
Lady Checkmate #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

Mr. Opinionated:
Every single person I have ever known, gay or straight, has described their sexual orientation the same way: they didn't chose it, it was just always there and part of who they were.
I'm a believer, but there are many reasons I can't accept the idea that homosexuality is a sin against God. God creates us, and he knows who we are before we are born. People don't chose to be gay, they are born that way. I can't chose to love a man anymore than my gay brother can chose to love a woman. And if they don't have a choice, then God created them like that and I can't accept the idea that God would create people to be sexually immoral and have to endure that throughout their lives.

Lady Checkmate:
Hi Mr. Opinionated. First, thank you for taking the time to comment, respectfully. Second, I will do my best to speak the Truth in love to you, because Christians love people, even when we don’t agree with their choices. I repeat, Christians love people, even when we disagree with their choices. What does that mean? That means that “disagreement” is NOT hate. That means that I love you and because I love you as Christ instructed me to, I will speak the truth in love with you and pray you come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I will not argue with you, I will only share God’s Truth and move on. Here we go....

You stated you are a “believer”, but you did not say what you believe, so that could mean anything. God’s word, the Holy Bible, states that if someone (as in a Bible-believing Christian) loves God then they (as in Bible-believing Christians) will obey Him. Anyone who is indeed a “Bible-believing Christian”, will love God enough to obey Him and deny themself, i.e., their flesh. Now, please understand that that may be difficult (and is impossible without God) because the flesh wars against the spirit. That means that even though a Bible-believing Christian’s spirit wants to obey God, their flesh does not. This is when we must submit ourselves (including our flesh) to God’s authority and deny our self (our flesh) taking up our cross and following Jesus Christ instead of being led by our flesh. God is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth...in spirit and in truth...not in flesh and lies.

Every true Bible-believing Christian (like the OP Beckett and many others who lived the same lifestyle) acknowledges that sin is a choice. Every true Bible-believing Christian has denied selfish flesh and is worshipping God in spirit and in truth. Bible-believing Christians do not argue for, nor defend sin, we seek to obey God and live holy and upright before Him. I apologize if you have been taught a false, watered down gospel. We regularly pray for all followers here and will pray for you as well. Please seek Jesus Christ.

Amos moses #fundie disqus.com

The UN Is Normalizing Pedophilia: The Deep State Is Free to Prey Upon Your Children


“The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is sanctioning a sexual revolution that will culminate in the legalization and whole-hearted support of transgenderism but will also support the legalization of pedophilia.”
“Years ago, I wrote about the fact that the North American Man-Boy Association (NAMBLA) was advocating for the legalization of pedophilia. Their identifying banner statement is “sex before 8 or it is too late”. Care to guess who their largest contributor is? NAMBLA’s largest contributor is George Soros.”
“If that is not concerning enough for you please realize that Kevin Jennings, an Obama Department of Education official, and a close friend of Hillary Clinton has involvement with this group as well.”

Amos Moses:
they all have their PRIDE in common .......

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Newest target of Left is biggest one of all: your marriageThe professional association that bowed to pressure from homosexual activists during the 1970s is now advocating adultery among married couples.

Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute (IFI) suggests no one should ever consider the American Psychological Association a legitimate source again, citing the push for “consensual non-monogamy” from a group of lesbian and homosexual psychologists.

According to Higgins and IFI, an APA group known as Division 44, founded in the 1980s, formed a "task force advisory board" last year that examined consensual non-monogamy in the interest of “relationship diversity" and has now released its findings.

“Consensual non-monogamy” is professional euphemism for adultery and infidelity.

(full article here: https://onenewsnow.com/culture/2019/07/12/newest-target-of-left-is-biggest-one-of-all-your-marriage)

Lady Checkmate:
Again, their goal was always to mock and trivialize marriage. This is just a continuation of their original goal. But, God’s will will be done in spite of their mocking and hate.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Supreme Court to hear case that could bring major changes in school choice laws
(The Supreme Court to hear a Montana case which asks if states can ban aid programs for those who send their kids to religious schools.)

Mick Williams:
It's about time to take down liberal education. And while we're at it, big pharma, the fake media, the list is a long one.

Lady Checkmate:
Agreed. It’s past time to take them down. They’ve used the public education system, msm/fake media, big pharma, etc., to spread their lies and propaganda and indoctrinate the masses...starting with the youngest and most vulnerable. The alt-left is a cruel, wicked, manipulative group, and they will bow before almighty God and answer to Him for their wickedness and rebellion. We must continue to pray. The education system, public school systems and alt-left reprobates are doing their best to indoctrinate children with the lies and confusion of the enemy. Families should be able to decide where they want to send their children and what they want their children taught as far as morals and values.

