
Tarvan, TRex2 #fundie rr-bb.com

Tarvan starts a thread:

Facebook's Pride Button

So I'm really trying to avoid (boycott) companies I come across that glorify sin as something to be proud of. I recently added McDonalds to my 'do not go to' list for their gay fries and general support of sin.
Today I find that Facebook is celebrating pride month with a gay button and then I see my favorite baseball team (New York Mets) are having a gay day or pride day or whatever. I'm a pretty heavy user of facebook and a huge baseball fan. I'm really not sure what to do here. I guess I need to throw these idols down too. Ive already given up tv and movies and a large number of businesses already over this stuff. Looks like soon I'll just have to chill in the crib doing nothing but eating chickfila all day.

TRex2 knows our evil plan with fb and warns Tarvan:

You might want to try to find a different way, Facebook is becoming more and more anti-christian by the month. To the point that, soon they will be using AI software to track the activities of Christians, for the purpose of bringing persecution on them. They label evil as love, and anything to do with Christianity as hate, and their rhetoric of using these planned measures against "extremism" is a trojan horse. (Actually any time you hear something discussing extremism, you should see it as a trojan horse, but that is a different thread.)

so-blessed #fundie rr-bb.com

We do indeed need & value your prayers. It's heartbreaking to watch the news here & see comments from members of the public who support Islam. No one with any other opinion ever gets interviewed. It feels very lonely at the moment to have biblical views on Islam- something that not even many Christians seem to have.

Those of us who encounter the unsaved on a daily basis & are blessed to be able to witness the Gospel are being criticised & ridiculed for Who our faith is in. Muslims are getting no end of support & if we dare to speak out against it we are in the wrong. The only people who are against Islam are (as I read in another thread) white supremasists who are sadly anti semetic too.

My country has gone mad - calling good evil & evil good, just as scripture says. I no longer feel anything good about this land & every day with every news story it is more & more dismaying. DH & I knew that here we would read sense. Praise God we have His Word to find the truth in.

WVBORN56 #fundie rr-bb.com

All the signs point to a soon rapture IMHO.

I firmly believe the rapture will be the thing that triggers and exacerbates the collapse.

We are told that we will be living in a time of business as usual (eating and drinking and giving in marriage) when Jesus returns for the church. It certainly will not be business as usual when the USA economy collapses. The entire world will be thrown into pandemonium and utter panic when the world's flag ship economy crashes and crashes hard.

All the wars that we now find ourselves on the brink of entering will break out in mass as a means to distract the world's populations. This of course is found in Revelation chapter 6 and by then the bride is long gone.

We are oh so close to our blessed hope church!

keep looking up!

TRex2 #fundie rr-bb.com

Recently I got an encrypted e-mail account, so that I can discuss things
with people that are politically incorrect without so much threat of being
attacked by liberals, when they get more consolidated in their attacks.

It is the first of about a dozen steps I am recommending to people
I know to deal with the threats that I see coming. These are things
that people in many other places, and in many times past, have
had to do when Christianity came under attack.

Cindy S. #fundie rr-bb.com

Adultery and acceptance of the sinner

My daughter had an affair with a married man and seems he isnt going away as I have been praying.
I know we are all sinners and I know how Jesus treated the woman caught in adultery.
I am having trouble processing this. I could use wisdom.
He has filed for divorce from his wife.
He has kids and so does my daughter.
I told her to never bring that homewrecker around me.

so-blessed #fundie rr-bb.com

Thank you Lord for Your provision

We are self employed (DH& I work together) & the diary is now empty right through December. DH went to buy fuel in his truck today & also picked up a couple of packets of our favouite sweets at the till. He paid, telling the till girl which pump he'd fulled up on. When she handed him his receipt & he checked it, she hadn't charged for the fuel. He pointed this out to her & she checked & confirmed the amount of fuel he'd had. She looked at his receipt, checked her till, looked at CCTV & said she could see he'd put the fuel in, but her till showed it had been paid! She asked the other tills to check, they all confirmed no outstanding amounts of fuel. Off you go, she said, someone has paid! Well praise the Lord!! What a blessing!

Rachel #fundie rr-bb.com

[Re. Black Lives Matter]

I think it's all very telling about which way our society is headed. It makes me glad to live out in the country and near a small town and not in the city. I'm about 30 miles from Cincinnati but I don't think that anything would make it's way out here if protests or riots happen there again.

