
Jim Grunseth #fundie barbwire.com

Jim Grunseth: Hi Aidan,
What objection do you have against the existence of the God of the Bible and His Son, The Lord Jesus? Do you believe Jesus lived, was crucified, and then rose again from the grave?

Aidan Sansom
No, I don't Jim. Not any more.
There are currently a whole host of objections I have to the God of the Bible. Chief among them being his perceived condemnation of the homosexual people he creates. The game would appear rigged.
Please, for one moment, address the points I am presenting you with, Jim. I worry that you are just trying to preach at people rather than to listen as well.
But the bottom line is this: If you really, truly think in your heart of hearts that Ms Beeching is born straight and has somehow convinced herself she is gay, then I'm afraid we're going to have to leave this discussion here. And please - answer it with your personal feelings, not with a Bible verse.

Jim Grunseth: I just found your comment here...
We put way too much emphasis on what we think and feel and not nearly enough on what God thinks and feels. I know, in print, that sounds cold...I do not mean it to, Aidan...
Since about 1700, man has developed a lower view of and reverence for God and has placed a higher view of "man". You know this from your studies, I am sure...Renaissance age to age of reason (I might have my dates a bit off )...but we are now clearly in the age of reason, the age of self, and the age of man. (God, whatever he is, must revolve around us...not the other way around.) If man experiences it, God must approve it. If it feels right, then it must be right and God, regardless of what is said in a holy book, must either agree or find himself or herself (not my thoughts) irrelevant.
I have love and want kindness for my Transgender family member. But if I love him, I want to warn him of the danger of him continuing in his God-dishonoring conduct. You see, I actually possess a high view of God...hopefully, thru much failure, I high reverence for Him. God does not revolve around me. I revolve around Him, His hopes, His plans, His dreams, His desires, His Word. If He commands it, I am to obey. Remember: He who has the keys to Hell should not be trifled with. God is good...but He is not tame.
Romans 1:18-to the end and 1Corinthians 6 are very clear. For me to trifle with or ignore this is to my peril. This is what I believe. I share all this because I care.. I am not warning the LGBTQ community, Rather, I am warning them in love. (Ezekiel 33:1-6) Thoughts?

James Bell #homophobia barbwire.com

Normal people are not defined by sexuality but "the homosexual" is defined by homosexuality. Its important to understand the difference between a human being and a homosexual, they are two completely different things.

Linda Harvey #racist barbwire.com

[On the kneeling football players]

Trump rightly rebukes these selfish athletes. Representing the father figures many of them never had, he’s telling them to go to their rooms until they can act better.

Daniel Greenfield #conspiracy barbwire.com

Obama officials had spied on Americans to protect Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. That’s more than a mere crime. It’s treason. Imagine if Watergate had been about the White House spying on Democrats for the KGB. That is the sheer full scope of what we appear to be dealing with here.

Dr. Sonny Hernandez #fundie barbwire.com

Christians in the Armed Forces will have their faith tested on many occasions. This is important—since Christians are commanded to examine themselves (cf. 2 Cor. 13:5) to see if their professing Christianity is true, or false and vitiated.

True Christianity produces a love for God, a hunger for His Word, fervent prayer, devotion to a local, Bible-believing church, and not a military chapel. The imputed righteousness of Christ that is credited to those who come to Him by faith alone, will enable believers to hate the things that God hates, and love the things that God loves. This does not happen because merit and favor can be earned with God, but only because of the active and passive obedience of Christ.

Counterfeit Christians in the Armed forces will appeal to the Constitution, and not Christ, and they have no local church home—which means they have no accountability for their souls (Heb. 13:17). This is why so many professing Christian service members will say: “We ‘support everyone’s right’ to practice their faith regardless if they worship a god different from ours because the Constitution protects this right.”

Christian service members who openly profess and support the rights of Muslims, Buddhists, and all other anti-Christian worldviews to practice their religions—because the language in the Constitution permits—are grossly in error, and deceived. This article will explain a few reasons why:

First, where in the Bible do the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, or Christ Himself, support or accommodate anti-Christians to give adulation to their false gods or to yield and obey anyone except the One true and living God? There is no exegetical support, and no moral justification for any Christian service member to openly profess or support the alleged rights of anti-Christians. Christian service members must share the Gospel with unbelievers so they can be saved, not support unbelievers to worship their false gods that will lead them to hell.