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com


CNN reporter says “New round of subpoenas against Trump”. Foreground shows a demon (?) holding a hand of cards that say variously “Deep State Islam”, “Borders - UN”, Media - Schools”, “Dims (sic) - trans”, “Apostasy - LGBT”, “Soros - BDS” and “Antifa”. Bare hand with white sleeve holds single card which reads “Second coming”.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

I'm not a fan of Beth Moore (at all), but women can teach women...biblically. God is no respecter of persons so I'm not sure how egalitarianism applies, but I would be interested to know. I don't have any hope in Beth Moore and I do NOT follow "her" ministry. Still, I don't agree with some of the "heresy hunters" and "religious watchdogs" and truly believe that some of the Christians under attack are being wrongfully harassed by other "Christians", which does not please God. Even David Lynn is being harassed by another "Christian". It's time for the church to stop attacking Bible-believing Christians and start praying for each other. With everything David is going through, it broke my heart to see someone else who claimed to be a "Christian" attack him. I have been attacked by professing "Christians" right here on Disqus. This was awhile back, when our community first picked up a cyberstalking reprobate who sometimes presents itself (via it's socks) as a "Christian" (CINO) to infiltrate "Christian" communities and cause division, strife, discord, etc. Well, at that time, it appeared that a couple of professing "Christians" had aligned with the cyberstalking reprobate to persecute and harass us Bible-believing Christians...especially me because our community is a Christian safe-space. The reprobate's targeted harassment and persecution (although hateful, unwarranted and just plain wrong as it escalated to stalking, death and rape threats) was predictable per scripture, it was the harassment of the professing "Christians" that caught me off guard. I could not find one scripture in God's word to approve of the hate and harassment coming from professing "Christians" to another Christian. I also couldn't find one scripture to support "Christians" aligning with reprobates to target and harass other Bible-believing Christians. True story: there were actually "Christians" who participated on hate channels created by reprobates to stalk, harass and threaten me and a few other Christians. In fact, those same hate channels were created by the same reprobate that stalks many Christians on a third-party website created for the sole purpose of targeting, stalking, harassing and threatening Bible-believing Christians. Those same "Christians" were/are also allowing reprobates to post harassing and threatening OPs against other Christians in their "Christian" communities. Ironically, those same "Christians" are also targeted, mocked, harassed and hated on that third party site, smh. I grew so much in that season. I realized that NOT everyone who says they are a "Christian" actually is a Christian. And, in case you're wondering (not you :), but anyone else)...they were upset that we don't allow blasphemy, heresy, mocking, harassment, persecution, false doctrines, etc., here. Our community is actually a safe-space for Bible-Believing Christians. I don't believe blasphemy, heresy, mocking, harassment, persecution, false doctrines, etc., are allowed in heaven either, but I guess the "Christians" who aligned with reprobates to harass me, felt I should allow blasphemy, heresy, mocking, harassment, persecution, false doctrines, etc., in the name of free speech...lol. The Bible doesn't support free speech...it supports Truth. Truth sets the captives free. We actually have peace here now, no discord, no strife, no heresy, no false doctrines, no persecution, etc., I thank God they're gone..."they" as in the mockers, scoffers, blasphemers, heretics, reprobates and CINOs. I shook the dust from my feet. I NEVER spoke a negative word about any of those "Christians" nor mentioned their usernames, and I also NEVER allowed anyone else to attack them in this Christian community (which is alot more than what any of them did for me). The body of Christ is not divided. And, to show the goodness of God...there were actually unbelievers and agnostics who defended me and stood against the targeted harassment, threats and cyberstalking...who would've thought ;). God will judge between Bible-believing Christians and those who persecute us.

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com


The inmates have put on suits and ties. That veneer of respectability has fooled the undiscerning, and now the lunatics have taken over the asylum. Case in point: the dimocrat debates, hosting a fifth column who have abandoned all pretense of rationality. Having graduated the corrupt school system as card-carrying liberals, their source of voters is confined to the dregs. Hence their zeal in vying to outdo each other in delusionality, reacting to trigger words like 'Trump' with howls of self-righteous indignation.

Comrade Sanders wants free college. Like giving a blank check to a home remodeler, this guarantees no limit to hikes in tuition. His plan to place rotating judges on the supreme court to infuse 'fresh blood' requires some translating of the dim-speak: fresh blood equals liberal stooges who will obediently toe the globalist line. Comrade Fauxcahontas wants 'gay reparations'. Like its Civil War counterpart, this penalizes that vast majority who have done nothing wrong. Of course, to the leftist mind, deplorables are responsible for all the nation's ills.

Local news has been permanently co-opted by the left. When the president launched a cyber attack on the mad mullahs, reporters found a computer student who performed on cue by calling it 'unprecedented' and 'dangerous'. When the president called off an air attack, liberal anchors called it 'weak' in the expected knee-jerk opposition to everything he does.

Yet the leftist spin-meisters ignore the rapidly festering beast system. Retailers are putting together a social score that raises prices for those who don't pass muster. On Walmart's self-serve kiosks, your not-so-smiling face confronts you on the monitor. Try not to wink, lest it lower your score and bring it to the attention of one who awaits his call onto the world stage.


(image is Bernie Sanders wearing a mask of…someone.)

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

“Today’s Laugh 6-24-19″

(Image shows Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas, Cory Booker with Spartacus helmet, Bernie Sanders in a communist jacket and ?????? Below this is a partial rainbow flag with several slogans over top: “The end of women’s sports!” “Illegals first!” “Eliminate gender” “Change your mind? LIVE BIRTH ABORTION!” “Jail Trump” and “No borders”.)

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

“Alabama church gets the OK to use private police force”

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey has signed a bill that will allow a Presbyterian church to use its own private police force on its campus.

The law, approved two weeks ago, allows the Birmingham-based Briarwood Presbyterian Church to establish a private law enforcement department to make arrests when crimes are committed on its properties.