ETA: I have to agree that it is definitely a spiritual battle! The complete and utter lunacy that is seen in these situations and downright evil actions that people are taking has to mean they are under a pretty strong influence from Satan.

XMaryX #fundie rr-bb.com

Just wondering what the truth is re: Columbus; some say he was Godly and a devout Christian, some say he truly wasn't and was in actuality not very 'nice' at all.

If he was a Godly man, the accusations of him being bigoted and cruel to the Native Americans simply cannnot be true unless he was not a true born-again believer in Christ.

There is this growing swell of states who are choosing to call this holiday weekend "Indigenous Peoples' Day Weekend" because of this notion of Columbus being an awful man; I suspect this is just more anti-America propaganda but don't want to assume.


Patreesha #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the recording of Trump making deeply misogynistic comments]

Men will be men. I saw Trump's sincere apology and I believe him. What he said was a long time ago and MANY men talk that way -- even Christian brothers! That doesn't make it right but I do believe that Trump has grown up a whole lot this past year and if he has indeed accepted Christ, then he is born again and we need to forgive him and support him. He must beat Hillary -- we cannot have her as president or this country is done, especially for us freedom-loving, God-fearing people.

my2babiesmama #fundie rr-bb.com

I don't want to post the link because I don't want anyone following it, but I received a large postcard in the mail with a link to a website that talks about the poles shifting in the near future and everyone in the US and Canada will be destroyed unless they put themselves in the power of the ODF (outer dimensional forces). The funny thing is, they post just enough Scripture to back up their claims that it could be deceptive if you didn't know the Bible. They present three different ways of evacuating, calling them "Time Ark Service Modules". I went to their website and just laughed. It's hard to believe that anyone would take what they have written seriously, but it also reminds me that we are so close to the rapture. I can't wait!!!!!

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

Stay AWAY from my children Hillary!

You, and all of your body doubles, clones, and whatever other sick conspiracy stuff the government is involved in and seems to be testing out on you as of late; using you as their first human guinea pig.

One of you is one too many. A million of you would cause the planet to immediately implode.

Then to think they might start doing the same DNA clone stuff with Obama, with other leftist loonies, with people like the Kardashian's, Justin Bieber, and Miley Cyrus...

fl2007rn #fundie rr-bb.com

[On a SpaceX rocket blowing up]

I don't live far from Cape Canaveral but I didn't hear any boom from the explosion this morning. This was a Facebook satellite that got destroyed. I know Facebook can be used to spread the glory of God, but it can also be used as a tool by satan. It wouldn't surprise me if this was divine intervention for this rocket to blow up.

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

As a little girl, from about age 5 on up, I remember listening to my mom on the phone with various of her siblings. My mom was a stay at home mom and was always on the phone, always gossiping about something. It could be comparing me and my sister and our physical looks/personality traits, how so and so in church was in reality a bad horrible Christian and probably demon possessed, and of course talking about politics: Republicans, Democrats, the end of the world, how all Democrats are possessed by demons and of Satan and if the Democrats won it was all over for us and we would be waiting in line to have our heads chopped off by the guillotine. One thing that really sticks in my mind in my routine eavesdropping of my mother, one day they were talking about if the Democrats won, was Carter or Mondale or something, how they would torture all Christians and how it would be just like it was in other countries that are already Satanic. They spoke of babies being taken from the arms of their mothers, then thrown up in the air as high as they could throw them, and just letting them crash into concrete. They spoke of taking children, tying the arms and legs of the child to 2 or 3 horses, and then they would direct all the horses to run in different directions and the child would be ripped apart...

Although I don't think all Democrats are like my mom described them to be when I was young, seriously speaking, Hillary comes pretty close.

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

NB: Kuru is a fatal disease endemic to tribal areas of Papua New Guinea caused by eating human brains.

I was reading on Walid Shoebat's website that Kuru was an almost extinct disease, but is now making a huge comeback. Especially in Syria, in which Muslim's evidently practice ritual human sacrifice and then eat the person. One of the articles I read said that 8 in 20 people in Syria is infected. That is a lot!

Homesick777 #fundie rr-bb.com

If you think it doesn't matter who wins, wait until Hillary announces to the Millennials that she found an extra ONE TRILLION DOLLARS a year for them to have in their grubby little hands by euthenizing those on Social Security and Disability -- "those who are a drain on our economy." That is, afterall, the next progressive thing to do.

