
Brian Matthews #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

Brian Matthews:
The Gospel of Jesus Christ isn't superstition. It's mankind's only hope, so you'd better accept that, or you're doomed.
Not all discrimination is wrong. Liberals use the D word as a bludgeon against truth, and morality. You use words like discrimination, bigot, racist, homophobe, etc. to SILENCE opposition to your wickedness.
As I said, the law isn't always right and good. Just ask a holocaust survivor.
And, yes, they have done something to make themselves that way. They chose their feelings over objective truth. They've deliberately rejected reality, and instead of changing themselves to conform to reality, they want to change reality to conform to them. They say they can't change, but they want the rest of us to do so. Well, I can't change either. I was born again by the Holy Spirit, and like my first birth, it wasn't something I did, nor is it something I can undo.
Not every thought, desire, impulse, or inclination is good and right. A kleptomaniac has to do something about his problem. He can't just say, "well that's just how I am". He can't just accept it.
We are all fallen, and broken. We are all born sinners. God provided a remedy for that, though.
Repent, and believe the Gospel.

I'm not talking about the Gospel of anybody, I'm talking about your ugly words.
I use words like "discrimination", "bigot", "racist", "homophobe" etc. to show people a mirror of how ugly their words sound to normal people.
It's true the law isn't always right. But in this case it is. And people would oppose it loudly if it weren't.
Your words tell me you understand nothing about BOTH homosexuality and empathy. There is no objective truth for one thing, it's all subjective, and no homosexual "chooses" feelings over any such thing. Did YOU choose your feelings towards your significant other? Of course you didn't, so why would it be different for a homosexual? And they aren't rejecting reality. Their reality isn't YOUR reality, that's all. If you're hopelessly locked into a religion that hates homosexuals, that's a choice you have made and you're going to be taken to task for it.
Your decision to compare a kleptopmaniac to a homosexual is for what reason? A kleptomaniac has a problem. A homosexual does not.
Homosexuals might have sins like everyone else, but their attraction to the same gender which they didn't choose and have no control over is not one of them.

Brian Matthews:
Are you really serious? Is this really how your mind works? You're not just pulling my leg?
You don't see anything wrong with what you posted? No logical problems at all?
This has got to be some kind of a joke that I'm not getting.

I can't tell if you're really incredulous over this simple statement of facts which should be surprising to nobody, or if you're feigning it to give off a sense of false outrage. Anyway, no. Read the American Psychological Association's page entitled "Answers to Your Questions for a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality" if you're genuinely interested.

Brian Matthews:
Oh, you are serious.
No, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I don't want to believe people are this stupid.
And why would I read a bunch of lies, and propaganda?

Oh, you're an anti-science asshole. Well, you should have just said so from the beginning.
As a wise man once said, "The nice thing about science is it's true whether you believe it or not." But by all means, stick to your poisonous hateful theology and continue to marginalize all the people you hate using your holy book to justify it. Because YOU KNOW that is all you are doing.

Susan Jane Elohim #fundie disqus.com

We are talking about raising a child, and the care and selflessness that goes along with doing such a thing. Qualities that are not absent merely because a parent is homosexual.

Susan Jane Elohim:
Go read “Are You a Carnal Christian?” on billygraham dot org.
Carnality is the great problem of human nature and Jesus came to forgive our sins and help us out of it.
Unfortunately, people like their literal i.e. carnal views of the Bible more than mastering God’s more spiritual views. There are a lot of baby Christians around who can talk the talk but don’t walk the walk and they like to hang out online.
But their example doesn’t invalidate the example of people who can walk the walk. Find those people to learn from then God might actually turn you into a lover.
Going from being a hater into being a lover IS true spiritual change and only God and Christ through the Holy Spirit can make that happen yet the atheists run around today saying miracles never happen.
But all you have to do is locate a few people who know God changed them from haters into lovers to know that miracles still happen.
So do your due diligence and seek.
Seeking is > arguing and you can tell that by their fruits i.e. results.

Did you have anything to say on the subject of homosexuals adopting, or was this just a drive-by proselytizing?

Susan Jane Elohim:
I am explaining. The natural or carnal man is given to thinking literally. It doesn’t matter if he’s an unbeliever or a less mature Christian in the making.

Both start out carnal and literal minded because the natural man comes first then the spiritual man later if you have Jesus. That’s God explanation.

Don’t bother responding. I don’t feel like arguing. If you haven’t seen how literalminded and zealous an atheist can be then you haven’t spent as much time observing them as I have. To my way of thinking they spend a good bit of their time over reacting to literal fundamentalism which makes them just as zealous as some Christian fundamentalists are.

Why are you going out of your way to come over to a Christian site and engage people that you disapprove of if that isn’t zeal?

Think about it.

I’m sorry, the subject here is gay adoption. I see nothing whatsoever in your walls of text that address that subject, and I can’t even tell if you support or oppose it.

Reconciled2018 #fundie disqus.com

Most people understand about denying the fact that a woman and a man were designed to come together to use their complementing reproductive parts to form a biological family that society will die out without it.

Most people understand same-gender couples denying kids 100% by design the right to be raised by their biological parents.

Most people understand same-gender couples denying kids 100% of the time by design the right to be raised by a mother and a father.

Why is it we never see anti-Christian activists that claim to care for LGBT never speak out about islam that kïll those into homosexuality every day in the 13 countries they run? Could it be because you're islamists pretending to be for LGBT to attack Christianity?

Most people understands people trying to perform unnatural acts with their bodies with others of the same gender that leads to a disproportionately high percentage of death by disease, yet they want to normalize such behavior bringing that disease and death to others?

Most people understands many people who used to be into homosexuality have personally turned away from it, proving it's not genetic, but instead brought about by confusion, indoctrination, mental-instability and/or abuse. Their testimonies are all over the place and growing.

Most people understand that In the end it's God we'll answer to, and we have only to ask ourselves how we think that will go for refusing to stop sinning (be it lying, adultery, fornication, twisting marriage He designed and more) and refusing His offer to forgive and forget in the person of Christ Jesus.

Please re-read the gospels and forget what anyone or any church has claimed it says.

Conservative Protestant #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

Conservative Protestant:
Sticking a body part up where someone defecates from is just such a sick act. Anyone who can do that has a mental disorder and needs help. These people need help, they really do, something is wrong with them and most of the time they get harassed and persecuted instead of helped, it's all so sad.

Lucas Cranach:
So why are you talking about sodomy when the subject is homosexuality? How often do you think lesbians engage in sodomy?
This is your whole problem, you're looking only at a single sexual act between people of the same sex and ignoring the entire relationship which is no different than that of a straight couple. Would you focus on the sex life of a straight couple the way you are with a gay couple?

Conservative Protestant:
Well those are some ridiculous questions. So what do you suggest, only women can morally be homosexual? 42% of homosexuals are male, so that means 42% are sodomites, that's a huge percentage, but NOT the point.
“you’re looking only at a single sexual act between people of the same sex and ignoring the entire relationship which is no different than that of a straight couple”
The relationship without the sex is just friendship, and I have that with many other men. If you add sex to it, then the relationship is blasphemy. I can’t believe I even need to say that, it’s just so simple.
You have NO idea what I’m looking at, even though I’ve made it clear, I’m looking at what the Bible says.
You are an evil person (you admitted you are against God, see below), so you can’t understand ethics, morals, because without God what standard is there? The only morals there are come from God, otherwise it’s just everyone for themselves. You have your morals, I have mine, someone else has theirs, who’s to say which set of morals are the right ones? Only the Bible give a true set of moral guidelines.
Lucas Cranach -> Doug Bristow 3 days ago
“We don’t know if God is real”
Matthew 12:30 He who is not with Me is against Me
You said you don’t know if God exists, so you’re not for him, making you against him. Without God, you really have no clue of reality and this discussion will never go anywhere.

