
sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Everyone is NOT pro-life. When you abort a baby, you killed it. I know you disagree, but most women (not all) realize that. I've seen women on the day of an abortion. It is really sad...and she is upset.

Unless you are Chelsea Handler or Jane Fonda or Hillary Clinton -- who think abortion is just dandy up until birth of the baby.

Men use it against women. Either they abandon the woman when she is pregnant and vulnerable as if he never knew her, or they pressure them of how their lives would change if they had a baby.

Fathers, uncles, etc use abortion to cover up what they did to young young girls. PP doesn't even ask questions much of the time (which is illegal). I don't think much of a guy who abandons a woman.

It's always the guys who say they stick up for women who would put pressure on a woman.


sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Commenting on an article posted entitled "STUCK ON STUPID: Bernie Sanders Thinks Climate Change Affects Military Readiness" http://americanlookout.com/stuck-on-stupid-bernie-sanders-thinks-climate-change-affects-military-readiness/):

The climate changes. It always has and it always will. Very little is caused by man which is so minute that it is ridiculous to even consider it. Before there was industrialization, the Arctic and Antarctic were rain forests.

I am not against alternative energy...but not against what we have. Solar is not working or efficient yet. Wind farms are a mess and cause noise pollution.

Until there is something viable, then we have to use what we have. With American ingenuity, as long as government is not involved at all, someone will come up with something.

The climate has been cooling for 17 years btw. The ***********scientists********** tried to change the results by taking different models. For example, they measured in deep ocean for numbers and then they were caught then measuring in shallow waters close to the shore (to get the numbers they wanted instead of a clean measurement and analysis.

It is about money. It is not about anything else. If the government can make us at fault for climate changing, then they can take money from us (like California does) to fix it -- when it has been proven man has very little to do with it.


sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(In reply to another group member who said "Racist, sexist, bigot, Nazi, homophobe....It's all the brain-dead left has to run on" commenting on an article posted entitled "Hillary: GOP Agenda Fanning the Flames of ‘White Supremacy and Misogyny and Homophobia’" http://www.breitbart.com/video/2017/12/15/hillary-gop-agenda-fanning-flames-white-supremacy-misogyny-homophobia/):

That is true -- and they use this like a weapon, in order not to talk about how well this country is doing with changes Trump has made.

Blacks' unemployment numbers are at a 17-year low.

More Hispanics are working than ever before. Ever.

They both are getting bigger paychecks.

So the left calls us racist, homophobe, islamaphobe, Aryan, Nazis, white supremacists because their last president was such a dismal failure.

Obama not only appeased our enemies, but he actually helped them. Obama said manufacturing jobs would never come back and had the nerve to tell a guy in his 50s to go into another line of work when he was concerned (btw, the guy was black). I could tell the guy was thinking -- at 50????? You want me to start all over and learn something else? Obama's growth never got to 3. And no one seemed to care. They figured this was the new normal. Nope...it is nearly 4. already under our new President. Food stamp usage is down because people are finding good jobs, many jobs have come back from other countries...not perfect yet, but they are coming back - at least some of them. If he is able to build the wall, it will be incredible for us. If we go with DACA, did you know the projected cost is $2.7 TRILLION in ten years? Trump will probably go with DACA but if he does it without getting the wall, he will lose a lot of people that voted for him to get rid of all these people (bringing housing prices up, destroying roads, accidents, crime, drugs).

That's just a little list...I forgot getting rid of insane and inane regulations.

And he is our social justice warrior with the energy and wherewithal to call out idiotic politically correct nonsense. He takes heat for his tweets, but he is our hero.


sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Harvesting baby parts from dead babies they killed. This is highly illegal. One reason for it is because they would push abortion to sell the baby parts -- and the older the baby, the better -- so they had more developed parts to sell. Also, it is illegal because they would push abortion just to get money. PP is profiting over something illegal. In many cases they do not even get permission from the mother to do this -- and oftenthey rush her signing the paperwork and she doesn't know what she just signed.

PP is as corrupt as they come.

There are other medical facilities that do the same thing.

You do not kill a baby to profit from selling their brains, liverso, etc. The same organization doing the abortions are also selling the parts. GEEZE...hard to believe they did this for so long.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

It's so easy to refute the global warming freaks. For most of the past 70 years, the temperature has either been declining (from '40s to the late '70s) or staying the same (from 1996 to the present).

Never miss the opportunity to point out the same environmentalists touting man-made global warming today were claiming man-made global cooling in the 1970s.


sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

I find it insulting to be called alt-right simply because I like what Trump is doing for this country. IMO alt-right are the KKK and extreme crazy people.

I'd like to know what it is that Trump is doing that is so objectionable? Same with Bannon?

You can bet any candidate we get that wants to clean out the lobbyists and corruption will be smeared like Roy was by our own party. Roy's only serious accuser admitted she forged the yearbook. Yes, he went out with young women 40 years ago or more...so did a lot of men. And since that time, he has been married and faithful, a good husband and father. And he would have voted for things we need. We could have found a better candidate, but Alabamians chose Moore to run against Jones. So Bannon worked with what he had. If it had been Mo Brooks, he would have worked with him too.