I watched the Democrats in 2008 and 2012 whip their followers into a frenzy by thinking that by "eliminating" the 1% that they would have access to all their physical assets and money that were being denied to them. This nation is ripe for the greatest immoral proposal ever made. Soylent Green. Bacon flavored grandparents.

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

If Trump doesn't win, then yeah, I'm going to change my affiliation to Independent. Not that it will matter, considering I don't look for the US to be around for long if the Hildabeast is elected. Or if the US still is around, we most likely won't be. Many of Hillary's enemies tend to drop dead, in various "accidents". In addition, if she wins, my guess is that soon it will be a crime to say "Jesus", will be considered treasonous to own a Bible, and just that people will be allowed to worship any god they want, can do the new age thing, the Muslim thing, the Buddhist thing, the Hindu thing, and any thing BUT worship the One True God, and His Son Jesus Christ.

If I were an atheist, that right there would give me pause. The reason there are no secular "issues" with all these religions, and we are forced to bend over backwards to accommodate them all... because they all have one thing in common.... they all worship SATAN. The only God (capital because I'm talking about the one and only God there is), we are not allowed to worship is GOD. Those who proclaim truth are persecuted for it, don't get the same "protection" that all the "religions" do. Hmmmm. I wonder, could that be because TPTB, elite, Democrats, and even many Republicans are threatened in that they know we worship the only One stronger than their master Satan? I'm POSITIVE that is why everyone gets rights but us, why we can't say Merry Christmas, why we can't refuse to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, etc...

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

This is the Hildabeast on July 22:


Above video is quite scary. I'm not saying 100%, but it sure does look to me like she is definitely possessed by a demon(s). Her eyes, which are normally very blue, an example of that: http://www.heightcelebs.com/2013/11/...odham-clinton/.

Now, watch the youtube video. They look black. So black that you can't even see the white part of the eyes around the iris during parts of the video.

Someone in the comments suggested slowing the video down. On youtube you can go to the little wheel looking thing and slow the speed of the video to 0.25. I did that, and was truly creeped out!

Hillary creeps me out when she looks like her usual self. And so with her jerking around all over, and then her eyes turning black... just that.... wow.... !

It's not just this video, that they doctored or photoshopped it. Many different people taped this and have it posted, and it is the same in every video. Some say she did what she did because she got a brain freeze from the chai she was drinking. But if you slow down and look, at one point she does put her mouth on the straw, but no liquid ever comes up through it. She never drinks it. My opinion is that she is truly possessed.

TimeWarpWife #fundie rr-bb.com

The Democratic Party is the Party of Liars, Thugs, and Hypocrites - they really are due for a name change. I don't have the stomach to watch their evil, ungodly celebration to all things satanic. And they don't even try to hide it anymore - it's out there in the open for all to see. This Democratic convention makes the Israelites celebrating the worship of the golden calf look like a child's party in comparison. It wouldn't surprise me if they brought out a pagan statue to bow down before and worship at some point. Actually, they are there to nominate Clinton, so I guess that can be considered idolatry.

Rapture Ready forum admins #fundie rr-bb.com

(This is the "welcome" message in the Modern Cults and Religions section of the Rapture Ready website):

Ex Catholics, Please share your testimonies of how you realized True Salvation with Jesus is not in the Church Alone of Catholicism and explain how you were rescued out of Rome by the real Jesus Christ.

I was raised a Roman Catholic and jumped through all the hoops of ccd, confirmation, confession, communion, etc....

One day I heard a man outside of Catholicism teaching God's simple salvation message.

I prayed a simple salvation prayer and internal/eternal changes took place.

I continued to attend the Catholic church for several more years but this time as an observer watching vain repetition.

I came across Campus Crusade for Christ and began learning Christian basics and the milk of the Word.

I proclaimed my Catholicism to them and they looked at me differently (I wish someone had the guts to take me aside and explain the cultism I was trapped in)

It wasn't until years later I finally discovered literature comparing and contrasting Bible Christianity with the Cult of Rome.

So now I save 'wasted time' for others who need to know truth that they can leave Rome for fellowship with our true Lord Jesus Christ.

Please share your testimonies from the cult of Rome to Jesus' true home.

(This thread is for saved catholics only!)

ronbo477 #fundie rr-bb.com

Speculation. You are in the tribulation and a new believer. First thing you will want to learn all you can about the Lord. Then you take stock of the situation.

1. You can try to scrape by probably eating some nasty stuff, sleeping in some inhospitable places, ill clothed for the weather.