Lucas Cranach:
“The relationship without the sex is just friendship, and I have that
with many other men. If you add sex to it, then the relationship is
blasphemy. I can’t believe I even need to say that, it’s just so simple.”

And I can’t believe such an outrageous statement pours out of you and you aren’t completely appalled by your own lack of empathy. Do you not understand what the word “homosexual” means? Homo means same, sexual means sexual attraction. To call an entire group of human beings blasphemers because they can only fall in love with people of the same sex is beyond disgusting. And you want to talk about ethics and morals? Really?
My advice to you is to abandon your religion. It obviously hasn’t done you any favors.

Oboehner #fundie disqus.com

Ok then, so you have nothing [proving evolution], got it. Perhaps then you should as they say put up or shut up.

Lucas Cranach:
I didn't say nothing. I said [Dewey decimal number] 591.38. Did you go look it up, or did you play Mr. Ostrich again?

If you can't argue your own points, all you're doing is proving my blind faith point. Appeal to authority arguments don't cut it either, having me doing your leg work to waste my time with more assumption and speculation doesn't help your case either.

Lucas Cranach:
I don’t need to argue them. Evolution is a science. Been to your library yet? That Dewey decimal number I gave you is still valid. We don’t need to appeal since we have proof.

Amos Moses #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

(Commenting on story “Church Vandalized After Pastor Opposed Drag Queen Story Hour”)

Lucas Cranach:
I don't support drag queen story hour but it isn't pedosexuality.

Amos Moses:
by default ... yes it is ...... it is the sexualization of children and it is grooming them to be sexualized .......

Lucas Cranach:
The guy reading is the one in drag, not the kid. You have it backwards.

Amos Moses:
nope ... the guy in drag should not be near children .... you have it backwards .... and the fact he is there at all ...... it is the sexualization of children and it is grooming them to be sexualized ....... and the photographic evidence of that is available ...... and a number of them have been found to be child molesters in the past .... so i am exactly spot on

Lucas Cranach:
I agreed with you it's inappropriate he's there.
I disagree with you that it's child sexualization. Because it's not and the child isn't being endangered, just being exposed to something they're too young to understand.
What do you think "sexualizing" means anyway?

Amos Moses:
“I agreed with you it's inappropriate he's there.” then why is he there .... there is no reason .... unless the reason is to grooming children to be sexualized ..... and to prepare them to be sexualized ....
“What do you think "sexualizing" means anyway?” you have already defined it .... I agreed with you it's inappropriate he's there ....... his being there is inappropriate and it is of a sexual nature in front of CHILDREN .............. to include twerking and getting CHILDREN to give them money for dancing like it is a strip club .... FOR CHILDREN

Lucas Cranach:
He's there to read a story. He isn't there to teach them twerking or have sex with them. What do you mean "grooming"? You think he's going to do something to these kids sexually, like molest them? That isn't going to happen because he's not a pedophile, he's probably a homosexual but they would have no interest in children.

Amos Moses:
Drag Queen Story Hour Is A Grooming Program, Says Sex Abuse Counselor
22 AUG, 2019

they are PREPARING them to be molested ........ that is GROOMING ......

Roger Marks #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

A friend of mine has written a well researched book on homosexuality and he writes a website on cultural issues. He has said that in all the research he has done, he has found that homosexuals are the most hateful people on earth as they can't stand the truth so they will hate anyone who tells it and they claim it is hate speech whereas it is really speech they hate.

Sister Lottie Davis #fundie disqus.com

Thing is that there was a time that Christians -unlike homosexuals - did actually go around killing people that THEY disagreed with. Your petty complaint rings hollow and your comment is disingenuous.

Sister Lottie Davis:
If you are talking about the crusades that was the Catholics, not Christians, murdering people. Including true Christians who had bibles and who would not bow to the pope. Do your know Jesus Christ as your Savior? He loves you and He died to save you from your sin. Give your heart and life to Jesus and He will give you the peace you are searching for.

cadcoke5 #pratt #fundie disqus.com

"And if they're wrong, they're not wrong to the tune of 4 billion years plus." Actual tests show that these dating methods can be off by similar magnitudes.

Actually, the radiometric dating process shows a lot of inconsistencies. For example, if the entire earth were a giant diamond consisting of only Carbon 14, all of it would have decayed in the age that secularists assign to diamonds. Yet, it is there. True the C14 gives an "age" of 55,000, if we assume the current rate of C14 accumulation. Less radiation would inflate the age. So, unless we can calibrate theC14 formation rate, we can't really take these "ages" as valid. But, at the very least, it invalidates the billions of years normally assigned to diamonds.

Soft tissue has a comparable half-life type of decay rate. So, for the evolutionists, it is foolish to expect a dinosaur fossil to have soft tissue, yet it is there.

Since lava is supposed to start at 0 years, when it solidifies, we can compare known dates of lava formations, to what its radiometric dates give. But, when we do so, for lava that was known to erupt in less than 40 ago, we can get results over 3 million years, using the Potassium-argon method normally used for supposedly old samples. But, if the rock were to contain something that evolutionists expect to be from 3+ million years ago, it is assumed to be correct. There are various proposed solutions offered for the wrong dates for modern lava, but why are presumed older rocks immune from the same problems? Why should a method that tests wrong when we can verify it, be assumed to be right when we cannot verity it?

Roger Marks #homophobia disqus.com

Nobody makes the claim that people are born homosexual. Those that do probably mean that they were homosexual as long as they can remember. So that might mean it forms in early life. You aren't doing your side any favors when you misrepresent the position of your opponents.

Roger Marks:
What planet do you live on?
In 1977, just over 10% of Americans thought gayness was something you were born with, according to Gallup. That number has steadily risen over time and is currently somewhere between 42% and 50%, depending on the poll. Throughout the same period, the number of Americans who believe homosexuality is “due to someone’s upbringing/environment” fell from just under 60% to 37%.
What we do know beyond a shadow of doubt, however, is that our preferences are often hard-wired into our bodies – they are not purely psychological and, far less, a “lifestyle choice” – a deeply misguided meme for which Sigmund Freud has much to answer.
For decades, “born this way” has been the rallying cry of the mainstream gay rights movement, a simple slogan cited as the basis for both political change and cultural acceptance.
A recent article argued that sexuality is down to choice, not genetics. But the scientific evidence says otherwise, and points to a strong biological origin.
That wil do for now but I could provide you with at least 50 more articles that claim you are born homosexual.

Oboehner #fundie disqus.com

"hard to believe" I just don't have the faith in the religion of evolutionism. And therefore that something that wasn't quite a lizard has never, nor will ever be observed "evolving" into what we know as a lizard today - not in a bazillion years.

"but people like you seem to think that evolution is thought of as one type of organism giving birth to a radically different one." Nope, no radical change, no change over time, never happened - a fish was always a fish and always will be a fish.

Michael Louwe #fundie disqus.com

Story: “Australian MP Accuses Church of Handing Out ‘Hate Flyers’ in Distributing Gospel Tracts at Pride Festival”

Michael Louwe:
If outreach by Christians to LGBTQs and others is Hate Speech, then an LGBTQ Pride Festival in front of Christians and others is also Hate Speech or Hate Festival.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

UPDATE: DISQUS Channel System Removal, Safety Tips & Helpful Information

Peace to you.

Previously, I shared with you all that DISQUS is sunsetting the Channel System. I look forward to the sunsetting of channels and welcome the end of this season. I ran my race here. I finished my course. I shared Jesus Christ and truth as often as I could with everyone I could...even through intense cyberstalking, death threats, death wishes, rape fantasies, etc. I am not responsible for anyone who rejected Him (their blood is on their own heads).

I started a blog for us. I will be tagging those I trust to our new blog (with instructions). I took some suggestions from Mick (genius ideas btw) and scrubbed my Lady Checkmate account and I am no longer using that username.

