
David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Next to corrupt politicians, banking thieves, criminal corporations, and police state thugs on the line of betrayers of the public interest are clueless reporters and government-whipped journalists who call truth-tellers conspiracy theorists, and ignorantly declare that FEMA camps don’t exist. Whether they know it or not, these professional betrayers are destroying the values of freedom, truth, and justice, and turning America into a giant, chaotic wasteland ruled by scum. Woe unto America!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

It is utterly sinful that our U.S. Court System refuses to recognize and honor a husband's right to RULE OVER his wife in every aspect. Whether you ladies like it or not, God's Word teaches that your husband has the RIGHT to control your life, where you go, what you do, and how you do it. If you don't like that, then you need to either get saved or get right with God. God says that rebellion is equal to the sin of witchcraft (1st Samuel 15:23).

I am not condoning spousal abuse, such as violence in the home; but the reality of today's freakish society is that a husband cannot even control the couple's mailbox without risking being considered "abusive," and that's just plain wrong.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The following is from Baby and Child Care, 1998, pp. 437-438. This was the last edition of Baby and Child Care. ...
"There are several reasons to avoid physical punishment. It teaches children that the larger, stronger person has the power to get his way, whether or not he is in the right. Some spanked children then feel quite justified in beating up on smaller ones. The American tradition of spanking may be one reason there is much more violence in our country than in any other comparable nation."

Dr. Spock was a member of the EPOCH-USA Board of Directors right up until the time of his death. Thus, he was so strongly committed to never, ever hitting children, that he loaned his name in support of the no-hitting cause!
Benjamin Spock, M.D. died on March 15, 1998.

As you just read, Benjamin Spock taught that physical punishment of a child would lead to bullying and increased public violence. The truth is that Dr. Spock was a nutcase who rejected the Bible just as did the wicked U.S. Supreme Court in 1

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I'm not talking about a drunken father who beats his kids in rage, God forbid. I'm talking about kids behaving because they know that if they don't, dad's belt is coming off and you're in for a whipping!!! That fear in the old days made America strong, when Americans obeyed the Bible's command to spare not the rod upon a child. Today kids are turning into Godless homosexuals (and they're ALL Godless, every last one). Homosexuality is a Godless practice, rooted in lust and rebellion against God. To the same degree that Americans accept homosexuals, to that same degree a fearful Police State is going up around us. If men won't fear God, then they will fear men.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Dr. Benjamin Spock (1903-1998) thinks he knows more than the God of the Bible. Clearly Dr. Spock rejected the Bible as God's Word. The infamous Dr. Spock is still recognized by many pediatricians and other so-called “experts” as the standard on raising children today. In 1946 Spock's book BABY AND CHILD CARE was published and is one of the best-selling books of all-time. TRAGIC!!! No wonder America is a hellhole today. Instead of exposing the immoral and rotten Hollywood crowd on television, Dr. Spock attacked God-fearing Christian parents who believe the Bible.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a Communist, anti-family, anti-Christian, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their babies, practice witchcraft, abandon homemaking, and become lesbians. Please read, Woman Admits Feminism Ruined Her Life.

Every woman has her rights; but, there's a world of difference between human rights (which we are born with), civil rights (which are granted to all U.S. citizens), and moral rights (which belong to God alone). A mother who claims the “right” to murder her baby through an abortion is violating God's moral rights.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Most parents don't want their precious little child to experience GUILT over wrong doing, i.e., sin; but without it there can be NO SALVATION! A child who isn't old enough to understand that they've sinned against God cannot be saved, for salvation is coming to Jesus Christ to be forgiven of sins. I do believe that a 5 or 6 year old can understand this truth, which is why I hate The Picture Bible, because it presents a bunch of cute Bible stories to children without showing them their personal sinfulness (as the Bible does). Christianity is NOT religion! Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, which begins with us realizing that we are dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners in need of a Savior!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Don't be deceived my friend, if you believe that you have to do as little as give a cup of water to someone to be saved, you will burn in Hell for all eternity. The blood of Christ is what takes our sins away (not just the death of Christ), and ANY self-righteous efforts on our part is a total rejection of Christ's work of redemption.

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

The Jewish Hollywood moguls long ago decided that it would help them make more money if the general public viewed films as being "Christian." In fact, they personally wanted to blend in with the Gentile community. Thus Samuel Goldfish changed his name to Goldwyn and Cecil B. de Mille insisted that he was a Gentile until his death when a Rabbi officiated at his funeral. Every single one of the original Jewish developers of the movie industry divorced their Jewish wives and married beautiful Christian starlets.

This includes Louis B. Mayer, Samuel Goldwyn, Jack Warner, David O. Selznick and Harry Cohen. They gave orders to the numerous Jews they made "stars" to change their Jewish names to Christian sounding ones. This has also included a lot of "nosejobs" for both Jewish male and female stars. Here are but a few who followed this road to stardom.

Here are a list of many Hollywood actors and their real Jewish names . . .