2. You can sell yourself as dearly as you can proclaiming Jesus. You'll get your head chopped off and you go straight to be with the Lord in perfect conditions.

Tall Timbers #fundie rr-bb.com

It's interesting that the EU has had such a difficult time throughout it's short history. Regular people are pushing back now at some of the decisions of the Brussels technocrats, decisions that have had a negative impact on their countries and on their individual lives. It is quite normal for people to push back when change comes to quickly.

We know that someday this world will be subdued under a global government ultimately led by the antichrist. The world will be carved up into ten regions for governance. Europe will most assuredly be one of those 10 regions. When that time comes, people won't have a say as to whether or not they want to stay or go. It's nice, right now, that people still do.

Biblical prophecy is without error and will come to pass. There has always been some disagreement among students of the Word regarding how things will unfold. They won't unfold based upon our news exegesis, but in accordance with the Word. I think clarity will come as things come to pass.

It's exciting that we appear to be living towards the very end of this era. While today the EU is probably losing GB and may see other departures, the things that happen tomorrow could turn the world on its head and thrust us to the very end of this era, the era preceding Tribulation. World Wars I and II brought dramatic changes and something could happen tomorrow to instigate a dramatic change. I brought us the League of Nations. II brought us the United Nations. At some point the world will be under the thumb of technocrats' dream: a single global government, sovereign.

Lynn #fundie rr-bb.com

If Mr. Trump has indeed become a genuine believer in Jesus, that means that he will think and act differently from the mainstream populace in the US. The policies that he hopes to implement (once elected) will change. When people are genuinely born again, they become new creations in Christ. Does anybody here think that the US would put a biblically solid genuine Christian into the White House? I would certainly love it if it happened, of course, but I'm just being realistic. Mr. Trump has loudly told us how he feels about Hillary and Bill Clinton, he has mentioned several times that he wants to close the borders. How does he feel about other issues that are often a telling point in determining where one stands spiritually?

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

Another day, another mass casualty attack perpetrated by followers of the 'peaceful' religion that is Islam.

Of course, we won't call it what it is. Even in this article, it says "supposedly" ISIS did this. In these past 3 days, 3 very significant attacks.... airport in Turkey, Bangladesh, now this in Iraq.

This is happening every day and daily it gets worse and worse. What will it take for the USA, and the world to recognize this for what it is, call it what it is?

It happens so often that a blip is barely registered, and simply glossed right over by the media. We get something like... "In other news, today in Iraq 125 people were blown to smithereens. Yesterday it was 22 in Bangladesh. The day before that 43 at Istanbul airport. Sources say ISIS claims responsibility for these violent events. But we all know it is not ISIS, and not the peaceful religion that is Islam. We know that it's simply another random act of violence and so what we really need to do to solve this is to take guns away from all law abiding citizens in America. That is the only thing that will fix this problem... And now on to better and happier topics. It's now been declared that every day of every week of every month of every year from here until the world's end will now be known as LGBTQ pride and worship day. Millions celebrate at a parade right now. *cut to footage reminiscent of life in Sodom and Gomorrah* Oh, look how loving they all are! If only all the world could be as good as those who are LGBTQ! From now on, if you don't attend mandatory local celebrations and LGBTQ praise events, and bow down to any person you may come across who tells you they are LGBTQ, or even if they don't but you recognize by the rainbow insignia on their forehead that they are... you will be immediately arrested and detained indefinitely or until you successfully complete the LGBTQ pride re-education program in which is required you not only accept LGBTQ diversity, but recognize that you are not a part of that diversity or of any diversity and your life does not matter, you are no longer even considered 'human' and therefore the laws of this great nation, and of the Constitution, do not apply to you. Only those who are LGBTQ or worship and celebrate LGBTQ can be considered human beings. The rest, hateful and racist scum. Unless you are Muslim. If you are Muslim, you get a pass."

This world.

IamHis #fundie rr-bb.com

I'm fearful. If Donald Trump becomes President, and continues to buck
the Establishment and rights the injustices that our government has
done as far as breaking Constitutional laws right and left, that someone
will assassinate him. The New World Order and the powers that be are
pushing their Agendas harder and faster than ever these days. OR,
will something 'happen' to make Obummer declare a national emergency
and suspend the election in November indefinitely so that Trump
cannot come into power? Very disturbing scenarios.