(stuff deleted she has posted before)

My first tags will be to those with Private User Accounts and those who have given me their email address to be added as Trusted Users. Our serial-killer-like cyberstalker is holding his breath, anxiously stalking and hoping I post the link to our new community here, so I won't :). In fact, our community is Private, so he won't have access to it...even when he tries to follow stalk one of you with Open User Accounts to it-he's a crazed cyber-stalker that way, so don't be surprised if he's already followed one of you guys waiting for you to post there. Be safe.

Mick Williams:
I use a disposable email in case it gets hacked. It helps to stay connected in case we all want to share some new insight in the march of end times prophecy. Maybe not every day, but as the spirit wills. Another thought occurs--blogs don't have to deal with thousands of fake accounts. Once a troublemaker is locked out, he's done, unless he has enough friends to let him use their computers. In the case of solitary, lonely trolls, that isn't likely.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Lady Checkmate’s headline: “CANADA HATES CHRISTIANS: Former Canadian PM says she's 'rooting for a direct hit' of Hurricane Dorian on Mar-a-Lago”

Lady Checkmate:
Canadian alt-left demons love to wish death, rape and hurt on Bible-believing Christians who adhere to God's word. I am not surprised that their leadership is leading the hatred and Christophobia. May God's will be done.

Raymond Kidwell #racist disqus.com

[Commenting on AmRen’s review of “Race Differences in Psychopathic Personality: An Evolutionary Analysis”, a new book by Richard Lynn, the author of “The Bell Curve”]

I think psychopathy is a misnomer. Different races and ethnic groups have different instincts. In many cases its neither good nor bad, sometimes it affects group success or individual success. As an example, many online white nationalists will accuse "Jews" of being psychopaths, other people claim that psychopaths rise to the top of society and control the world. Neither one is accurate.

Ashkenazim tend to be more aggressive than your typical white European. They have chutzpah. They are more likely to aggressively fight for their self interests, both as individuals and as a group. A typical European may find this off putting or perhaps respectable, but its different. Of course individuals within a group vary- not all Jews are stereotypical of their group, and so on with other groups. By contrast I think the average European is too docile. They let themselves get used and abused. This explains the huge difference between Israel and European nations. Israel is a little too aggressive to non-Jews. Europe is far too accommodating.

Similarly you have differences in mating or social behavior. Polygamy and multiple sexual partners seems to be the norm in every black community across the world (other than maybe upper class blacks in a predominately white community). At the same time many white people who have tried "free love" in the hippy movement decided its not for them and they are more interested in having a single partner. Not every person conforms to a stereotype, but generally the instincts and inclinations of different races vary. But to call one group "psychopaths" and another "normal" its not really accurate.

It is true that there is a difference in altruism. European whites tend to be the most altruistic group which makes white communities generally more desirable to live in than others. By Altruism I mean a basic concern for other people, compassion, non-criminality etc.

When I delivered food for a living I saw the clear difference- even in a wealthy neighborhood where everyone has the same wealth and same cultural background there is a gigantic difference in tips. White people tip well. They gladly help others without asking for some immediate gain. There may be individual exceptions but you can clearly see altruistic behavior in a white community. Black people were the lowest- many of them tip very badly to the point where if there are a lot of blacks in the community the business is forced to charge the tip as part of the bill. Jews tend to tip the minimal. They don't want to leave a lousy tip and look bad in front of others, but they also don't want to be too generous- so they'll usually tip whatever is considered normal (like 10% or whatever) but never anything super generous. Indians from India are almost on the same level as blacks, but may care a little bit more of what others think of them. Asians are somewhere between Jews and whites.

All these little "instincts" add up to vastly different societies or communities- and different social institutions. One example: East Asian societies are plagued by authoritarianism. A major reason for this is Asians tend to be very docile and compliant (somewhat ironic that this leads to strong armed governments). In this case I.Q. doesn't account for the vast difference between a typical white community (which is more democratic) and a typical East Asian one (more authoritarian) nearly all the difference relates to instincts. Although you can see if the conditions are right Asians can maintain a democracy but it tends to slide towards authoritarianism if there are no whites to object, because there is not a lot of opposition to power grabbing. Jewish societies are the opposite. Ask two Jews a question and you get three opinions. It would be nearly impossible to maintain authoritarian rule over a predominately Jewish community (at least in the long term wouldn't work). I think "instincts" is a better word than sociopathy. In this case altruistic instinct would more specifically describe what we are observing.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Lady Checkmate’s headline: “Because everyone should know and see what the alt-left does to Bible-believing Christians who adhere to God's word...”
Brethren, I'd resisted in posting this here, but as DISQUS sunsets, I want to make sure you are aware that the Christophobic alt-left is ramping up their violence and hatred against Bible-believing Christians who adhere to God's Holy Word. Even here, on DISQUS, I received posts where the cyberstalker sent me a kill-list (with several of our names on it), demanded I kill myself, stated he mass-downvotes my comments because it makes him feel like he's "slapping me as hard as he can and that makes him feel so good" (in other words-it makes him feel good to hurt people-even when he's not really hurting them), he's stated that another Bible-believing Christian who adheres to God's word should be "shot in the head, execution style, point blank range, one bullet" and many more like it. Please read on for more...

(stuff deleted, much of what follows has been posted before)

In closing, as previously mentioned, I will not be posting any information on our new community here. I will tag those who requested a tag. I hope this helps you guys understand why we pre-moderated, and took other actions we felt were necessary. Death threats, death-wishes, rape-fantasies, and kill-lists are not funny. I mean, you guys know he's crazy...he regularly tagged you all to show his mental illness. In fact, he may tag you again-after this posts...be careful, if/when you visit a blog, the blog's admin can see your IP address, email address and other information...which is NOT safe. If he was caught stalking irl (doing the same thing in real life that he does on DISQUS), he'd be in an asylum, not encouraged to continue to stalk and harass. He's a very evil and deeply disturbed person. I truly do love you guys and pray God's will for your lives. If I don't meet you here, but you are a child of God...I'll see you heaven.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

(Lady Checkmate deleted her Disqus account and created a new one…no one knows why)

Mick Williams:
Morning, LC. The new account is a little confusing, but proceed as you think best. We're all solidly in your corner.

Lady Checkmate:
Good day, Mick Williams (Mick Williams). I apologize for the confusion, but as you can imagine, I'm not in a position to post my plans here (beforehand anyway) due to the mentally ill cyberstalker's stalking, harassment, death threats and kill-lists. The cyber-stalker obsessively stalks our channel like a deranged serial killer. We all know that there aren't many new users on the DISQUS channel system...it's dying-really dead already - and will be sunset in a few days. I believe God's divine plan is for the cyber-stalker to hear/read His Truth here. The fact is, the cyberstalker would be number one on our Contributor's List if hate and trolling were allowed, but alas :). I continue to pray that he seeks Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. My intent is to obey God, speak the Truth in love and allow God to provide the increase. I sincerely hope he submits to God before he bows before Him.

On another note, I do not like that you and other Christians were added to the cyberstalker's "kill-list". I mean, no sane person issues "kill-lists", but cyberstalkers are NOT sane. I wanted to let you know that I'm ok with you resigning and hopefully avoiding any further harassment. We know that as Bible-believing Christians we will be persecuted, but death-threats, rape fantasies, kill-lists, death wishes, etc., in 2019? Just because we are Bible-believing Christians who adhere to God's Word? We are living in the end time. The reprobates are insane and out for blood. I am not pushing you out...you are always welcome here, but I've already scrubbed. This user account will be discarded when the channel system sunsets. I took your advice: new icon, new username, etc., Death threats, rape fantasies, death wishes and kill-lists DO touch a nerve. I wish I knew you personally to truly convey this to you in a way that would maybe make more sense and a way in which you could see my heart in this.

