
David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The bogus story that radical Muslims caused the 911-attacks simply doesn't add up. Most of the provided names of the 911 attackers onboard the airplanes that crashed into the Trade Towers have been found alive and well. It's all lies and more lies. Of all people, the 911 Commission appointed Henry Kissinger (a warmonger and eugenicist) to lead the investigation. The public outcry was so great that they picked someone else. Of course, the 911 Commission was spearheaded by The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), which is like having the fox investigate the disappearance of chickens from the hen house. Here are 500 questions concerning the suspicious 911-attacks.

As far as I'm concerned, those were my family members who were murdered in the 911-attacks. Over 200 brave firefighters died when those buildings collapsed. Doesn't it seem strange to you that Fox News attacks anyone who dares to even question the official 911 story? Sure it does. It shows that there's a massive cover-up, involving the highest level of government and the corporate-controlled newsmedia. I am not anti-government; but rather, anti-corruption and anti-evil. The biggest conspiracy theory of all is that a group of Muslims hijacked 2-jumbo jets and flew them into 2-buildings, thus causing 3-buildings to perfectly implode to the ground in just seconds.

And what about presidential directive w199-eye signed by president George W. Bush prior to 911, blocking all investigation by the FBI and the Justice Department of the suspect Saudi terrorists prior to 911? It's the smoking gun of the 911 attacks. Only a dishonest person, or a coward, would deny all the blatant evidence and blindly claim that 911 wasn't an inside job. At a minimum an honest person would consider the evidence and listen to the thousands of people who WERE THERE on 911, and said they think 911 was an inside job. Earthquake seismographs have also shown multiple tremors as the buildings collapsed, showing multiple explosions were used to bring down the Trade Towers.

As shocking as it may seem, the newsmedia were even reporting that WTC 7 had fallen, while the building was still in plain view for another 20-minutes in the background. This is how blatant these New World Order liars are, and also shows how sold out to Satan the newsmedia is. The media are so evil that they'll devour their own children. They're total scum, plain and simple. That's why newsmedia women dress like whores and their men cover for criminals. There's a lot of scum in America's so-called professional society. Don't think that God has missed anything. Even the words out of everyone's mouth is going to be judged by God on Judgment Day (Matthew 12:36). Blessed by the name of the Lord.

The New World Order criminal gang has used the 911-attacks to take away the freedom's of Americans, and we're stupid enough to tolerate this removal of our legal Bill of Rights. If enough American's got upset, they couldn't get away with this. Sadly, most people are willing to sell their soul for so-called “security,” from a boogieman that the government created to spook us. The War On Terror is bogus. It is a false War On Terror, a rotten scam to enslave the world. The Public School System has dumbed-down America's children, to where they think like morons, believing that voting is the most powerful thing they can do. No, dissent is the most powerful weapon we have against tyranny. It is a vile crime what is happening in America's airports against the American people. We are surviving today in Nazi-Amerika.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

These black magicians sing about the Illuminati right in your face, witchcraft lyrics, funding your enemy (the globalists) and manipulating your consciousness...

Well if it seems to be real, it's illusion
For every moment of truth, there's confusion in life
Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer

Killing is their business and business is good. If it seems to be real, it's illusion. Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer. These type of lyrics are straight out of the illuminati textbook. You don't keep the gold in Las Vegas, they take the gold out of you!!! You've got to bleed for love!!! The globalists are always trying to keep you in darkness, deceived and suppressed. They do NOT want you to become aware.

Seek information and learn about history and you'll find the truth if you want it. Most people are not truth-seekers, they are not saved, and they couldn't care less about anything except enjoy life. That is a heathen attitude. Christians ought to preach the truth more than anybody; but sadly, today's professed Christians are worldly and woefully ignorant concerning what's really going on in the world. From Hollywood, television, the newsmedia, public schools, best-selling books, to the music industry... people are being deceived by Satan's crowd. It's basic programming! Open your eyes, because it's everywhere. People want to imitate things that they've seen on TV. People are so predictable (and the Devil knows it).

The New World Order system is an extermination grid. They want to kill us before we grow old, because people wake up when many spiritually awaken before they die...

They say that life's a carousel
Spinning fast, you've got to ride it well
The world is full of Kings and Queens
Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams

Ronnie James Dio admitted in his music that the public is blinded by their leaders. Satan is the god of this evil world and controls the elite who worship him through occult organizations. This is why Winston Churchill was a druid witch. This is why both presidents Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. are members of Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones. This is why many leaders are members of Freemasonry. The occult is synonymous with Satan worship, evil and deceit. The New World Order are people trying to play God, using social and chemical control (even lethal and inhuman methods of manipulation to test various systems of control). The global ruling class believe that they are a separate species from common man, privileged to decide who lives and who dies.

In sharp contrast, the Bible is open to the world to read and study. God has nothing to hide.

The elite who control the world for Satan are deceived themselves, for no one would serve evil if they truly understood what awaits them in everlasting damnation in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15). The New World Order is all about manipulation, keeping people blinded to the truth (2nd Corinthians 4:4). The Rock music industry is 100% owned and controlled by illuminati globalists, Luciferian worshippers who openly praise the Devil through music.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist jesus-is-savior.com


Rachel Maddow, self-proclaimed “butch” with a girlfriend of over 10-years. Maddow says she went public about being gay at age 17 and is proud of it. As you see in the above photo, Maddow is a devout follower of Satan. America is being taken over by lesbians!


Rachel Maddow is of the Devil. Homosexuality is of the Devil. Promoting the sin of homosexuality as a natural, good and acceptable thing is wickedness. It is not a coincidence that Rachel Maddow is making the Satanic Diablo sign above to show her allegiance to the Devil. Homosexuality is of the Devil and Maddow's hand sign proves it. You don't see Bible-quoting believers bragging that they're sodomites. It's the Devil's crowd who praise homosexuality. Christians may go into sin and commit homosexuality, but they won't be proud of it and brag to their family and friends about it. Christians who sin have remorse, being convicted by the Holy Spirit of God that dwells within (Hebrews 12:6-8; Romans 8:9).

Kindly, I have to humbly agree with FOX 19 Ohio news anchor, Tricia Macke, who was temporarily suspended by the network for calling Rachel Maddow “an angry young man” on her private Facebook page. Maddow is a dyke lesbian (that is, a lesbian who assumes the male role). I mean, Maddow talks like a man, behaves like a man, thinks like a man; but then she gets offended when somebody calls her a man. It's hypocrisy! A spade is a spade. I am not supportive of making disparaging comments against anyone; however, if the shoe fits, wear it! Many young women dress, talk and behave sexy; but then gets offended when they're ogled (obviously lusted upon) by men with wandering eyes.

Don't dress like a whore if you don't want to be stared at! When a young woman was gang raped in India, many women were outraged that someone said the woman asked to be attacked by the way she was immodestly dressed. We'll, like it or not, that's the way life works! Fleshly Lusts, Which War Against The Soul (1 Peter 2:11 - it matters how people dress). You can argue that you should be able to play in traffic without being ran over by a car if you're dumb enough to be retarded, but you're going to get ran over if you play in traffic. And if you tempt men by walking around sensually attired like a slut, then one day you're likely going to be attacked and be brutally raped, kidnapped or even murdered.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

For a movie scene to be sexually-suggestive, it does not necessarily have to show people having sex. In fact, 95% of TV's sexually-suggestive scenes contain no sex. ALL Hollywood movies contain demonic influences. Sadly, ChristianityToday magazine recommends many vile Hollywood films, including PAN'S LABYRINTH and AVATAR. In AVATAR, Sigourney Weaver's first appearance films her cursing in God's name. Why would ChristianityToday promote this filth? Pan's Labyrinth is highly suggestive of pedophilia. That's who Pan is... a sexual deviate and rapist, a total sex-pervert!

By the way, one big truth that the newsmedia has completely ignored is that nearly all the pedophilia within the Roman Catholic Church has been committed by homosexual priests. Up to half of all priests are homosexuals. Here's a lengthy list of Hollywood's homosexual movies. It is not a mere coincidence that Hollywood, which is absolutely homosexual to the core, is also a bunch of scum of the earth pedophiles. Hollywood is a thousand times worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.

In Steven Spielberg's 2012 movie, SUPER 8 (rated PG-13), a young group of teenagers are the film's stars. There's a 12 year old girl, Alice (real name: Mary Elle Fanning, younger sister of Actress Dakota Fanning). The Fanning's are Southern Baptists... go figure! It is apostasy! Mary's 12 years old in real life during the filming of Super 8 (she's 13 now in 2012). In multiple scenes in the film the slang, lewd and vile term “pus_y” (vagina) is used by one of the young boys in the presence of the 12 year old girl. The girl blushes when “pus_y” is mentioned. The boy apologize for using the world. She blushes some more and says “It's ok.” It's not ok! They paid these teenagers in real life to deliberately talk filthy, shamefully and disgracefully. What kind of sick-minded pervert would write a movie script for teens to talk like this? The answer is Jacob J. Abrams, a Jew. The term is used again later in the film in the girl's presence... “pus_y” (vagina). I hate Hollywood and so does God, far more than any of us could ever imagine. I am so glad that God will have the final say, when he punished the entire world for all their evil and wickedness (Isaiah 13:11).

The film's Director, Jacob J. Abrams is a piece of trash (Jewish), along with the film's Producer, Steven Spielberg (Jewish). For them to use the word “pus_y” in front of a 12 year old girl, Mary Elle Fanning is sinful and ought to be criminal (and it may be). Why is it that perverted elite Jews in Hollywood can pay children actors to talk sexually-perverted, but if Joe Citizen did he'd go to prison? They should all be tried and put behind bars for corrupting American society with their Jewish culture of debauchery and sleaze.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

In the blockbuster Hollywood movie, THE GREEN MILE, starring Tom Hanks and Michael Clarke Duncan, the major theme of the movie is about two little girls who are brutally raped and killed by a deranged psycho. John Coffey (played by Michael Clarke Duncan) is blamed for the murders and goes to the electric chair for a crime that he didn't commit, but not before revealing to Tom Hanks and others working in the prisonhouse that he has some special healing power, a gift, which allows Tom Hanks to telepathically communicate with Hanks and show him what really happened to the two little girls.