(emphasis mine)

Lynn #fundie rr-bb.com

If Mr. Trump is indeed a new Christian, he, of course, would depart this earth in the Rapture. Then, don't you think that laws would be changed to allow the 'runner up' to take office in January, thus, H. C. (Hillary Clinton) would still be POTUS. But none of us would be living in US anymore, we'd be home! (dancing emoji)

Koalie #fundie rr-bb.com

How incredibly deceived those suicide bombers are!

I watched a Fox news report on my app last night and they showed videos of the bombers before they blew themselves up. I'm sad for the people who were murdered by these terrorists, but I'm also sad for the suicide bombers who believed the lie of Islam. They will have a horrific time in eternity to think about it.

I pray that those affected by this, both the injured and the world who's watching, would realize that Islam is a false religion from the father of lies, Satan, who wants to steal, kill and destroy, and that they would surrender their hearts to Jesus Christ instead.

Firefly #fundie rr-bb.com

(On the Pentagon legalizing trans soldiers)

/sarcasm on

Now wait folks, this really is a good thing. Because soon the military will have to do away with all hazing. To keep people from being discriminated against.

And you know how tough the military will be without hazing and all the cruelties, right?

I just hope our enemies don't decide to be mean and call the troops mean names....they might get feelings hurt and go cry to mommy....hey, maybe we could suggest a change to the global rules of war! No name-calling.

/sarcasm off.

HemiDave777 #fundie rr-bb.com

I took my family to Universal Studios Tour in Hollywood. My wife and 7 year old daughter were in line ahead of me. For the season pass they took their thumb scan. When I got up there I said very loudly that ONLY criminals get fingerprinted! People were watching. They said ok we have to put a sticker on your season pass that I just had to show I.D. All the sheeple were just going along with no complaints!

madcat #fundie rr-bb.com

You know, it seems that every morning we read on RR (won't get the real news anywhere else), of just another overt attempt to take over the country by left-wing libtards. And it's EVERY DAY, now. And the worst ? We know there is no way to stop them. Can't vote them out, because either elections are rigged, or there aren't enough INFORMED voters these days, to make a difference. Our government is totally out of control, and there is no way it will change at this point.
I feel the same - like I want to crawl in a hole and stay there until Jesus calls us out of this "dump". I keep thinking of the total depravity that is about to hit the whole world, and it makes me sick. Because I have a brother and his family that will all be left here to endure "whatever", and then suffer the consequences for eternity.
Call me a pessimist, but I believe God has removed his blessing from the U.S., and we are hanging on by a thin thread. I just can't imagine any revival in this country. Hearts and minds are mostly reprobate, and this is most apparent in the "church" community.
Sad, sickening, and VERY frustrating !

lilies of the field #fundie rr-bb.com

(On the Rapture)

(willowtree: I would only want to see the good part. Not the killings, torture, beheadings,etc. Otherwise, I would cry a lot and there are no more tears in heaven. (sad face) )

lilies of the field: (in response to willowtree) Heaven will be pure bliss, so why would we want to be wrapped up with what is happening here when at long last we will be in the presence of the Lord? I can understand curiosity, such as seeing who the anti-Christ is and watching events unfold, but watching what goes on on earth, at any point in time, let alone during the tribulation, would be looking upon incredible sin. When I am finally shed of my sin nature, due to God's grace, I won't be wanting to be looking upon it down here. I just want to behold God's glory!

fan4sure #fundie rr-bb.com

And I sorry to hear about the ugliness you've endured for witnessing. This gay guy called me late one night, wanted to know if some guy, can't remember his name, was home for some fun? He found my new cell phone # on a bathroom wall at some park in OK. So I started witnessing to him and he responded with the dirtiest, ugliest language he could think of. Well I didn't let his filth bother me and was bound and determined that he needed Jesus. So I told him that I was claiming him for Jesus and would be praying for him. I told him it was no accident that he called me. He hung up on me. So about a week later he called me by mistake and hung up on me. I called him right back and said the least he could do was say "hey before you hung up" and told him I was still praying for him. He said, "Lady, don't you have someone else you can bother??!!" So that was a few years ago and I have always hoped the Holy Spirit spoke to him.

BarbT #fundie rr-bb.com

Warning to parents: Disney "Finding Dory" contains LGBT propaganda

Thought you parents and grandparents would like to know about this. The new animated Disney movie, "Finding Dory", features cute sea creatures -- including a transgendered stingray and 2 lesbian characters.

I just emailed my niece this information because I knew her two young kids wanted to see the movie. My niece replied she already told the kids they could not see the movie due to inappropriate content.