The law will also apply to the church’s school campus and a private academy that is located in another county. Church officials said the measure was necessary to provide adequate security for the 2,000 students and faculty on its two private school campuses.

Randall Marshall, the executive director of the ACLU of Alabama, said the law could allow the church to cover-up criminal activity that occurs on its campuses. He added that the law will likely be challenged in court for unconstitutionally granting government power to a religious institution.

The new policy will go into effect in the fall.

Lady Checkmate:
This may be necessary to deal with the alt-left Christophobes who hate, stalk, threaten and wish to murder Christians, anywhere they can.

Oxford Martyrs:
If you're going to allow mass immigration of Muslims into this country then allowing churches and Christian schools the ability to protect themselves makes sense.

aCultureWarrior #fundie disqus.com

If you truly based laws on consent, these behaviors would be legal (some of them are) :

Homosexuality, pedophilia/pederasty (your LGBT icons say that the child often "wants it", and who are we to not believe your LGBT icons?) incest, bestiality (see LGBT icon Frank Kameny's quote) adultery, polygamy/group sex, prostitution, suicide, assisted suicide (no questions asked), pornography (any kind, including "snuff films"); duels/gang warfare, any kind of drug for any reason.

Admit it, you need the Bible.

Amos Moses #fundie disqus.com


Amos Moses:
i should have posted this in a different place .... but this is totally in sync with her character .... if you could even call it "character" ..... and she and RGB have made pedophilic remarks and arguments for a long time ........

"The state should no longer be allowed to assume the rationality of regulations based upon age and should at least be required to justify its actions on the basis of modern legislative and administrative findings." ~ Hillary Rodham, The Harvard Education Review, 1973, "Children Under the Law"

that is a pedophiles argument ..... oh .... and "love is love" .....

Off Shore #fundie disqus.com

I Can Smell Your Ass From Here:
You can't deny someone the basic service you provide because you don't like them. And if that ever gets legalized it means people will be able to deny service to Christians.

Off Shore:
Go to a muslim baker and ask him to put bacon on that cake and let us know how it goes.

aCultureWarrior #homophobia disqus.com

LOL! You're winning the culture war by leaps and bounds and you're still denying that it was due to an agenda? Granted, part of that original agenda was the legalization of raping little boys, but we don't need to talk about that, as it's already been established that your LGBT movement created pedophile organizations and has as it's icons, pedophiles and pederasts.

The 1972 Gay Rights Platform
Platform created at the National Coalition of Gay Organizations Convention held in Chicago in 1972

1. Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government controls to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and public services.
2. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting the military from excluding for reasons of their sexual orientation, persons who of their own volition desire entrance into the Armed Services; and from issuing less-than-fully-honorable discharges for homosexuality; and the upgrading to fully honorable all such discharges previously issued, with retroactive benefits.
3. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting discrimination in the federal civil service because of sexual orientation, in hiring and promoting; and prohibiting discriminations against homosexuals in security clearances.
4. Elimination of tax inequities victimizing single persons and same-sex couples.
5. Elimination of bars to the entry, immigration and naturalization of homosexual aliens.
6. Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality.
7. Appropriate executive orders, regulations and legislation banning the compiling, maintenance and dissemination of information on an individual's sexual preferences, behavior, and social and political activities for dossiers and data banks.
8. Federal funding of aid programs of gay men's and women's organizations designed to alleviate the problems encountered by Gay women and men which are engendered by an oppressive sexist society.
9. Immediate release of all Gay women and men now incarcerated in detention centers, prisons and mental institutions because of sexual offense charges relating to victimless crimes or sexual orientation; and that adequate compensation be made for the physical and mental duress encountered; and that all existing records relating to the incarceration be immediately expunged.
1. All federal legislation and programs enumerated in Demands 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 above should be implemented at the State level where applicable.
2. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting private sexual acts involving consenting persons; equalization for homosexuals and heterosexuals for the enforcement of all laws.
3. Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both male and female.
4. Enactment of legislation prohibiting insurance companies and any other state-regulated enterprises from discriminating because of sexual orientation, in insurance and in bonding or any other prerequisite to employment or control of one's personal demesne.
5. Enactment of legislation so that child custody, adoption, visitation rights, foster parenting, and the like shall not be denied because of sexual orientation or marital status.
6. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing.
7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.
8. Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.

(This) was published on homosexual website. Did you notice that pretty much all of the agenda has been accomplished? Little things like decriminalizing child rape takes time, but Terry Bean, Ed Murray and Larry Kramer are working hard at it.

aCultureWarrior #homophobia disqus.com

If homosexuality were recriminalized, this insanity wouldn't be happening. As it stands, the police (most if not all police depts. throughout the nation employ openly homosexual men and women, some even transgender) are enforcing laws protecting immoral behavior. In this case it appears that they're concerned with the possibility of civil unrest and took actions to prevent it.

Miranda Cole:
Being attracted to the same gender is not something you should be able to “criminalize.”

LOL...this coming from someone who supports the LGBT movement (i.e. the 'gaystapo') that is currently criminalizing people wanting to help those lost souls with same sex attractions to understand them and possibly even overcome them.

Miranda Cole:
There is no gaystapo. You just want people to think there is so you can create an us-vs.-them illusion because of your own personal fear and hate. You are to be pitied.

