became a redeemed saint. I really do! Unfortunately, I seriously doubt if Eddie Van Halen went to Heaven. Where is Jesus in his testimony? Believing in God and giving Him the credit for your life and talent is not enough, as Eddie now knows. James 2:19, “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.” Eddie's older brother, Alex is an ordained minister in his Catholic faith, who performed Eddie's wedding in 2009. A hard rock Catholic drummer, an ordained minister? Go figure! Only in America! That is not the new birth, it is phony religion!

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

In 2013 I began attending the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. The next year would end up being one of the happiest years of my life. I finally had a church family! I loved them dearly, and I believed that they loved me. Toward the end of 2014 I made a mistake though, I TOLD THE TRUTH! Proverbs 12:17, “He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.” I did the right thing! I had listened to Lordship Salvation for the previous year being preached from the church pulpit. I heard visiting missionary Phil Hunt from Africa preach Lordship Salvation. I heard the senior pastor, Marty Herron, preach Lordship Salvation from the pulpit on Sunday morning. I heard Jason on school staff teach Lordship Salvation, saying that faith alone is not enough to be saved. I heard Lordship Salvation being taught all around me in the church. My heart broke and I want to help the people of Harvest Baptist Church, which I so dearly loved. I wasn't Jonah running from Nineveh, I was Onesimus trying to be helpful. I took my own money and bought dozens of copies of various books, which I freely gave away. I burned sermons to CD and passed them out to those I met at church. For this good thing I was driven out of the church and ostracized by their neo-evangelical pastors!

I also had seen for the year of 2014 that the church is a circus of umpteen Bible versions. This Bible, that Bible, doesn't matter! Step right up ladies and gentleman, pick the Bible that fits you best right here! All together now! There is one verse in the Holy Bible that, to me, epitomizes Christian fundamentalism today.

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

PURGE - The first thing Josiah did as king was purged the land if its idols and witchcraft. I remember in 2004 when I bought a home on Guam (which I later lost when my former wife abandoned and divorced me in 2006), that I destroyed the massive Roman Catholic shrine to Mary in the front lawn. Statues of Mary are sinful idols! I took a sledgehammer to that shrine, but couldn't do more than break a few chip off of it. It was hardened concrete! So I hired a local contractor and paid them $1,000 to remove that 7 foot high, 8 foot wide idol from my front yard. Two workers quit the job! It was hard work. The third guy used a jackhammer, destroying that shrine to Mary, and I was so happy to be the one to get rid of it! There won't be any idols on my property. Even though I lost the home, I am so glad that I did exactly what Josiah would have done, tear down the idols!!! Josiah purged the land of all the paganism. 2nd Chronicles 34:33a says Josiah took away all the abominations, “And Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel...”

David J. Stewart #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

We are living in very wicked times, perilous times (2nd Timothy 3:1-7), in which Marxist organizations like the American Defamation league (ADL) are doing everything in their power to destroy Bible Christianity and corrupt our nation's youth. Their stated mission is to I just read a sad article about a grandmother in Sacramento, California asking who murdered her grandbaby in a gang-related drive-by shooting. Folks, what more can we expect from our youth, who have been indoctrinated with the blatant lies of evolution in ungodly public schools, while being deprived the truth about God their Creator? We have brought this upon ourselves, by allowing wicked groups like the ADL to ban Christmas, Easter, the Bible, Jesus Christ and anything that even remotely teaches children's about their wonderful Creator. Literally, we have destroyed ourselves in the name of “rights”:


The ADL has done more to destroy our nation that people can imagine. Don't you dare complain when another Golden State Killer comes along, breaking into your house, tying you up, raping your family, and then leaves in the darkness of the night with your riches. Without the Lord Jesus Christ the family falls apart! We have raised up a generation of monsters, who have no faith in God, and the ADL is much to blame! The ungodly secular media won't tell you that, they'll just make a living off all the horrifying crimes committed by ungodly sinners. Can we honestly expect morality from a Godless people? You're a fool if you think so.

The Holy Bible is a child's moral compass in life. Psalms 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:9, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.” The Good Book teaches young people to love God and their neighbour, honor their parents, obey the government, work hard and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. The demonic ADL blocks, bans and forbids all of that! Consequently, we have a society of Godless criminals today!