So please tell me, what is it that Trump is doing that our own republicans are so angry about? Same with Bannon? What in his agenda is objectionable to Establishment republicans? I don't get it?


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Commenting on an article posted entitled "8th Accuser: Al Franken Groped Me ’at a Media Matters Party During the First Obama Inauguration’" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/12/06/8th-accuser-al-franken-groped-media-matters-party-furing-first-obama-inauguration/):

And, the claims are getting sillier. One woman on Laura Ingraham's show complained that a Congressman complimented her on her dress and told her take a twirl in it. Juliet Huddy now claims Trump tried to kiss (he missed?).

All this could, though, result in hiring boon for lesbians that look like Rosie O"Donnell. What man would sexually harass her?


FairSharFairShar #racist #wingnut groups.yahoo.com

(Comment on an article posted entitled "Poll: Almost Half Of White Southerners Feel Like They're Under Attack" - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2017/11/22/poll-almost-half-of-white-southerners-feel-like-theyre-under-attack-n2406221):

Like it or not, this is why Trump's style of tweeting is so important for us. If we had a president who made nice nice in his tweets and said something like -- it isn't appropriate for a father to think stealing/shoplifting is okay...people would go ho hum. He is getting us back on track by making a big deal of things that we have been hammered for. You can't say certain things to a black person or about them, but Trump doesn't care what color someone is -- if they are wrong, he goes after them. He is an equal opportunity insulter.

It is helping us to get our voices back.

People are not looking into this deeply or how important it is that he tweets as he does.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Comment on an article posted entitled "Monica Crowley on Why The Swamp Hates Donald Trump" - http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/268574/monica-crowley-why-swamp-hates-donald-trump-frontpagemagcom):

She is so intelligent in every way. She gets it that Trump's tweets are needed desperately by all of us. It is the only way we are treading water. His tweets are stopping the nonsense that we have to deal with. He is fighting this culture war for us -- and most people have no idea what his tweets mean.

Even republicans want him to stop. They are not getting that if he didn't tweet as he does, no one would pay attention and the abuse from the left and the right of we people would continue. He has made some headway, little by little.

They are freaking out because of it too. They are trying to double down, but his tweets are so full of common sense and blunt-force truth that many people are figuring it out...people who normally don't pay attention even.

And that is why the dems are constantly all over him about tweets and some republicans.

The problem is that the swamp is so deep we need more than 8 years to clean it up and even then, it may be impossible.

The Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas -- they are all the same and they have had years to create this mess.

Sometimes I don't know how Trump gets up in the morning with all sides at him.

And I'm with Monica, I freaking love him.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(In reply to a comment from another member: "Many of the DACAs were raised in this country from toddler age. They do not speak Spanish. To send them to Mexico would be cruel and unusual punishment, and possibly a death sentence. You are scapegoating."):

I know several and their English is so bad that it is ridiculous. Their parents did not bother making sure they learned English so English was spoken in the home.

It brings everyone down.

One of them is a friend of my granddaughter and she is a good girl -- but she cannot speak English. At first I would cringe and then I started correcting her so that she didn't embarrass herself. She is trying to do better, but when she goes to apply for a job and says something such as *that is mines* instead of *that is mine*, she will be at a disadvantage. Or she says *I seen that* instead of *I have seen that* or *I saw that*. I could go on and on. She was playing cards and she said, *I just drawed that* instead of *I just drew that*. It's like listening to a toddler first learning to speak.

I asked her if teachers didn't correct her English when she wrote it wrong or spoke wrong and she said no, that she never knew it was wrong.

She was one of the top in her class...this is how bad California schools are now. Same as in Maryland. Kids are graduating and not able to pass the tests and not literate.

When someone comes to this country and doesn't learn English, how badly do they want to be here? Her parents have been here over 20 years now and cannot speak a word of English.

That is the measuring stick. Without a common language, you have a divided country. If they can't bother to learn English so their kids speak it at home and give their kids a better chance, then they do not belong here.

What happens when she gets married and has kids...they will either speak gutter English or Spanish. She mostly speaks Spanish now be cause that is what she is used to.

If she stays here, then I feel her parents should go -- because they haven't bothered connecting with America.


Steve Hale #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(He's serious, sadly not a Poe!)

Frank, first picture a fist in your ignorant face. Then, give some consideration to the fact that the moon is now a superhardened, vulcanized sphere that exists for the purpose of providing a necessary counterweight for earth evolution. Sun and Moon are the electromagnetic poles for the earth, which lies in the shadow zone; life in the valley of the shadow.

Thus, the moon is effectively sealed off and impenetrable since the mineral kingdom was passed over to the earth during the Lemurian Epoch, about fifty thousand years ago. It was turned into a burnt-out husk when the mineral element was poured over to the earth, and the earth, in turn, passed its fine etheric constitution to the moon. What was to be the original Eden condition of earth evolution now exists on the moon.