And denial isn't a river in Africa.
I often times refer to your tyrannical LGBT movement as "jack booted thugs", but 'gaystapo' is much easy to type.
BTW, "ACT-UP!" founder and defender of pedophilia Larry Kramer admitted they and early homosexual militants used tactics from Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Good start, but lets send a strong message to those who wish to infringe upon the rights of conservatives and specifically Christians for the sole purpose of targeting and harassing those they disagree with. Bakery owners, Floral Shop owners, Bed and Breakfast owners, Photographers, etc., (and their families-including their children) have actually received death threats, rape threats, been physically assaulted and been stalked by hateful "activists" for simply being conservative and Christian. Clearly, there are some VERY evil and hateful "activists" in the world. Please continue to pray for harassed and persecuted Christians (and conservatives) all over the world, including right here in the USA.

Amos Moses #homophobia disqus.com

'My Little Pony' brings same-sex couple to latest episode - WWSB

“Arthur” no longer has a stranglehold on children’s shows portraying same-sex couples.

Saturday’s episode of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” introduces Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty – a lesbian couple and guardians of Scootaloo.

The episode, “The last Crusade,” has already aired in Europe ahead of its debut on Discovery Family this weekend.

The two characters aren’t new to the franchise, just the animated TV series.

The couple first appeared in 2017 in the book “Ponyville Mysteries: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe.”

One of the book’s writers, Michael Vogel, confirmed their relationship at the time. He also writes for the TV shows.

Amos Moses:
HOMOMIRAGE strikes again ............
i am not going to link to this story .... it is over at infowars if you want to look .... but it is graphic ...... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ..........

Amos Moses/Lady Checkmate #homophobia disqus.com

Cartoon Network promotes 'Pride Month' to young children

Cartoon Network, the popular television channel watched by millions of children, promoted LGBT pride month by using one of its widely popular shows to encourage fans to “stand proud."

LGBT activists have designated June as “pride month” to celebrate alternative sexual lifestyles and gender identities, and Cartoon Network took to Twitter last week to voice its solidarity with the movement as thousands take part in events nationwide.

“We want to wish everyone a HAPPY PRIDE and encourage all of our LGBTQ+ fans to stand proud all year long!” the network, which is owned by Warner Bros., tweeted along with emojis representing a rainbow flag, heart and a unicorn.

The tweet also included a picture of characters from its popular reboot show “Powerpuff Girls.”

The tweet included the hashtags “#powerpuffyourself,” “#pridemonth” and “#powerfuffgirls.”

The network is up there with the likes Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel as being television outlets favorited by children because of the number of cartoons that it broadcasts throughout the week.

Cartoon Network bills itself as being “the best in original, acquired and classic entertainment for youth and families.” However, many parents object to media outlets pushing an agenda that contradicts their own beliefs on sexuality and marriage.

Twitter is not the only place where Cartoon Network is promoting LGBT pride, however. Cartoon Network is also doing so through its online shop and some of its cartoon characters themselves.

Last year, it is believed that Cartoon Network’s animated show “Steven Universe” became the first children’s show to feature a same-sex wedding proposal. The proposal was between female characters named Sapphire and Ruby.

Additionally, Cartoon Network’s “Adventure Time” series aired a scene in its series finale last year that showed two female characters kissing each other on the lips. The scene confirmed years of speculation that the two were lesbians.

On its website, Cartoon Network is celebrating pride week by promoting its Steven Universe “made of love” collection. The collection includes LGBT-themed apparel and memorabilia.

Although Cartoon Network’s webshop only sells to parents or adults, children are just a click away from seeing listings for “Steven Universe” LGBT-pride pins, a “Steven Universe” rainbow-themed “made of love” patch and even a “Steven Universe” “kissing tote bag.”

The website also sells a “Steven Universe” “reunited” throw pillow and T-shirt. The tote bag, shirt, and throw pillow all feature the same decal of the two female characters kissing.

“Love is in the air! This multicolored pillow celebrates the Ruby and Sapphire on their wedding day,” the listing reads. “Double sided, this pillow features the happy couple at the altar on both sides.”

Cartoon Network is not the only children’s network that uses its program to shine a light on LGBT relationships.

In 2016, Nickelodeon incorporated a biracial, same-sex couple into one of its shows called “The Loud House.”

Amos Moses:

Lady Checkmate:
(reposts several of her “stop sexualizing children” memes)

Amos Moses:
more of the benefits of homomirage ..............

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Lady Checkmate:
This is it!!! I love the people, but I cannot celebrate anything that hurts them or separates them from God. I will celebrate their lives, their accomplishments and important moments in their lives, but I will NOT lie to them nor be a stumbling block for them. I would rather be a light in the dark, helping guide them to Truth (which may annoy them at times), than lie to them and leave them alone and confused in darkness - ultimately leaving them separated from Truth for all eternity. In case you're wondering...this costs...

Mick Williams:
So-called health professionals who insist this is normal are themselves mentally ill.