Joey Adams ................................ Joseph Abramowitz
Eddie Albert ................................. Eddie Heimberger
Woody Allen................................. Allen Konigsberg
Lauren Bacall .............................. Joan Perske
Jack Benny .................................. Benny Kubelsky
Milton Berle .................................. Milton Berlinger
Ernest Borgnine ........................... Effron Borgnine
George Burns .............................. Nathan Birnbaum
Joan Blondell................................ Rosebud Blustein
Joyce Brothers ............................ Joyce Bauer
Mel Brooks .................................. Melvin Kaminsky
Joey Bishop ................................ Joey Gottlieb
Charles Bronson ......................... Charles Buchinsky
Rona Barrett ................................ Rona Burnstein
Cyd Chrisse ................................. Tula Finklea
Tony Curtis .................................. Bernie Schwartz (daughter is Jamie Lee Curtis)
Joan Crawford ............................. Lucille Le Sueur
Dyan Cannon ............................... Samile Friesen
Kirk Douglas ................................ Isadore Demsky (son is Michael Douglas)
Bob Dylan .................................... Robert Zimmerman
Rodney Dangerfield .................... Jacob Cohen
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. ................. Douglas Ullman
Joel Grey ..................................... Joel Katz (father of Jennifer Grey)
Elliott Gould ................................. Elliott Goldstein
Zsa Zsa Gabor ............................ Sara Gabor
John Garfield .............................. Jules Garfinkle
Judy Garland ............................... Frances Gumm
Paulette Goddard ........................ Paulette Levy
Eydie Gorme................................. Edith Gormezano
Cary Grant ................................... Larry Leach
Lorne Green ................................ Chaim Leibowiz
Judy Holliday ............................... Judith Tuvin
Leslie Howard .............................. Leslie Stainer
Buddy Hackett ............................. Leonard Hacker
Jill St. John ................................. Jill Oppenheim
Danny Kaye................................. David Kominsky
Alan King ..................................... Irwin Kniberg
Larry King.................................... Larry Zeiger
Tina Louise.................................. Tina Blacker
Ann Landers................................. Esther Friedman (Abigail Van Buren is her sister.)
Dorothy Lamour .......................... Dorothy Kaumeyer
Miehael Landon .......................... Mike Orowitz
Steve Lawrence .......................... Sidney Leibowitz
Hal Linden.................................... Hal Lipsh**z
Jerry Lewis ................................. Joseph Levitch
Karl Maiden ................................. Maiden Sekulovitch
Paul Muni .................................... Muni Weisenfreund
Ethel Merman ............................. Ethel Zimmerman
Jan Murray ................................. Murray Janofsky
Walter Matthau ........................... Walter Matasschanskayasky
Lilly Palmer ................................. Maria Peiser
Jan Pierce................................... Pincus Perelmuth
Roberta Peters.............................Roberta Peterman
Eleanor Parker............................. Ellen Friedlob
Joan Rlvers ............................... Joan Molinsky
Tony Randall ............................. Sidney Rosenberg
Edward G. Robinson .................. Emanuel Goldenberg
Dinah Shore ............................... Francis Rose Shore
Shelly Winters ............................ Shirley Schrift
Winona Ryder..................... Laura Horowitz
Gene Wilder............................... Jerome Silberman

If your Jewish, be proud of it. Why change your name to hide your real identity? The answer is obvious. Because if the public knew THE TRUTH that Hollywood and the television networks are Jewish owned and controlled, many people would think twice and stop watching. Nobody likes to be manipulated, whether physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Anything based upon a lie is not something that Christians ought want to be a part of. I don't like Hollywood's deception, anymore than I do their immoral filth that has corrupted America's homes for the Devil.

Research and you will find, that Judaism rejects Jesus as the Messiah 100%, and those unbelieving Jews are behind the most vile smut, filth and sexual immorality imaginable in society today. They revel in it, and the profits! Wherever Jesus Christ is not found, neither is morality and righteousness. If I were a part of the shameful culture of Hollywood, which glorifies wickedness and blasphemes the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I guess I'd change my name too in embarrassment.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Young women who pursue a career over marriage and motherhood have turned aside after Satan. If you are a young woman, the biggest mistake you'll ever make is to pursue a career. Your career won't mean anything on Judgment Day when you stand before God, having forfeited God's perfect will for your life as a loving wife and caring mother.

You can search for all the excuses you can find to justify pursuing a career, but God did not create you ladies to work 9-to-5 to make money. God created you to be a “help meet” to your husband (Genesis 2:18), and a mother to your children, "The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame" (Proverb 29:15).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

It's going to become like the 2005 movie, THE ISLAND (starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson), where human beings are grown in a secret facility solely as replacement parts for rich people who pay $5,000,000 for a clone. Already there's talk of human cloning for spare parts. No doubt it's already being done somewhere. Outside of the United States and other first-world nations anything is legal. Only God knows what mad scientists are doing on secret islands owned by wealthy villains. Human cloning isn't as scary as it sounds if you're not the clone! As with all evil, it will eventually come to light. The truth can only be suppressed for so long. Cloning, chimeras and all manner of genetic projects are happening all around the world. Most third-world nations will sell their souls for money. I guarantee you that the Island of Dr. Moreau is a reality today. Time will tell. People will be shocked. Man's curiosity has always superseded his fear of God.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Bally dancers and nakedness are synonymous. It's the dirtiest, most lustful and immodest sport in the world. Women dance with their private area flashing in everyone's face, while she skates like a whore on the ice, exposing her crotch for all the world to see. Most bally dancing is sexually promiscuous on purpose to seduce the audience. It's evil in the sight of God. I spoke with one young lady and asked her what she wanted to be? She said a movie producer in Hollywood. This is the pathetic hope of America!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Fathers are our society's true heroes, yet the liberals belittle men and portray fathers in television programs and commercials as being stupid, incompetent and destructive (e.g., Family Guy and The Simpsons). Fathers don't receive enough due praise from their wives, children or from society itself. Children often raise their voice at fathers in primetime TV programs. Children are seen sassing dad, calling him an idiot, slamming the door in his face while he is talking. During this blatant disrespect for fathers and husbands, the sound of an audience laughing is heard in the background. Television viewers hear people laughing while a father has a door slammed in his face, or is rebuked by a little sarcastic brat. If this happened in real life, a good parent would take off their belt and lovingly beat some fear into that child. I'm not talking about child abuse. I don't approve of any kind of abuse. I believe God put that padded area in the back of every human being for a reason, and that reason is for spankings! Proper spankings never hurt any child!!!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