TimeWarpWife #fundie rr-bb.com

Instead we should be calling for a passage getting rid of the useless Democrats and keeping the guns - we can protect ourselves with the guns but the Democrats' refusal to acknowledge Islam is our enemy and is at war with us puts all of us in the cross hairs of our enemies. When Obama and the Clintons give up their armed security details and Dianne Feinstein surrenders her CCW license and gun, then they'll prove to me they really do believe in gun control. Until then, they're just a bunch of hypocrites going to me. I would so love to Gibbs' slap every liberal lunatic in this country because they cannot grasp the concept that gun control laws and bans only affect the law-abiding citizens - criminals will always have weapons, they're criminals for pity's sake - and we will be left to the mercy of thugs, unable to protect ourselves and our families!

antitox #fundie rr-bb.com

(In a recent climate change breakthrough, researchers from Iceland have found out how to turn CO2 into a harmless rock. Here is a fundie's reaction to this discovery)

Even this concerns me too. With all the global warming nonsense, when they find a means of reducing carbon by putting it somewhere else, I'm afraid they will throw off natural balances in the ecosystem. I don't claim to know this, but creating carbon rock seems unwise

TimeWarpWife #homophobia #fundie #psycho rr-bb.com

First of all, I truly am sad for the families of the people who were murdered and the victims who survived this horrific rampage. It also saddens me that the probability is high that all the people in this so-called "gay" club who were murdered stepped into eternity in hell because this establishment was tantamount to an idolatrous temple dedicated to the open celebration of the sin of homosexuality. I cannot imagine any true Christian would have been in this den of iniquity. The Democrats, liberals, and lamestream media so coddle the homosexual community that they have no shame in openly displaying their perversion and I'm sure it never crossed their minds they might become the target of some Islamic terrorist even though homosexuals are being killed in Muslim countries. Just recently, ISIS members in Iraq were taking homosexuals to the tops of buildings and pushing them off to the cheers of onlookers below. I'd like to think now that since one of the liberal lunatic left's protected classes has been hit that they might make some changes in how Islam is dealt with and looked at, but apparently the Muslims are still higher on Obama's special projects list than the homosexuals because he still cannot bring himself to say, "Islamic terrorist."

I heard one news reporter say that this terrorist may have also been looking at Disney World as a possible target. This country as a whole has done everything it can to spit in the face of Almighty God - not only making it lawful, but encouraging the murders of millions of innocent babies in their mother's wombs, usurping His authority purporting the lie that homosexuality is "normal" and allowing them to "marry" when God says it's an abomination, and cursing Israel and supporting her enemies, just to name a few of our crimes against God. And yet, evil, sinful people have the unmitigated gall to ask why God would allow something like the attack in Orlando to happen. We should be down our knees in prayer begging God's forgiveness of our sins and repenting. Sadly, I think we're so far along in the Last Days that this is never going to happen and things are only going to get worse and worse. We only need to look at the homosexual community itself and the liberal lunatics, who've gone on ahead with their vulgar display of the so-called Pride parades, to see that not only is their no thought of repentance, but they are choosing yet again to spit in God's face.

Koalie #fundie rr-bb.com

Though my heart breaks for the the dead and wounded & their families, I'm more troubled by the special martyrdom that has been draped around these people by the media and the lost in general. Instead of pushing them toward God, I fear this attack in Orlando is going to sink many LGBTs deeper into a "victim mentality of righteousness" that will forever extinguish God's light in their eyes. After all, who needs Him when notoriety just for being gay gives them celebrity status? It grieves me that society's praise for homosexuals' "bravery" will sustain many of them unto death. It's tragic to realize this life will be their only reward.

I've seen quite a few Christians saying exactly that on FB and other places online. In fact, I too have spent time the last two days witnessing on various sites after the Holy Spirit overwhelmed me with the need to proclaim Christ's grace & love to the dying at this late hour.

As you can imagine, many of the comments I received were profane and hateful. Sounded as if they were scripted by Satan himself. The most polite response I got was "are you really that ignorant?"

Yeah, it hurts to be hated for trying to pierce the darkness with His Truth. But it hurts a thousand times more to think of people passing into eternity without Him -- standing before the Living God in shame. That's why I believe no matter how unpleasant people are it's vital that we "press on" in bold witness until He calls us home. Unfortunately there will be other Orlandos in this evil world. When faced with death, I hope someone in danger will remember a message they once read that will cause them to cry out to Jesus for salvation. Imagine --- that message might have come from one of us.