Finally, I appreciate all that you have done here. I have a lot of respect for you. I am trying to protect you and the others I care about here. I recommend at some point, you also follow your advice: new username, new icon, etc. The ministry here will continue, until DISQUS sunsets channels, but the cyberstalker will not be aware of our next move. Please forgive me if I did not communicate as well as possible, but there's a lot going on. The cyberstalker wants us dead...it is not funny.

Again, because everyone should know and see what the alt-left does to Bible-believing Christians who adhere to God's word:

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com


Image says: “Yes, I am a Christian. I believe in the Bible. I do not support homosexuality or “homosexual marriage”. Yes, I still love you. Yes, we are still friends. No, I am not judging you. No, I am not condemning you to hell. No, I will not let anyone bully you. But realize that name-calling and stereotyping those of us who stand for what we believe is exactly what you don’t want done to you. We have a right to speak what we believe, same as you have a right to speak what you believe.”

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Mick Williams:
It's also what compels trolls to Christian sites, while we completely ignore theirs. Deep down, they're threatened by what they know is true.

Lady Checkmate:
Well said. I shared with another brother that the irony is off the chart. An obsessed troll, who stalks a Christian site and Bible-believing Christians, spends countless hours (for years) creating sock armies and trolling and harassing (issuing death threats, death wishes, rape fantasies and creating kill-lists) has the audacity to call the people they stalk and harass, the same people who ignore them and their site...insane. Who calls the peace-keepers who ignore the loud, lying hateful, barking trolls, insane. LOL! The irony is hilarious. How does a proven crazed, mentally ill, cyberstalking troll attempt to take a moral high ground that doesn't exist. And, anyone not calling the crazed stalker, it's socks and it's irrational and illogical claims crazy...is not quite there and only enabling someone who belongs in an asylum-which disqualifies them from being taken seriously.

Interesting tidbit: When a stalker who is banned, whose socks and bots are banned immediately, and who is not welcome on a site and knows they are not welcome on a site, still creates socks to try and force their way onto that site anyway (against the other user's wishes) to circumvent their ban (which shows a violent, arrogant and forceful tendency-they must be used to forcing themselves on people), then pretends they're surprised their socks are still being banned, surprised that nothing they attempt to post using sock accounts is taken seriously, 99.9% of the time not even read, nor allowed in a community, you realize you are dealing with a seriously mentally ill person. Someone who feels seriously entitled, is extremely damaged, probably has long-term and short-term memory issues and should never be trusted. But the funniest thing, is when they pretend you want to post on their site. Then they tag you to a site you'd almost forgotten about (and someone has to tell you you were tagged because you've banned and blocked most of the trolls-again ignoring the hate), but then when you tag the owner to let them know you don't appreciate being tagged and harassed...and the owner pretends that you responding to being tagged and harassed to a site they own, is wrong. LOL! It's like, man, someone on your site tagged us there and you know we are not community members there, so why are you begging us over there. You also know that we ignore your trolls, but your trolls are now tagging us to your hate threads. Responding to you (the tag on your site) is the right thing to do, it is letting you know we don't appreciate the harassing tags on your site. We don't allow those trolls on our site because we don't want our site to look like your site...we don't want them here. In other words, you can keep your trolls, because we don't want them. If we wanted to entertain your trolls, we would do so here, but we don't. We know what they believe and we are not interested in anything they have to say, which is why them and their socks are repeatedly banned. Your trolls reject Jesus Christ, hate Bible-believing Christians and threaten our lives, we have shaken the dust from our feet. Normal, mentally healthy people do not stalk other people because they disagree with them and do not want to talk to them or better yet, listen to or read their foolish, Christophobic, blasphemous rhetoric: Cyberstalkers, Cross-channel Attacks and Targeted Harassment

You're more concise than I am, but yeah :).

Mick Williams:
I never even bother with the spam file, but that really hit a nerve, judging by the first few words of the latest berserker tirade.

Lady Checkmate:
I usually don't read the comment's of socks, which post to the Pending or Spam File, but the death threats, death wishes, rape fantasies, kill-lists, etc., I make sure to save to report. That hateful, evil troll, seems dead-set on harassing and killing Bible-believing Christians and it is not ok. It is not just trolling. It is terroristic death threats. Anyone supporting a troll's terroristic death threats has no credibility. There are some sick and demonic people online. Who has time to create hundreds if not thousands of socks (over years) to fill up the Pending and Delete file...that is NOT normal brother. Amos Moses visited one hate thread started by the troll, and he said he was banned after five minutes, lol. They are only interested in hate and harassment...they hate Truth.

Lady Checkmate #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

“Why ex-gays are despised by LGBT movement”


(LifeSiteNews) – Elizabeth Johnston, better known as the “Activist Mommy,” came to Washington, DC to address what she calls, “one of the most marginalized and censored groups in our culture: The ex-homosexual.”

Johnson spoke to a crowd of about 80 mostly former homosexual and transexual millenials who had come to the Nation’s Capital last weekend for the first annual “Freedom March,” the brainchild of Jeffrey McCall, a young man who had once lived as a woman.

“I am pro-choice,” announced Johnson, co-opting one of the sacred mantras of the sexual revolution, and turning it on its head. “I believe people who choose to engage in homosexual sin also have the right to choose not to engage in homosexuality. And they have the choice to seek therapy for their unnatural and unwanted desires.”

“I am tolerant,” she added. “I want homosexuals to have the freedom to speak their mind and beliefs. And I believe those who believe homosexuality is a sin against God also have the right––under God and under our First Amendment––to speak our beliefs.”

Earlier during the jubilant, prayerful rally on the grounds of the Washington Monument, those gathered were treated to one powerful testimony after another by former gays, lesbians, and transexuals who had discovered transformative power in Jesus Christ. These folks spoke not of “conversion therapy” but of conversion to Christ and of finding new life in Him.

“Why does the LGBT community want to silence these beautiful stories?” asked Johnson. “Because the stories of these overcomers are the death blow to the lie that homosexuals were born that way, and they cannot change.”

Mick Williams:
So much for 'being born that way'.

Lady Checkmate #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

Lady Checkmate’s headline: “Ex-Gay Advocate: I THOUGHT GOD DIDN’T CARE WHEN I WAS REPEATEDLY MOLESTED BY ADULT HOMOSEXUAL MEN - I WAS WRONG.” (Original article title: “Ex-Gay Advocate: I Thought God Didn't Care When I Was Repeatedly Molested—I Was Wrong”)

Joe Dallas gives his personal testimony of seduction and molestation as a young boy by homosexual pedophiles, years spent in the gay lifestyle, addiction to pornography, involvement in the “gay church” and God’s rescue from certain death and disaster.


Lady Checkmate:
Thank God He was delivered. God is good! I can only imagine the damage, hurt and confusion he suffered growing up as a young boy being raped by several homosexual men. This is another example of what the alt-left refuses to admit and address, YET, they continue to sexualize children by having them strip for homosexual men and having a homosexual man dressed as a woman teach children how to twerk in a public library. Smh.

(Image says LGBTP - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Pedosexual - Equality and Acceptance and shows rainbow)

Angerfist #fundie #pratt disqus.com

"Now, that some sects of Christianity have issues with the LGBT crowd is not a surprise. But to be deliberately dishonest and suggest that they have embraced pedophiles is utterly revolting, completely despicable."

I find it odd that people who advocate for no objective morals regarding sex act the complete opposite when it comes to pedophelia. The same people who say we should not judge others based on sexual predisposition turn and judge those with sexual predispositions. The same people who say we should not impose sexual morals on others turn and impose objective sexual morals on others. The same people who say we should not be so bigoted turn and act like bigots.

What is completely missed by liberals, the moment you embraced subjective morality and embraced sexual perversions with homosexuality, you paved a wide road for pedophelia.

Its a logical conclusion, not a hate filled one.