My wife is NOT a feminist! She is a Christ-honoring woman and submits to my authority. My wife hates feminism because she knows it goes AGAINST God and His Word. We've been married now for 17 years. She likes to make the feminists mad when we're in the store. She'll ask me in front of feminist women if she can buy something. You can see the dirty looks on their faces. My wife likes to say, "wait, I need to go ask my husband" or "He pays the bills, ask him." It drives the feminists nuts when a wife submits to her husband. I really admire my wife's loyalty and obedience to the Word of God and me. She's my best friend.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Homosexuals want much more than not to be bullied, they want to shut up God-fearing Christians who dare even say that homosexuality is a sin. They want us and our children to be around sick-minded gays who are kissing, fondling each other and behaving lower than animals, and accept it. Homosexuality is a form of mental illness; not physical mental retardation; but rather, a spiritually caused mentally-warped mind. 75-years-ago the American Psychiatric Association treated homosexuality as a disease of the mind. Today they have turned 180 degrees, teaching gays how to cope instead. It's not a matter of personal opinion; but rather, God in the Bible condemns the sin of homosexuality.

Abortionists are also mentally-ill. No mentally healthy person murders their offspring. No mentally healthy person supports gay-rights. If you have been sold the big lie that homosexuals should have a right to get married, adopt children and live as heterosexual couples, then the Devil has your mind and soul. I'm a born-again Christian. I believe the Bible, the King James Bible, which has been around long before modern evil agendas dictated how we're supposed to think. Gays have even corrupted the Bible. At least two admitted homosexuals were involved with the translation of the “New International Version” (NIV). Perhaps you don't mind a corrupted Bible translated by gays, but I do. The word “sodomite” was removed completely from the NIV. Gee, I wonder why?

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

It is a horrible sin for a woman to reveal her nakedness in public by wearing a bikini. Many women dress in bikinis and then are paranoid that a lustful man may lust upon them. Some men get jealous and angry when other men look upon their wives, and rightfully so; but if those women would stop sinning and put some clothes on their nakedness, there would be nothing to lust upon. Lust requires an immodestly dressed woman to complete. A lustful man ought to have to guess and image what a woman's body looks like, but if you take your clothes off, then he doesn't have to imagine anything, because your nakedness is seen by him.

You are just as guilty of adultery as he is because you encouraged the sin of lust by your whorish attire (Matthew 5:28). Prostitutes wear more clothing than girls and women at the beach do in skimpy bikinis. Mamas are so stupid when they let their little girls run around in their underwear. Then those mothers freak out when a pedophile kidnaps and molests their child. What do you expect? You never know what is going on in a person's mind.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

If you don't know it already, Freemasons control America's government. That's why Washington D.C. is saturated with Masonic occult symbols. The Washington Monument (a giant erect penis) is Freemasonry's primary symbol of power. The Illuminati bombed the World Trade Center (WTC) on 911, replacing it with the 'One World Trade Center,' a giant erect male phallus (which the skyscraper's architect admits).

David J. Stewart #aexist #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

A man over time has a natural tendency to become bored with his own wife. When the Bible speaks of the "strange" woman, it speaks of the woman who is not your wife. Surely, "Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel" (Proverb 20:17). I will speak candidly here (and I will not be dogmatic). I do not believe it is a sin to practice polygamy. Hebrews 13:4 condemn adulterers and whoremongers, not marriage. God gave David Saul's wives (2nd Samuel 12:8). God never changes (Malachi 3:6). If polygamy was allowed in the Old Testament, it is allowable today. Unfortunately, modern heathen society will recognize sodomite relationships and fornication, but polygamy (marriage) is condemned.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

There are some rotten husbands out there. They are abusive and no wife is expected by God to lose her teeth at the hands of a monster.

HOWEVER, I've seen a completely different situation, where a terrible wife continually shirked off her duties and responsibilities as a wife and a mother. Her husband was a good Christian man, but she continually dragged him down, frustrating him by messing-up the house more than the children. After nearly 20 years of fussing and feuding with his uncaring and irresponsible wife, he got tired and became abusive, so she divorced him. I'm not defending the husband's abuse, but she's a hundred times more guilty than he is of wrong doing.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There are some things worse than death my friend. How mould you like to be the parent of a brain-damaged child, just to find out that the government's forced vaccinations on your child contained mercury? Between 1990 and 1997, the government paid out $802 million dollars in damages to parents of dead or brain-damaged children because of vaccinations. Mercury is a heavy metal, as is lead. It is used in vaccinations as a preservative. Why isn't this information being told to parents? Why is the government playing Russian roulette with our children? Hepatitis B vaccines have been outlawed in France due to evidence linking them to multiple sclerosis and neurological disorders. So why aren't American parents being told this? Why are U.S. children being forced to receive Hepatitis B vaccines?

Crime does pay! Just think if a natural cure for cancer was discovered? Think of the Billions of dollars that the Pharmaceutical industry and the American medical profession would stand to lose if they couldn't cut, burn and poison patients (victims) any more? Well, there is a natural prevention and cure for cancer, it's called laetrile (vitamin B17). It was banned in the early 1970's. You can't patent a natural substance, so there's little money to be made. If you want to know more, read the eye-opening book World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin. Truly the love of money is the root of all evil. It is because of this greed for money that elections are stolen, aborted children's body parts are sold, drugs are brought by the CIA into America's cities, and the poor of this world starve to death.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

This is just sickening folks. Some apostate Bible publisher thought they'd cash in big by marketing The Martin Luther King Remembrance Edition Bible. It is a trustworthy King James Version, which makes it even more insulting to God. How dare anyone exploit the Word of God to honor such a wicked, Christ-rejecting, unrepentant man as Martin Luther King. Few American realize that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist, involved in at least 60 known Communist front organizations.