In Christ #fundie rr-bb.com

I am in agreement with you 100%. One thing to consider is "data collection", think of it this way: When the MOB becomes reality there will surely be millions (likely) who are aware of the scriptures and (barring deception) they will recognize the system, and will opt-out. However, through the use of data collection such as palm prints, finger prints, retina scans etc.. the powers to be including the AC will have access to this data and could use it to try to track those who reject the MOB down. It would be pretty easy to take all those who registered for the MOB and their print data and compare it to databases around the globe, and in parsing the data they could determine who is unaccounted for and begin tracking. The system to do those searches would have to be on the magnitude of a "cray", but it could be done. Could be a reality coming near you... Accept Christ today and avoid the mess to come...

tiffanybw #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Orlando shooting]

The news is turning this into an LGBT thing. I think that is wrong. I see what the media is doing. They are not making this about Islam but instead are making it about racism/prejudice/hate against LGBT. They are doing it this way, because it suits their agenda. And what will happen, if we thought was bad before about not wanting to bake a gay wedding cake... that is nothing compared to what it will be like now. Now, if anyone even sneezes in the direction of LGBT they will be immediately tried, convicted, and executed.... Labeled racist and hateful. I look for this to get really bad. The other thing I am almost certain will happen... guns. They are going to take away our right to have them.

This is not about LGBT. This is about Islamic terrorism. Among the many redeeming qualities of the religion of Islam, is a hate of homosexuals. Islam is not like Christianity and there are no 'choices'. Christians, we condemn the sin itself, but not the sinner. Christians realize that everyone does sin, and that God loves us all the same, whether or not we have given our lives to Jesus or not. Christians do not believe in going to a place that is deemed 'gay', and killing everyone there. We pray for the sin, and we love ALL. We'd never kill a person for being a Muslim. And we'd never kill a person for being gay. Islam, completely different. They are taught to hate anyone who does not subscribe to their exact version of Islam (even each other i.e. Sunni/Shia). They are taught to KILL anyone who does not believe exactly as they do. They don't pray for whom they believe are 'unbelievers', they kill them.

And so, obvious as the nose on my face that this IS about Islamic terrorism. It's not like the Adam Lanza shooting. It is not some random act of mass casualty violence. This IS the Islamic way, the way of the so called 'religion of peace'. And if American's cared about their country, they wouldn't let the news continue to shovel this poop down our throat that this is just like other shootings... about mental issues, about someone wanting to be famous for killing a bunch of people and then themselves going down in a blaze of glory. This is not that. TPTB however, are already full steam ahead in categorizing this as an act of random violence, verses calling it what it is.... the hateful religion of Islam and what Islam teaches it's followers to do. To hate. To kill.

The LGBT part of this, it shouldn't even be being discussed. People died. PEOPLE. It may have been at a 'gay' club, but I'd be willing to bet every dollar I have that the victims of this crime, that over 50% of them are 'straight'. Most likely not saved, but straight. When I was younger, not saved, and frequented Washington DC and the club scene there, me and my friends used to go to many 'gay' clubs. First off, other people besides gay people go to 'gay' clubs. Also, most gay clubs, they always would have one night a week (usually a weekend night) that was advertised and that locals knew was 'the night of the week' that the majority of people in the club were not gay, but instead came to party and hear a certain type of music... such as House, Techno, Latin, Rap, Reggae, and whatever else. On those nights, there were gay people in the club. But there were more straight people in the club than gay people. I hate to differentiate like that, because for me, people are people. But that IS the way it was. I know for a fact because I used to LIVE that life.

Rooted1 #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Orlando shooting]

What disturbs me most is that a lot of people are lumping Christians and Muslims together on this one and blaming it on religion in general.

I kid you not, people are commenting online and stating that the "hatred" of those who are boycotting Target is identical to what just happened in Orlando. They see no difference between choosing not to spend your money at a store whose policies you don't agree with, and murdering in cold blood.

What has the world come to where people can even entertain such thoughts? It sickens me beyond comprehension, and I can only imagine how heartbreaking it must be to a perfect and holy God.

crunchymama #fundie rr-bb.com

(In response to Pulse shooting)

My heart is heavy over every aspect of this. that some of those killed were believers, for comfort to the families, for healing for the injured, that everyone involved turn to Jesus, that our 2nd Amendment rights aren't taken away, that more attacks do not happen, for the FBI/police agencies working tirelessly to stop these impossible lone-wolf attacks. Ugh this is just sickening and so terrible.