Second, professing Christian service members must answer this important question: “Do you appeal to the Holy Scripture, or the US Constitution as an ultimate standard to measure your conduct?”

The answer to this question will determine how the service member will conduct themselves, and what is truly the authority for their faith and practice.

If a professing Christian service member appeals to the Bible, all their thoughts, words, and deeds are to be examined and resolved with the Holy Scripture that points to Christ—not the Constitution. Why is it wrong for a professing “Christian” service member to appeal to the Constitution for their faith and practice? If the professing Christian service member appeals to the Constitution and not the Holy Scripture as their ultimate standard—they have no business calling themselves a Christian—since they would have nothing to measure their Christianity upon without the Bible.

Also, appealing to anything except the Bible as an ultimate authority would not only be anti-Christian, it would also nullify their previous argument of professing to be a Christian—since an ultimate authority does not appeal to anything except itself. It is impossible to submit to both the Bible and the Constitution as an ultimate authority—because the Laws of Logic would prohibit this—since two propositions cannot both be right and wrong at the same time. Christ made this clear in Matthew 12:30.

Third, the First Amendment of the US Constitution states that the free-exercise of religion is for all Americans to practice their faith, but does that mean a Christian service member should accommodate or support things that are contrary to their faith? Absolutely not!

Also, is it wrong for a professing Christian service member to say, “I support the rights of all Americans to practice their faith since the Constitution protects their rights?” Absolutely!

Consider this theoretical question: If a young-woman in the military said that she was pregnant and wanted to abort (murder) her child, because she alleges that her faith would necessitate this right, would you accommodate or support that young woman to murder her child since you allege that the Constitution protects her right to have an abortion?

The answer to this question will determine who belongs to the Savior, and those who serve Satan. This is the logic that comes from supporting or accommodating everyone’s alleged rights because of the Constitution.

Sonny Hernandez #fundie barbwire.com

Christian service members who openly profess and support the rights of Muslims, Buddhists, and all other anti-Christian worldviews to practice their religions—because the language in the Constitution permits—are grossly in error, and deceived.

Julio Severo #fundie barbwire.com

Let us pray that the homosexual sin may be seen and felt in U.S. society in its offensive reality. Let us pray prophesying the defeat of the multi-billion-dollar homosexual industry’s greed in the U.S.

Robert Oscar Lopez #fundie barbwire.com

[On no longer being friends with liberals]

I’ll take your white supremacists and misogynists. I can deal with them. They are nicer to me. They listen. They don’t do one tenth of the harm you and your camp have done to me.

Don Boys #racist #wingnut barbwire.com

Lincoln’s War of Northern Aggression against the genteel southland was not to free the slaves as Lincoln admitted, but he used it later as a ‘sales job’ to prosecute the war. Taxes, tariffs, and states’ rights to nullification were the original reasons brother fought brother with over 600,000 dead.

Laurie Higgins #fundie barbwire.com

Unfortunately for the countless children and teens who attend public schools, the 2017/2018 school year is just around the corner, and like dirty old men in trench coats lying in wait to expose children to sordid things, so too await public school administrators and teachers to do likewise. Unlike perverts who lurk in darkness, however, these government employees have no shame. They do their dirty work of exposing children to wickedness openly and call it ‘love.'

Don Boys #racist barbwire.com

Islam is determined to take over America and put us under sharia. They are working on that plan as I speak via sperm, speech, and sword. They are multiplying like rabbits while our growth rate is static. They are using free speech to deceive, defile, and destroy us.

Barbwire Books #fundie barbwire.com

Homosexual Agenda and the US Military is a field manual for US service members and military chaplains. This Gospel-Centered, polemical book exposes the homosexual agenda that adversely affects Religious Liberty for Christians.

Don Feder #conspiracy barbwire.com

Man-made global warming isn’t true. It’s an ideology-driven scam whose goals are to transfer wealth from America to the Third World, and power from the individual to the state. Its more radical proponents seek to repeal the industrial revolution.