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

I am still a fundamentalist Bible-believing, born-again, blood-washed, sin-hating, people-loving, Christ-uplifting, free-grace-Gospel-preaching, soulwinning, Jack-Hyles-loving, Bob-Jones-University-exposing, Lordship-Salvation-hating, truth-telling, knuckle-headed, Baptist!!! And you ain't gonna change me buster! Ain't no way Jose! All these false prophets today are so sweet that sugar wouldn't melt in their mouth! We've got a bunch of cotton-candy religion today that tastes sweet at first, but then quickly dissolves into NOTHING!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

I have tried all afternoon to make a workable hyperlink in my Parler account, to no avail. If I upload a .JPG image, and type out a title for the post, and a hyperlink to one of my own website articles, the title and photo appear, but nothing links to my website! So I can only upload photos and comments, but cannot link to any of my own website articles to share! That is the main reason I signed up for Parler! When I link to Dr. Ron Paul's website, it works fine. But when I link to my own ministry websites at Jesusisprecious.org and Jesus-is-Savior.com, nothing works! What's with that?

That suggests to me that Parler is censoring people too! If you're not a rightwing big name, with an established website, you can't share a link in your post. I don't know if that is true, but that is the problem I am running into on Parler! Clearly they are biased, in my humble opinion! I am NOT impressed one little bit. I was 100% impressed with Gab.com in the first 10 minutes, but after 8 hours of Parler I have already stopped linking and promoting their website, because I HATE IT! Parler is very confusing to someone new. It took me a couple hours just to figure out what my Parler address was, because they have no helpful information for new users. If they do I sure couldn't find it!
- Facebook bans any information that contradicts the government's official COVID-19 story, which is an obvious blatant hoax!
- Facebook has banned my lovethetruth.com website without explanation. I have contacted them twice, kindly requesting what content I need to remove to have it freed up, but they just keep ignoring me. Facebook treats people like garbage!
What is wrong with Facebook?

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

Acts 4:10-12 says that salvation is NOT found in any other name, than the precious name of Jesus of Nazareth. I will never call Him "Yeshua," the angel announced to Joseph in a dream that the only begotten Son of God's name is "JESUS" (Matthew 1:21-23). If Jews are too proud to trust in the name of a humble carpenter from Nazareth, then they don't get God's grace! 1st Peter 2:7 says to those who believe, the name of Jesus is precious! That's why I made my website called: JESUS IS PRECIOUS.ORG!!! I like that name.

I have battled depression for the past 14 years, since my wife divorced me in 2006. I have lived alone, not by choice, but simply because I've not been able to find a woman to date and hopefully marry. Guam is a small island, with few activities, and it's difficult to meet people here, especially for a fundamentalist Bible-believing Christian. I tried to move away in 2013, but it turned into a big disaster, and I came back broken and worn out in body and soul. It is a big burden for me to live each day alone, getting older each year, and seeing my life feeling so empty. My website ministry is the silver lining that keeps me going. We each suffer in different ways, and this is my burden.

Plus I suffer with constant chronic neck pain, which I've had since 2004 and get disability. The disability is a blessing, God willing. One day at a time. I am now 53. If I live to see it, I'll be 70 in a skip and a heartbeat. I have so much pain in my past, and in my soul, but if God can use all that to help others in Christ, then I am glad to suffer and be of use to my great Savior. I am so unworthy. I feel like Jacob who said in Genesis 32:10, "I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands." God is always good.

David J. Stewart #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

Please consider Romans 10:2-4, “For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.” Christ Himself is the end of the law, to them that BELIEVE. Again, there is no mention of repenting of your sins to be saved. So why do most Baptist churches and Bible colleges today require people to “repent of your sins” to be saved? Clearly, they have been deceived by the Devil.