Martin Luther King was an unsaved heretic, who openly denied the Virgin Birth, the Bodily Resurrection and the Deity of Jesus Christ. These are all fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. You can read King's very own blasphemous writings in The Papers of Martin Luther King Jr. If king is to be honored, then why not publish The Adolf Hitler Remembrance Edition while you're at it? . . . or The Hugh Hefner Remembrance Edition?

One of the saddest days in American history was when a holiday was established to honor Martin Luther King. Why would the American people want to honor a Communist? In case you didn't know, Communism is synonymous with moral decay and subversion, which explains why abortionists, homosexuals and feminists have all made King an icon. King's widow, Coretta Scott King, spent the remaining years of her life advocating rights for homosexuals. Real Christian huh?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

In the same way, those who propagate the Global Warming conspiracy are evildoers. The biggest conspiracy is that there are no conspiracies. There were conspiracies back in Bible days . . .

Jeremiah 11:9, “And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.”

Ezekiel 22:25, “There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof.”

The very crucifixion of Jesus was the result of a malicious conspiracy by the hateful Scribes and Pharisees to have Him wrongfully tried, convicted and crucified to death.

And so it is today. The rotten thugs who perpetrate the Global Warming scam and one-world government are greedy thieves, devouring the souls of their victims, taking the treasure (burdensome taxes and reckless government borrowing from the Banksters) and precious things (our freedom), and making many widows (needless unprovoked wars). A conspiracy is found among the men of The Council On Foreign Relations and the inhabitants of The United States of America. The stench of our national's wickedness has reached to Heaven, and God is angry with the wicked (Psalm 7:11).

Conspiracy: A group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose.
Conspirator: A plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act.

- By definition, the harmful Abortion Industry is a conspiracy.
- By definition, the harmful Homosexual Agenda is a conspiracy.
- By definition, the harmful Feminist Agenda is a conspiracy.
- By definition, the harmful torturous killing of Terri Schiavo was a conspiracy.
- By definition, the harmful Booze Industry is a conspiracy.
- By definition, the harmful Rock 'N' Roll Industry is a conspiracy.
- By definition, the harmful New International Version of the Bible is a conspiracy.
- By definition, the harmful teaching of the bogus lies of Evolution is a conspiracy.
- By definition, the harmful Public School System is a conspiracy.
- By definition, the harmful Federal Reserve System is a conspiracy (the biggest granddaddy of all conspiracies).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The New International Bible (NIV) is by far the most popular Bible today; yet, it is saturated with damnable heresies. The NIV ought to be called, THE NOTICEABLY IDIOTIC VERSION!!! OR, THE NON-INSPIRED VERSION!!! God pity the foolish pastors today, who lacks enough spiritual discernment to recognize and reject the modern satanic Bible revisions. The modern Alexandrian Bible versions attack, diminish and dishonor the Lord Jesus Christ.

STRONG'S EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE OF THE BIBLE shows that the SAME Greek word is used for the word “worship” in Matthew 8:2 and 20:20, as in Revelation 13:12,15 and 14:11. Yet, deceitfully, the translators of the NIV used the word “bowed” in Matthew 8:2 and 20:20, BUT kept the word “worship” to refer to Satan in Revelation 13:12,15 and 14:11. So the NIV translators don't have a problem with anyone worshipping Satan and the Antichrist (i.e., the Beast). They only have a problem with someone WORSHIPPING JESUS. What do you expect from homosexual translators?

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Everything About Hannah Montana is Wrong

Patriotic America regrets Hannah Montana. Hannah Montana represents everything wrong with American girls and women—spoiled, sassy, and bratty—everything that brings shame upon a child's parents. There is no honor in leading young girls to be sassy whores—like Hannah Montana does—mentoring them to become total fools, selfish-minded, immodest, and destined for divorce and failure in life. It's sickening and tragic to helplessly witness Taylor Swift and Katy Perry indoctrinate and train teen girls by example worldwide to be nude, lewd, and crude. These freaks and God-haters are our children's heroes, promoted on sesame street and everywhere.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Shockingly, Priscilla Presley (his former wife) said in 2005 that Elvis would have gone on to become a preacher had Elvis lived. Oh is that so? What church, the church of Satan! Elvis was a disgrace to name of Christianity. His gospel music was despicable. Any believer who can listen to the music of a godless reprobate like Elvis is NOT right with God. Elvis Presley openly committed adultery, loved sexual sins, and abused himself with illegal drugs. Elvis was a true ecumenical, drawing immoral people from all different religions into his religion of immoral sex and drug abuse.

Elvis' religion was rock-n-roll. No one entertainer is more recognized in the rock music industry than Elvis. Sadly, even many believers bought into Elvis' music because he would add one gospel song to the end of his albums. Thus, carnal believers justified listening to Devilish rock-n-roll, claiming that Elvis sang gospel music. This is the typical method which Satan uses to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). Satan gets his foot in the door with a legitimate and good intention. We trust him enough to let him into our life, and then little by little before you realize what's happening, Satan gains complete control over us. NO believer goes straight into deep sin, it always starts with something small. Many believers who bought Elvis' music because they wanted that ONE gospel song ended up becoming whoremongers down the road.

Pastor Hamill, former pastor of First Assembly of God in Memphis, says that Presley visited him in the late 1950s, when he was at the height of his rock & roll powers, and testified: "Pastor, I’m the most miserable young man you’ve ever seen. I’ve got all the money I’ll ever need to spend. I’ve got millions of fans. I’ve got friends. But I’m doing what you taught me not to do, and I’m not doing the things you taught me to do" (Steve Turner, Hungry for Heaven, p. 20).