Lucifer and Ahriman were instrumental in conducting the passing over of the mineral kingdom to earth, but also wanted to withhold a portion for themselves. When they couldn't put it back on the sphere in which they evolved as Archai spirits of the Old Moon evolution, they stuck it in the moon's etheric body, and created the Eighth Sphere.

But the short of it is that the moon is an impenetrable sphere where the Law of Repulsion resides in support of its effective counterweight for the earth.

kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Even if a Muslim won't kill you, he might get in your face and demand you stop eating a burger with bacon on it or demand you keep your dog instead [sic] so he can't see it. And, of course, any reference to another religion must be censored in public.

Sharia gangs roam the streets enforcing Sharia in certain parts of cities in Europe.


sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

All muslims (except ones who do not believe entirely in the koran and those are far and few between) want to take over the world.

ISIS is militant.

Others give money for them or will not condemn them.

And we have to shut up or be called islamophobic.

All you have to do is look how they are taking over other countries and those aren't ISIS. There are no go zones -- and those are not ISIS.

They are a pox and I don't want them here.

We already have too many.

sharaleigh23 #sexist groups.yahoo.com

(Comment on an article posted entitled "U.S. Army To Female Soldiers: Be Prepared To Shower With 'Women With Male Genitalia'" http://www.dailywire.com/news/18674/us-army-female-soldiers-be-prepared-shower-women-amanda-prestigiacomo) (Boldface mine):

I don't think women mind showering with someone who has a penis as much as they mind feeling vulnerable because they are showering with men who have penises pretending they aren't. Women are very uncomfortable about their bodies.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Comment on an article posted entitled "Buddhist Monk says all races and religions could live together if it weren’t for Muslims" http://www.myinfonews.net/2017/10/31/buddhist-monk-says-all-races-and-religions-could-live-together-if-it-werent-for-muslims/):

It's yet another reason to ban all Muslim immigration. Muslims are cancer to Western nations. Islam is incompatible with any form of government that isn't Islamic. Muslims as a group have proven over and over again that they refuse to co-exist with those of other religions.

Yet, idiot liberals in this country continue to call for tolerance of the intolerant.


sharaleigh23 #sexist groups.yahoo.com

(Boldface mine)

It costs more than $30,000 for transgender therapy reassignment. That is very lowball figure. It takes approximately 6-1/2 years to complete. And then, 65% of the ones who have had the procedure change their minds.

This is not good for our military. If they want to have the procedure, they should pay for it. We taxpayers shouldn't have to, especially when it is a mental problem they have according to many doctors and should not be encouraged by change or mutilation of their bodies. They need to get to the bottom of what is bothering them. Most are just as unhappy afterwards as before.

Many suffer bi-polar and depression, anxiety, etc. People are not allowed into the military that have those problems because it is not safe for them, not safe for the ones with whom they serve.

By telling these people that it is okay to do this, they are being encouraged to do something that is actually bad for them...instead of being told, let's talk about what is really bothering you.

Bottom line -- taxpayers should not pay for this and it is not safe for them to be in the military.

6-1/2 years for this therapy -- and they can't serve during that time. So many join the service, get a cushy job and flaunt their high heels and in-your-face weirdness while we foot the bill. Worthless.


sharaleigh23 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

A large percentage of transgender people have anxiety, are depressed, bi-polar, etc. If you have those problems, you cannot serve in the military. Also a lot of them kill themselves...and most all are drama queens. This brings down the morale of all of the military.

There are two sexes. Men. Women. That's all.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Responding to another member who wrote: " I have to wonder how you function day to day with information solely from far Right fringe conspiracy outlets like Breitbart."):

...{W]hy would we want to become brain dead and paranoid by watching the liberal news outlets?

I have a friend that watches the news channels like politfact, facebook, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, Univision, NYT, WaPo, HuffPo and CNN and she is paranoid now.

I feel sorry for her.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Comment on article posted entitled "This College Professor Is Under Siege for Challenging Transgender Orthodoxy" http://dailysignal.com/2017/10/13/college-professor-siege-challenging-transgender-orthodoxy/ boldface mine):

See how they call transgenderism diversity instead of a mental illness. If you dare say it, you are under siege like this professor. This country has gone nuts. It is becoming like Sodom and Gomorrah. Telling the truth that this is not healthy for society is now considered bigoted. Telling the truth that transgenderism is loaded with problems is attacked. They don't want the truth. It's so disheartening. Telling the truth is now called "hate". I am so sick of this.


lel817 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Having a happy COLUMBUS DAY. If you think you're a descendent of interlopers, then get the fuck out. This was not a nation until Europeans created it. Before then, it was just a land mass.

kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

(As part of a discussion on the cause of homosexuality, and in response to another member who said, in reply to the posting of an article from a Christian publication which claimed a lesbian had been "cured" of homosexuality: "Christian publicans are first and foremost telling a Christian story. For whatever reason, Christians do not want to believe homosexuals are stuck with being who they are, would rather hold to the idea that they can be 'corrected'. Such a view does not benefit from science, which is secondary to faith for them. This pretty much disqualifies them from the start. I put in the effort only for stuff that at least shoots for objectivity.") (boldface mine)

It's more than absurd and arrogant for you to claim you know more than a former homosexual.