(Emphasis mine)

ccoyle #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Orlando shooting]

I read the news item on this attack at Fox News, and they quoted one of the survivors as saying the bar had been just about to close and everyone was taking their "last sip." The horrific irony in that statement was probably not what the speaker intended to communicate, but it was nevertheless there. Every one of us is literally 'one sip' away from meeting the Righteous Judge. The tragedy of the shooting is compounded by the sad fact that those who died have now passed beyond any last chance of repenting, and their eternal condition has been irrevocably determined. No one in the media is likely to comment on this fact, obviously.

In Christ #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Pulse shooting]

America is in very bad shape right now, both spiritually and morally. We are headed downward at breakneck speed. Many will make the hateful statement "well at least the terrorist targeted gays", but it will come out that many in the club were gay, trans, and nb sympathizers/liberals who agree with the lifestyle. Very similar to the people in the "days of Noah/Lot" Folks gear up spiritually, Christ will rescue us soon. (seems I am making that comment daily now).

Accepted #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Orlando shooting]

This is horrific. Thinking of the terror of facing death when you know you are not right with God. Praying for repentance and salvation for all survivors involved.

Acts5:41 #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Pulse shooting]

IN addition to all the dead and wounded, you have the unharmed who were exposed to blood most likely contaminated with HIV and Hepatitis C. I will be praying for them, and whoever has to do the cleanup, in addition to the victims and their families.

Koalie #fundie rr-bb.com

[On the Pulse shooting]

The religion of peace strikes again. I hope and pray that many of the bar's regular patrons who survived will realize how brief and fragile life is, and how much they truly need Jesus. Knock on their hearts Lord...

madcat #fundie rr-bb.com

[In reaction to a group of Baptists joining an interfaith group to help build a mosque.]
Makes you wonder if the U.S. will even notice the rapture when it happens ---because the number of missing people will be SO SPARSE ????????

It gets more scary every day, and if it weren't for RR, Olive Tree, Lion & Lamb, Farag, and several others, we would have NO access to the truth. Even though our pastor preaches the gospel, I discovered he doesn't believe in the rapture (blew me away!), so there is no preaching of end times, current events, etc. And because we have a high percentage of elderly members, who were raised to be "democrats" (and still are STAUNCH supporters), there is no mention of the evil in the White House, government, etc. He does make it clear the evils of abortion, gay "marriage", etc., but refuses to mention WHO has/is doing more to promote those sins than in the history of our nation.
We looked long and hard in the Nashville area to find a conservative church, but now I wonder if the SBC, and the "local" apostates in positions of power/influence, have tainted every church in the area.
First Baptist Franklin is now a Willow Creek bastion, and I honestly don't know where to turn at this point. I find that I spend my Sunday afternoons watching FB Dallas, Michael Youseff, and a few others on DirectV. Then get my weekly update from JD Farag, and John Haller, and finish up with Hal Lindsey online.
While I know my pastor's sermons are solid as to being Biblical as to how we should live, I never hear the urgency as to the very little time we have left. Just lots of talk about "future generations", and the world our "grandchildren" will live in. How about the fact that there is so much whacked out apostasy in most churches these days, that the "grandchildren" will most likely be following Satan off the cliff, if somebody doesn't tell them the truth and scare them into listening???????

fan4sure #fundie rr-bb.com

I'm 63 and I don't remember an election year ever being this tumultuous. Am I wrong and just don't remember? Without sounding like a conspiracy theory I can't help but wonder if all the violence, riots, unrest is being orchestrated by George Soros and friends to set the tone and mood for total chaos so Barry will have an excuse to declare martial law and suspend the election, declaring himself king. It doesn't seem to take much to incite violence and what is interesting is the media can ask the protesters what they are protesting and they can't say why. Watching our military be depleted and our policemen being told to stand down just wreaks of treasonous behavior to me. I keep praying that our citizens won't rise to the occasion to allow anarchy to ensue and our country be turned into a 3 world country. It seems conditions are deteriorating faster with each passing day, it seems as tho we have lost our way.

I know God, our Father, is in complete control and nothing will happen that He does not allow and that is the only thing that comforts me. I come here daily to read and be encouraged by all of you. When the world is so crazy this is a safe place, a normal place, and I feel the love here. Don't get my wrong, I know to stay in the word and find the peace of Jesus. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

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