Elvis represents everything that is evil, truly his name should have been called "EVILS," and NOT Elvis.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

We've got a bunch of evil women running around America boasting about their “rights,” murdering their own precious children as such, failing to realize that the are fulfilling a Communist population control agenda. The same women dress indecently, criticize Biblical preachers and are worldly. God is an Authoritative God. The Bible is an Authoritative Book. A genuine man of God; therefore, preaches with Authority from the Scriptures. The Bible is clear on the issue of modesty. It is a shame how American women dress in public, shaming our nation. Proverb 31:10, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.”

Women file for divorce twice the rate of men in the U.S., because of the evil feminist agenda at work in America. I agree with Alex Jones, who said:

“Our women are incredibly entitled, worldly and angry about everything.”

—Radio host Alex Jones, The Alex Jones Show, December 29, 2009

Lewd women like Taylor Swift are dime-a-dozen; but a Godly woman who fears the Lord and dares not cause men to lust (Matthew 5:28), is a rare person these days. I don't expect most people to care, considering that 50,000,000 American women have killed their own babies; but I know some decent ladies do. Not one man has ever had an abortion! Feminism is the rot of America. Women today have become imprudent, arrogant, worldly and angry at everything. They are lewd, rude and crude!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Walt Disney has promoted their billion-dollar profiting, moral boy-band from new Jersey; but few parents realize that Aleister Crowley's backward masking is incorporated into KIDS OF THE FUTURE by The Jonas Brothers. You don't have to play the song backwards for the damage to be done, your brain automatically does that for you; but you'll have to hear it backwards to consciously detect what Satan's crowd is doing to indoctrinate your children.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

How does your favorite singer or movie actor measure up to the Word of God? Here's a partial list of entertainers who are pulling on the same rope as the Devil...

Adriana Sklenarikova
Ali Landry
Alicia Keys
Alyssa Milano
Angela Lindvall
Angelina Jolie
Anna Kournikova
Anna Paquin
Ashley Judd
Avril Lavigne
Backstreet Boys
Ben Affleck
Beyonce Knowles
Brad Pitt
Britney Spears
Cameron Diaz
Caprice Bourret
Carmen Electra
Carrie-Anne Moss
Charlize Theron
Christina Aguilera
Christina Ricci
Christy Turlington
Cindy Crawford
Claudia Schiffer
Conan O'Brien
Daisy Fuentes
Daniela Pestova
Demi Moore
Donald Trump
Denise Richards
Drew Barrymore
Eliza Dushku
Elizabeth Hurley
Elsa Benitez
Estella Warren
Faith Hill
Famke Janssen
Frank Sinatra
Gabrielle Reece
Gabrielle Union
Gena Lee Nolin
Gene Simmons
Gillian Anderson
Gisele Bundchen
Gwen Stefani
Gwyneth Paltrow
Halle Berry
Heidi Klum
Howard Stern
Jaime Pressly
James King
Jay Leno
Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Garner
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Jenny McCarthy
Jeri Ryan
Jessica Alba
Jessica Simpson
Johnny Depp
Julia Roberts
Julia Stiles
Kate Hudson
Katherine Heigl
Keanu Reeves
Kelly Hu
Keri Russell
Kid Rock
Kim Bassinger
Kirsten Dunst
Kylie Minogue
Laetitia Casta
LeAnn Rimes
Leelee Sobieski
Liv Tyler
Lucy Lawless
Lucy Liu
Mandy Moore
Mariah Carey
Matt Damon
Mena Suvari
Michael Jackson
Michelle Branch
Michelle Trachtenberg
Minnie Driver
Monica Bellucci
Nadja Auermann
Nancy Sinatra
Naomi Campbell
Nicole Kidman
Orlando Bloom
Ozzy Osbourne
Pamela Anderson
Paris Hilton
Reba McEntire
Sharon Stone
Toni Braxton
Victoria Silvstedt
Viggo Mortensen
Virginie Ledoyen
Vivica A Fox
Yamila Diaz
Patricia Arquette
Rachael Leigh Cook
Rebecca Gayheart
Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
Reese Witherspoon
Rena Mero (Sable)
Renee Zellweger
Ricky Martin
Salma Hayek
Sandra Bullock
Shania Twain
Sophie Marceau
Sung Hi Lee
Thandie Newton
Tiny Turner
Tom Cruise

Do their tight clothing and sensual gyrations express the love of God or the works of the devil? Do the lyrics in their songs glorify God or sex and sensuality? Does the way they dress make you sing praises to God or think about sex? They are all of the devil and you know it. Some singers come right out and praise Satan. This world is fast going over a moral waterfall. The New World Order is here. The microchips are already here and WILL be implanted into every human being at some point in the future. Those who resist will be punished. Christians and patriots will be arrested, persecuted and even executed.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

I realize that what I'm teaching is not popular these days, but in the old days of America when people still feared God and lived by the Bible, women behaved themselves and homes were much happier than today. Feminist women are quick to point out that women in the old days of America were oppressed, couldn't vote and were often viewed as commodities instead of women. That is Hollywood brainwashing. In the old days, men attended to business, while the women kept the home. Women were were better off in the old days of America, baking homemade pies and caring for her children.

Those who think women have it better today are insane, turning a blind eye to the 51,000,000 abortions, the millions of American women getting breast enlargements to boost their self-esteem and increase career-opportunities, women freezing their eggs in hopes of having a family in their 40's or 50's after achieving a successful career, working women are too busy to have a family... IT'S ALL CRAZY!!!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

The Bible speaks in Proverbs 7:10 of the attire (clothing) of a harlot (prostitute). Anyone with sense knows what the attire of a harlot is, which includes a female wearing any of the following in public: miniskirts, halter tops, low-cut blouses, tights, see through dresses, lingerie, short skirts, bikinis, G-strings, bras, and any type of undergarments or panties.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It was a wonderful nation back when there were no telephones, no radios, no TV's, no cellphones, no trucks nor automobiles, no computers. Can we even imagine life without a computer? I would love to live in an Amish community where there's no electricity. I'll give them credit for recognizing the evils that electronics brings through radio, internet and television.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

It is sinful rebellion for a wife to seek her own independence apart from her husband's authority. Men are controlling by nature, territorial and protective of what's theirs. This is my land, stay off it. This is my family, you talk to me first. That's a normal attitude for any man. If you want an equal relationship, then you are desiring a homosexual intellectual relationship.