It's a FACT that there are thousands of former homosexuals. It's absurd for anyone to claim they are lying or can understand what they've overcome.

So, you reject the gay gene? What else would cause homosexuality other than environmental causes? Are you claiming homosexuality is hormonal?

If homosexuality was hormonal, it goes to follow there should be a hormonal cure. That's why homosexual activists are so opposed to that theory being the cause of homosexuality.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Comment on an article posted entitled "Texas Capital Dumps Columbus Day for ‘Indigenous Peoples Day":

I'm so sick of Columbus being attacked. He was great man, great explorer and someone that only wanted the best for the people of lands he came in contact with.

The left is determined to rewrite history and demonize white people. It's simply sick. And, the left wonders why it keeps getting hammered at the ballot box.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Responding to and quoting from an article posted entitled "Linda Sarsour Tells Social Justice Rally Attendees to Be Ready to ‘Put Their Lives on the Line’" http://freebeacon.com/culture/linda-sarsour-social-justice-rally-attendees-ready-put-lives-line/):

"I am willing to die for black people, for indigenous people. I am willing to die for Muslim people, I am willing to die for the most marginalized people in this country. I am not afraid."

Oh. So die already.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #homophobia groups.yahoo.com

(Responding to the question: “So, if people are not born gay, why would anyone choose so difficult a way to go?”)

Why would a pedophile choose to have desires for young children? Are pedophiles born the way they are?

I don’t believe most gays choose to be gay.

That being said, that doesn’t mean they were born the way they are or there is a biological reason for their condition.

Homosexuality has been linked to same-sex child abuse and rejection and fear of the opposite sex.

I have testimony of one former lesbian that grew up around abusive men. He began to hate men and develop sexual desires for other women.

The age old debate is nature vs. nurture.

Homosexual activists and leftists have tried to eliminate the debate to promote their political agena.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Responding to a request for clarification of her previous comment, which was: "Many gay men (and some women) admit they became gay when they were sexually abused when they were younger.")

Fairly self explanatory. Most every one I know who is gay had a gay experience with an older person when they were quite young. This is pretty well known, not that unusual. It makes sense that one's first sexual experience would be always remembered. I think most people remember. Many gays I know say - sure, that happened, but I realize this is what I prefer. Many say it was their CHOICE.

I realize not all feel the same and that some may be born that way. It seems like maybe a hormonal situation, but I have no idea why. Just a guess.

I base this on many articles I have read and what many friends say. There are a lot of gays here. I am friends with many. And in articles, they say they were not born that way. Some freely talk about it. They don't care. It's what they prefer.

They choose to be gay because that is their sexual preference. Easy answer. And many will tell you that without shame. Here in L.A. they don't care about it. They don't need to say they were born that way. They are not stigmatized here no matter why they are gay. Some do say they felt they were born that way, but others say not so at all...just their preference and choice.

I'm not the one that said it was a mental illness, btw. However, I do think transgenderism might be although I'm no shrink so I don't know. It seems that many commit suicide and are very unhappy before and after transgendering so it could be that there are underlying problems of their not liking themselves. That many cut themselves -- that is one of the signs of self-hatred.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Comment on an article posted entitled "International Safe Abortion Day Should Be International UNSAFE Abortion Day" http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/international-safe-abortion-day-should-be-international-unsafe-abortion-day/)

If a doctor becomes an abortionist, think about it -- he or she doesn't go to school to do that. They often do not have what it takes to be a real doctor (usually maybe not always).

Only ones I know who have gotten abortions or the pill have been mistreated. They don't give them a chance to recover (mentally or physically) and have them stumble out of the place afterwards. You bleed a lot with that pill and every girl I know of has called the doctor to tell doctor and doctors all have said - it's normal. I've talked about it before but the doctor my daughter's friend went to didn't even do a ultrasound -- and it was an ectopic pregnancy. She collapsed, was taken to the hospital and almost died. They do not do proper follow ups to make sure there are no baby parts left inside of the woman and she can get infection. Sometimes the uterus is perforated and she can't have children later.

These doctors are quacks. Too many to take a chance on.

The answer is to inspect them like any other place (they often aren't btw) and to shut them down if they don't pass...and they need quality control inspections and they should do this on their own. They are so greedy they don't want to spend the money. Also, they cover it up when a doctor is bad.

Women should go anywhere else but a PP clinic.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

[...] I think that if you study history, muslims start out small in an area - then there are suddenly many. They start demanding shari'a law. They are taught to lie to pretend they are moderate (Taqiyya) until they can take over. We see it happening all over Europe, pocket after pocket of no-go zones.

So pardon me if I want error on the side of caution.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

[...]I don't know whether they knew [Obamacare] would implode or not. They aren't even admitting it has now...well some of them are, but many aren't. One thing is certain, they knew that Hillary would finish the job of socialized medicine.