The only way to oppose pedophilia is by asserting sexuality has a certain purpose being desire and should be guided by certain objective morals.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

As it was in the days of Sodom & Gomorrah: LGBTP(edosexuals) Demand Equality and Acceptance

Say NO to the sodomites! Please pray for the children. The alt-left is promoting pedophilia, teaching children to strip and twerk for adult homosexual men and demanding that homosexual pedophiles be accepted and made a protected class:

(Image which was created by 4Chan trolls says LGBTP with P standing for pedosexual - says “equality and acceptance”)

Mick Williams:
It isn't about 'rights', which they've had since the Bush-Clinton era. It's about forcing their perversion on the next generation. Otherwise, it would die out, and Satan can't be having that.

Bill589:Often my problem with the LGBQXYZ is that they don’t want equal rights, they want special rights, such as being able to ‘marry’ the same gender.

Lady Checkmate:
And they also want to have children strip and twerk for them in gay bars and public libraries. It’s disgusting, inappropriate and an abomination that they will answer to God for.

(Shaman wearing a peace symbol is conducting a marriage ceremony to two very androgynous people, saying: “And now, by the authority of my crystals, my stars, the states of Massachusetts, Iowa, Connecticut & hopefully Vermont and California - I pronounce you husband and husband! And what humans have joined together, let not God put asunder!”)

Mick Williams:
This is good. I can smell the troll hair burning as they fume over it.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

PERSECUTION: Demons Came Out to Taunt

Man possessed with demons is known in the Toronto community to take under age boys from church groups out late a night without parents consent. He (a homosexual pedophile) was previously caught walking around naked on the Streets of Toronto and participating in LGBT events. Man was kicked out of 14 different churches and decided to attack Pastor David on the street while David was preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. This man has been spoken to receive help many times in private by leaders of 14 different churches. Pastor David EXPOSES and addresses this man Publicly to Repent from Sin and Turn to the Lord.


Lady Checkmate (in commenting area):
Mitchell- the angry, ranting, raving cussing man is clearly a demonized demoniac, filled with hate and an evil filthy perverted lust for teenage boys. That homosexual pedophile (who often appears naked, high and drunk in public) will bow before God and be judged for his rebellion, hatred and pedophilia. Brethren, that possessed man is who Canada has deemed a "protected class". That demoniac, who feels he has a right to groom, rape and molest teenage boys (13 years old), has more rights than Christians in Canada.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

UPDATE: DISQUS Channel System Removal, Safety Tips & Helpful Information

Peace to you.

Previously, I shared with you all that DISQUS is sunsetting the Channel System. I look forward to the sunsetting of channels and welcome the end of this season. I ran my race here. I finished my course. I shared Jesus Christ and truth as often as I could with everyone I could...even through intense cyberstalking, death threats, death wishes, rape fantasies, etc. I am not responsible for anyone who rejected Him (their blood is on their own heads).

I am working on a blog for us. I will be tagging those I trust to our new blog (with instructions). I have taken some suggestions from Mick in that area. There are certain things you guys should know:

1. Be careful when visiting and posting on certain blogs and websites. Why? Because they can see your IP address, which can be used to identify you, your address, etc. If you choose to comment or post on blogs/websites, etc., be sure to use a VPN.

2. Try to avoid shady blogs and users, sealioning - those who will (intentionally) waste your time and try to raise your blood pressure, and troll-rich environments. There are a number of sites that allow the targeted harassment of Christians, conservatives and moderates, discord, strife, etc., in an effort to increase their numbers.

3. Do not feel any pressure to respond when I tag you...my feelings will not be hurt if you do not respond or accept the invitation. Again, I will only reach out to those I trust who have asked me to reach out to them. Most of all, I want you all to be safe online and offline. In my tags, I will not ask for any personal information (name, age, address, nor any other identifying information). For my personal private blog, I may need your email address to make you trusted users, but I recommend you use an email address dedicated solely to blogging that is not connected to your regular every day email address (if you would like to be whitelisted as a trusted user). PLEASE DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR EVERY DAY EMAIL ADDRESS. PLEASE.

In all honesty, I planned on moving on after the sunsetting of channels. I didn't see a need to further till a ground that we have already tilled and where we have already planted and sown. But, there are a few who have asked us to continue. For them, I have considered this option.

Finally, it has been a blessing meeting, discussing and serving with you all. I've grown in my Christian faith and walk with God. Every person here has taught me something. Remember, the ministry continues long after DISQUS sunsets channels. Some of you, I will never chat with again after 9/1/19, until we get to heaven that is :). We hasten the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I love you guys. You may see me sharing that message of love more the closer we come to the end of this journey. It's because I want you to know that you are loved before we part. God loves you and so do i (I know "I" should be capitalized, but that was a shout out to Amos :).

Let's finish these last few weeks strong.

Roger Marks #homophobia disqus.com

"There isn't a gay person alive who would back NAMBLA or anything they stand for - gay people are just as opposed to the abuse of children as everyone else."

More homosexual mumbo jumbo. I have found over the years if you want to know the truth about anything to do with homosexuality you take the opposite view to what is being turned out by the homosexual media machine.
So....no homosexual person alive would back NAMBLA. Not true.
The fact that NAMBLA exists indicates that there some homosexual do back the organisation and the fact that their claim they are born that way resonates with some homosexuals so they will back them.
The same as some homosexuals are OK with sex with animals and some are OK with eating feces.
In fact, whatever perversion you come across, their will be some homosexuals that are for it.

Roger Marks #homophobia disqus.com

"Two gay men entering a monogamous relationship..."

Sorry mate, a monogamous relationship and homosexuality is an oxymoron. Those sort of relationships constitute about .00000000001% of homosexual relationships. The rest are a constant search for sex outside of the relationship as has been well documented in books, and on TV and by homosexuals themselves.

Roger Marks #homophobia #fundie disqus.com

Straight out of the homosexual denial book.
If they can form a deep lasting relationship with someone of the same sex, why is it which homosexuals research shows that they average relationship is 2 years. I don't call that deep and lasting bearing in mind that this year I celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary.
If there is no cure why have so many homosexuals become ex homosexuals? I know the gaystapo come up with all sorts of excuses to deny this fact but it doesn't alter the fact that it is a fact.
I have actually asked about 200 homosexuals for evidence that they were born homosexual. So far their evidence is zilch. They have none which says that they were not born homosexual.
Your rejection of homosexuality being a sin changes nothing at all. All it does is make you delusional and evidently you are trying to convince yourself of something that is not true.
No one was created to be homosexual as God said he created them male and female. Not male and female and homosexual.
Homosexuality is an attempt by Satan to distort God's creation and make it what it is not. That is why homosexuals generally are very unhappy people and deep down wish they were not what they are, hence so many of them wanting help to not be homosexual.

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

Today's Laugh 8-14-19


Image shows some sort of debate. First man says, "You're infected with a noxious groupthink that wants to silence honest debate your communist agenda can't win."
Moderator says, "The professor will rebut Mr. Smith's racist comment."
Third man says, "BIGOT...HOMOPHOBE! Security--have this man thrown out."

Mick Williams:
"Snowflake U"

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

Hierarchy--a chart of who's who in this run-up to the end, to whit: the god of this world, his Illuminati puppets, their dimocrat dupes, the communist media, and the useful idiots who make it all possible. The strobe light routine of these grinning anchors is well established for their unthinking clientele: the obligatory Trump bash, the climate change innuendo, and the fluffy human interest story. Look at the cute baby seals; ignore the Epstein-Clinton pedophile scandal; there's no DOJ noose tightening around deep state traitors like Orr and Comey.

Loudly braying the anti-gun mantra of these false flag architects, Rolling Stone calls for repeal of the second amendment. Disarmament must always precede civil war. But in a poor display of coordination, ultra liberal ESPN pulled a trailer for a film about liberals shooting conservatives for sport. The comic irony has escaped the film's writers: outnumbered liberal cowards would quickly learn the error of such a stunt.