I'm sadly talking about Maranatha Baptist University in Wisconsin. I'm talking about Bob Jones University in South Carolina. I'm talking about Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary in Iowa. I'm talking about Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago and their popular 'Unshackled' radio program. I'm talking about the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. I'm talking about Ray Comfort, Marty Herron, Sam Horn, Steve Pettit, John MacArthur, John Piper, Paul Washer and thousands more demonic false prophets, who are accursed by God for perverting the grace of God (Galatians 1:6-9). These men and institutions are all pulling on the same rope as the Devil, by adding turning away from your sins to the Gospel, which is a counterfeit plan of salvation!


Pastor Curtis Hutson said: “A good rule to follow when interpreting the Bible is to never use an obscure passage to contradict a clear one.” What a helpful statement! That one truth dear friend would resolve the debate over Lordship Salvation overnight, if people would simply follow the clear teachings of God's Word, instead of fabricating strange doctrines based upon a small handful of wrestled Scripture passages, improperly interpreted. Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” You need HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #god-complex #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

I have lived on Guam since 2004. I am a humble man, with a small laptop, and a small website ministry, on a small island, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but God is doing a big work through my earnest labors! Zechariah 4:10a, “For who hath despised the day of small things?”
I may be despised by Neo-evangelicals for my uncompromising preaching against Lordship Salvation and Devil's Bibles, but I make no apologies. I may be hated by Calvinists, but God is on my side for being on the side of truth (Romans 3:4). I am going to preach THE BOOK (the inspired King James Bible), THE BLOOD (Jesus' liquid blood sprinkled on the Mercy Seat in Heaven), THE BODY (the importance of attending a local Bible-believing church) and THE BLESSED HOPE (the coming Rapture) until God's says I'm done! Pastor Lester Roloff (1914-1982) said the great need of this hour is PREACHING PREACHERS! Ain't it the truth!
The first truth is that the new temple was not anywhere near the splendor of the old temple. Zerubbabel's temple was a joke compared to Solomon's temple. To the old men it was a sight for sore eyes, and they wept profusely! They realized what they had lost! Many Christians have ruined their lives. That young lady who gave her virtue to the dogs, succumbing to the lustful advances of some ungodly male, will never be able to give the gift of her virginity to her future husband. That is very sad. She will never be a Solomon's temple again. At best, all she can offer her husband is Zerubbabel's inferior temple. And I'm telling you, young ladies, stay pure!!! Please save yourself for the man whom legally marries you.
There is a Satanic conspiracy in the world today, and there has been since the 1960's, to steal your innocence! That is why we see demonic filth like this in music videos. Look at the vulgar gesture that singer Taylor Swift is shamefully doing. She should be in prison for making this for teenagers!

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

I sometimes feel shaky and nervous, but I don't know why. Then I read in the Bible one day in Hebrews 12:29, “For our God is a consuming fire.” My God is so holy that when His presence draws near unto me, as I suffer in loneliness standing alone for Him faithfully, that His very holy presence makes me nervous! GOD IS FAITHFUL! (1st Corinthians 1:9). I know the inexplicable personal pain of rejection and loneliness, being ostracized by a local independent Baptist church (the Harvest Baptist Church of Guam), because I told THE TRUTH that God only authored ONE HOLY BOOK—not two, not a dozen, not 339, not 900—but JUST ONE!!! Is that so hard to believe dear friend?
Kindly said, Pastor Herron doesn't seek God, for if he truly did, then THE TRUTH would matter to him, but it doesn't. When I handed him a variety of truthful books, he scorned and rejected all of them. Dr. Herron is being brutish, not using sound judgment as the Bible says. Any man who rejects THE TRUTH when you place it into his hands, clearly is not seeking God!

What truthful books did I hand him? One was, “I NEVER KNEW YOU,” by Michael P. Bowen. Another book was, “NIV: THE ANTICHRIST'S BIBLE!,” by Pastor Al Lacy. Another book was, “MARTIN LUTHER: MASTER OF DECEIT,” by Pastor Max D. Younce. Another book was, “SOMEBODY'S GOT TO M ILK THE COWS,” by Pastor Jack Hyles. (The preceding link is to the MP3 upon which the book is based.) Unfortunately, Pastor Herron and his associate pastors rejected all of these books as heresy in 2014! I was driven out of Harvest Baptist Church of Guam and forbidden to return. I pleaded in 2017 three times to please let me return, because I was in love with Kris, the church nurse. They told me verbatim to: “Go elsewhere!” I long for the Judgment Seat Of Christ, when and where I will be vindicated (Romans 3:4). I told THE TRUTH. God only authored ONE BOOK. There is only ONE GOSPEL. What Dr. John MacArthur, and Bob Jones University, are preaching today is ANOTHER GOSPEL.