I don't understand how Americans don't look to other countries similar to ours (not small countries, that is entirely different)..and see the long wait times of a year or more. Many die waiting for treatment. Then some are denied treatment.

And once you have socialized medicine, you can't get out of it. That is where we are now. You are right that Obamacare is socialized, but not totally -- just enough so that they were able to get it through.

Yes, if you have private insurance you get to keep your insurance and keep your doctor -- unless your carrier is no longer in your state. And premiums rose in every state I think except one.

The argument of Jimmy Kimmel is ridiculous. If you are homeless and have a baby and the baby needs special care, the hospital takes that baby in and he gets the best care in the world. Kimmel will never address that point.

Also, I don't know about other states but here in California, illegals get pregnant and their doctor and hospital are totally paid for -- care for the baby is free for them -- and they get all types of freebies for the new baby. I talked with a girl about it and I said - how are you paying the hospital bill...it costs so much to have a baby and she told me it was totally free. She didn't believe me that we had to pay and most people have to pay. I think she thought I was making that up.

I remember when we had our babies a while back and you have the hospital day...and that is the day they want you to pay for 1/3 or 1/2 and they pretend it is about taking you on a tour. We couldn't believe how much it was. And people here illegally are getting it totally free. It is just so wrong. I don't remember what insurance we had back then...apparently we had to pay for pregnancy though. Also we had to pay the doctor of course. Since I wasn't going to be having babies all the time, probably we decided not to have pregnancy insurance unless something went wrong.

So Jimmy Kimmel is full of it. He has no idea what he is talking about.

He also won't address how many people are losing their policies. Nor will he address that health care will be rationed.

Yet, many people love and believe him. That's because they want to believe that it is actually free and they get something out of it.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Lawful black people are not being oppressed in this country.

And, in fact, the group of people that earn the highest income are Asian.

Millions of people of color have immigrated here over the past several decades. They aren't coming here to be oppressed. They are coming here because this is one of the freest and most prosperous nation on earth.


theradicalson #fundie #sexist groups.yahoo.com

All through the Bible, the female is depicted as being the weaker sex, and even proves true today, weak-minded, unable to accept responsibility for their own bodies when it comes to sex, even when it comes to saving the life of another human being. Can't believe you've strayed so far from the Bible that now you even question it.

theradicalson #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Today's woman has fought for "total control and responsibility" for her body, so she should be responsible for deciding to spread her legs. If she is not fully prepared for that responsibility, then she should keep them closed until she is. Fact is, less than 5% of all abortions are due to rape and incest together, meaning the other 95% was out of carelessness on the womans part mostly. Again, it is her body, she knows the consequences that not being prepared may bring, just as the rest of us do in any wrongdoing we choose to do, so she should not get a free pass to murder something she herself is primarily responsible for. Having said that, we all make mistakes, many times on the spur of the moment. My problem is with the system making it easier for women not to have to worry about being responsible anymore, they can just get pregnant as many times as they want and kill their babies...especially at the taxpayers expense. That offends me...so where are my rights for being offended by these lowlifes?

FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(In response to the posting of an article entitled "Abortion Mind Control" http://www.arhataosho.com/index.php/2017/09/07/abortion-mind-control/):

Isn't it great the way God made men and women different. He gave women maternal instinct so she protects her baby -- unless her mind gets screwed up. This is probably why God decided it should be women who have babies. Even now as my husband and I are older, I am the one with the maternal instinct toward the grandchildren. Unless you have had children, it may be hard to understand this. It is nature, it is natural and it is beautiful.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(In response to another member, who stated, "If abortion is murder as you say, and from inception, the mother, doctor and assistants should stand trial for murder.")

[T]hat is not possible because this country stupidly made abortion legal. The Supreme Court ruled on this when they never should have. It should have been thrown back to the states.

I hate when people say a woman should have a choice because that lets the scumbag guys off the hook. Most of them will weasel out by saying -- WELL, HONEY, IT IS YOUR BODY AND YOUR CHOICE as if they are being magnanimous. That is NOT what she wants to hear. Even if she decides not to keep her baby, she wants to hear that he will be there to help her and support it.

Men cop out. Women feel so vulnerable at that time.

Some day maybe the Supreme Court will undo the law. But this country has become so morally upside down that many think abortion is perfectly okay and are all for it.

It was supposed to be rare and it most certainly isn't. I knew it wouldn't be. I knew when the Supremes ruled on it that it would become so commonplace that no one would blink an eye. I knew that they would want to do it into the 9th month...even the 8th month.

It hurts the consciousness of this country as a whole.

Today I read that one of the major doctors in Germany that butchered little children for medical experiments fled to Brazil and immediately became an abortion doctor. No big surprise there.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

We are now in a country that is punishing people for standing up for their religious beliefs. Even at a school in America, kids were told not to display American flags. Next day all the kids' trucks were lined up with American flags on them. It is a plan that the progressive left has had for a long time to shut us down.

At universities speakers cannot talk if they are conservative. At Harvard last week, Barry Shapiro spoke and afterwards kids were offered counseling if it upset them.