In the movie Tom Hanks is portrayed as having a urinal tract infection, making it extremely painful for him to urinate. At some point in the movie, John Coffey grabs Hanks by the throat and then places his hand down upon Hank's genital area, and then Hanks is immediately healed, going home to have sex with his wife 4 times during the night (which his wife in the movie says he hadn't been able to do since he was 19 years old). This is what Hollywood calls entertainment?

The prison warden's wife has an incurable brain tumor in the movie, but Hanks and his co-workers at the prison decide to sneak John Coffee out past midnight, bring him to the warden's home, and have him heal the sick woman. As the warden stands bewildered in his living room, Hanks and his peers bring John Coffey upstairs into the wife's bedroom without notice or even knocking on the door. To heal the sick woman, John Coffey (African American) slowly places his lips upon the Caucasian wife's lips to kiss her for a prolonged period of time, during which time the healing process is taking place. There is sexually immoral spirit prevalent in the scene. Undeniably, sexual immorality and violence are the two most predominant evil spirits saturating Hollywood movies. It's all part of the Communist moral decay and deliberate Communist subversion of America. America has known and will continue to know until her demise, the depths of Satan.

THE GREEN MILE is further evidence of Hollywood's insatiable infatuation with child rape, pedophilia, sexual perversion, interracial sex, adultery, and the most heinous of sins and crimes. Out of all the crimes that the movie's writers, directors, and producers could have picked... they chose child rape and murder. That speaks volumes as to the Satanic mindset and wickedness of Hollywood as a whole.

UNBREAKABLE, HEREAFTER, FOREST GUMP ... there's too many films to mention, all place the thought of pedophilia into the viewer's mind. Why the infatuation with child sex abuse in Hollywood? The answer is quite obvious.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

AVATAR teaches demonic New Age philosophies, and an utterly false New Age gospel. The Bible places a curse upon James Cameron and Avatar according to Galatians 1:9, “As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, LET HIM BE ACCURSED.”

Further evidence of a Biblical curse is found in 1st Corinthians 16:22, “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.” Anathema means “cursed” and Maranatha means “the Lord is coming.” Hollywood is cursed. James Cameron is cursed. The Avatar film and actors are cursed.

The movie is saturated with religious blasphemies against God and false teachings. As typical with most Hollywood movies, AVATAR is saturated with profanities against God and the Bible; such as “holy sh_t” and exclaiming “Jesus” as a curse word.

At the beginning of the movie, the commander in charge tells his troops: “If there is a Hell, you might want to go there for some R & R, after a tour on Pandora.” Pandora is the fictitious planet upon which the movie is based. James Cameron is the writer of the film, who clearly plants seeds of doubt in the viewer's mind as to whether or not there is a Hell. If you don't know whether or not there's a Hell, then you don't believe the Bible (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9).

I have no doubt that Avatar, just like the Harry Potter films, will be used to indoctrinate Public School children with doctrines of devils. Public School teachers across the nation are showing Harry Potter, and garbage like Avatar to the students during class. The Bible and prayer were banned BY COURT ORDER in 1962 and 1963; but teachers can introduce demonic movies, Satanic religions and the blatant lie of Evolution during class without opposition. It is evil.

This is exactly why Karl Marx in the 10th Plank of the Communist Manifesto (a basic reprint of Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati blueprint from 1787) called for a Public School System, to brainwash kids. Literally, Public Schools were created to rob children of their faith in God, turn them against their parents, turn them against their own country, indoctrinate them to trust the government, and to worship Satan through witchcraft and New Age doctrine.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If the Bible was written by men, then why does it prompt us to seek forgiveness from a Divine Creator? Why would men write such a fairytale condemning all of humanity to Hell? Has anyone ever written a book such as the Bible? Archeologists and explorers have been discovering thousands of scrolls, tablets and fragments of the Bible for centuries.

People have uncovered all of these findings in scattered places throughout the Middle East, in multiple languages. Can any book throughout history claim such remarkable exposure? And if men did write the Bible without ant Divine inspiration, then how did the forty Biblical writers, over 1,500 years of history, manage to complete such a seamless masterpiece of prophecy? The Quran can not claim this, it contains no prophecy.

God is Amazing! I am always intrigued, captivated, and stand in awe when I consider the universe. What was God thinking? Did He really create all of those stars (the nearest star to earth being 4.24 light years away) just for mankind to have a night light? (Genesis 1:14-19). Yes, that is what the Bible teaches. God gave us the sun, moon and stars. This is why mankind will NEVER find any intelligent life in the universe apart from the earth. God created it all for us.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Young people today are not taught about courtship these days. Instead they're taught about the biology of sex in public schools, and then are given free condoms to commit fornication. Teachers are prohibited by law from quoting the Words of God. They can show Harry Potter's witchcraft and teach New Age false doctrine, but the Bible is banned. Young people ought to be taught fidelity, courtship and to abstain from sex until they are married. That is not just the old-fashioned way, that is the right way! Marriage is God's way. Many men are terrified to marry today in lieu of America's unfair, feminist and malicious court system. Albeit, marriage is still God's way. The system literally discourages people from getting married, which I believe is deliberate, part of the Communist subversion of our nation.

Children and teens should be taught the sacredness of the human body. They ought to be taught to respect the body and never to contaminate it with cigarettes, booze nor drug abuse. You people ought to be taught to wait until they get married before having sex. It is ridiculous and sinful that Walt Disney and Hollywood are turning grade-school girls into glamour-girl whores (high-heels, lip-gloss, garters, stockings and professional hair-dos). Everything about the 1996 JonBenét Ramsey case was creepy. The parents of that little girl turned her into a glamour-girl whore at age 6. It is heathendom! Dance Moms is doing the same evil thing, causing lasciviousness in society, bringing the judgment of God upon this perverse nation. Shame on those foolish parents for desecrating the sacredness of the human body.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Even in the movie, A Walk To Remember, which apostate Christians praise so much, there is an evil spirit of sensuality at work. When Landon Carter (played by Shane West) approaches Jamie Sullivan (played by Mandy Moore) in her car, he asks if she's “feeling Christian,” because he needs a ride home. The camera immediately focuses between her legs, which are moving in and out under her thin dress, which creates a sexual invitation type of scene. It is definitely sensual and sexually suggestive. This is Hollywood at work. They can't even make a good movie without adding something sensual and sexually suggestive to it.

My pastor used to say: “Boy preacher, you have a dirty mind! No, I have a man's mind.” That is the truth of the matter. It is not a matter of a man having a dirty mind. One does not need a dirty mind to have seed thoughts of sexual immorality planted into their mind by demonic movies intended to do so. No wonder American society today is plagued with adultery, fornication, incest, pedophilia, and homosexuality.

At another point in the movie, Jamie's father (the local pastor) tells Jamie that she may not care what he thinks, but she should care what God thinks. Jamie replies, “I think God wants me to be happy.” That's some dangerous thinking. God wants us to OBEY the Bible and please Him; and not ourselves (Revelation 4:11). God's will for our life is for us to obey Him, even though this often means living a life of sorrow and tribulation (John 16:20; 2nd Timothy 3:12).

At another place in the movie, A Walk To Remember, a group of teenage girls are filmed doing cartwheels in tight Daisy-Duke shorts. This is sinful. Women, young and old alike are to dress modestly as the Bible commands in 1st Timothy 2:9. Deuteronomy 22:5 forbids women to dress like men, nor for men to dress like women... “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” Any child knows which bathroom door is for the men... the sign with the pants (and the door for the women has the sign with the dress on it). It's common sense.

David J.Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Homosexuals are playing with fire. Homosexuality is known for spreading AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). AIDS didn't exist until the early 1980's, and it began with the homosexual community in New York City. Curse from God? You decide!

One fact is sure—homosexuality and AIDS are synonymous!!! Legendary lead singer, Freddie Mercury, of the rock band Queen, died at age 45 from AIDS. He reportedly had homosexual lovers all over the world. Tragically, he is now burning in Hell, as is Zoroaster, the false prophet he followed.

Homosexuality is a lot more common nowadays that you might think and lesbianism seems to be leading the way in popularity. Pornography and lesbianism are synonymous. Got AIDS yet? I mean no unkindness toward those who suffer with AIDS. I realize that many people who have contracted AIDS did so through means other than sexual immorality. Heck, you can get AIDS from your dentist if he doesn't take the necessary precautions to protect you from tainted blood. The purpose of my article is not to criticize those with AIDS. I am simply trying to warn people that the homosexual lifestyle is synonymous with the AIDS virus.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

No wonder America is going to Hell. Rock-n-Roll is the culprit! I hate the Devil's music. Nowadays Country music is JUST AS EVIL. One sin often leads to another. When people do wrong, the first recourse of action is to lie in an attempt to protect one's self. Then the lie grows and generates distrust and bitterness. We ought to do the right thing in the first place. Do good and it will be good!

Many sexual crimes are being committed today in society because of the lasciviousness being generated by immodestly dressed women. America's women have become calloused and indifferent towards morality. Most women in America see no harm in miniskirts, low-cut blouses, halter tops, or tight-fitting clothing. Fools! Have you no moral sense? Do you women not realize what sins you are causing? You can't have a society of promiscuous women running around half-naked, and then wonder why pedophilia, rapes, wife beatings, and divorce are skyrocketing! Immodesty is destroying America!

I think pornography should be outlawed, as a menace to society! Hugh Hefner (Playboy founder) is scum, not an honorable man like HEE HAW made him out to be. Shame on Roy Clark! How can Mr. Clark sing Gospel songs on HEE HAW, while praised such a degenerate wicked person as Hugh Hefner? I mean, HEE HAW was only popular became of the big-breasted, scantily clothed, whorish women, lying around in their lingerie. EVIL!

God hates HEE HAW and everything that hell-spawned show represents—and then they have the audacity to add a Gospel hymn at the end of each show! It's sickening!!! How dare HEE HAW's cast members sing "Power In The Blood" after spending an hour mocking decency, generating lasciviousness in the hearts of men, and honoring some of the most vile people on earth, like Hugh Hefner! Judgment Day is coming! If Mr. Clark is a genuine believer, he will have little or NO rewards in Heaven (1st Corinthians 3:15; 2nd Corinthians 5:10). Please read Entertainment Christians.