Feminism is insane, wrongly labeling husbands as “controlling” for wanting to know where his wife is at. A man has every God-given right to inquire concerning his wife's whereabouts, activities, friends at all times. If you don't like that, then you have an unbiblical attitude. The sinful world rejects the Bible as being God's inspired Words. The heathen world doesn't recognize the Biblical right of a married man to “RULE OVER” his wife (Genesis 3:16). Feminists are rebels, who completely reject the Bible's teaching of wifely submission to her husband. A godly woman obeys her husband, giving him veto power over everything in her life.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

[Today on DJS: Hebrew and Khoine Greek text had italics, and it's IMPORTANT]
[Emphasis mine. Italics from original]

I'm as narrow-minded as the Bible. Everything I believe is based upon the TRUTH that the Holy Bible is God's inspired and preserved Words. The Bible can be summed up in one word—TRUTH (John 17:17).

believe in the infallible, inspired, preserved, perfect, Word of God. When I use the term “Word of God,” I believe it refers to the King James Bible in English as being the infallible, preserved, inerrant, inspired, perfect, Words of God. I believe in the verbal, plenary, inspiration of the Bible. The Old and New Testament are definitely inspired word-for-word. I accept the Textus Receptus (i.e. Received Text or Majority Text) manuscripts from which the King James Bible was translated in 1611.


The italics added by the translators are also inspired. Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 8:3b (“Man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word which proceedeth out of the mouth of God”) in Matthew 4:4. The word “word” is in italics in Deuteronomy 8:3, but is not in italics in Matthew 4:4. I believe that every jot and tittle (the smallest grammatical marks in a language) are inspired by God (Matthew 5:18). Every word of the Holy Bible is inspired by God. There are no periods, commas, semicolons or parenthesis in the origin Bible. These were added by men. I believe that the 1611 King James Bible (and subsequent text-corrected editions, not revisions) are the preserved INSPIRED Words of God!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

At first glance, the average person would think think Discordianism is a joke, but it's no joke. It's actually a witchcraft tradition. It's interesting that www.discordianism.com is saturated with links promoting Wiccan witchcraft, spells, magick, and the occult. The following "Wiccan Tradition" page at www.wicca.com states...

"The Discordian or Erisian movement is described as a 'Non- Prophet Irreligious Disorganization and has claimed 'The Erisian revelation is not a complicated put-on disguised as a new religion, but a new religion disguised as a complicated put-on. "It all started with the *'Principia Discordia, or How I Found the Goddess and What I Did to Her When I Found Her'*, a collection of articles and ideas compiled by Greg Hill (Malaclypse the Younger). The central theme is 'Chaos is every bit as important as Order' as illustrated in the story of The curse of Greyface:

*Humor is central to Discordianism, but Discordianism should not be dismissed as a joke. Profound experiences frequently accompany the practice or Erisinaism. It is a perceptual game, one which demonstrates that the absurd is just as valid as the mundane and chaos is just as valid as order. It frees the practitioner from the order games (that most have forgotten are games) to play games with order or games with chaos, or both. The effects of Discordianism upon an individual can be far reaching and amazingly liberating. [Although a great many immature individuals have played at Discordianism and thereby side stepped any chance of spiritual growth."

"Discordians believe that Chaos is as important as Order, and have a very dark sense of sarcasm/humor to prove it. Their main text is the "Principia Discordia." Though they may not seem like it, Discordians take their beliefs as seriously as any Gardnerian High Priest/ess. There are some groups that blend Discordianism with Wicca, making those particular groups a Wiccan tradition as well."

It is clear that Discordianism is a form of witchcraft. According to collegewicca.com (witchcraft)...

"The word "tradition" comes up when discussing Wicca. Basically, a tradition is the same as a Christian denomination."

What a deceit! There is NOTHING in Wicca even remotely related to a "Christian" tradition. Wicca is a false religion according to the Word of God, the Bible. 1st John 2:22 declares Wiccans as liars and Anti-Christs because they deny that Jesus is the Christ (the Saviour of the world)...

"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son."

Discordianism is a form of Paganism which mocks decency and order. The Word of God condemns such nonsense, "Let all things be done decently and in order" (1st Corinthians 14:40). Discordianism is a chaos promoting philosophy (religion), with many bizarre teachings and claims. An introductory course is offered at witchschool.com on Discordianism. Clearly, Discordianism is witchcraft. I didn't wrote this article to refute all the details of Discordianism; but, rather, to EXPOSE Discordianism for what it truly is, WITCHCRAFT!!! Discordianism is an inherent part of modern witchcraft.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

We are living in evil times when police cover for police, government covers for government, Freemasons cover for Freemasons, lawyers cover for lawyers, doctors cover for doctors, drug dealers cover for drug dealers; but families turn each other in to the authorities for anything and everything. While ignoring the massive treasonous crimes in Washington D.C., the rotten and lying newsmedia demonizes American citizens, spending all their resources on one murder or one sex crime. They turn it into a 3-ring circus, bringing in all the legal morons, and it goes on for weeks if not months. It's all intended to distract Americans from THE TRUTH about the criminals in the White House, the Pentagon and on Wall Street.