Cliff Kincaid #fundie barbwire.com

The most glaring omission in Tucker Carlson’s interview of the human oddity known as Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner was the failure to seek comment on the transgender traitor by the name of Bradley/Chelsea Manning.

Julio Severo #fundie barbwire.com

[On Pence taking his shoes off while visit a mosque]

You can take off your shoes where God is. But to take off your shoes in a place where God is offended is an insult to God. A Christian should never take off his shoes in a place where Islam is worshiped.

Laurie Higgins #fundie barbwire.com

If a small group of delusional people and their disciples are able to force society to pretend that men can become women and mothers or vice versa, if they are able to force citizens to participate in this fiction by forcing them to use opposite-sex pronouns when referring to gender-dysphoric persons, we will no longer live in a free society but under tyranny.

Robert Oscar Lopez #fundie barbwire.com

Only male-female intercourse produces children through love, and such intercourse occasions a connectedness and spiritual union between the halves of humanity, which dwarfs whatever momentary awkward pleasures one can get from having sex with someone of the same sex, whose body parts make full and pleasant intercourse unattainable.

Dave Daubenmire #fundie barbwire.com

A conservatism not based on the foundations of the Bible is a Christ-less conservatism. Jesus is the standard by which all moral law is based. Remove Him and His Name from your political ideology and you find yourself in bed with the Log-Cabin conservatives.

Cliff Kincaid #fundie barbwire.com

[On intelligence agencies criticizing Trump]

If this traitorous conduct within the intelligence community continues, and Congress spends its time on other matters, the only alternative Trump might have is to drastically cut the intelligence community’s $50 billion budget. Perhaps that would get their attention.

David Whitney #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Barronelle Stutzman the owner of Arlene’s Flowers Shop in Richland, Washington was ruled against by the Washington State Supreme Court. In 2013, a multi-year repeat customer asked her to provide the floral arrangements for his upcoming homosexual un-wedding ceremony. Mrs. Stutzman politely refused, explaining it would violate her religious beliefs on marriage. The homosexual “couple” responded by firing off a lawsuit against her with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union. The Benton County Court and the Washington State Supreme Court, have both ruled in favor of the homosexual pair, violating Stutzman’s right to freedom of religious exercise. The State Attorney General has also filed a lawsuit against Stutzman! These elected officials have put 72-year-old Stutzman at risk of not only losing her business but also her life savings and personal retirement assets.

What do American’s think about the persecution of Baronelle Stuzman as well as the persecution of many other Christian owners of wedding venues, bakers, photographers?

A survey done by Public Religion Research Institute – finding 58% of Americans support Homosexual Unmarraige “Weddings” and 42% of white Evangelical Protestants would force Christian business and ministries to provide services to these un-wedding events. So 58% of Americans are on board with the Washington Supreme Court and an astonishingly 42% of white Evangelical Protestants are all united in the commitment to force Christians to do things against their conscience especially when it comes to accommodations of homosexuals. This is a seismic shift away from the seventh and eighth commandment. So 42% of Evangelical Protestants want to persecute their fellow Christians who stand on the unchanging standard of God’s Law Word regarding marriage and sexual morality. So those who claim they are in the household of God, 42% of them are a huge problem in America! They want to come after their own brothers and sisters in Christ and cause them to be persecuted by the State for staying true to the Word of God.

So that is what a large swath of America thinks.

What does God think about those so called Christians? We don’t have to wonder for it is spelled out in the letter from Jesus to the Church of Thyatira. After commending them, “I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.”

So to put it mildly Jesus is not pleased. He is not pleased that there is a Jezebel in the church of America who is advocating for sexual immorality and which wants to persecute Christians who are faithful to their Lord and Savior. What has gone wrong with the spiritual harvest in American is akin to what was happening on the island of Crete. Turn to Titus 1:10 where Paul writing to his disciple tells him how to deal with the heresies of his day on Crete.

The Works Salvation Heresy – Titus 1:10-11 “For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake.”

Fay Voshell #fundie barbwire.com

To look at the bloc of white garbed Democrat women was to look at oracles of Delphi who have mystically discerned the most sacred right of women is the right to sacrifice their own offspring. To look at the high priestesses dedicated to the religion of radical feminism is to see leaders of a cult, the chief sacrament of which is abortion.