Lady Checkmate:
They will bow before God and answer to Him for deceiving hurting and lost people. Lost and hurting people need Truth-Jesus Christ, not liars saying whatever needs to be said to continue deceiving and manipulating people who are already lost and hurting.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

[Submitter’s Note: This one requires a bit of introduction. From what I can tell, a new user attempted to post a couple of things on Lady Checkmate’s “Faith & Religion” channel on Disqus and was banned within 5 minutes. (The comments were inoffensive, I will link them.) Said user then went to Lady Checkmate’s conflict resolution channel “Battleground Discuss” to ask why she was banned, but the inquiry was likewise removed and the user banned. Then the user, looking for an explanation, found a channel called “Banned Camp” on Disqus and posted a new topic about it there. A couple of that channel’s owners reached out to Lady Checkmate for an explanation of her behavior, then hilarity ensued when Lady Checkmate posted this on her “resolution” channel]

- - - -

For years now, a certain stalker, who I've been informed is a well-known "cyberstalker", has been targeting, stalking, harassing, threatening and encouraging others to target, stalk, harass, and threaten me and other Christians on DISQUS and other online platforms. This stalker actually has a dedicated blog where he brags on his stalking and hatred of Bible-believing Christians and even narrates the online posting habits of Bible-Believing Christians (and anyone he disagrees with politically, socially, religious beliefs, etc.,)...true story. He actually stalks, harasses and bashes many DISQUS users there, by their DISQUS usernames. A reasonable person would call that unhealthy, right? Well, this unreasonable and mentally unstable stalker thinks it's "perfectly normal" to stalk, harass, threaten to murder, threaten rape fantasies and issue death wishes to the people he doesn't like...which is not "perfectly normal" and is in fact abnormal, and not even reasonable nor sane. I have shared this information before. Sadly, some mods still allow this mentally unstable and hateful man to use their community to target, threaten and harass others...which is not only a violation of the DISQUS ToS and Abuse policy but is also wrong regardless of the policy. The troll should be referred to and committed to a psychiatric hospital (and stabilized on meds), not encouraged to continue stalking, harassing and threatening users.

A couple of years ago, I wrote an OP detailing his antics and he's still at it. Note, he uses many, many sock accounts to keep his harassment current and ongoing and has even bragged on how quickly he can create socks to harass me with. Clearly, that is a sign of his mental illness.

[message goes on longer but I will cut it off here]

- - - -

Link to where Lady Checkmate posted her original post the new user commented on:

New user’s deleted comments which resulted in her ban:

Lady Checkmate #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

“PERSECUTION: Seattle gay pride participants viciously beat Christian street preacher”
(see URL for story as well as Lady Checkmate’s usual anti-homosexual memes)

Mick Williams:
Those who abuse their bodies like that can't be expected to care about anyone else's. The fake media only makes it worse by covering for them.

Oxford Martyrs:
Is it out of the realm of possibility that someday the Bible will be labeled "hate speech" and banned? As sexual perversity spreads more and more people will become violently opposed to scripture. We can see that in the video. The violent actors hate the Bible, Jesus Christ and the Gospel. IMHO they are no different from the men in Sodom who were "wicked, great sinners against the Lord" Ge 13:13. Their actions are sins against the Lord. Think about that and where they are headed if we don't pray for them and lovingly tell them about Jesus.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

After the alt-left's tactics and supporting abominations which the alt-left is using to target, harass and persecute Christians (specifically Bible-believing Christians and Christian business owners) and conservatives in general, we ALL realize that something needs to change.

Mick Williams #wingnut disqus.com

“Chain of Custody”


“Comic” (with no dialogue) shows A green monster (maybe Satan) is holding up a puppet of George Soros who is holding up a puppet of Nancy Pelosi who is holding up a puppet of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

The alt-left is the most hateful, psychotic, murderous group in the world. Their MO is to target, stalk, harass, and threaten those who disagree with them. They are known to issue death threats, death wishes and murder and rape fantasies. They prefer to berate and abuse women, children, the elderly and those who cannot defend themselves. You cannot reason with a sociopath. Don't waste your time trying to because they are not worth it...reprobates will only scream, bark, fake cry and howl like incoherent fools trampling upon pearls. Dust the dirt from your feet and prepare to defend yourself, should you have to. Watch and pray...

Amos Moses #homophobia disqus.com

you can put powdered sugar on a turd .... i does not then become a jelly donut ..... you defend DEPRAVITY ....... you are for abortion so you really do not care for children ..... so therefore you defend what pedophiles do ...... and the people using homosexual topics to make cartoons for children about sexual DEPRAVITY of HOMOMIRAGE ..... IS PEDOPHILIA ......

AND YOU DEFEND IT ..... BY DEFAULT .... YOU DEFEND PEDOPHILES AND WHAT THEY DO ..... you are not a real man ...... you are a homosexualist .... one who supports depravity ......... is that bigoted .... then .... COUNT ME IN ........

Lady Checkmate Amos Moses #fundie disqus.com


Amos Moses:
pedophilia ........ they just cannot stop themselves ............

Lady Checkmate:
(Image shows girl crying, caption is “1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse - STOP child sexual abuse”)

Lade Checkmate:
May God have mercy on America…
(Image says “Long Term Effects of Sexual Abuse” - lists feelings of guilt and shame, feeling different or alone, sadness, confusion, anger, low self-esteem, dissociation, fear, hatred, depression, promiscuity, eating disorders, body image issues, anxieties, changes in lifestyle, turning to violence, substance abuse, self injurious behavior, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Rape Trauma Syndrome (RTS).”)