If you call 911 because your husband yelled at you and called you a female dog, they'll send out a S.W.A.T. team and raid the home, shooting the family pet, arrest your husband for verbal assault (and a half dozen other charges), and your husband will be in court for the next 4-years. It will cost him tens-of-thousands of dollars for legal representation. This is all by design. They want to ruin your marriage, foreclose on your home to steal it, take custody of your children to generate money for CPS, and legally forbid the couple from contacting each other. it's all meant to steal, kill and destroy.

You won't hear this stuff anywhere else, because most people have their heads buried in the sand. I'm simply saying that THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS OUT TO GET YOU!!! If you trip, they'll break your neck in the fall. If you have any family or marriage problems, they'll turn it into an all out war, dragging you into court, ravishing you financially, and leaving you broken, battered and much poorer. They'll walk away wealthy and without harm, loss or damage. They are snakes!!!

She That Liveth in Pleasure is Dead While She Liveth

I heard a woman criticizing her “conspiracy theorist” husband. She divorced him because she said he looked at some porn and went with a prostitute. What ever happened to forgiveness (Matthew 18:22)? She's not so perfect. The truth is that she divorced her husband because she has a hard heart of unforgiveness (Matthew 19:8). She no sooner told me about divorcing her husband and then she admitted sleeping with some local man at a hotel. What a hypocrite! She divorces her husband and then goes out to commit adultery herself.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The White House administration (Republican and Democrat) has been hijacked by criminals ? the same criminals which orchestrated the 911 attacks, the same criminals that are bankrupting America through the treasonous Federal Reserve System, the same criminals that were behind the London Bombings in July of 2005. In fact, Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was in London During the Bombings. How convenient. The London bombings were masked by bombing 'exercises,' just as were the 911 attacks. Here's a video of Cynthia McKinney grilling Donald Rumsfeld and General Richard Myers, whether or not the 911 wargames (4 to be exact) were ever announced prior to being exercised? Did the government ever declare a National Security Special Event Day? No, they did not! Again, how convenient. The concrete evidence against these calculated killers is overwhelming and irrefutable.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Click HERE to see a photo of the actual U.N. Treaty Cover Letter forbidding weather warfare!

Notice that the date of this cover letter was 27 October 1978, which means that this treaty was in effect at the time this certified true copy was mailed. The name of the treaty is "CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF MILITARY OR ANY OTHER HOSTILE USE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES APPROVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS ON 10 DECEMBER 1976".

This title alone tells us conclusively that scientists of at least several nations who have a history of being hostile to one another now possess scientific knowledge that can control damaging weather to the point of being able to use such weather as hostile, destructive weapons. Exactly which countries possess this damaging capability is not clear; however, we know that, in this 20th Century, Western Capitalism has been nose-to-nose with Eastern Russian Communism. Therefore, we can only conclude that both Russia and America possess this technology.

What kind of damaging weather might be useful as military weapons? I think the following list might be possible candidates.

1. Earthquakes -- This phenomenon might be the most terrifying, since people cannot live without foundation. Entire city structures are based upon buildings having dependable foundations. Therefore, since the New World Order Plan envisions eliminating cities, we might expect that earthquakes would be a preferred weapon of choice. Severe earthquakes might result in the wholesale evacuation of cities.
2. Hurricanes and/or Typhoons -- Wind has proven to be such a devastating force that, once again, it might force large-scale evacuation of cities if the incidence of hurricanes were to become so regular as to render a city location untenable.
3. Flooding -- Rampaging waters are a huge force that threatens entire regions of the country. Since the goal is to force farmers out of business, or to return the most fertile farmlands back to "Nature" [which New Agers call 'Rewilding'], floods would be a most useful weapon. Flooding can also force farmers to miss an entire planting and growing season, thus reducing the amount of food available to a population. Most people think of a lack of food being caused by drought, when the reality is that flooding at the wrong time of the year can produce an equal loss of food production.

4. Drought -- Lack of water is more devastating to farming than flooding. Since the population growth of the past 60 years would not have been possible had it not been for the growth in food production, we might expect that drought might be a useful tool in persuading people of the need to drastically reduce population growth.

In both flooding and drought, we have the potential of totally devastating a people's way of life.

Remember that the overall goal of the New World Order Plan is to reduce the world's population by two-thirds, and to set aside over 50% of America and other nations that would not off limits to humans for using or residing. These same people, i.e., Gore, Clinton, Bush now have control both over the amount of emergency stocks of food and of Weather Control capabilities!

5. Tsunami Waves -- If someone would want to force people away from living on the coastline of any nation, consistent tsunami waves would be the ideal tool. This huge wave is totally devastating and terribly frightening.
6. Volcanoes -- Erupting volcanoes can also dramatically change the landscape of the region in which it is located. Nearby cities can, and have been, eliminated.
7. Tornadoes -- We have experienced such an increase in devastating tornado activity, one has to really wonder why.
8. Severe Heat over a long period of time -- Of course, this capability produces the Drought of which we speak, above, and probably should have been mentioned in conjunction with it. However, our nation is currently in the grip of unprecedented heat this summer. How many consecutive days of 100+ degree weather does it take for fertile and productive farmland to be turned into wasteland? Does anyone know? Are we about to find out?