I wonder if they offer counseling for the students who have had Howard Zinn shoved down their throats.

Since many people are leaving churches, I guess pastors are compromising.

Read Alinsky Rules...that is how they have done this to us, to shut us up and make it a crime to believe gay marriage is wrong or that you shouldn't bake a cake for someone's gay wedding, or you call a he a he instead of a she even though it is very clear it is a he. And now some are trying to criminalize saying climate change caused by man is a hoax. They want to put you in jail for using common sense and thinking.


theradicalson #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Responding to another member, who commented, in part, in a discussion as to whether a woman's clothing contributes to them being victims of rape: "Why aren't men held accountable for their actions? If a man can't control his sexual urges, why, just as in Muslim states, is it always the fault of the women?" Boldface mine:

I can see this issue hits home with you, it does me too, and I totally agree that men should be held accountable for their actions, especially with something like rape, and most are, if caught. I am not in any way excusing a mans actions against a woman, but sexual desire is probably the strongest desire there is in human beings and it can drive many of us, including me at times, to maybe do some kinky things in the bedroom, or on the kitchen table, or under a pine tree at night on the local golf course, or....oops sorry, got carried away with memories, lol. Seriously though, why is playboy and pornography so popular with men and even women? It ain't because those girls or guys are wearing clothes that cover every inch of them. Girls have the FIRST responsibility in PROTECTING themselves and their bodies. Isn't that what they say when it comes to killing their babies? Well then, it would be unfair and hypocritical to see choic e of clothing to protect themselves from luring eyes and potential rapes as well. Women are well aware when their boobs are hanging out and their asscheeks are showing, constantly aware, because that comes with being born a female and growing up in todays Barbydoll culture. Maybe we should be asking the women WHY they like to dress that way. I'm guessing most of them will agree a big part of it is to feel SEXY. Why is it necessary to feel sexy? To turn men on or catch their eye. Why else?

kirkz2006@yahoo.com #sexist groups.yahoo.com

Abortion has made men worse as a gender.

It used to be men were forced into doing the "right thing" and marrying for the sake of the child. It forced a man to commit to a wife and family. And, many times, the marriage ended up being a happy one.

Now a man can pressure a woman into aborting and continue to hump and dump.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(From a pro-life woman who believes women are coerced to abort, but not coerced to get pregnant and give birth):

When I was pregnant and told my husband, even though we planned our babies, I still watched his reaction very carefully. If I had one hint of his being a little worried or not happy enough, I would have felt vulnerable and alone.

Men may not be able to appreciate what I am saying -- but what she wants you to do is jump up and down with excitement and lift her in the air and kiss her and tell her everything is going to be okay.

Instead, many men say - okay, what do you think? (wrong words) Or they say - are you going to keep it (uhhh, her heart just sank). Or they say -- it's up to you...it's your body and your choice. I will not stand in your way if you want an abortion. WHAT????????????? He is taking away all responsibility from himself. By saying that he is putting her on her own.

It is horrible. A woman couldn't feel more vulnerable than when she is pregnant. With his so easily agreeing maybe she shouldn't keep the baby (passive aggressive usually), she may feel alone and that she has no other choice but to abort.

Men are often very stupid. That they don't realize this or that men use this against women is maddening.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(In response to the posting of an article entitled "Clooney Donates $1M to Southern Poverty Law Center" (http://thedailyconservative.com/clooney-donates-1m-to-southern-poverty-law-center/), which was posted to the group with the title "George Clooney gave $1 million to hate group SPLC". Boldface mine):

Yeah, George's career is toast.

So are a lot of the other actors and actresses that came out against Trump.

Like Merrill Streepe, Johnny Depp and Ashley Judd, etc....( the rest of them were already unheard of actors)

Here is my absolute favorite MEME which includes George Clooney

I hope it's still up and running:



FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Comment on an article posted entitled "DHS: Arizona Proves 'Border Walls Work'" (http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2017/08/24/dhs-arizona-proves-border-walls-work/), and in response to another group member who said, in part, "This has nothing to do with Democrats. Trump was pandering to make such a ridiculous promise in the first place, and he's pandering now." Boldface mine:

Was Clinton and many many many other democrats also pandering when they promised us a wall?

He is trying to hire new ICE agents. There are some in training now. He wants 15,000 more. He has only been there a few months. It takes a good bit of training to be an ICE agent. They are trying to fill these jobs as quickly as possible.

Last president didn't even want ICE agents to do what they were trained to do. It is hard to go from how behind we were to now. Also, you have to realize that last president was HOSTILE to ICE agents and destroyed their morale. Not only that, but most people thought Hillary would be just as bad and the next president. Therefore, the usual training and people wanting to go into that field dwindled because of the hostility of the democrats.

The wall will pay for itself. I made a list of all that we are paying for illegals...I didn't include extra police and fire on that long list. In fact, it will more than pay for itself.

Also, here in California, they can't keep up with fixing our freeways and roads because we have illegals now driving. Our insurance rates have shot upward and so have our license tags, etc...there are many personal things happening to us here that is $$$$ because of illegals. Not to mention, they get advantages getting into colleges that our own kids would have to pay full tuition for.