Evil and rebellious people may laugh at my words in this article; BUT, they won't be laughing when God casts them into Hellfire.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Homosexuals are relentlessly trying to have laws passed to silence Bible-believing Christians. Thankfully, the Bible will never be silenced. God's Word stands true against homosexuality (Romans 1:18-32), and no matter how much they may try to eradicate the Bible from society, it won't happen. Even if homosexuals were successful in silencing all those who disagree with their sinful lifestyle, it wouldn't make them any happier. God is still on His throne. No one can truly be happy while living in rebellion against God. Sin always brings misery! AIDS isn't going away.

The homosexual community thinks they'll be happy if only they can live in a society that openly accepts homosexuals; BUT, no one can be happy while living with AIDS. Oh sure, there's a temporary happiness that comes from sinful pleasure; BUT, there can be no peace and joy in one's soul until a person makes things right with God. The Bible is clear in Isaiah 48:22, "There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked."

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Don't let YOUR baby be the next victim of brain damage or death in the government's bit to USE us all as experiments! The FACTS this government does NOT want you to know is -- for one, all these diseases were already dying out on their own!! Then THIS "wonderful" population controlling government, brought all these diseases back via vaccinations, only in a MORE DEADLY AND UNTREATABLE FORM!!! The man made disease vaccines are NOT the same thing as the Natural diseases - but they don't want you to know that either!! How do you like your horse urine and mercury and formaldehyde --- served with your food, or on the side? These are just a few of the things used in the making of these vaccines! Would you put it into your baby's bottle with his formula ? You'd be arrested if you did that! But the government is pouring those things (and more) directly into your baby's blood stream, WITH YOUR BLESSING!!! Oh, how brainwashed we ARE!!!

Then they "convinced" the American people to believe their LIES about how "their vaccinations" saved the day!! And the people fell for it!!! For three generations they have fallen for it!! They are still lying to us today, plus they are pushing the vaccinations even harder! The vaccinations do NOT work; all they do is permanent damage! The government KNOWS they do not work; but they keep forcing them on the people!


David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Many people today think that fornication (i.e., sex outside of marriage) is acceptable just so long as no marital commitment is involved. That is demonic thinking. The only acceptable sex is within a marriage. That is what Hebrews 13:5 teaches. Fornication is just as wicked as the sin of adultery. Fornication is sex between unmarried people. There are preachers serving life-sentences in prison for having sex with one underaged girl, while Godless Hollywood celebrities brag of fornicating with several thousands of whores! In eternity, God will judge all mankind for every sin (Ecclesiastes 12:14), even for thoughts (Proverbs 24:12) and words (Matthew 12:36). Everyone is guilty of horrible sins (Romans 2:1). Don't judge others because they sin differently than you do!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

In the 1977 Jewish hit movie GOODBYE GIRL, which stars Jewish actor Richard Dreyfuss (who plays Elliot Garfield in the movie), there is a scene with a 10-year old girl and Elliot Garfield laying clothed in a bed together. The mother is trying to wake up Elliot, saying, “You can't sleep with my daughter.” This unmistakably plants a pedophilia seed in the viewer's mind. What kind of sexually perverted movie writer... director... producer... would make such a film that jokes about a man having sex with a little girl? Elite Hollywood Jews, that's who! It's not surprising when you consider that the Jewish owned and controlled TV networks exploit underaged teen girls sexually for profit. Later in the film Elliot says to the girl's mother, “You do know that your daughter has a crush on me?” Adding this to the earlier sexually suggestive bed scene, plus the sexually explicit art hanging on the wall, creates a subliminal sexually suggestive situation.

In the film Dreyfuss plays a gay man (Richard III, a flaming homosexual, Duke of Boston) in one scene. He receives a job acting in a play as a gay man and detests the part at first, but then plays it well after adjustments are made to the script, which is creepy. Dreyfuss (Elliot) at one point in the movie says, “He wants to hump Leann” (referring to the homosexual play in which he is starring in the film). Hollywood is dirty-minded, filthy, and saturated with smut. I'm simply pointing out the truth. Most people don't care about God's opinion, but I do. I take God's side. Hollywood is a cesspool of iniquity.

Most people don't notice nor realize just how evil Hollywood is. Most people just focus on whatever is being filmed in the forefront, without looking at what's obviously displayed in the background. Case in point, as Richard Dreyfuss enters into Paul's apartment at the beginning of the movie, there are 2 pictures hanging on different walls unmistakably displaying a woman's vagina. These are not actual photos, but art paintings. Sex is a common theme in art and paintings, much of it subtly expressing sexual ideas and perversion. Most artists are Godless sickos, making all sorts of bizarre, offensive, and insane looking garbage. Even more insane is that elite nutcases pay millions of dollars for such trash. There is no artist's paintbrush and canvas that can outdo the beauty of God's creation.

In the same scene Paula (Marsha Mason) and Elliot (Richard Dreyfuss) agree to live together. Elliot is told that he can stay in the small room. As Elliot walks to the small room, he passes through 10-year-old Lucy's bedroom and you can see a poster on Lucy's bedroom wall of a woman's legs and subtly covered vagina. The woman's feet in the painting are pointing downward. The painting is black and white. The woman is white against a black background. There is a black bird flying over the woman's vagina, but the bird's wingspan forms an open vagina. This is unmistakably SEXUAL ART. The top of the woman is distorted so that most viewers wouldn't take notice of the photo as Elliot is walking by. If you look at what Hollywood puts into the background of many their films, you would be ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED at how sexually deviate and perverted these creeps are! This is THE GOODBYE GIRL film, rated PG; but it is a really horrible film when you hear all the cursing in God's name and sexually suggestive talk. It sounds like a decent film, but leave it to Hollywood to ruin everything.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com


Biography of Catherine Booth

Comments by David J. Stewart: I've commented the following biography in bold green type

Catherine Booth (1829-1890), the daughter of a coachbuilder, was born in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, in 1829. When she was a child the family moved to Boston, Lincolnshire and later they lived in Brixton, London.

Catherine was a devout Christian and by the age of twelve she had read the Bible eight times. She had a social conscience from an early age. On one occasion she protested to the local policeman that he had been too rough on a drunken man he had arrested and frog-marched to the local lock-up.

Catherine did not enjoy good health. At the age of fourteen she developed spinal curvature and four years later, incipient tuberculosis. It was while she was ill in bed that she began writing articles for magazines warning of the dangers of drinking alcohol. Catherine was a member of the local Band of Hope and a supporter of the national Temperance Society.

In 1852 Catherine met William Booth, a Methodist minister. William had strong views on the role of church ministers believing they should be "loosing the chains of injustice, freeing the captive and oppressed, sharing food and home, clothing the naked, and carrying out family responsibilities."

Catherine shared William's commitment to social reform but disagreed with his views on women.

NOTE: William Booth has no business marrying a woman who didn't believe in wifely Biblical submission.

Catherine was an avowed feminist.

NOTE: This is a shame. For any professed Christian wife to publickly voice her disagreement with her husband is sinful. Feminism is a rotten evil in any society, church, or home. Shame on Catherine Booth!

On one occasion she objected to William describing women as the "weaker sex."

NOTE: Catherine Booth rejected the plain Scriptural teaching that women are the weaker sex. 1st peter 3:7... "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." Catherine Booth disobeyed God, by rebelling against her husband and the Bible. Catherine Booth is a disgrace to womanhood.

William was also opposed to the idea of women preachers. When Catherine argued with William about this he added that although he would not stop Catherine from preaching he would "not like it." Despite their disagreements about the role of women in the church, the couple married on 16th June 1855, at Stockwell New Chapel.

NOTE: William Booth sinned, by unequally yoking together in marriage with a woman who didn't wholly believe the Bible (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17). The Bible instructs us to SEPARATE from those who walk worldly... "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat" (1st Corinthians 5:11). This would definitely forbid marrying a feminist!!!

It was not until 1860 that Catherine first started to preach. One day in Gateshead Bethseda Chapel, a strange compulsion seized her and she felt she must rise and speak. Later she recalled how an inner voice taunted her: "You will look like a fool and have nothing to say". Catherine decided that this was the Devil's voice: "That's just the point," she retorted, "I have never yet been willing to be a fool for Christ. Now I will be one."

NOTE: It was the Devil's voice alright, that seized her and compelled her to rise and speak, because the Bible states... "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence" (1st Timothy 2:12). Catherine Booth, as many rebellious woman today like Melissa Scott, have twisted the Scriptures in an attempt to justify their rebellion. God calls men to preach, NOT women.

Catherine's sermon was so impressive that William changed his mind about women's preachers.

NOTE: This is a bad reflection on William Booth. He compromised his beliefs to appease the wicked.

Catherine soon developed a reputation as an outstanding speaker but many Christians were outraged by the idea.

NOTE: Christians should be outraged by women preachers, because they are ALL false prophets!

As Catherine pointed out at that time it was believed that a woman's place was in the home and "any respectable woman who raised her voice in public risked grave censure."

NOTE: Would to God that this were America today. America's feminism is responsible for massive pornography, child abuse, a skyrocketing divorce rate, 48000000 abortions, legalized prostitution, etc. Feminism is of the Devil.

In 1864 the couple began in London's East End the Christian Mission which later developed into the Salvation Army. Catherine Booth took a leading role in these revival services and could often be seen preaching in the dockland parishes of Rotherhithe and Bermondsey. Though often imprisoned for preaching in the open air, members of the Salvation Army fought on, waging war on poverty and injustice.

The Church of England were at first extremely hostile to the Salvation Army. Lord Shaftesbury, a leading politician and evangelist, described William Booth as the "antichrist". One of the main complaints against William Booth was his "elevation of women to man's status."

NOTE: When God's people commit sin, it gives the sinful world ammunition to legitimately attack us. I receive hundreds of e-mails from people, who point out the hypocrisies of professed Christians today, such as praising George W. Bush as a man of God, when in reality he is a follower of Satan. Catherine Booth was a rebel. Feminism is not about women's rights; but rather, about women rebelling against an authoritative husband, pastor, or God. Feminists resent masculine authority.