Lady Checkmate:

Lady Checkmate:
(Image shows Desmond the drag kid with caption PRAY FOR HIM)

Lady Checkmate:
(Image shows girl with hands covering her mouth, caption says SOCIETY NEEDS TO STOP! SEXUALIZING CHILDREN!)

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Truedummy hates Christians. He is not a Christian. In fact, he is a Christophobe. He is a hypocrite and Truth-denier. Like Obama, he promotes the antichrist's agenda. He is one of the worst things that has happened to Canada. Please pray for Christians in Canada.

(Picture of Justin Trudeau, caption says “This socialist/Islamist hates Christians, Jews, Capitalism, America/Americans, Trump”)

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

The reprobate below is leading the charge against Christians. He set out on a one-man mission to berate, persecute and demean an elderly lady that was praying silently and women and children who were silently and peacefully protesting abortion. To reiterate the point, he's primarily focused on targeting, harassing, stalking, threatening and doxing Christian senior citizens, women and children. We need to send a loud, united message that this will not be tolerated.

(Screenshot of a news article from Gay Star News titled “Brian Sims helps introduce new anti-discrimination bill in Pennsylvania”. The word “anti-discrimination” is crudely underlined in red, and a red arrow points towards it. On the other end of the arrow, written white on red: “How about you stop hating on Christians, @briansimspa???”)

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

(poorly-drawn image of Alfred Hitchcock)

Good evening. No, I do not consider myself to be Spartacus. As society has become quite contentious of late, I find it wise to take certain precautions. Our enemy has apparently decided that his time is running out. Curiously, the same intelligentsia who scoff at God are readily embracing paganism and witchcraft. I'm reminded of the young man who insisted the sky was falling. Quite impossible, though anything becomes fact through hysterical repetition: evolution, planet warming, even switching one's gender. I shall refrain from subjecting the world to such an attempt on my part.

Our enemy's strategy seems a sort of pagan fascism. The parallels are remarkably consistent with that old playbook authored by leftist American thinkers who had such a profound influence on Herr Hitler. The global warming priesthood must appease the climate gods through ruinous and pointless 'carbon taxes'; those patriot heretics must be silenced; the abortion god Moloch must receive a steady diet to reduce our 'carbon footprint', whatever that is; doctored vaccines sterilize the young and rush the elderly to early graves. Perhaps Fauxcahontas and Spartacus are correct in their implied choice of trappings. In a world rapidly reverting to barbarism, the pagan elites are merely imitating their heroes from the dark ages.

I must now seek the safety of my new abode, a war surplus battle tank. It's completely impervious to the likes of CNN, so I may rest undisturbed by their sinister whispering. Good night.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Lady Checkmate’s headline: “ALT-LEFT VIOLENCE INCREASES: Liberal student arrested for punching pro-lifer on UNC campus, triggered by images of aborted children”

(Link to Fox News story here: https://www.foxnews.com/us/liberal-student-arrested-punching-pro-lifer)

Lady Checkmate:
She is full of rage and hatred because she just came face-to-face with what abortion actually is and does to babies. I'm praying for her too now.

Mick Williams #fundie #conspiracy disqus.com

It's amazing how the left buried Margaret Sanger's mission to abort the black community out of existence (founder of Planned Parenthood). At one time, the black community represented 20% of the population. Recently it's less than 11% based on ease of getting abortions. And they call Christians bigots.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

He's [Rep Brian Sims] an alt-left bully. And, his preferred victims are the elderly, women and children. It's not surprising that he played the political game long enough to get a position of power and once he got comfortable, he started abusing his authority. Dollars to donuts, he's been doing this, but with the increase in and support of alt-left harassment, stalking, abuse and persecution decided the climate is ripe for him to show his true colors of hate, misogynism and Christophobia.

Never vote or put a reprobate into a position of power...he or she will abuse their power as soon as they can. And they will focus their hatred and abuse on Christians and those they perceive as soft targets.

We must vote for people who share our beliefs. The immoral (God haters) can never be trusted with authority.


Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

The alt-left is pushing a vile act titled, "The Equality Act". The name sounds ok, but when you look into the actual act, you find that the act is anything but ok...at least not for biological women, girls and Christians. The alt-left intentionally gave an act that removes equal rights from women, girls, and Christians a nice name to manipulate and deceive voters into believing that the act was actually seeking equality for all...which it is not. The "Equality" Act would legalize Christophobia and persecution of Christians. It would also remove rights guaranteed to biological women and girls. Make no mistake, The Equality Act is anything but equal and it was created to marginalize women, girls and Christians. The alt-left has been seeking to take away religious rights and slowly removing rights from biological women and girls for years. Lets voice our concerns to our elected officials and actually seek equality for all, biological women, girls and Christians included. Remember Kim Davis? The alt-left fought to have her jailed for following her Christian beliefs. Remember the Christian bakers, flowers shop owners, bed and breakfast owners, photographers, calligraphers, etc., the list goes on. If the Equality Act is made law, expect the harassment, persecution and abuse they suffered to be the norm for all bible-believing Christians. And, expect worse. These are the end times. Persecution will come, but we don't have to help usher it in. The alt-left hates Christians with a murderous hatred and are doing all they can to criminalize Christianity. Think Boko Haram, and worse, right here in the USA.

timothyhanlinejr #fundie disqus.com

Muslims and leftists have absolutely no problem with using the power of government to enforce their standard of ethics. Christians, however, because of their general lawlessness, are so confused on this issue that they would not, to their shame, permit themselves to use the laws of our land to enforce our Creator's standards of ethics.