The other day my daughter told me that one of the girls her son went to school with is pregnant. I asked if she had a job and my daughter said well, she did, but she fell at work so now she is getting disability and unemployment. I asked my daughter how she would pay for the hospital and doctors. My daughter said it is all free...taxpayers pay for it. We are not only paying for doctors and hospital but she got free breast pump and diapers and will get free formula for the baby and all kinds of other freebies.

Once again, the wall will more than pay for itself.

As I have said, many articles have been posted here (and I'm sure you can find them on line) that breaks down what we are paying for the many illegals here (they say 11 million or so...but actually we are now learning it is closer to 30 million and maybe more).

The wall will more than pay for itself.

The border is no political game to me and I'm sure it wasn't to President Trump either.

98% of the heroin being brought in is from Mexico. So what were you saying about fear mongering? Isn't it better to be smart and stop this from happening. How much money are liberals going to want us to pay for to get people off these drugs? How much are the hospital bills, etc?

You probably didn't see his speech the other night but he said a wall is not necessary everywhere and we need to be able to see through it. He knows what he is doing because he is #1--a builder and #2--actually talking to the experts unlike the un-American ass president we used to have.


kirkz2006@yahoo.com #racist groups.yahoo.com

I'd love to see someone ask Colin Kaepernick, if people of color are being oppressed, why have millions immigrated here over the past several decades? Or if people of color are being oppressed why does just about every small town in America have a Chinese or Mexican restaurant run by people of color that is thriving?


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Responding to a comment made by another member: "There is a supernatural hatred of both Jews and Christians in the world and country. There is nothing logical about it.

It's amusing to see the left claim it is a right-wing problem given all the antisemitism [sic] on its side from Muslims and blacks like Al Sharpton. The left is vehemently anti-Israel."

Jesus said it would happen.

It is caused by their hatred of God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible.

I will stick with God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible, over the liberals, democrats, leftists, evolutionists,
homosexuals, transgenders, feminists, Antifa's, Black Lives Matter groups, prochoicers, Muslims, KKK, White Supremacy groups, Non Believers, false teachers, blind guides, anti-Semitism groups, Communists, Nazi groups,

These groups have NOTHING to offer, but, sin, looting, rioting, protesting, hatred, anger, bondage and death.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Commenting on an article posted entitled "CA Governor Jerry Brown Tried To Build A Liberal Paradise, But Now Residents Are Awakening To A HARSH Reality" - http://www.dcstatesman.com/ca-governor-jerry-brown-tried-build-liberal-paradise-now-residents-awaking-harsh-reality/)

People are leaving [California] BECAUSE:

Liberals are planning to secede from the USA. NO THANKS. I want to keep my USA citizenship.

Liberals are planning to go with Single Payer Health Plan, which will cost those over 65 double for their federal health through Medicare AND for the Single Payer Health Plan that every person will have to pay in CA. NO THANKS.

Liberals are planning to force Californians to buy solar for every house or business they own. NO THANKS.

Liberals are planning to STEAL your money anyway they can, through higher DMV's tags, taxes, higher gas prices, higher minimum wages which increases the price of burgers, pizza, dinners out, merchandise at the malls and stores.

We can't afford to keep giving our money away....so the baby boomers are bailing out.

So are some of the younger parents too. A young couple on YOUTUBE moved to BEND OREGON. They said they didn't want to raise their childreb [sic] in California.



dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Commenting on a YouTube video posted entitled "Transgender Activist: Men Should Find Us Attractive - Men Are Bigots? - Tucker Carlson" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNFzrqCnbGM It's hard to know where to start with this post when the ignorance and bigotry run so deep...)


Are the people getting crazier or WHAT??

Why in the world would these men thing that straight men would want them?

That would make the straight men GAY!!

I would never be part of the deception that they demand of us. Can you imagine me introducing a male friend of mine to a transsexual male and not telling him that this was really a male dressed up as a female.

I would no doubt lose my male friends trust. This male cannot give the other male a baby.

Imagine if I introduce a female friend to a transsexual female and not telling her that this was really a female dressed up as a male.

My friend would be furious with me that I deceived her. After all that female can't give her a baby either.

I refused to be commanded to go along with any of this.

Remember the member you had on the board that go so mad at me because I wouldn't call him a she?

I took a lot of flack for that, but I told this person the very same thing I said above about NOT deceiving my friends.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Responding to another member who wrote: "The impact of pedophilia and abortion are often the same. Both can have devastating psychological effects on women.")

I think ripping a innocent child to pieces is the greater sin.

At least a child that has been sexually abused will live to see another day. At least that child can get justice from the LAW. At least that child can grow up to have a life, have a husband or wife, and have a family or a career. The unborn child has NO chance of any of that.

The LAW is allowing an unborn child to ripped to pieces through abortion. There is no justice in that.

Abortion is the greater crime. A Holocaust.