In the Salvation Army a woman officer enjoyed equal rights with a man. Although William Booth had initially rejected the idea of women preachers, he had now completely changed his mind and wrote that "the best men in my Army are the women."

NOTE: Women have equal human rights, are of equal worth, and are not inferior to men in any way; BUT, woman do not have a right to usurp authority over men. Feminism DEMANDS equality in the area of authority, and cries "inequality" if they don't get it. This is what Lucifer said in Isaiah 14:14... "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." Lucifer just wanted EQUALITY, wanting to be "like" the most high. Feminists claim they are simply asking for equality, to be "like" men in authority. Today, America is infested with women in authoritative power positions, and America is going to Hell because of it. Homosexuality is commonplace, abortion has become completely shameless, pornography is considered normal, divorce is highly encouraged nowadays, etc. Sin! Sin! Sin! Feminism is a Trojan Horse sin, that brings with it a slew of godlessness and woeful evils. Feminism and the Word of God are DIAMETRICALLY opposed to each other!

Catherine began to organize what became known as Food-for-the-Million Shops where the poor could buy hot soup and a three-course dinner for sixpence. On special occasions such as Christmas Day, Catherine Booth would cook over 300 dinners to be distributed to the poor of London.

NOTE: Oprah Winfrey has donated millions to the poor, but is also the biggest propagator of New Age damnable heresy in the world today. Millions of people are going to burn in the fires of Hell one day because of Oprah Winfrey. Oprah has openly denied Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Oprah will be cast into the lake of Fire. Likewise, the Salvation Army does much good today, as far as helping the needy, but what does it profit a man if he gain the whole world, but lose his own soul? What good is it to help the needy, if they are going to burn in Hell when they die because we fail to preach the Gospel to them? The Salvation Army is more army than salvation.

By 1882 a survey of London discovered that on one weeknight, there were almost 17,000 worshipping with the Salvation Army, compared to 11,000 in ordinary churches. Even, Dr. William Thornton, the Archbishop of York, had to accept that the Salvation Army was reaching people that the Church of England had failed to have any impact on.

It was while working with the poor in London that Catherine found out about what was known as "sweated labour". That is, women and children working long hours for low wages in very poor conditions. In the tenements of London, Catherine discovered red-eyed women hemming and stitching for eleven hours a day. These women were only paid 9d. a day, whereas men doing the same work in a factory were receiving over 3s. 6d. Catherine and fellow members of the Salvation Army attempted to shame employers into paying better wages. They also attempted to improve the working conditions of these women.

NOTE: Some of societies biggest phonies, Modernists, and Christ-rejecters are also the biggest social reformers. One such imposter was Martin Luther King Jr.,--a Christ-rejecting, Communist, womanizing, who denied the Virgin Birth and the Deity of Jesus. Catherine Booth was another social reformer, an avowed feminist, and a false prophet (which all women preachers are).

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist jesus-is-savior.com

It is a nightmare when the thug State threatens to confiscate your children and place them into the hands of complete strangers—welfare-minded incompetents, God-hating feminists, lesbian homosexuals, atheists, et cetera. The black woman (DCFS case worker) that came to our front door flashing a gold badge, looked like an escaped convict from prison, she talked with ghetto Ebonics, and weighed about 300 pounds.

So if you really hate someone and want to destroy them, likely for the rest of their life, then just call Child Protection Services on them. By the way, you'll answer to God for it too. Most of the alleged "abuses" reported to Child Protection Services are false. According to Oprah Winfrey and other sickos, it is "abuse" to physically spank a child. So if you love your child and spank him when he does wrong, the State may remove him from you permanently! Yet, there are many Daniels in the Christian world today, who refuse to stop doing right because of an evil decree by the king. Consequently, many Christian parents today are being fed to the ferocious hungry lions. God help us!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth #wingnut jesus-is-savior.com

I Apologize to You God

I apologize to you God for the way we mistreat you in America. We are wasteful people, throwing 14% of our food into the garbage, while children in Haiti eat mud to survive. We use kitty-litter made from corn for our pets to poop in, while 18,000 children die from starvation every day in the world. Something is very wrong with us. We curse in your holy name without fear nor gratitude for your blessings. We complain about everything, demanding our rights to live in sin. We mock you and blaspheme Your holy character on Late Night shows, portraying the Son of God as a homosexual voyeur.

Our women dress and behave like whores, many of whom are whores, claiming it is Your will. Country singer, Taylor Swift is a disgrace to the United States, being honored when she ought to be shamed for her sinful lewdness on TV. Lesbians are getting married, starting so-called Lesbian Christian ministries, and are saying that You approve of this abomination. I'm sorry, Oh Lord. Where will this insanity lead? America is beautiful no more. Our pastors are saying “gay is ok.” Some pastors are saying that the election of Barack Obama, a Godless Communist who supports abortion and homosexuality, is “wonderful.” Other pastors are saying that the evils of abortion and homosexuality are a “minor concern” in the church. I apologize on behalf of these apostate pastors Oh Lord? We are long overdue for judgment in America. As conditions worsen in our nation, we can say nothing against Thee, because we get what we deserve.

So the next time you turn on the news and hear about the most hideous and heinous of crimes being committed by your fellow Americans, just remember that we stopped leading our public school children in prayer to God in 1962, and we stopped teaching public school children the Word of God in 1963. Americans get what we deserve.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

In Capitalism a man gets to keep what he honestly earns. This is Biblical. Our text verse from Ecclesiastes contains the wisdom of Solomon. Solomon said that it's good for a man to work hard, and then to be able to enjoy the rewards of his labour. But what we have here in the United States today is economic banking fraud. The Federal Reserve Banking System since 1913 is a big fraud, a cruel hoax perpetrated upon all American citizens!!! If a man desires to buy a home, he must become a slave to the banks, entering into a 30 to 40 years mortgage agreement. A $350,000 home will cost the average American an additional $500,000 in tax interest to pay for the home, over the next 40 years. THAT'S INSANE!!! This is criminal, highway, robbery!!! Capitalism didn't do this to Americans... the criminal Wall Street banks did, the Federal Reserve Banks did, and our own treasonous government did... They did all this evil, worse than death, to every American citizen.

This is why I get all bent out of shape, when I discover that President Donald Trump is filling the “SWAMP” in Washington DC (you know... the “SWAMP” that Mr. Trump promised “drain” once elected). Trump has already broken numerous campaign promises. He promised to have Hillary Clinton arrested for her growing list of crimes and allegedly crimes. Sadly, once elected, President Trump changed his mind and admitted that his rhetoric toward Hillary was all just a big show, for the benefit of the public, just to get elected. Trump said he isn't going to prosecute Hillary. A liar is a liar!!! Trump has already made himself a liar.

Much worse than Trump abandoning his prosecution of Hillary, is Trump's decision to fill Washington's “SWAMP” with two-headed creatures from the Goldman Sachs septic tank on Wall Street, overflowing with bottom-dweller creatures of all type!!!

In Communism, the government forces the “haves” to support the “have-nots” (i.e., wealth is transferred from the rich to the poor through social handout programs). Communism never works in the long run, because it is dishonest, unbiblical and discourages personal ambition). Socialism is the road to Communism. Democracy is not freedom; but rather, is majority rule (which overrides individual liberty).

Film Maker Michael Moore did an excellent job making a 2009 documentary called, CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY (bless his soul). If you care about people at all, you'll get angry watching the film, as you see greedy and dishonest Wall Street banksters trick people through predatory lending schemes, and then send thugs to evict them onto the street from their homes. In many cases people were evicted out of homes and property that were generationally had belonged to the family. The banks are masters of financial deception, whereas the average American like me knows very little, and nothing of all the regulations that can hurt you, costing you everything you've ever worked for.

, and then have the police throw those victims out onto the street helpless to defend themselves against the powers of the government

Capitalism cannot work in a rigged financial system like in the United States, where we have a funny money system (fiat money) based upon fraud. The fractional-reserve banking system (aka, federal reserve) is fraud, plain and simple. The federal reserve is privately owned, which in itself is a total violation of the U.S. Constitution, giving the private banks control over our entire nation. President Woodrow Wilson was a traitor to his own country and an evil man who sold his soul to the banking cartel for pleasures and wealth. Shame on Wilson!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If I had my way, I'd ban large cities in America. The largest city couldn't be any larger than 100,000 citizens. I would strongly enforce that number, with no exceptions. It would eliminate half of America's problems overnight. Long traffic rides to and from work would be gone. And if I needed to, I'd limit the biggest cities down to 50,000 citizens. A small city is a functional city, a happy city and the homeless are cared for. I could write a very big book, about the problems caused by building big cities. The commonsense answer is to think the herd!

Matt Trewhella #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The marriage license invades and removes God-given parental authority. When you read the Bible, you see that God intended for children to have their father’s blessing regarding whom they married. Daughters were to be given in marriage by their fathers (Deuteronomy 22:16; Exodus 22:17; 1st Corinthians 7:38). We have a vestige of this in our culture today in that the father takes his daughter to the front of the altar and the minister asks, "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

Historically, there was no requirement to obtain a marriage license in colonial America. When you read the laws of the colonies and then the states, you see only two requirements for marriage. First, you had to obtain your parents permission to marry, and second, you had to post public notice of the marriage 5-15 days before the ceremony.

Notice you had to obtain your parents permission. Back then you saw godly government displayed in that the State recognized the parent’s authority by demanding that the parent’s permission be obtained. Today, the all-encompassing ungodly State demands that their permission be obtained to marry.