It is too bad that most Christians today do not realize that the United States became a great country because of the righteousness of their pilgrim forefathers who came to this country, Bibles in hand, and based their laws on the Torah. Whatever greatness this country resembles today is merely borrowed from the past, as unwillingness to prosecute sexual perversion, some forms of which are capital crimes, is wicked to the core and worthy of our Creator's wrath.

If we hope to survive as a nation, the leftists in this country must be subdued and prosecuted for the criminals they are -- by force, if necessary.

It is too bad that Christians are not as dedicated to their religion as muslims and leftists are to theirs.

Lady Checkmate #wingnut disqus.com

I'm NOT surprised. They hate disagreement, especially peaceful disagreement. It brings them to their knees...to grab their bats and try to beat conservatives (those brave enough to disagree with the alt-left) into submission. If bested, they then cry "hate" (to justify their requests to censor others) and demand those who disagree with them be censored, lol! They've tried to create a situation in which either way, the cry-bully gets his or her way. It's manipulative and dishonest, but thats what they do best:

Concerning Ben Shapiro getting death threats #fundie #wingnut disqus.com

The alt-left is known for targeting and harassing Conservatives, and they have a fixation with Christian Conservatives. In the process of stalking and harassing Conservatives, the alt-left is not above targeting and harassing the disabled, elderly, women and yes, even children. There have been many reports from conservatives, Christian business owners, ministers, etc. who report they have received death threats, death wishes and rape fantasies from obsessed, psychotic, alt-left stalkers. The alt-left has no integrity, no morality and lacks the ability to empathize or sympathize. They are sociopaths who are demented, cruel and have a single-vision of hatred of any and everything that does not affirm their sin and issues. Tolerance is not enough for the alt-left, they want dominance, not tolerance.

They are also eternal cry-bullies known for playing victim when the target of their obsession, i.e., their intended victim courageously defends him or herself against them and overpowers them. They are all bravado until outmatched...they then turn into whining, slobbering crybullies...ripe for mocking and laughter at their expense.

Please pray for Ben Shapiro and his family. The alt-left is know for issuing death threats, death wishes and rape fantasies.

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

The Gift that Keeps on Giving


Caption: "Gathering material for a conservative standup act:" Image is comedian (presumably) writing down the following: "Oxford Professor says space aliens breed with us to stop climate change" - So that's where liberals come from! "French president Macron wants Notre Dame rebuilt with Moslem minarets" - Can you spell A-N-T-I-C-H-R-I-S-T? "NYC to ban hot dogs, other meats over climate change." - De Blasio slips another cog. Can't have many left.

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

Today's Laugh 4-22-19

(Shown: Athletes talking. Masculine dude says, "Do we feel like women today, Joe? Let's enter this women's weight lift." "Joe", a stubble-faced transgender woman with uneven breasts says angrily, "THAT'S NOT FAIR!")

Amos Moses/Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com




Lady Checkmate:
Their goal is to legalize Christophobia. They want to impede on the religious rights of others. While they are entitled to their rights, they should understand that we are entitled to our rights and their rights do not override anyone else's rights. There are bakeries, flower shops, venues, bed & breakfasts, photographers, etc. on every corner. If they stop stalking and harassing Christians and move on with their lives, they won't encounter any issues with Christians. They will still have to answer to God for their lifestyle choices, but not to us here on this earth. The problem is they hate Christians with a murderous hatred and want to persecute and harass Christians and force us into participating in things that conflict with our religious beliefs. That is wrong and unacceptable. If they want to rebel against God, that is their decision. We should not be forced to rebel against God for any reason. We want our rights just as much as they want their rights, if not more.

Amos Moses:
the court ... in its arrogance .... still think they get to trump God and decide ..... it has no bearing on the truth ..............

Lady Checkmate:


Lady Checkmate:
I love and respect all people, not necessarily their behavior, but I care for the person. And, I agree that everyone should have equal rights; however, anything that is a choice and can change is not a civil right. There are people who once lived a homosexual lifestyle and have since stopped and are now living a heterosexual lifestyle. Clearly, that shows that it's a choice and therefore not a civil right. I love and respect homosexuals enough to share the Truth with them. They are in my prayers as I pray God's will for their lives.

Lady Checkmate #fundie disqus.com

Homosexual Missouri teacher charged with hiring hitman to kill male student, 10, who he allegedly molested: report

(Note: Original headline was "Missouri Teacher Charged with...")

Link to Fox News story here: https://www.foxnews.com/us/missouri-teacher-charged-with-hiring-hitman-to-kill-student-10-who-he-allegedly-molested-report

A Missouri teacher is accused of hiring a hitman to kill a 10-year-old boy he allegedly molested.

Deonte Taylor, 36, and his boyfriend Michael Johnson, 66, pleaded not guilty to multiple charges in a St. Louis court on Wednesday, KSDK reported.

Mick Williams #fundie disqus.com

Crow, Egg and Humble Pie


(A frustrated-looking Elizabeth Warren, dressed as Pocahontas, is trying to wring out substance from pages of the Mueller report.
Assorted pages on the ground read “nada”, “goose egg” and “zip”.)