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Feminists live in utter paranoia, ready to defend themselves against the slightest potential sign of masculine oppression. The truth is that such women are dysfunctional and end up in lesbian relationships because there's not a man in the world who can live up to there insane imperfect standards. That's what feminism does, that is, it makes women paranoid about masculine authority. Feminism is a short road to lesbianism. A lot of women don't actually become lesbians, but they want a man who thinks like a woman, so in effect feminists are mental homosexuals.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

With the U.S. economy going to Hell, there are going to be all sorts of legal and illegal prostitution, gambling, loan sharks, and other evil vices that exploit people. As hard as it may be for some Americans to grasp, there are young women in this world who will completely sell their virtue for a morsel of food. It is the poor who are exploited the most, and taken advantage of, by sexual-predators from United Nations military groups and other agencies that are supposedly helping the poor.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If I had my way, I'd burn every pornographic magazine. I'd burn every Sports Illustrated. I'd burn every women's lingerie catalog that husbands are tempted to look through. You can laugh if you want, but God is on my side. The carnal, and unsaved man laughs at such high moral standards—as they also scoff at God's Word, make light of salvation, and curse the name of the Lord. It's all a big joke to so many people today; but they won't be chuckling when they stand in judgment before their Creator. They'll be urinating on themselves in fear. They'll be weeping in regret and shame. I fear God, do you?

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

"THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION" have been banned all over the internet as hate speech, because it alleges a conspiracy by elite Jews to take over the newsmedia, television, government and industry to conquer the world. My friend, believe what you will, but THE TRUTH of the matter is that everything mentioned in "THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION" IS HAPPENING TODAY RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES!!! That's why is it being banned. This book exposes the criminal globalist elite behind the New World Order. Truth is stranger than fiction!!!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Most Americans have been led to despise foreign cultures where women are not allowed to walk around immodestly clothed, nor is feminist rebellion tolerated, nor can women run their big mouths in men's matters. The truth is that the Muslim culture comes a lot closer to being right than American culture. I'm not saying that I approve of everything done in Muslim culture, but they are 100% correct to require women to dress appropriately in public, to cover themselves and to remain silent in men's matters. Americans view other cultures which require women to dress properly and wear head-coverings as being oppressive and cruel cultures. When it comes to the way women dress, behave and talk, we have the immoral disease in America, not the Muslims.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Katy Perry—the Babylonian, big-breasted, Baphomet, blasphemous-bimbo—recently said that she is NOT a Christian and thinks Heaven is “a hoax.” Katy Perry began her trainwreck career of sleaze as a Gospel singer. Talk about a loser and sell-out! I guess Satan has done more for Katy Perry than God has. God keeps us all breathing. God gives us the awesome delicious foods that we eat and the taste buds and health to enjoy it all. What has the Devil ever done for you? God offers you eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ, but Satan can only offer you the world until your earthly life is over; then God will judge you (Hebrews 9:27).

Who would want to follow a total loser in God's eyes like Katy Perry? This Illuminati-favorite, slithering servant of Satan, stripper-singer, promotes satanism as being “cool” to preteens and teens. Ke$ha, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus (Manly Virus), Kanye (Pest) West, Kim (Kartrashian) Kardashian... THESE ARE GOD'S ENEMIES (James 4:4). You will become like those you hang around. Do you want to be like God's enemies? Do you want to become God's enemy too? I wouldn't recommend it if you're smart. Sadly, many professed Christians today are naive and indifferent concerning the evil threat of witchcraft to our youth...

There is an Independent Baptist Church down the street from where I live. They are NOT fundamental. They have a big Christian school of 1,000 students. They also have their own local radio station. I was listening to their radio station the other day. The associate pastor runs the radio station and was interviewing one of their students-of-the-week. I was saddened to hear him ask her if she had read the Harry Potter Series, and she affirmed that she had. Literally, this shameful pastor was promoting and endorsing Harry Potter's witchcraft. The same church has an impressive teen orchestra, but they perform Walt Disney theme songs; such as, Aladdin, The Lion King and other songs. Walt Disney is a filthy sex-perverted group. This so-called “ministry” has a big Christian school with a church on the side. They have a great music program, but no preaching. I had attended for one year, but then they told me to stop passing out sermons by Dr. Hyles, Dr. Younce and Dr. Lacy or they would ask me to leave. I told them that as a faithful Christian they had forced me to make a decision that I didn't want to make, rather than sinfully compromise the truth. You can read the full story here. I prayerfully know they will weep bitter tears in eternity at The Judgment Seat of Christ. Harry Potter is of the Devil and churches ought not be promoting such wickedness to children.

If you've ever spoken with someone who was a serious drug addict, they can tell you of the demonic experiences they had while high on drugs. I have talked with such people who claim that they saw demons and unbelievable nightmares. Drugs and alcohol are gateways into the demonic spirit world. Those who engage in substance abuse are inviting demons to infiltrate and control their mind. Often, drug abuse is intentionally used in witchcraft to make contact with demons. And in case you didn't know, the witch's broomstick is a sexually offensive symbol, symbolizing the male phallus.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

In many failed marriages, the wife refused to lead the family. A husband tries to lead his wife, but if she won't be led then the children won't march properly. Children won't obey their father with a pure heart if the mother is against the father. All across America today there are rebellious wives who won't be led. The husband gets upset and argues with his wife most of the time because she won't do as he tells her. She makes excuses and accuses him of picking on her. She is a slackard, half-stepping her duties and lying often in an attempt to avoid being rebuked by her husband. If he doesn't rebuke her, then who will? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make her drink it.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

The blame for the mess in America is mostly the man's fault in my opinion. God created man to take charge and lead. When REAL men falter and become scarce in number, then women and homosexuals easily rise to power. We have bratty children running the nation these days. Any reminisce of genuine and respectable men of honor, character and integrity is long gone. I place the primary blame upon husbands and fathers because we are the one's whom God left in charge of everything.

Let me clarify, I believe that most marriage failures are the woman's fault. God created man and gave him work to do; but the wife's work is her husband. If a woman fails as a wife, then she has failed at her life's work in God's eyes. Therefore, and in view of 1sr Peter 3:1, I firmly believe that women are mostly to blame when divorce happens. In fact, it's women who file for divorce at more than TWICE the rate of men in America.

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