Strong delusion, as prophesied, has set in. The CEO of Gillette has no regrets about his transgender ads costing him eight billion in revenue. Antifa fascists in New York post flyers demanding concentration camp for conservatives. Third world California deepens its indoctrination of pre-schoolers into the homosexual and Islamic agendas. Clowns making balloon animals give way to drag queen story hours. Unless these innocents are spared by an event known as the Blessed Hope, they face a dismal graduation day as card-carrying dimocrats, the latest settlers in a crowded place called The Twilight Zone.

Mark Bradshaw #fundie disqus.com

God hasn’t got a moral code chapter in the Bible." ----- The Bible *IS* His moral code.

"The closest thing is the Ten Commandments." ----- No. The entirety of the Bible is His moral code.

"But God kills a lot of people in the Bible so why is this a moral code you have aligned yourself with?" ----- God has never said it is acceptable for us to murder. In fact, He explicitly said that we shall not murder.

"What about the slavery in the Bible, the torture, the misogyny?" ----- God doesn't condone any of these acts. The accou t's of the Bible simply showed that people committed those acts.

"Why on earth do you think that is better than someone who learns from living their life that killing and raping are wrong?" ----- Learn from who? Who has told you that killing and raping are wrong? Why do YOU believe these acts are wrong?

"And no, God says nothing about why homosexual relationships are wrong." ----- Sorry, but He does reveal in His word why homosexual behavior/relations are immoral - it is counter to His design and intent for us. And, He doesnt really have to say why it is wrong, only that it is wrong.

"You can argue that God says not to engage in them, but never says why." ----- Again, the reason why is revealed in His word (scripture).

"Again, that is blind obedience on your part and very unhealthy." ----- How does having a reason change the fact that it is wrong? He has provided reasons, not that He has to. They simply arent good enough for you, so you reject them. It seems as though It wouldn't really matter what reasons He gives, you'll simply reject them.

So, I'll ask you what I've asked Miranda - what is your moral authority? What says certain things, like murder, rape, slavery, theft, etc... are wrong? Upon what basis can you claim that such acts are morally wrong?

Mark Bradshaw #fundie disqus.com

“I doubt that VERY much. No one who rapes or murders ever says they were justified by their own moral code” ----- Really? You know the hearts and minds of EVERYONE? Perhaps you didn’t know that Islam allows for rape and murder. That is THEIR moral code, and according to you, those are acceptable morals since each person determines their own morals.

“The fallacy is all yours in assuming we need a common moral code.” ----- Without a common, universal, moral code, each individual determines what is moral – this is your argument. You have NO authority to say that another’s moral code (whatever that entails) is wrong. You have NO authority to assert that your moral code is right/good/moral any more than one whose moral code condones rape and murder can claim theirs is right/good/moral.

“Yes. Just like everyone else on earth. I don’t have to use your moral code, it is worthless to me.” ----- And YOUR moral code is worthless to others that don’t hold the same moral values (ones whose morals condone rape and murder). Whpo are you to assert that YOUR morals are correct and theirs is not?

“You struggle with the idea that people have moral codes as individual as they are.” ----- Not at all. I understand that people, like you, create their own moral code – and justify all kinds of evil and horrible acts. The problem is that you cannot see the fallacy in your own position. You cannot see that your position is illogical. You call other people’s morals wrong, yet cannot show why yours are right and theirs are wrong.

“If a person’s individual morals put others in harm, those people will be removed from society.” ----- Why is harm wrong? If you say “The Golden Rule”, then why is the Golden Rule morally correct?

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

As always, I stand with the Bible-Believing Christian brethren. But, honestly, I'm not surprised nor disappointed by DISQUS sunsetting the channels. As many of the brethren are aware, for years now, a certain troll has stalked me (and several other Bible-Believing Christians), threatened our lives, issued rape-threats, posted Christian kill lists, cyberstalked us, etc., and yet, most of the other "Christian" channel owners did nothing to support us during those times. So, forgive me if I'm surprised that any of the "brethren" that allowed the same cyberstalker to use their channels to further stalk, harass and threaten us do not move me to sympathy. In fact, some of those professing "Christian" channel owners joined in on the abuse and targeted harassment, lol. You can imagine my amazement at that...I still chuckle at the thought. How will they explain abusing a Bible-Believing Christian (who has never attacked them or even mentioned their names) with reprobates and God-haters to All-mighty God on Judgment Day. In fact, check this out:


Here is one of his death wish/kill-lists, unedited...he actually lists our usernames:


I thank God for people who stood with me, several of whom are agnostic and/or atheist...who woulda thought :). God is good! Those professing Christianity who abused and harassed me with reprobates should seek Jesus Christ and repent. I forgive them, but they still have to answer to God if they haven't already repented. I will not mention names because they know who they are. But, it would have been nice if you had told them, "You are very welcome to be part of this unity of Christians of DisQus. We are ALL family and we must stick together!!", when they were abusing us and yoking with reprobates against us.

In closing, please let me know how I can help Bible-believing Christians on DISQUS, but please also understand that I am ok with the sunset of channels. The ministry continues, with or without DISQUS. This season is over, but God has opened another door of opportunity to get the gospel out. Your move, boss :).

Mark Bradshaw #fundie disqus.com

“Have you actually taken the time to look up informed consent?” - Sure. It isn’t really a difficult concept to understand. However, YOU have FAILED to justify why consent is important or that not having it makes an action immoral. You’ve FAILED to provide the standard by which you assert rape and not having consent is wrong. You’ve FAILED to show that relations of minors in countries that don’t have legal age of consent laws is wrong. You cannot/have not applied your reasoning in a logical and rational manner.

“For God's sake, you're sitting here ASKING me why we need to protect 8 year old girls from rapists and predators.” - NO. I am asking you to provide moral justification for WHY rape of an 8 year old is wrong. You continue to FAIL to do that. You FAIL to provide a source of your morality that you don’t call “wrong”.

“Why do you require authority when no one is getting hurt or abused?” ---- Because you haven’t shown any moral authority that can assert that “getting hurt” or “being abused” is morally wrong. All you’ve said is that YOU are the arbiter of your morals. You FAIL to realize that illogical nature of such a position. If YOU are the arbiter of YOUR morals, and another is the arbiter of THEIR morals, why are YOUR morals any better than theirs? If there is no standard by which to judge morals, then ANY set of morals cannot be deemed wrong.

“What is YOUR answer if you keep telling me that mine is no good and comes from the wrong authority?” ----- My answer is that rape or abuse of ANYONE is morally wrong. The difference between my position and yours is that I have a moral authority that says such action is wrong – and all you have is YOU.

“You're going to tell me it's wrong for an 8-year old to be abused by a predatory adult because JESUS.” ---- God is the only moral authority standard. Jesus said to love thy neighbor and to not sin. Clearly, other societies don’t hold these same moral values. But, according to you, that’s A-OK because the individual determines his/her OWN morals.

“In fact I said the opposite. A slave does not consent. Stop lying your ass off.” ----- You asserted that LEGALITY is the determining factor – According to YOUR REASONING, slavery was okay because it was legal.

Mark Bradshaw #fundie disqus.com

(Excerpts of a conversation in progress - some content removed because context can’t be provided)

“No, because rapists and murderers are not consenting, they're abusing others. Once again, you do not understand informed consent.” ----- I do understand what informed consent it. But you still haven’t cited why informed consent makes behavior moral or not.

“No, because you do not understand the concept of consent.” ---- I do. And a child can provide consent. Your hang-up is “legal” consent. If the legal system has no definition of age required for consent, is having relations with an 8 year old moral or immoral? And why?

“You fail to understand the difference between consent and abuse.” ----- You’ve shown NO connection between the two. You’ve FAILED to show why a child cannot give consent – other than “It’s the law”. So, I ask again, since slavery was legal, is slavery moral?

“If they find nothing wrong with rape or murder, yes their morals are wrong.” ----- HOW can you make this claim that their morals are wrong?