FairSharFairShar #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(In response to another group member, who wrote: "Infiltration is the traditional tactics of Marxists. They in filtrate the Churches, Military, bureaucracies, educational institutions and establishments etc. In the Army tax money is being spent for Wicca Temples and everything else except anything Biblical. In fact the Bible is treated by all US Army branches exactly the same way as it is in Saudi Arabia!

There are a lot of folks out there who are very ill informed and some are in complete denial [Stockholm Syndrome].")

I didn't realize tax money went to Wicca Temples. They would not allow this for Christian churches. I know that you cannot even have a Bible on your desk if you are in the military. I didn't know that before but when someone got in trouble for it, I asked my friend who was in the military as was her husband. So this did not start with Obama apparently.

I'm not sure when it got so extreme.

I read an article the other day that in Britain, churches are coming down and Mosques are going up, and where those Mosques are going up -- there have been many rapes, burning cars, and now the trend is throwing acid in people's faces.

Their government seems to protect the muslims but not others.

Everything is okay but Christianity. I wonder why that is.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

The problem with the pro-choicer/anti-lifer beliefs...... that the baby is just a bunch of cells is...

The pro-choicers ARE just a bunch of cells too.

Should people be allowed to abort pro-choicers for the same reason?


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Commenting on an article posted entitled "The Shocking Doomsday Maps Of The World And The Billionaire Escape Plans" [https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimdobson/2017/06/10/the-shocking-doomsday-maps-of-the-world-and-the-billionaire-escape-plans/#6ebb75524047], and in response to another member who wrote, in part: "I've had suspicions about something like this for a long time, although my idea of their reasoning has been different." BOLDFACE mine)

To Robert, if you became a Christian, you would never have to worry about how the earth will come to an end. You wouldn't be around to watch it happen. You would be raptured out of here before the wrath comes.

The earth isn't going to be destroyed by an Asteroid. People won't need to worry about don't need to worry about finding a rich man or woman to help you get into a bunker. They wouldn't let you in anyway, unless you wanted to be their slave, but I am sure they already have someone in mind for the jobs they will dish out.

The earth might get hit with some HUGE hailstones that have fire attached to them, but the plagues and loss of water will kill people long before the hailstones start killing people. People will want to be killed by that time.

The rich man's water and food will never last long in their bunkers. Especially when the Anti-Christ finds them and takes away everything they have in those bunkers.

During the first 3 1/2 half years of the 7 year Tribulation period...... people will be celebrating that the Christians are gone, so they can become socialists, communist, Muslims, homosexuals, pedophiles, prostitutes, whatever they want to be, but when the Anti-Christ and his followers takes total control of the world and the people have to take a MARK on their forehead or right hand in order to buy and sell things go down hill REAL fast .

It is going to be very bad for those left behind during the LAST 3 1/2 years of the tribulations.

During that time..... comes the wars...where all nations will turn against all nations, especially the Jews, then comes the lack of electricity, cell phones, computers where technology will no longer work due to each nation using their electromagnetic pulse weapons against the grids .....then comes the plagues like they saw during Moses Day.. plagues that will devastated the whole earth....with frogs, locusts, knats, flies, boils/sores, lifestock dying, darkness, plants dying, earthquakes, hailstones with flames of fire, intense heat, no water.....Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Rev 11, Rev 16......then there will be BLOOD in the seas, lakes, rivers as well as blood flowing down a 200 miles canyon that is as high as a horses bridle, right outside the city of Jerusalem. Some have estimated this much blood would require 1 BILLION people destroyed all at once in this one area....THOSE people are the armies who are standing outside of Jerusalem ready to attack the Jews and Jesus and his army......... Rev 14:20....

Millions and millions of people if not BILLIONS are killed, thrown in jail or die from the plagues, earthquakes, hailstones.

They will WISH the Christians were still on the earth, due to the fact that Holy Spirit IN the Christians is what was holding back the Anti-Christ and the end times tribulations.

2 Thessalonians 2:4-7
He (Anti-Christ) will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he (Holy Spirit) is taken out of the way.


dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

Commenting on an article posted entitled "The Courageous Pro-life Women Who Fight for Real Equality"

Amen, I will never forget the time I wound up at an Abortion clinic, thinking I was going to a new doctor for my yearly female checkups like mammogram, and pap.

When I drove into the parking lot I realized this must be an Abortion Clinic with all the protesters outside.

I decided to go inside to make sure if this was the abortion clinic or was it the building next door. I was told it was the abortion clinic.

I immediately had a HORRIBLE feeling come over me. I wasn't about to go back in those rooms to have a pap or a mammogram and I told the receptionist to cancel my appointment. I told her that there was no way I could stay here. There were two women in the waiting room looking at me. They could tell that I was disgusted with that place.

I went outside and started praying for the women in there to change their minds. I did what Jesus instructs us to do and start casting out unclean spirits that are in the building and in the people inside. I claimed that place as JESUS' place and prayed that the place would be shut down by the power and authority of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 10:8
Matthew 12:28
Mark 3:15
Mark 9:25, 38-40
Mark 16:17
Luke 4:35
Acts 16:18


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