By issuing marriage licenses, the State is saying, "You don’t need your parent’s permission, you need our permission." If parents are opposed to their child’s marrying a certain person and refuse to give their permission, the child can do an end run around the parent’s authority by obtaining the State’s permission, and marry anyway. This is an invasion and removal of God-given parental authority by the State.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Today's crop growers don't rest the soil every seven years as the Bible teaches. America's soil is depleted of nutrients. Americans are dying of cancer at an alarming rate. The B17 found in seeds is not part of our diet in America. Many doctors believe that a lack of vitamin B17 is the cause of cancer, just as a lack of vitamin C is the cause of scurvy. Take your vitamins! Also, spend the extra money for natural vitamins, don't buy the cheap synthetic vitamins.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Throughout the video “Someone Somewhere Tonight” Kellie Pickler is bending over, her boyfriend is pressing up against her on the wall, she's laying on the floor, he's positioning her in every sexual position that only a husband and wife should share in a marriage bed. In one scene he laying on top of Kellie and her mouth is opening as if she's being made love to. They're having sex with some of their clothes on, that's what it is! I heard Pickler say on the Grand Old Oprah that her husband recorded that video, as if it makes it any better. The video promotes lasciviousness!!! What kind of creepy husband would video tape his wife being fondled, ogled and grabbed on by a stranger? That's the sick world today. You can get upset with me if you want, and a lot of people do, but I am on the Lord's side. Who do you think God is pleased with, me for taking a stand for decency? Or some slutty singer who is wearing a negligee and is being filmed in sensual, seductive, sexually promiscuous positions to sell a music video? You already know the answer if you love God. Kellie Pickler is a disgrace to America and no friend to the Lord Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Psalms 97:10 commands us as Christians to hate evil as God hates evil. Women dressing like prostitutes in miniskirts and negligees is definitely evil. It's not a matter of opinion. Exposed cleavages, exposed thighs, tight clothing... only a fool or liar would dare even try to defend such immoral, lewd and whorish attire. 1st Timothy 2:9 commands women to adorn themselves in “MODEST” apparel. You whorish women need to put your clothes back on! Jesus taught in Matthew 5:28 that the thought of lust is adultery. Hence, you ladies who deliberately dress sensually are causing men to commit adultery, which makes you EQUALLY guilty with every man who has sex or rapes you in his mind. Women who dress like whores are asking for trouble.

A slutty clothed woman in India was gang raped. She gathered an angry mob of women who said that they should be able to walk around naked if they want, without fear of being attacked or ogled by men. In reality, it just doesn't work like that. Slutty women are treated slutty, that's just the way the sinful world works. If you want to be treated like a lady, then you need to behave like one, which is EXACTLY what the word “MODEST” means in 1st Timothy 2:9, that is, “of good behavior.” In other words, the way you dress conveys a message to all men of the type of character and behavior you possess. If you dress loose, then many men will consider you a loose woman. If you dress chaste, virtuous and modest, then they will respect you FOR RESPECTING THEM. Women who dress like sluts are showing loud and clear that they have NO RESPECT for the opposite sex. When men feel that they are being disrespected in places like India, you just may get gang raped and suffer what you asked you. Notice that I didn't say “what you deserved.” No woman deserves to be raped, but you may get what you're asking for if you're not respectful of men. This is a crazy world.

Please understand that I don't condemn others. I am a big sinner like anyone else. I love God and the Bible. I see so many people these days that talk about how they love God, while making sensual videos portraying sex scenes, destroying marriages and men's souls. 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” Did you read that? The Word of God warns that fleshly lusts “WAR AGAINST THE SOUL”!!! Yet, Carrie Underwood, Kellie Pickler, Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry and all the other sleazy reprobates are serving the Devil by promoting the lusts of the flesh and; thus, making it a lot harder for men to live right. Our prisons are filling up with men who are losing the battle which 1st Peter 2:11 speaks about. If temptation causes sin, and it does, then women who deliberately causes temptation to pursue a money-making career in entertainment are blaspheming God.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I never read what my critics and enemies say about me. If I did, it would affect the way I write articles. I don't care who you are, if you think about something, it will affect you. A preacher cannot help but take things to the pulpit that he has been upset about throughout the week. I have heard so many preachers mention things in the pulpit that had absolutely nothing to do with their sermon, but they try to make it fit, because they are perturbed at someone. Every genuine preacher has enemies who despise the truth, are jealous and filled with Satan's hatred. I couldn't care less what my critics and the gossipers say about me. I just don't read it. That way they have no power over me whatsoever. All they can do is run their fingers on the internet, or their mouths in someone's ears.

Mark Twain the famous author once said that it takes two people to hurt your heart... you're enemy to criticize you and your friend to tell you about it. Never tell your friend anything that is going to cause them pain. They don't need to know all the bad stuff said about them. Some people are so cruel that even after you ask them not to tell you gossip about yourself, they still do it to hurt you. Men are just as bad as women when it comes to gossiping. God hates the evil newsmedia, who spread manure for a career. I have more respect for a pimp on the street corner. It is a shame how people are so eager to volunteer information to the hypocritical media to help destroy the name of others who have sinned.

The first thing that the wicked do when a person sins is start a smear-campaign to permanently destroy that person, archiving the information in a disgraceful newspaper article. Newspapers are Satan's toilet paper. If someone is prone to continually tell you bad things about yourself which others have said, avoid that person because they are spreading gossip and trying to hurt you further. You just stay busy serving God by helping the poor, sharing the gospel, strengthening the weak, doing good for the hurting and afflicted, and let the wicked wallow like filthy pigs in their feces. Judgment day is coming for everyone! The wonderful thing is that it doesn't matter if your enemies turn the whole world against you, all that matters is what God KNOWS about you.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

God wants to control every single aspect of your life. If that’s not the definition of a control freak, then what is? The following is quoted from an article titled, “How To Deal With A Control Freak,” written by Judith Orloff, a psychiatrist at UCLA—


Does this person keep claiming to know what’s best for you?

Do you typically have to do things his way?

Is he or she so domineering you feel suffocated?

Do you feel like you’re held prisoner to this person’s rigid sense of order?

Is this relationship no fun because it lacks spontaneity?

If you answer “yes” to 1-2 questions, it’s likely you’re dealing with a controller. Responding “yes” to 3 or more questions suggests that a controller is violating our emotional freedom.

*Note: Dr. Judith Orloff has been featured on CNN, The Today Show, Oprah Magazine and

Every one of these indications of a controller is true about God. If you try to obey the Bible, diligently, you’re going to feel smothered and a lack of fun. James 4:8-9 says if you want to draw nigh unto God, “Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.” It just makes you want to run right out and become a Christian doesn’t it?

Dr. Orloff goes on to state...

People who feel out of control tend to become controllers. Deep down, they’re afraid of falling apart, so they micromanage to bind anxiety.

God is 100% intolerant of what you think, or what you want to do, or what you feel if you’re violating His Commandments and Laws. For example: homosexuality. There is no place for gays in God’s kingdom, you’re not welcome if you’re a homosexual. God will cast you into the Fires of Hell forever if you die in your sins. Is God a controller? God’s in control of the universe, thankfully, whether you like it or not! I’m glad that God is a holy God, a good God, a fair God, a just God, a righteous God, the only true and living God, the God of the King James Bible, and a forgiving God full of grace and mercy!!! There is none like unto God, our Savior and Redeemer!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Lutheranism is just as bad as Catholicism.

Did you know that Lutheran theology teaches that Jesus couldn't become incarnate without first obtaining Mary's permission? Lutheran's practice their own form of Mary worship.

Read this shocking Lutheran heresy found at http://orthodoxlutheran.fws1.com/bvm/books.html...

In 1996, Pope John Paul II concluded that the title 'Mother of God' "proclaims the nobility of woman and her very high vocation. God, in effect, treats Mary as a free and responsible person and does not fulfill the Incarnation of his Son until after he has obtained her consent." Lutherans fully agree with this understanding of Mary.

Are you getting this? Lutherans believe that God could not come to the earth incarnate without Mary's PERMISSION. If you read the Bible, you'll quickly learn that Mary was ALREADY pregnant before she or Joseph knew what was going on. God did NOT need or ask for Mary's permission.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

No husband should trust his wife to be alone with the opposite sex, and vise versa. This is good sense. I realize that most people today laugh at such moral standards, but that is to be expected in a society that flocks to SIN CITY Las Vegas to indulge in wickedness. That is to be expected in a society that legalizes booze, pornography, gambling, dirty dancing, and prostitution. Woe unto America!

If You Think Your Husband or Father is Control Freak, Then You Definitely Won't Like God

image Photo to Left: Christ-rejecting blasphemers are selling "God is a control freak" T-shirts.

God is a loving God, but He is an authoritative God as well. The Bible is extremely AUTHORITATIVE! The Bible is filled with COMMANDS from God... THOU SHALT NOT _____!!! Ever heard of the Ten Commandments? God has told us what to do in His Word, and if we are smart we will comply.

Women who refuse to obey their husband are disobeying God, because God commands wives to obey their husband (1st Peter 3:1). If you don't like an authoritative husband, who is jealous, controlling, takes charge, wants everything done his way, and continually monitors you--then you will absolutely hate God.

There is a direct correlation between a woman's attitude towards an authoritative husband, and her attitude towards God. Those foolish women who think God is a compromising teddy bear are greatly deceived. God DEMANDS that all mankind repent (Acts 17:30). God has given us His Ten COMMANDMENTS! Those who refuse to OBEY God will burn in Hellfire forever (2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9).

I've heard women label authoritative husbands and fathers as being "control freaks" or "controlling." Society today crucifies such men as being "abusive," when in reality they are just being like God. Should it be surprising that T-shirts are being sold online which read... "GOD IS A CONTROL FREAK"? Repent America! Repent!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Obviously, man’s laws are not in agreement with God’s Laws. God is against the U.S. Supreme Court on allowing abortion. God is against the New York state Supreme Court on allowing same-sex marriage. God is against the U.S. Supreme Court for banning the Word of God from the schools. God is against anyone who goes against His Words!!! The Bible teaches that a husband has a right to control his marriage and family, but this wicked world labels that as being a “control freak.” There are many feminists and rebels today who consider God a control freak as well.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

You can't even watch the mainstream news on TV anymore because FoxNews and all the other networks have some slutty whore sitting in between two men reading the teleprompter to the viewers. It has become sinful for Christian men to watch the news these days. No normal man can concentrate on the news while watching a woman with her thighs exposed (only needing to open her legs to reveal her private area). That's what every red-blooded man is thinking who's not a homosexual. It's the perverts who own the networks, who are trying to demoralize Americans in every way possible who are doing this. Those women are told to sit that way. They're told to dress sexy and wear whorish attire. They pick the prettiest women and turn them into TV trash! Syndicated sluts! Press prostitutes! Presstitutes! They ought to be called the MUD-STREAM MEDIA instead of the Mainstream Media!!!