“All right, go ahead and abuse a child.” ----- Again, HOW is it abuse if (the child) consents?

“Says the law. Age of consent laws exist for a reason.” ----- So, the law is the arbiter of what is/isn’t moral? I guess slavery was moral, right? What about countries/societies that don’t have laws regarding age of consent – are relations with children moral in those instances?

“And you have elected to believe your denomination is right and the rest are wrong.” ----- Not “the rest” – just those who reject God and His word. But the same could be said of YOU, right? You reject anyone that doesn’t believe the same way you do. How is that any different than what you accuse me of doing?

“- No, I'm asserting that you have what everyone else has - an interpretation, which means you're just as wrong as everyone else and no one can agree about things because you're all so sure you've chosen the 100% correct understanding.” ----- Upon WHAT AUTHORITY can you claim that I am wrong? How can YOU be sure that YOU’VE CHOSEN the “correct” morals? You cannot even cite an authoritative source for those morals.

“You're trying to give it the answer you want, but you can't do that.” ---- I am using how words are defined.

“People don't commit murder because they believe it's acceptable...come on. They do it out of desperation in their situation and because they no longer care and have lost the ability to reason.” ----- So, now you are a psychologist and can claim to know the motivations of every murderer?

“I love the way you think any two people on earth can just make the decision to copulate and it's going to work out peachy.” ----- When did I ever assert that any behavior will “work out peachy”? Why do you insist on asserting that I’ve said things I haven’t actually said?

“Desires you feel you have the right to tell people to squash because of your religion.” ----- FALSE. All that I’ve simply stated is that homosexual behavior is immoral. People “squash” emotions and desires all of the time.

“Not confused at all. I never said our parents got everything right.” ----- Yet you DID say that you learn your morals from your parents – that your parents are your moral authority.

“We get older and our brains develop and we learn for ourselves what good morals are.” ----- “Good” based upon WHAT? You are essentially saying that YOU are your own moral authority. If someone’s morals allow for murder or rape, is that acceptable? If not, then upon WHAT AUTHORITY can one assert something is good/bad, moral/immoral?

“that as we learn to think for ourselves that we don't need a holy book to tell us what's right and wrong.” ---- Upon WHAT BASIS can you determine something to be right or wrong, moral or immoral? You haven’t answered that simple question. You keep going on and on about “learning what is right and wrong”, yet have NEVER cited a source for what is right and wrong. If someone grows up learning that murder and rape are moral, how can you say that murder and rape aren’t moral?

“This is the last time I'm going to humor you on this subject since you don't know and have no desire to know the difference between consent and abuse.” ----- Again, you continue to FAIL to cite an authoritative source for why abuse is wrong, or where not providing legal consent is a qualifier of abuse. You have FAILED to show why, in a society where there is no law regarding age of consent, it is immoral to have relations with a child who has consented.

“We take rapists and murderers out of circulation when they engage in this behavior because it's abuse and it's illegal.” ----- But WHY are those acts immoral? Why are “abuse” and “illegal behavior” immoral? WHAT AUTHORITY asserts that these acts are immoral?

“We don't do the same with homosexuals because they decide to engage in a sexual act because it's not abuse. No one gets hurt.” ----- Whether one gets hurt or not doesn’t determine morality.

“Yes. Age of consent laws aren't absolutely perfect and no two countries draw the lines in the same places, but they do the best they can.” ----- So, if a country/society define no legal age limits on consent, having relations with a 6 year old is acceptable/moral?

“The 20 year old man goes to jail. Quite rightly.” ---- What about in countries that don’t have any limits on age of consent? Is that 20 year old man having relations with a 6 year old girl moral or immoral?

Mark Bradshaw #fundie disqus.com

(Excerpts of a conversation in progress - some content removed because context can’t be provided)

“We're not living in the time of slaves.” ---- Yet people DID and that was LAW at that time – yet you contend that laws determine morality. Is/was owning another human being moral?
“You are trying to corner me into saying that our morality comes from the Bible. Well, it doesn't.” ----- How can you claim where my morals originate? My morals are based in God’s morals – as enumerated in the Bible. You have NO AUTHORITY to tell me, or anyone else, where my morals come from.
(On the age of consent): “We have to draw the line somewhere because until a child's brain is fully developed, it cannot and should not be held responsible.” ----- So, your “line” isn’t really about consent, but is about ability. Why do you believe a child cannot consent to something? Why do you believe that there is some magical point at which consent given is acceptable?
“It's morally wrong for about a million reasons, not least of which we don't need a bunch of teen and pre-teen parents running around who aren't mature or capable of caring for babies.” ----- So, yet again, you are imposing YOUR morals on society.
“Allowing perverts to abuse young children IS a far worse thing than allowing two consenting homosexual adults to physically enjoy themselves, and if you can't see that or need a holy book to tell you why it's wrong is downright shameful.” ----- You still have yet to articulate how a child is harmed in this scenario. You just keep asserting “harm” without ever articulating how harm occurs. And, it isn’t about “enjoyment” – it is about what is/isn’t moral. I am sure people engaging in immoral behavior are enjoying themselves – why would they voluntarily engage in behavior if they didn’t find it enjoyable?
(On rape/murder being immoral): “can't see for yourself that it's one person enforcing their will over another which goes right against the Golden Rule.” ----- Upon WHAT BASIS can you claim that the Golden Rule is moral? So far, you have failed to answer this simple question.
“Now tell me why you need a Bible to tell you that's wrong.” ----- Because without an authoritative source, all you have is YOUR OWN beliefs of what is right and wrong. If that is all you believe is necessary to form morals, then how can you force YOUR morals on anyone else by asserting that the Golden Rule is moral?
“We don't NEED people like you to "rebuke" what you call "sins".” ----- Again, it is NOT about what I call sin, but IS about what God calls sin. Sorry you are so confused.
“We need you to mind your own business because we have the right to have chosen to believe differently than you do and don't require the morals you have chosen to follow.” ----- So, a person who believes it is moral to rape or murder is acceptable? Are the morals of individuals who believe it is acceptable to rape and murder acceptable in your world, since that is the morals THEY CHOSE?

Mick Williams/Lady Checkmate disqus.com

(Image shows Disqus as a sinking ship and “trolls” drowning)

Mick Williams:
Episode: On To Better Things.

Lady Checkmate:
Amen to that. As an aside, I understand the hurt and grief of the unique users who are losing their communities. On topic, the trolls are losing their minds, lol. Their years of stalking, trolling, death threats, kill lists, rape fantasies, and overall harassment (of not just other users, but of DISQUS admin and employees as well - complaining about everything from their cry-bully feelings to those they hate) accomplished nothing but to have their favorite place to troll (and them with it) deleted. Ohhhh, what will they do with their time hate now? Years of hatefully creating sock bots and entire sock armies to stalk and threaten users with was just a waste of time and their socks and bots are now useless...lol. Ain't God good? I have been so amused by the entire thing. Again, I do empathize with the grieving unique-users who are caught up un the sweep, but the trolls and their socks and bots are meeting a fitting end. Kudos to DISQUS! I ran my race, here. I finished my course, here. May God be magnified in all that we do and in all things. Most of you, I will never meet here on this earth, but for those who truly love God and are His...we will meet in heaven. To the lost, my parting words are still...seek Jesus.

Mick Williams:
The critters are definitely panicking. Without this hate outlet, they'll maybe take it to the street and get arrested, or end up in asylums.

Lady Checkmate:
Also, expect them to ramp up their trolling on DISQUS, while they can. Check out the spam folder, but be careful and do not click on any links. They are to'ed. Walk (metaphorically speaking) circumspectly, watch and pray. Most of you guys, I will never meet here on this earth, but for those who are truly Bible-believing Christians, we will meet in heaven. I look forward to that day. My parting words to the lost, after all of these years, would still be..."God loves you...seek Jesus".