Mick Williams:
It's over, Lizzie. Just like your presidential campaign

Albert Swearengen #fundie disqus.com

With the two best arguments now having been tabled, in one case the argument has been met with a rebuttal and in the other case it has not. A debate is meant to be a structured argument, wherein opponents on the battlefield of ideas meet each other on equal terms. The objections I have raised to the material advocated by Dan are these:

1. The authors of the article Dan cited were not equitable with the facts, opting rather to foist a false paradigm onto readers of their material than to be totally honest in their approach

2. Varve counts contain a demonstrable old cosmos bias

3. Circular reasoning: Varve counts and radio carbon dating are being used to calibrate each other

4. The original researchers, according to Dan’s own presentation, had to retract and amend their findings on the order of a nearly 40% adjustment downward. It seems clear this only happened in retrospect and in response to negative attention garnered from young earth creationists

Dan has been given the opportunity to respond to the rebuttal material I have submitted, but at no time have I been granted the same opportunity since Dan has steadfastly refused to interact in any meaningful way with the material tabled in my opening argument. In other words, Dan has refused to abide by the simple format of an actual debate, stating for his answer to this objection that he’s just not interested in the material I’ve submitted because it’s old and isn’t well enough understood. Either Dan has not the foggiest idea what it means to have an actual debate, or he thinks the rules do not apply to him but to other people only. Maybe Dan has confused the average Disqus conversation for actual debate. If so, I’m sure he’s not the only Disqus commentator to strain beneath the weight of that error.

My argument rests on the following premises:

1. The planets in our solar system each have measurable magnetic fields

2. All of the planetary magnetic fields are diminishing in strength and this fact is supported by empirical evidence. In all cases, the magnetic fields of the planets in our solar system have been measured and the majority of them have been measured multiple times. In all cases, a simple reading of the documented facts shows that the fields are weakening over time.

3. In the case of Earth’s magnetic field, if calculated into the past, field strength decay rates indicate the field cannot possibly be older than 10,000 years, because if it were older than that, the intensity of the field would have been sufficient to melt Earth's mantle.

4. While secular scientists acknowledge diminishing field strength, they have proposed that the fields somehow regenerate their strength and spontaneously recharge, in direct violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Secular scientists have never been able to come up with a model of how the fields are ‘regenerating’, but they steadfastly maintain the fields MUST be periodically regenerating, because their model of the cosmos is the correct model. This, again, is the exact opposite of any sound scientific method.

My debate opponent has had nothing to say about any of this, except that he believes the above except that he believes the above claims are confusing and not well enough understood by science. He offers nothing by way of support for that claim, however. He just says so and maintains that my arguments are somehow contrary to ‘good’ science or are otherwise beneath his dignity to address in any meaningful way.

The purpose of this debate is a simple one: The purpose is to show that one model, the Bible’s specified 6000 year-old model of the cosmos, is the correct model and that the preferred model of modern secular science is the incorrect model. I had intended to show that one model can withstand any manner of attack even from a reasonable and seemingly well-educated mind which has adopted belief in an alternate invalid model. Unfortunately, we have been partially cheated of that purpose because Dan has refused to comply with the rules. So be it. Any impartial observer of this debate has seen one side easily undermined by perfectly valid observations rendering the conclusions of the varve study a study in wishful thinking. The method for dating the Earth which the conductors of that study have latched onto, is a wholly useless tool for the purposes they have assigned it. They have guaranteed a false outcome from the outset based entirely upon the invalid presuppositions with which they begin their study. It is little different from the stilted outcomes generated by other flawed presuppositions, namely those which attend the conclusions drawn when supposing light has always and only traveled at a constant, unchanging and unchangeable speed. It’s a spurious assumption and the very scientific community which relies upon that assumption for other ways of supporting its model, has uncovered the proof of its unreliability. A non-constant speed of light is very often addressed in frank discussions within the secular scientific community:

Such is the problem with invalid assumptions and the far-reaching chaos those assumptions can generate.

One model of the cosmos is utterly unaffected by the ever-changing foundations of secular science. That is the biblically-valid model of a 6000 year-old cosmos. The Heavens and the Earth were created by God very nearly 6000 years ago. Scientists who begin with this understanding of our reality are not called upon to continuously conjure up fantastic arguments which, however implausible-sounding, just might provide the sliver of possibility needed to keep their model alive. But each time the so-called experts on the other side – with their ‘overwhelming consensus’ – come up with what they present to the world as bullet-proof arguments or sets of evidence which demonstrate the validity of their model to the exclusion of any young cosmos model—

—they are shown to have overplayed their hand every— single— time. And the example tabled by Dan for the purposes of this debate – a debate which never really happened – is no exception to that rule.

(Dan is now given the opportunity to respond by hopefully posting his own closing argument and that will conclude this debate.)

Brother Victor #fundie disqus.com

(=A board discussing Christians who believe in Evolution=)

Furthermore our salvation hangs on a young earth and six days creation for scripture says Romans 5:12 (KJV) Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

If death came in any way shape or form (let's include entropy) before Adam sinned then the whole thing falls apart. Don't give one inch to creation progressives, they destroy God's word and the faith of the weak!

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