David J. Stewart #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam where I live is a spiritual morgue!!! The church began to die after they drove me out in 2014. When they rejected the truth of the Gospel I showed them, God's hand of blessing was removed. A church cannot reject THE TRUTH and expect to be blessed by God. I plainly showed them THE TRUTH that Lordship Salvation is of the Devil, but they wouldn't listen to wisdom. I plainly showed them that the modern Bible revisions are Devil's bibles, but they refused to listen to THE TRUTH. I freely gave them good books, written by Fundamentalist preachers, but they scorned me and the books. I plainly showed them that Martin Luther (1483-1546) taught the lie of Baptismal Regeneration all his life, but they still insisted that Mr. Luther is a born-again Christian. Why are they so stupid?

I'll tell you why, because they are scared little boys, cowards, who are afraid to go against their peers in the clergy, lest they be ostracized and put outside the gate with Jesus (like I have been ostracized and rejected by the ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam since 2014). My blood is on their theologically incompetent hands. Where dwelleth the love of God? The Bob Jones' crowd know nothing of God's love. They are a bunch of yuppie types, who only love their own, operating the local church like a social club (us four and no more).

Jesus warned us about these evil types of religious phonies, who make their own rules. Neo-evangelicals have dozens of different Bible revisions, calling people like me and Pastor Jack Hyles “a cult,” because we still believe in the infallibility and inspiration of a perfect King James Bible! Amen and amen!

David J. Stewart #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

Since 2014 they [Harvest Baptist Church] have painfully ostracized me. I have always kindly waved at them with a smile, but in return I get dirty looks, cold stares and unfriendly smirks. David in the Old Testament experienced this same hurtful type of heathendom. Psalms 109:4-5, “For my love they are my adversaries: but I give myself unto prayer. And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love.”

My regular website and blog readers know that I have been writing articles about my painful ongoing ordeal with Harvest Baptist Church (aka, the Bob Jones University crowd) since they kicked me out in 2014. I am in a unique situation, being isolated on Guam, and that I am an independent Baptist. Where else can I go? They are my spiritual family. They are my professed brothers and sisters in Christ. Yet, they continue to ostracize me, showing disdain toward me, which is painful, especially at Christmas time and on holidays. Sadly, I mean nothing to them.

God knows that my only offense against them is that I loved them enough to tell THE TRUTH to help them! Harvest invited Evangelist Tom Farrell to speak at their church, who said from the pulpit: “A friend helps a friend to see!” I was being a true friend. But when I helped them see, they showed me the door! Pastor Marty Herron cruelly drove me out, and shunned me. I was so lonely and in love with the church's nurse, who worked at their school. So I literally begged to return, promising to keep quiet about my beliefs. I humbly apologized for any trouble I had caused, and pleaded with Pastor Herron to allow me to return. I kindly asked for his spiritual guidance with my life, explaining that I have been stuck in a ditch in life for several years. That ungodly selfish man verbatim told me to “go elsewhere.” I had nowhere to go. My blood is on Pastor Herron's hands, and his associate pastors, who were also involved.
I am not obsessed with Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, I am a hurting man who has no church family. Nearly all of my neighbours either attend Harvest or work on staff, but they ignore me. That is not okay with God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

In late 2013, I crawled into the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. I thought I had found a wife there, the nurse Kris. I hadn't been so happy in several years, but my joy turned to pain in late 2014 when ungodly Pastor Marty Herron and HBC threw me under the bus, because I told THE TRUTH about the Devil's Bible revisions and the lie of Lordship Salvation. Like heathens, they cruelly abandoned me, and I went into a lasting depression with no church family, while they laughed in my face at Harvest and couldn't have cared less.