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Lady Checkmate’s headline: “Abhor "that" which is evil..."that", not "who"”

Those with skewed world views often accuse Bible-Believing Christians of hating them...which is a bald-faced lie. We love them, but we abhor sin and evil behavior ("that which is evil") as God's word instructs us to. I repeat, we abhor evil sinful behavior...behavior like pedophilia, we abhor...behavior like adultery (and all sexual immorality), we abhor...unrighteous violence (stalking, death threats, rape fantasies, creating kill lists, etc.,), we abhor. It is not the "who" or the individual that we abhor...it is the behavior "that" we abhor.

We share the gospel with the world, even as they threaten to kill us for it. We spend time in prayer, interceding and crying out to God for them, even as they create kill lists with our names on it-because we love them as God has instructed us to and we truly desire God's will for their life. My prayer is that even though they hate us for sharing Life and Truth with them. Even though they wish death on us for praying for them. Even though they despise us, stalk us, harass us and threaten our lives, we will continue to pray for them. God is not mocked. We will continue to seek God. We will continue to love them because it pleases God and we are submitted to Him and His will. The world's hate will not stop God's Love.

Romans 12: 4-10 (KJV)
4 For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:
5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;
7 Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching;
8 Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.
9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

Brethren, we will be starting a separate community for us so that we may continue to fellowship, continue to encourage one another, and continue to share Truth with those who are truly seeking Truth. I will tag each of you to our new community when it is established. These are the end times, and we are here for a purpose...may God's will be done...forever.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Lady Checkmate’s headline: “Reprobate Pete Buttigieg questions some GOP lawmakers' faith over their stance on minimum wage”

Theologian Jonathan Morris weighs in on Pete Buttigieg's remarks calling some Republican senators 'so-called Christians' because of their refusal to raise the minimum wage.


Mick Williams:
And this from a so-called Christian himself. Eyeroll.

Lady Checkmate:
Pete is very lost and confused. I pity him...and not because I’m in any way better than him. Yes, he has earthly influence, but long term...he has nothing. Sadly, he has been greatly deceived and runs the risk of spending eternity in hell separated from the only living God. My heart weeps for Pete. It’s as if he doesn’t know...as if he hasn’t heard that God is NOT mocked. Everyone will have to give an account of what they did with this life and rather or not we lived it for Jesus Christ:


Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

Today’s Laugh 7-29-19


(first image: people seated at a meeting. Various voices: “Manholes must be de-gendered. How about maintenance access hole?” “Hole sounds like ‘ho’, suggesting we come in different genders.” “Maintenance access entrance/exit aperture!” “’Apeture’ bothers me.”)
(second image: man shown dropping jar containing brain. Label on jar says “normal brain”. His hands are then shown holding a separate jar with a brain labelled “Democrat brain”.)

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

“Today’s Laugh”


Robert Mueller rendered as Frankenstein’s monster lies motionless on a table. Two “doctors” (who resemble Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings, I assume) speak:
Cummings: Maybe we expected too much of it…pushed it too hard and too long.
Schiff: No!! Give it another 20,000 volts!!

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

Good evening. I shall begin with the astonishing assertion that the modern democrat party is the best thing going for Christianity. Before I prove my thesis, note my avoidance of "democratic", since these unwitting servants of the gospel are anything but. Don't bother with a Google search for "democrat party". They will immediately correct your spelling to "democratic party". If you seek anything critical of democrats, be prepared to wade through countless pages of glowing praise. One would think both the DNC and their big tech enablers were legitimate entities.

Their persecution of the faith confirms the Bible prediction, thus strengthening the believers' faith. Recall the Battle of Britain to know that human nature requires resistance to bullying and tyranny. Thirdly, we can reliably take our cue from folks seduced into a backward paradigm. If they oppose it, it has to be a good thing.

Then there are the consequences of unbelief. The Book confirms strong delusion, for one. No rational mind can change its sex or race on a whim. Is it rational to coddle Islam, which takes a sword to the sacred cows of homosexuality and feminism?--or to attack the patriots who espouse a strong border? It is a reprobate mind that lusts after children via drag queen story hours. Ditto for one that decides against parenthood at the moment of birth, taking advantage of democrat laws allowing termination. As the list is a long one, I shall move on.

Our leftist friends also confirm the supernatural in their gibbering hatred of the president, its kneejerk triggering of no earthly origin. Perhaps the unseen entities riding them are channeling their master's ire at the president's anti-globalist agenda. It's a pipe dream the left has nursed since the Tower of Babel.

Finally, scoffers confirm the prophetic account, be it Tribulation or Second Coming. Evil men are indeed waxing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. Though long a truism, the end-times American model charts on an exponential curve. After all, the U S is the final obstacle to the left's communist hell on earth. Since the Evil One is the conductor of this infernal orchestra, this, ironically, makes him the greatest dupe of all.

I shall now return to the relative sanity of black and white vintage TV. Good night.

(Includes photo of Alfred Hitchcock, not included here)

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

They call him Orange Man, a president whose every word triggers them into paroxysms of hysterical rage. Yet these enemies of freedom are no bigots. They label him a sexist akin to the religious death cult they champion; a baby-killer who would deny women their "reproductive right" to infanticide; he's all the evils unknown on their side. Doubters have merely to check with their pet media.

Who are these modern masters of hypocrisy? They're the legacy of the old Soviet Bloc, who, failing to defeat us on the battlefield, planted the seeds of internal rot. So brilliant has been its success that the Cultivators are now turning on each other; so complete has been their descent into lunacy that some of their own are being scared straight. A worried Russian president, in fact, insists that liberalism is harmful to the host, hoping to forestall the complete collapse of the disease.

The Dregs, known to Russia as "useful idiots", are those the state has divorced from the Good Book. Lacking absolute truth, their moral compass is a weather vane duck with spinning wings, blown about by the hot breath of that old serpent they'll never see. After all, no heaven equals no hell in the algebra of the left.

A certain "wealthy financier" laments that the president is dismantling the New World Order. Sensing his re-election, certain Middle East actors are making overtures of peace. Nor is an EMP attack likely, since the Illuminati need the internet. Time to relax? Not according to those who like to quote "at a time ye think not", when all seems normal and prosperous. The sudden absence of millions will likely crash a house-of-cards economy propped up by a rapidly withdrawing Restrainer. It's a crisis tailor-made for a man waiting in the wings, stage left, in The Twilight Zone.

(Accompanied by a photo of Rod Serling, not included here)

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

Useful Idiot Logic

Colleges used to teach sequential logic, a three part statement that proves the conclusion via a central link. Liberal education has no use for it, so it had to go. Here's an example:

Fingers are part of the hand; the hand is part of the body; therefore fingers are part of the body.

Even a liberal wouldn't debate something so obvious. Since truth is their kryptonite, they use two part inferred logic, which is always false. To whit:

You don't wear the rainbow jersey; therefore you're a homophobe.

Note the absence of a link, since none exists. The burden of proof is on the accuser, which isn't a problem since he has a blank check courtesy of the fake media. Has the accused made anti-gay threats or jokes?--belonged to a vigilante group that stalks them? Note also that 'phobia' is an irrational fear, such as that of sunflowers (yep--it's on record). Here's another entertaining example of child-like reasoning:

The president said four non-white congresswomen should go back to their home countries; therefore he's a racist.

Wow, where to even begin. First, the president has never made a racist statement. Second, note the omission of the real target of his ire: the rabid anti-Americanism of these four useful idiots. His remark is an opinion: If you hate this country, then leave. Now let's prove our useful idiot comment.

Useful idiots, as defined by Joe Stalin, blindly follow the communist party line; these four women blindly follow the communist party line; therefore these women are useful idiots.

The proof of their communist agenda is abundantly found in their hatred of Israel, dislike of strong borders, anti-Christian statements, love of socialism. . . .that's another post entirely. Case closed.

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