Photo to right: mega-slut Selena Gomez, who defines the word "IMPUDENT" (marked by casual disrespect, improperly forward or bold). The dark eye-shadow makes her look like a evil vampire from a horror movie. This is the appearance of a harlot, a tramp who lives for self and Satan. This is NOT the meek and quiet shamefacedness which God commands women to have (1st Peter 3:4). God cares how women dress and look. It matters to God!!!

The fact that the Bible warns of “the attire of a harlot” is evidence that public nakedness is a sin. American society laughs at the idea that public nudity is wrong. It is now common practice for females fans to remove their blouses entirely at music concerts.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There were no social welfare programs in ancient times, nor should there be today, which are Communist in nature. The churches are supposed to care for the poor and needy, not the government. When the people look to the government in idolatry to provide for them instead of trusting God, the government becomes their God. Social programs always fail, bankrupting governments, which is why the U.S. government has been bankrupt and operating under emergency powers since the 1930's. Our nation's debt just keeps going higher-and-higher into the stratosphere.

Remember that every penny you own is God's money. When you give to God, you are letting go of what is already His. God gave you everything that you have in life.

David J. Stewart #homophobia #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Homosexuals are predatory by nature, searching for other gays to have sex with. The homosexual mindset is sex addiction and perversion. The gay lifestyle is commonly associated with all sorts of sexual perversion, hurting children, degeneracy and disgusting behaviour. Pedophile Catholic priests are all homosexuals too, but the liberal newsmedia won't tell you the truth about the matter. The truth is that homosexuals are a major threat to our children. No gay man can properly raise a child with another gay man. It is a horrible form of child abuse. This is how the fallen government treats the most precious of our treasures, our children! A proper home has both a mother and a father. A child is far more likely to develop gender identity problems in a single gender family unit than in a normal, traditional, home with both a male and female present. Same-sex marriage is a perversion of the human species!

It's important that we as God-fearing Christians demand that homosexuals respect the fact that WE ARE NOT QUEER! Please understand this truth, because it is wrong to accept the person of the wicked. Don't let homosexuals disrespect you by disrespecting your right not to be a homosexual. Gays want you to accept them, but God says, DON'T. It is wrong to accept the person of the wicked. Homosexuality is the lowest form of humanity. Gays don't understand just how vile (morally reprehensible) their behavior is in the Lord's eyes.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

A woman must wear a proper undergarment!!! Skirts should be a bit oversized to allow a woman to bend over without giving men something to lust upon. Some women are so evil that they bend over on-purpose, getting a thrill to know that she's exciting other men. God will punish such evil women with whorish hearts, who tempt other men to commit sexual sins. That man may go find a prostitute because of your whorish ways. He may go home and beat his not-so-attractive wife in frustration. God only knows what some men may do when a woman deliberately sexually arouses him.

I tell you ladies... you never know what is going through a person's mind. Some men don't walk with God and can't handle temptation and you don't know who those men are. You'll probably never know. There may be men in prison for life because you decided to wear that hot tight skirt one day. There may be a dead wife, divorced couple, or broken family because you decided to let it hang out one day, dressing promiscuous and indecent.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Even our churches are filled with foolish women who wear pants to church. I visited a Baptist church and while they were singing, a woman in front of me was swaying forward and backward to the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM). She was wearing slacks and each time she moved forward I could see the entire crack in her buttocks. I just focused on the overhead projection screen to read the words. Albeit, it is said when you can't even go to church without seeing pornography (and that's exactly what it is ladies). If you dress sexy, you're dressing to seduce... plain and simple. That's why there's so much sexual sin in America today... men are going crazy!

You can't have a sexually promiscuous society and expect not to have rampant sexual crimes. I was in a hotel and turned on VH1 and couldn't believe how perverted that TV channel is. I turned it off quick. Then I turned to Fox and was shocked by the sexual filth, so I turned that off as well. Whore city galore! Then I turned to Animal Planet and some animals were mating, but that's a different story so I watched that instead. People are no better than wild animals these days!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

People say, "Yours is a religion of fear." Well my friend, fear is a good thing and you exercise it everyday. Fear keeps you from stepping off of a cliff. Fear keeps you from sticking your hand on a burning hot stove-top. Fear keeps you from running stoplights. Fear of failure or poverty makes you stay in school to get an education. These temporal fears keep you from permanent dangers. Do these fears hurt you? No, they help you and help the society you live in. The fear of the Lord does much more. It will keep you from the number one gravest danger—being thrown into the Lake of Fire to be tormented for all eternity.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Today's psuedo scholars claim that since eating shellfish was also an abomination in the Old Testament (punishable by death), it cannot mean that homosexuality is a sin. You must understand that God gave three types of laws in the Old Testament to the Jews: moral laws, ceremonial laws and civil laws. Moral laws apply 365 days a year, 24 hours a day (all the time). Ceremonial laws only applied to the Jews in the Old Testament in the Holy Land. Civil laws are still the basis of our civil courts today worldwide. Civil laws deal with how we treat one another; such as property laws and borrowing/lending principles.

Homosexuality is a violation of God's moral laws. Romans chapter one plainly exposes the unnatural sin of homosexuality and lesbianism (Romans 1:20-32). Homosexuals try to deceive naive people with the word abomination and other Scriptures, but they avoid Romans chapter one because it cannot be easily corrupted. Read Colossians 3:5-6 and then tell me that God approves of homosexuality if you dare...

Colossians 3:5-6, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.”

Only an evil sinner that is defiant against God would dare claim that God makes people homosexual. God doesn't make mistakes my friend. Two makes cannot reproduce and have children. If you think you were born with homosexual tendencies, then it's only because you've grown up without hearing the Word of God, or were sexually abused or didn't have a strong masculine role model in your life. Why is it that homosexuality is much more prevalent today than it was 100 years ago? As America society because sex-perverted, so also does homosexuality thrive.

It's no coincidence that the evil New World Order (NWO) gang who've hi-jacked America are flooding people's lives with sex, sex, sex everywhere we turn today. It's all part of the Communist subversion of America. If you laugh, it's only because you're woefully ignorant and haven't studied the history of the United States.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Mad scientists are tampering with God's creation, developing glow-in-the-dark dogs, pigs, cats, mice and soon to be, humans. Chimeras are undoubtedly being developed in secret, combining human DNA with that of animals to produce freaks of nature. Monsanto and other corporations have already developed genetically modified [GM] crops “FrankenFoods” that cause sterilization, contain insecticides, and cause “Morgellon’s Disease.” The Devil is a fiend. The truth will come out in the years to come if the Lord tarries His return.

With the incredible knowledge that mankind now has, and the evil heart of humanity (Jeremiah 17:9), where will all this lead? Certainly God will only allow men to go so far in their insanity, wickedness and rebellion against Him.


Chemtrails: Death in the Air! (Don't laugh, there's substantial evidence that the government has been spraying viruses and God only knows what else on American citizens from the air.)

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. Dumbledore]

All across Europe, America, and across the world, schoolroom children are now being sold on homosexuality through their beloved Harry Potter infatuation. Whereas normal children would shun the idea of homosexual sex, they're now forced to seriously reconsider, since one of the beloved Harry Potter' characters is gay.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

As bizarre as it may seem to the uneducated person in the area of elite occultism and pedophilia, child-sex is epidemic amongst the globalist elite and always has been. It is common knowledge that the Afghanistan government are rogue drug-lords kept in power by the globalist elite. Following the 911 attacks, in 2002 a U.S. led United Nations coalition invaded Afghanistan and appointed their own new government. Then and now, Afghanistan produces 90% of the world's opium (having a heroine street value of $500,000,000 in sales). U.S. troops are being exploited as paid poppy farmers. NATO oversees all this evil. Where does all that opium go? Who profits from it? The truth is obvious.

The Russian government pleaded with NATO to destroy the opium fields, because millions of Russians are hopelessly addicted to heroine and dying each year. NATO refused! The same is happening in America and around the world. Who profits from all the opium being grown in Afghanistan (a nation that the U.S. co-called "liberated" in 2002)? Who's kidding who? The criminal global elite are behind all this. And they're the one's raping the little girls of Afghanistan...

Opium Brides (heroine & 7-year old girls taken in Afghanistan for pedophile global elite)

Who are the global elite? They operate through The Council On Foreign Relations. Child sexual abuse is prevalent amongst the global elite. Here's a bunch more information.

Please understand that I'm NOT saying that the Mormon church has anything to do with Afghanistan, Bush or Reagan, the global pedophile elite, illegal sex trafficking, et cetera. What I am trying to establish is that pedophilia is a common denominator amongst the global elite (the powerful and wealthy who control the nations). Remember, nations don't rule the world, corporations do! The U.S. Pentagon renews contracts with DynCorp, a known sex-trafficking company.

The Sicko Mormon Religion

Mormons masquerade as true Christians, but they are of the Devil. Few people ever come to recognize the true occult nature and satanic depth of the Mormon cult. If you do some research, you will learn quickly that the common denominator between all false so-called Christian religions in America is Freemasonry. These demonic fake religions include: Jehovah's Witnesses, Charismatics (Oral Roberts), Mormonism, Seventh Day Adventism, Judaism, Kaballah, Christian Science, Churches of Christ, Scientology and Wicca). Mormonism is steeped in Jewish Kabbala. Freemasonry, Judaism, Kaballa and Mormonism are ALL SEX-BASED CULTS!!! The very emblem of Freemasonry—the compass and the carpenter's square—symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Why is it that Americans are being policed with trained guard dogs, bag searches, strip searches, naked body scans, TSA pat downs and groping, Darth Vader looking thug cops, and an increasingly intolerant attitude toward innocent citizens? Yet, meanwhile, families in Afghanistan are totally helpless against the thug drug lords that are stealing their 7-year old daughters to be raped by the global elite. NATO actually protects the criminals. Afghan farmers are forced to grow opium because other forms of honest living are not allowed nor practical in a corrupt system.

Through cleverly designed newsmedia propaganda, white-washing and deliberate disinformation (lying and deceiving), the globalist owned and controlled newsmedia has been able to suppress the blatant horrendous crimes of the global elite themselves [which includes the 911 attacks, the Iraqi war, and the ongoing farming of opium (heroine) crops in Afghanistan and thug stealing of Afghan's little girls to supply the insatiable pedophile appetite of the globalists.]