For nearly all leftist feminists, abortion is a holy rite, a religious ritual to be conducted in the cathedrals of Planned Parenthood and to be blessed by “faith leaders.”

Dennis Prager #fundie barbwire.com

I’m a non-Christian. I’m a Jew. Christmas is not a religious holy day for me. But I’m an American, and Christmas is a national holiday in my country. It is, therefore, my holiday — though not my holy day — as much as it is for my fellow Americans who are Christian. That’s why it’s not surprising that it was an American Jew, Irving Berlin, who wrote “White Christmas,” one of America’s most popular Christmas songs. In fact, according to a Jewish musician writing in the New York Times, “Almost all the most popular Christmas songs were written by Jews.” Apparently all these American Jews felt quite included by Christmas!

By not wishing me a Merry Christmas, you are not being inclusive. You are excluding me from one of my nation’s national holidays.

. . .

The vast majority of Americans who celebrate Christmas, and who treat non-Christians so well, deserve better.

So, please say ‘Merry Christmas’ and ‘Christmas party’ and ‘Christmas vacation.’ If you don’t, you’re not ‘inclusive.’ You’re hurtful.

Jake Macaulay #fundie barbwire.com

Now the church and the state are separate entities and they have separate functions, and separate jurisdictions. For example, Hillary Clinton has no authority to administer the Sacraments; and a pastor has no authority to raise a federal army and declare war. But since God institutes both of these entities, neither is separate from Him.
So, you see, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a State official acknowledging the authority and the Word of God in the civil affairs of men.

Actually, quite the opposite is true. No State action or law is valid unless it conforms to God’s law and His Will. This is precisely why the primary document of America’s political view begins with the acknowledgment of God’s authority as expressed in the phrase, “The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”.

God is the authority over both the jurisdiction of the Church and the jurisdiction of the State. They are therefore, separate from each other, in terms of their function, but they are NOT separate from Him, for He is their Source of Authority.
Therefore, prayer, Bible reading, and biblical influence in civil government are entirely American and perfectly legal. As a matter of fact, our Founders encouraged it!

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

On the US Supreme Court's recent ruling vis-a-vis a Texas abortion law:

'Today’s ruling is horrible on every conceivable level, not the least of which is that it turns every abortion clinic into a runaway abattoir for infant sacrifices to the ancient god Molech.'

Dave Daubenmire #fundie barbwire.com

Evil is running rampant in America. While the church is content playing small ball (praying simply for individual needs) and sacrificing to get a runner in scoring position (elections), our opponents are swinging for the fences. We “pray” to end abortion (bunt) while our opponents swing for the fences (partial birth abortion). We fight for traditional marriage (bunt) while our opponents go for sexless bathrooms. (home run swing).

Jesus told us “All power is given unto me both in Heaven and on earth.” We have the Greatest Coach in the Universe with the greatest team ever assembled. But we want to play small ball. We want to compromise (bunt) our way to victory. We won’t bring out the heavy hitters. We don’t swing for the fences. In fact, we don’t even want to bat—we want Jesus to miraculously hit the ball out of the park without us ever picking up a bat.

What if our team followed our Coach’s orders? What if we re-criminalized abortion and sodomy? What if we kicked the Devil out of our public schools? What if flexed our muscles and started swinging for the fences? What if God’s people demanded HIS return to HIS rightful position as the head of this government? What if God’s team played with as much commitment as the Devil’s team?

God’s kids are settling for the crumbs off of the Devil’s table. What if we played like the game was tied, the bases were loaded, and our clean-up hitter was walking to the plate?

Small ball isn’t working. We need Mickey Mantle. Instead we get Mickey Mouse.

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

[On President Obama's order for public schools to accommodate transgender students in their preferred restrooms:]

John King, the secretary of the Department of Education, said, "No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus." That is, unless they are sexually normal, in which case they can be made to feel as unwelcome and uncomfortable as any sexually confused fellow student wants them to be.


This is no time for the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot. The forces of homofascism are on the march, with our own president as their commander-in-chief. It's time for every state and every school district in America to defy this tyrannical overreach of our new Overlord of Sexual Deviancy. Before it's too late.

