Biography of Catherine Booth
Comments by David J. Stewart: I've commented the following biography in bold green type
Catherine Booth (1829-1890), the daughter of a coachbuilder, was born in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, in 1829. When she was a child the family moved to Boston, Lincolnshire and later they lived in Brixton, London.
Catherine was a devout Christian and by the age of twelve she had read the Bible eight times. She had a social conscience from an early age. On one occasion she protested to the local policeman that he had been too rough on a drunken man he had arrested and frog-marched to the local lock-up.
Catherine did not enjoy good health. At the age of fourteen she developed spinal curvature and four years later, incipient tuberculosis. It was while she was ill in bed that she began writing articles for magazines warning of the dangers of drinking alcohol. Catherine was a member of the local Band of Hope and a supporter of the national Temperance Society.
In 1852 Catherine met William Booth, a Methodist minister. William had strong views on the role of church ministers believing they should be "loosing the chains of injustice, freeing the captive and oppressed, sharing food and home, clothing the naked, and carrying out family responsibilities."
Catherine shared William's commitment to social reform but disagreed with his views on women.
NOTE: William Booth has no business marrying a woman who didn't believe in wifely Biblical submission.
Catherine was an avowed feminist.
NOTE: This is a shame. For any professed Christian wife to publickly voice her disagreement with her husband is sinful. Feminism is a rotten evil in any society, church, or home. Shame on Catherine Booth!
On one occasion she objected to William describing women as the "weaker sex."
NOTE: Catherine Booth rejected the plain Scriptural teaching that women are the weaker sex. 1st peter 3:7... "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." Catherine Booth disobeyed God, by rebelling against her husband and the Bible. Catherine Booth is a disgrace to womanhood.
William was also opposed to the idea of women preachers. When Catherine argued with William about this he added that although he would not stop Catherine from preaching he would "not like it." Despite their disagreements about the role of women in the church, the couple married on 16th June 1855, at Stockwell New Chapel.
NOTE: William Booth sinned, by unequally yoking together in marriage with a woman who didn't wholly believe the Bible (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17). The Bible instructs us to SEPARATE from those who walk worldly... "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat" (1st Corinthians 5:11). This would definitely forbid marrying a feminist!!!
It was not until 1860 that Catherine first started to preach. One day in Gateshead Bethseda Chapel, a strange compulsion seized her and she felt she must rise and speak. Later she recalled how an inner voice taunted her: "You will look like a fool and have nothing to say". Catherine decided that this was the Devil's voice: "That's just the point," she retorted, "I have never yet been willing to be a fool for Christ. Now I will be one."
NOTE: It was the Devil's voice alright, that seized her and compelled her to rise and speak, because the Bible states... "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence" (1st Timothy 2:12). Catherine Booth, as many rebellious woman today like Melissa Scott, have twisted the Scriptures in an attempt to justify their rebellion. God calls men to preach, NOT women.
Catherine's sermon was so impressive that William changed his mind about women's preachers.
NOTE: This is a bad reflection on William Booth. He compromised his beliefs to appease the wicked.
Catherine soon developed a reputation as an outstanding speaker but many Christians were outraged by the idea.
NOTE: Christians should be outraged by women preachers, because they are ALL false prophets!
As Catherine pointed out at that time it was believed that a woman's place was in the home and "any respectable woman who raised her voice in public risked grave censure."
NOTE: Would to God that this were America today. America's feminism is responsible for massive pornography, child abuse, a skyrocketing divorce rate, 48000000 abortions, legalized prostitution, etc. Feminism is of the Devil.
In 1864 the couple began in London's East End the Christian Mission which later developed into the Salvation Army. Catherine Booth took a leading role in these revival services and could often be seen preaching in the dockland parishes of Rotherhithe and Bermondsey. Though often imprisoned for preaching in the open air, members of the Salvation Army fought on, waging war on poverty and injustice.
The Church of England were at first extremely hostile to the Salvation Army. Lord Shaftesbury, a leading politician and evangelist, described William Booth as the "antichrist". One of the main complaints against William Booth was his "elevation of women to man's status."
NOTE: When God's people commit sin, it gives the sinful world ammunition to legitimately attack us. I receive hundreds of e-mails from people, who point out the hypocrisies of professed Christians today, such as praising George W. Bush as a man of God, when in reality he is a follower of Satan. Catherine Booth was a rebel. Feminism is not about women's rights; but rather, about women rebelling against an authoritative husband, pastor, or God. Feminists resent masculine authority.
In the Salvation Army a woman officer enjoyed equal rights with a man. Although William Booth had initially rejected the idea of women preachers, he had now completely changed his mind and wrote that "the best men in my Army are the women."
NOTE: Women have equal human rights, are of equal worth, and are not inferior to men in any way; BUT, woman do not have a right to usurp authority over men. Feminism DEMANDS equality in the area of authority, and cries "inequality" if they don't get it. This is what Lucifer said in Isaiah 14:14... "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." Lucifer just wanted EQUALITY, wanting to be "like" the most high. Feminists claim they are simply asking for equality, to be "like" men in authority. Today, America is infested with women in authoritative power positions, and America is going to Hell because of it. Homosexuality is commonplace, abortion has become completely shameless, pornography is considered normal, divorce is highly encouraged nowadays, etc. Sin! Sin! Sin! Feminism is a Trojan Horse sin, that brings with it a slew of godlessness and woeful evils. Feminism and the Word of God are DIAMETRICALLY opposed to each other!
Catherine began to organize what became known as Food-for-the-Million Shops where the poor could buy hot soup and a three-course dinner for sixpence. On special occasions such as Christmas Day, Catherine Booth would cook over 300 dinners to be distributed to the poor of London.
NOTE: Oprah Winfrey has donated millions to the poor, but is also the biggest propagator of New Age damnable heresy in the world today. Millions of people are going to burn in the fires of Hell one day because of Oprah Winfrey. Oprah has openly denied Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Oprah will be cast into the lake of Fire. Likewise, the Salvation Army does much good today, as far as helping the needy, but what does it profit a man if he gain the whole world, but lose his own soul? What good is it to help the needy, if they are going to burn in Hell when they die because we fail to preach the Gospel to them? The Salvation Army is more army than salvation.
By 1882 a survey of London discovered that on one weeknight, there were almost 17,000 worshipping with the Salvation Army, compared to 11,000 in ordinary churches. Even, Dr. William Thornton, the Archbishop of York, had to accept that the Salvation Army was reaching people that the Church of England had failed to have any impact on.
It was while working with the poor in London that Catherine found out about what was known as "sweated labour". That is, women and children working long hours for low wages in very poor conditions. In the tenements of London, Catherine discovered red-eyed women hemming and stitching for eleven hours a day. These women were only paid 9d. a day, whereas men doing the same work in a factory were receiving over 3s. 6d. Catherine and fellow members of the Salvation Army attempted to shame employers into paying better wages. They also attempted to improve the working conditions of these women.
NOTE: Some of societies biggest phonies, Modernists, and Christ-rejecters are also the biggest social reformers. One such imposter was Martin Luther King Jr.,--a Christ-rejecting, Communist, womanizing, who denied the Virgin Birth and the Deity of Jesus. Catherine Booth was another social reformer, an avowed feminist, and a false prophet (which all women preachers are).