Goldman Sachs Caught Investing In Sex-Trafficking Ring (Mitt Romney's wife invested too)

Homosexual Prostitution, Child Molesting, the CIA and Washington D.C. Officials

Why is Goldman Sachs running a sex-slave fund? Oh, did I mention the List Of 37 Names of GOLDMAN SACHS People in the Obama Government?

The White (Goldman Sachs) House (Goldman Sachs in the White House)

It's such a con job. It's all a big scam, intended to harvest the daughters of the Afghani people. Where are the authorities? Where is the government? Where are the U.S. troops that are supposed to be liberating their country? Our troops are being exploited as paid mercenaries and opium farmers! The popular excuse is that it's “THE CULTURE.” Watch the preceding video all the way through. A culture of child rape by drug lords? Who's kidding who?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Freemasonry is connected with every form of evil imaginable. Anything that subverts, corrupts and destroys America is perpetrated by Masons. Please understand that 95% of masons are a front for the inner elite who worship Lucifer. It's an organization within an organization, just like Mormonism. The outer 95% are normal everyday people; but the innermost group are sick-minded, secret society, arrogant, Kaballah-controlled, Satan-worshipping scum. People have no idea what's going on in our nation. Watch the following movie in its entirety and you'll feel sick... Obama Rothschilds Choice. Criminals have taken over our nation. President John F. Kennedy tried to warn us about secret societies and a White House coup.

Freemasons are behind the Communist government schools. California and other states have outlawed homeschooling, to ensure that your child is INDOCTRINATED. And to add injury to insult, California just made a law requiring school curriculum to teach homosexual history and promote the Homosexual Agenda. Gay History to Become a Part of California's School Curriculum (LGBT want to live in Sodom).

It was Whittaker Chambers, a former Communist and Soviet spy, who said:

“The Communist vision is the vision of man without God. It is the vision of man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world.”

Dethrone God? Man without God? Can a person dethrone God? Absolutely not! The very essence of Communist philosophy is the absence of God. That's why public school teach the lie of Evolution!

My Favorite Democrat James Traficant - Prayer in School

Congressman James Traficant faithfully represented the people of Ohio during his years of office. Anyone who has studied the details behind his court conviction knows that he was wrongfully persecuted and prosecuted because he was working relentlessly to establish an oversight office with the sole purpose of investigating the crimes of the Justice Department. The criminal powers behind the Federal Reserve Banks, Washington D.C. and the legal system of America, wouldn't stand for that, so they made an example out of him. Rep. James Traficant is a man whom I respect and honor tremendously for his faith in God, zeal for truth, and courage to stand up against the evildoers in high power.

The public school system was designed to brainwash children to bring to fruition a New World Order. Children are deliberately being dumbed down. If voting could change anything, it would be outlawed. Freemasons were instrumental in starting the public school system, as a fulfillment of Karl Marx's 10th Plank of the Communist Manifesto (thus enabling the government to brainwash and take total control over children). They're dead serious! Those people today who scoff at the notion of a New World Order are ignorant of the times.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Mormons have turned sex into a religion!!! Mormonism's gospel is saturated with sex, sex, sex! Joe Smith's perverted views are the foundation of Mormonism. In view of the fact that same-sex marriage is about to be made federal law, I am convinced that polygamy is also going to be legalized for Mormons. Mormons try to give the false impression that they're just like any other Americans, hard-working and decent people. Although many are hard-working and successful people, they are not honest about their religious faith. The fact that polygamous Mormons have to live in closed communities speaks volumes. The fact that Mormon temples are off limits to the public and rituals are secret speaks volumes! Truth and righteousness need no cloak. Only evil needs to be kept secret! The truth is that Mormonism is an organization within an organization, like Freemasonry, where a small inner group of elite and wealthy men live in sexual debauchery at the expense of the outer group. Mormon temples even contain beds (which aren't used for napping purposes).

Sexual perversion is rampant in America. Homosexuals are allowed to marry and that's ok with mainstream society. Gene Simmons (Jewish) brags of having had sex with 4,897 women and that is ok with mainstream society, making him a star on TV. Every form of sexual immorality is tolerated in America, even pedophilia and bestiality. Britney Spears shamelessly holds a world record for having only a 72-hour marriage! Yet American society shows no mercy when a Jim Bakker or Jimmy Swaggert sins even once. I'm not going easy on sin, I'm pointing out that Americans are wicked hypocrites who are bigoted, hateful and biased against Christians, the Bible and righteousness.

David J.Stewart #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Just because people living in the jungles and bush country have not advanced in the technology of agriculture, medicine, sciences, etc., does not qualify them as "heathen," as we think. Many of these tribes have a higher value on life, marriage and the family than America does. It is estimated that 4,000 babies, daily, are slaughtered by abortion in America. Lesbians and homosexuals have brainwashed America to the point, most of the schools are teaching our young people to accept this as an "alternative" lifestyle instead of what God calls it, "Plain, old perverted sin." Of all the missionary books I have read, I do not recall any of the missionaries encountering the problem of homosexuality in the bush tribes. Many of the so-called "heathen" execute the death penalty for adultery because of their values concerning the home and family.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Most of what the heathen unsaved world calls “love” is really lust, fondness or self-gratification. Oftentimes “love” is nothing more than a smokescreen for one's desire to have their needs met. Love seeks to give, not take. Love seeks to forgive, not remember one's sins. It is impossible to truly love someone without God, for God is love. The world needs God today as much as ever!

The Beatles sang the hit song in 1967, “All You Need Is Love.” Unfortunately, what they misunderstood for “love” is sinful compromise, ecumenism and worldliness. This is not God's unconditional love. The sinful world is taught to accept one another as they are in total ungodliness, and no one dare criticize another's heathen religious beliefs or immorality. The world will tolerate anyone except a born-again Christian. Whereas the Word of God in John 14:6 plainly teaches that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven, the heathen world teaches that there are many paths to the light.

The world exploits the truth, hiding their tolerance for wickedness behind the disguise of “love.” When a faithful Bible-believing preacher stands up in the pulpit and proclaims the Word of God, denouncing sin and exposing false prophets by name, wicked people accuse him of “lacking love.” The world adores and praises religious phonies like Joel Osteen and Rick Warren, cream puff preachers who never take a stand for anything godly. Pastor Osteen is a motivational speaker, sought by business people across the country to inspire young entrepreneurs and employees. No one preaches against sin anymore! No one warns sinners of the reality of a burning Hell, where all Christ-rejecters will spend eternity. Rick Warren has a net worth of $25,000,000 and Joel Osteen $40,000,000. Serving the Devil's New World Order pays off!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The message from Jesus in Luke 16:19-31 is abundantly clear, “...If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.” The rich man is suffering horribly, and unbearably, in the flames of Hell. He now realizes his foolish sin of rejecting the Savior when he had the chance, but was too stubborn and sinfully proud to humble himself before God. This is true of MOST people today! The rich man now BEGS Abraham to send Lazarus from the dead to WARN his 5 brothers lest they also come into this place of torment (Luke 16:28).

The Word of God makes a shocking statement in Luke 16:31, by informing us that even if the dead were to return to warn the lost, they would STILL reject Jesus Christ. We read in Revelation 6:16 and 16:9-11 that men will endure horrible suffering, plagues, painful sores, and scorching heat during the Tribulation Period; YET, they will blaspheme God Almighty, hide in the mountains, and refuse to repent.

We read in Romans 1:18 that wicked men hold the truth in unrighteousness. In other words, people willingly reject Jesus Christ, and they will have no one to blame except themselves when they split Hell wide open one day... “so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).

People choose to go to Hell in their sinful arrogance, wickedness, stiffnecked pride, and unwillingness to repent. Americans have even named one of their biggest cities—SIN CITY! You see, people KNOW that they are sinning against God; YET, they do it anyway in defiance! “Sin” is solely a Biblical term! Since they reject the Word of God, Wiccan witches, secular psychologists, and other pagan groups replace the concept of sin with “karma,” reciprocating evil for evil and good for good. You'll never find the term “sin” in a psychiatrists or psychologists manual. Since they refuse to acknowledge the root causes of man's problems, they cannot truly help anyone.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

A feminist has a manly look, a bossy look, an opinion, a take charge look, an attitude—acting like A MAN. The Word of God teaches that women are to maintain a “shamefaced” look (i.e., to be extremely modest, without opinion, quiet, and a follower) ... “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness...” (1st Timothy 2:9). I can hear some feminist rebel right now scoffing, “You mean women can't have an opinion?” No, the Bible says you cannot—not when it pertains to men's matters, a man's authority in the home, or the business of the church.

A godly woman obeys her husband (Titus 2:5), she remains quiet in the church's business (1st Corinthians 14:34), she asks questions to her husband at home (1st Corinthians 14:35). In sharp contrast to God's way, today's American feminist has a defiant attitude against authority—she wants a say in everything, sasses her husband and pastor, and meddles in things she ought not. It is a horrible sin! Women who pursue careers over marriage and motherhood are blaspheming the Word of God.

Now, I'm not endorsing Islam, but concerning women, the Arab culture comes much closer to being right than the American feminist culture of bossy wives, women preachers and career women. Rebellious Americans consider a woman being required to dresses modestly a form of oppression. Albeit, the American lewd and nude culture has inspired generations of sexual immorality, abortion and homosexuality.

Arab women are required (it's not an option) to obey their husbands and remain silent. I love that. Call me what you want... the Word of God proclaims A MAN as the head of his home, A MAN as the pastor of the church, and A MAN as a preacher of God's Word. America's women are out of control—which is clearly seen in the abortion rate, the divorce rate, pornography, et cetera. The Word of God teaches that women are to remain SILENT in the churches.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Chicago Honors Evil Whore With 26 Foot Lewd Statue

Shame on Chicago!!! You couldn't make this stuff up. Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson, June 1, 1926 — August 5, 1962) spent her entire life glamorizing the sin of sexual immorality. She was murdered at age 36. To honor such a foolish and immoral woman is evil and a clear indicator of America's dire spiritual condition. Every God-fearing, Bible-believing, Christian ought to be angry over this evil smut and total disregard for God, nation and decency...