I fell in love with another woman at Harvest, Abby, in 2017, and I pray for her every day. And I still pray FOR HER...lol. I love Abby. But their pastors despise me since I am from the Hyles-Anderson College camp. I heard multiple Harvest staff members criticize Pastor Jack Hyles and First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. That includes former Pastor Marty Herron, who described Pastor's School when he attended as a harsh place. Neo-evangelicals think standing for the truth is being harsh, so they sell out in sinful compromise, not standing for anything that matters. Harvest criticized me too! They are not worthy to shine Dr. Hyles' shoes!
I'll snap out of my discouragement when I find a wife. I'm not holding my breath. Ungodly associate Harvest pastor, Jared Baldwin, even mocked me, asking me how my beliefs were working out for my social life. God will hold Jared accountable for his injurious, ungodly and hateful words against me. I stood for THE TRUTH, which they rejected again and again in their arrogance and sinful pride!
Lord willing, when this COVID-19 pandemic situation hopefully eases up in a few months, I will make another attempt to leave Guam for the United States. I am praying and researching which city I would like to move to. Alaska here I come! I have actually thought about Alaska, believe it or not. I wish Abby would marry me, and then we can move anywhere she wants to live, or stay on Guam and I'll buy her a house. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma looks nice too.
To God be the glory. I am just a VOICE!

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

Still today in 2020, Harvest Baptist Church on Guam couldn't care less about me as a human being, and all my neighbors ostracize me continually. All I ever humbly requested (three times in 2017) is to please let me attend church services, so I can have a church family. The Bob Jones University crowd hate me, just as they hated blacks up until 1971 at BJU (forbidding them from enrolling), and hated a female student who said she had been raped at BJU (whom they expelled to silence her). Now the BJU crowd hate me, trying to silence me by kicking me out of church, for standing faithful for the infallible and inspired King James Bible, and exposing Dr. John MacArthur as a false teacher regarding the plan of salvation.

BJU is corrupt, not me. Harvest Baptist Church is corrupt, not me. Dr. Marty Herron is corrupt, not me. Dr. Steve Pettit is corrupt, not me. Pastor Gary Walton is corrupt, not me. They all make me depressed, since I have no church family and no opportunity to find a Christian wife. Who wouldn't be down and discouraged? That is not something I can just snap out of! Perhaps my website readers wonder why I write about this so much. It is simply because I am lonely without a companion. I need a wife. To find a wife I need to be in fellowship with other Christians. And to fellowship with other believers I need a church family.
Since Harvest Baptist Church is just a convenient three minute drive from my place, and is the biggest independent Baptist Church on Guam, and dozens of my neighbours either work or attend Harvest—it frustrates the hell out of me that they continue to ostracize, shun and reject me. It may be their legal right, but they have no Biblical right! Any reasonable person could understand! I have every intention to keep writing, preaching, and raising a ruckus, until they do the right thing and embrace their hurting brother. Romans 14:10, “But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.” A hurting dog barks!

David J. Stewart #sexist #crackpot #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

God didn't create you [women] to become a soldier in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia. I am so sick of hearing about the epidemic of fornication in the military. Women don't belong with men in the military. The U.S. military courts can pass all the laws they want to, in an effort to discourage sexual harassment of women soldiers, but immorality and attacks will always exist as long as females train, bunk and serve alongside male soldiers. It is ridiculous! Call me old-fashioned, but I'm also 100% right!

It has become popular in these difficult economic times, for Bible colleges to offer nursing programs for young Christian women. The fraudulent central banking system in the United States, has destroyed our economy, eroding the value of the dollar by 82% since 1971 (when President Nixon took our nation completely off the gold standard). The reckless printing of tens of trillions of dollars out of nothing (money that no on ever earned), and then lending that money to Americans in the form of debt owed, has driven inflation sky-high, forcing the middle-class into poverty.

Consequently, many parents nowadays want their daughters protected financially, and a nursing career gives them that self-sufficient protection. As a father of three daughters myself, I completely understand. However, God didn't create you ladies to become a nurse. God made you to become a HELPMEET for a man. What saith the Scripture? 1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.” Kindly said, if you are a Bob Jones University female nursing graduate, and you are already in your 30's and not married, and at least trying to bear children, you are turned aside after Satan! I didn't say that, God did in the Scripture passage we just read!!!