The lascivious monument is called THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH based upon the Hollywood movie of the same title. THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH is a horrible, horrible, wicked movie produced in 1954 which promotes lust and adultery, staring Marilyn Monroe. In the film, electric fans blow her skirt up into the air and her private area is exposed for all to lust upon. This is the whorish and whoremongering evil works of Hollywood, which is homosexual to the core. Monroe was 28-years old at the time of the filming (she died, believed by many to have been murdered, at age 36 of a drug-overdose).

Proverbs 28:4, “They that forsake the law praise the wicked:
but such as keep the law contend with them.”

Monroe's husband at the time, baseball player Joe DiMaggio, got upset over the whorish scene, resulting in a public argument and a separation, which ended in divorce months later. When a wife behaves whorishly and exposes her body, a good husband gets jealous and upset. God is a jealous God over us (Exodus 20:4-5).

The filthy, unclean, sexually immoral, scene was repeatedly filmed...

One of Monroe's most notable film roles was shot in September 1954, a skirt-blowing key scene for The Seven Year Itch in New York City. In it, she stands with her co-star, Tom Ewell, while the air from a subway grating blows her skirt up. A large crowd watched as director Billy Wilder ordered the scene to be refilmed many times. Joe DiMaggio was reported to have been present and infuriated by the spectacle. After a quarrel, witnessed by journalist Walter Winchell, the couple returned to California where they avoided the press for two weeks, until Monroe announced that they had separated. Their divorce was granted in November 1954.

SOURCE: Marilyn Monroe

I don't blame Joe DiMaggio for being jealous and getting upset. That's the way a husband is supposed to act. When you love someone you are jealous over them. The modern-day, sicko type of open-relationships in America, where married couples engage in swinger orgies and sexually share each other is demonic. A husband and wife ought to be jealous over each other. There's something wrong with a wife who doesn't mind her husband going with other women, and vise versa. That is heathendom and adultery in the eyes of God (Hebrews 13:4). Joe DiMaggio had it right!

CODE BLUE!!! America is dying! Our nation's churches have flat-lined, there's no heartbeat, grab the paddles (the Word of God). Let's try to bring America's churches back to life with the paddles of the Word of God. ZAP!!! No, it looks like the patient is dead. Nearly all of America's churches are going through Near Death Experiences!!! America is going straight down to destruction!

Proverb 7:10, “And, behold, there met him a woman with
the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.”

Moral integrity is out the window in America. Chicago is Las Vegas' twin city, EVIL CITY! Jesus taught in Matthew 5:28 that it is a sin to lust. The Bible warns in 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” Yet wicked men mock God, promote lewdness, showing total disregard for the God of the Bible. This is an insult to Christians everywhere who try to think and live righteously. The message of this lewd statue is clear—we worship the god of sexual immorality!!!

When lewd and adulterous men come to power, all forms of wickedness flourish. Chicago's new mayor, Rahm Immanuel is part of the Clinton-Bush-Obama criminal syndicate gang. They're all puppets of the evil Banksters, having sold their souls for worldly wealth, pleasures and prosperity. Proverb 29:2, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” There is much reason to mourn in America these days. It is a sad time for the New Testament Church—witnessing widespread sexual immorality, criminal corruption of power, blatant treason by our leaders, a woeful lack of understanding and concern by Christian leaders, and the Homosexualization of our nation by elite pedophiles, feminist lesbians and intense God-haters!!!

We live in a morally toxic society. America is on a downward spiral into hell, fire and damnation! To sin is human, but to glorify, promote and glamorize sin is demonic. Adultery and all forms of sexual immorality are condemned in the Bible...

Colossians 3:3-6, “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.”

THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH statue of Marilyn Monroe in Chicago is of the Devil. This is plain evidence of the decadent immoral condition of our nation. They've taken carnality to a whole new level. Chicago is a hell-hole! It is sad enough that a whore like Marilyn Monroe would be honored; but to display a 26-foot statue viewing up a woman's skirt for everyone to view her private area is the height of wickedness.


This is just more of the public humiliation of decent Americans and faithful Christians today. In your face! It's getting so immoral these days that even if you get rid of the TV, you still cannot escape the wickedness of this untoward generation. Acts 2:40, “...Save yourselves from this untoward generation.”

Unrepentant sinners often become hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. The “deceitfulness of sin” means that, if wrong is tolerated, it incrementally becomes less offensive and less sinful. Hebrews 3:13, “But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” This is why unrepentant sinners have taught teens to say “wicked cool,” because it makes evil less offensive; whereas the Bible makes sin “exceedingly sinful” (Romans 7:13). That's why the wicked removed the Bible from public (government) schools in 1963. This is all part of the Communist subversion of America.

Godless Communists have de-Christianized America with Rock music, feminism and secular education. It's tragic enough that the massive sexual immorality of the 1960's led to abortion being federally legalized in 1973. Today, 40 years after Roe vs. Wade, our nation has murdered over 51,000,000 human beings by abortion. And to spite and challenge God's patience, we erect statues looking up a woman's skirt to mock morality, promote fornication and adultery, and scorn the evils of sexual immorality that have caused tens-of-millions of unwanted pregnancies in our nation. This is just so evil what they are doing in Chicago. Woe unto Chicago!

What is this teaching little children and teens? They are being taught that nothing is sacred and holy, and that chastity and virtue mean nothing. Such public exploitation of a woman's body cheapens womanhood. This is the work of pornographers, perverts, and of arrogant wicked men who do not fear God (Romans 3:18). Hell will be hot enough!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I am gladly homophobic and so is the Lord Jesus Christ! The Bible says that John laid his head against the bosom (chest) of Jesus. They could share that admirable closeness of manly friendship because they KNEW THAT THEY WEREN'T HOMOSEXUALS. If John had been a professed homosexual, I GUARANTEE you that the Lord would not have chosen to become close friends like that with John. Check the Bible and you'll find that Jesus was not a companion of riotous men and reprobates.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Sign to Left: A flammable solid placard that is used to identify a hazard warning for substances such as sulfur while being transported and handled.

Interestingly, sulfuric acid is NOT flammable, having no flash point (the temperature at which something ignites). However, pure sulfur is certainly flammable and has a flash point of about 334 to 370 degrees Fahrenheit.[1] If you want to get a small glimpse of what Hell will be like, then carefully read this MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (.PDF file) all about MOLTEN SULFUR!

The boiling point of sulfur is 444 degrees Fahrenheit. Revelation 21:8 describes Hell as “the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.” You can use any dictionary to look up the word “brimstone” and it means exactly what it does in the Greek... SULFUR!

It ought to “scare Hell into you” my friend if you are not saved. The Bible describes Hell in literal terms, warning Christ-rejecting humanity exactly what to expect. Hell is a place of molten sulfur, i.e., a “lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15). A boiling pot of water is only 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Be afraid Christ-rejecters... BE VERY AFRAID!

You Need the LITERAL Blood of Jesus Christ, Because There is a LITERAL Hell

Thus, you need a Savior—Jesus Christ!

Let me tell you, as your friend, that you WILL burn in Hellfire for eternity if you DIE IN YOUR SINS.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

It's easy to get caught off guard by the gays. You're walking uprightly and doing good; but their mind is in the gutter continually. So when gays approach a God-fearing Christian, that believer may not know what to say to them at the moment. I've learned to just tell them kindly that God says homosexuality is a sin. You don't have to be negative. Be honest and tell them that you don't swing that way. If they become upset or belligerent, just say “I really have to go” and leave. Sometimes homosexuals will box you into a corner and force you to either accept their gay lifestyle or tell them that it's a sin in God's eyes. I am proud to say that I am 100%, bonafied, nonrefundable, HOMOPHOBIC!!!

Admittedly I feel awkward, nervous, uncomfortable and strange when a person announces to me, or even hints that they are, HOMOSEXUAL. I don't hate you if you are queer, but I am glad that I feel VERY uncomfortable around gays. That's how God wants us to feel. Something is very wrong with a person who feels comfortable around God-haters, rebels, perverts and wicked heathens. Homosexuality is the lowest you can go in life morally. I know that people think murder or adultery is worse, but they're really not. Homosexuality requires a total rejection of God's will for your life, a complete subversion of the human soul, a direction that is almost impossible to break free from once you start down that path of sexual degeneracy.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

America is controlled by the Masonic Scottish Rite, located just 13 blocks north of The White House. The structure of the House Of The Temple is bizarre, having 33 outer columns, each 33 feet tall. The building's address is not actually 1733, but they made it that number anyway to fit their numeric superstitions. Occultists love numbers. Numbers have meaning and symbolic powers associated with them. For example: the number 13 represents rebellion. The September 11, 2001 attacks happened 10-years to the date after President George H. Bush publickly called for a New World Order. And so it is. David Rockefeller practically told the world that the globalists were going to blew up the trade towers.

The top of the House Of The Temple is missing the capstone of The Great Pyramid. It's been correctly stated that Jesus is the capstone of the pyramid of prophecy. Revelation 19:10 teaches that Jesus is the spirit of all prophecy. John 5:39 confirms this truth. Thus, when you study the Bible, look for how it all relates to our wonderful and precious Savior, Jesus Christ. Inversely, the Antichrist is the capstone of the pyramid of the New World Order. To understand the New World Order, look for how it all relates to the coming Antichrist. The Antichrist will promote the Beast's IMAGE, leading the world to worship Satan (Revelation 13:15).

As we approach the End Times, our understanding is becoming more clearer of what is happening in the world. The puzzle pieces are fitting together. Did you know that the Washington Monument in our nation's capitol is 666.6 feet tall and 666.6 inches wide? Yes, it's true! That's the EXACT ratio of king Nebuchadnezzar's golden image in Daniel 3:1. America's secret destiny is further evidenced by the secret layout of Washington D.C. and the abundance of occult symbols.

The Washington Monument is a Masonic symbol, which represents the male phallus. It's origin goes back to ancient Egypt, as does The Great Pyramid. I believe the capstone is missing atop The Great Pyramid because the tower and city of Babel were never completed. God stopped them dead in their tracks by confounding them (Genesis 11:7-9).

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