Pastor David Whitney #fundie barbwire.com

In short this along with many other universities in our land are nothing short of synagogues of Satan, blatantly teaching and promoting the Satanic agenda for the lives of their students and advancing the Satanic agenda of a radical transformation of our land into the kingdom of Satan. I would not recommend my Alma Mater to any student looking for a institution of higher education.

In fact one should be very cautious about any so called institution of higher education including many that call themselves Christian. Many of these have succumbed at this point to the sodomite agenda. I read of a very well known “Christian” university that hired a staff member in their drama department. Later it was revealed he was a sodomite. When asked about it by a Christian broadcaster the school official responded, when we hire someone, we are not concerned about their personal life, just their credentials and job performance.

So they are not concerned that such a staff member will have a corrupting effect on the student body!

Bob G #fundie barbwire.com

These liberal, Democrat, judges, lawyers, politicians, and activists need to learn that if they continue on their path of destruction there will be physical consequences. Yes, you read that correctly. I am all for vigilante justice. Destroy my country, destroy my culture, destroy my history and heritage, destroy my religion and my beliefs, force me and my family to participate in that which I believe to be vulgar and perverse, endanger my children and you will find me to be a formidable adversary.

Thisoldspouse #fundie barbwire.com

Leftists ignore the fact the God himself hates and expects his people to hate as well. We are to hate: self, sin, the flesh, the Devil, the world, parents (relatively), our lives. How they get around these admonitions is beyond me.

RCQ #fundie barbwire.com

This is an all-out war. Maybe not a war we wanted, but the other side declared war a long time ago, and hostilities have been going on for years. And we have not yet even begun assembling our troops.

We all know this war is against the spirit world. We all know homosexual activists are animated by demonic spirits bent on utter destruction of both the host body they control and all they can get to using their host. Demonic spirits will never, ever be quenched. This is a war to the end.

But the outcome is already known. All we need do is put on all the armor of God and trust in Him for the battle. About time we start doing so.
4 Reply

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

How do we de-Islamize America? While it's not easy (because of politically correct hysteria) it's simple. It must include three steps.

1. Immediately suspend Islamic immigration


Can this be done constitutionally? Of course it can. The Constitution gives to Congress unilateral authority over “the Migration or Importation of such Persons” it thinks are “proper to admit” (Article 1, Sec. 9). If Congress wishes to suspend Islamic immigration, it can do so tomorrow.

2. No more mosques

Mosques are the incubators of jihadist ideology. The Center for Security Policy determined some time ago that 95% of all American Muslims who attend mosque on a weekly basis attend a mosque which either distributes literature or features imams who advocate the use of violence in spreading Islam.

Can stopping the building of mosques be done constitutionally? Of course it can, if we use the Constitution given to us by the Founders and not the one mangled by the courts. Under the Founders’ Constitution, the States have unilateral authority to regulate religious expression within their borders.

Joseph Story, in his Commentaries on the Constitution, put it this way: “Thus, the whole power over the subject of religion is left exclusively to the state governments, to be acted upon according to their own sense of justice, and the state constitutions.” If states want to ban the building of any more mosques, they certainly can.

And the First Amendment protects the right “of the people peaceably to assemble.” If any mosque assembles for anything other than peaceful purposes, it has no First Amendment right to meet at all.

3. No more Muslims in the military

Serving the United States military is a privilege, not a right. Congress has complete authority “to make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces” (Article 1, Section 8). If Congress believes it’s a mistake to allow individuals who have a sacred duty to kill American infidels to serve in our military, they certainly can prevent it. The massacre at Ft. Hood is all the evidence we need that such a restriction is timely and necessary.

Islam, as Brussels, Paris, and 9/11 demonstrate, is the Ebola virus of culture. Everywhere it has been allowed to take root since 630 AD it has brought with it violence and oppression.

Preventing carriers of this cultural virus from entering America is simply common sense, as well as the essence of compassion for American citizens who should not have to live in a society that must live in constant fear of Islamic violence.

The problem, or course, is that we cannot identify carriers of this virus until it’s too late. This simply means we must be careful with them all.

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

[On a report issued by the American College of Pediatricians, a conservative organization founded in protest against the American Association of Pediatrics' support for adoption by same-sex couples:]

[N]otwithstanding the politically driven "LGBT" agenda that pretends otherwise, those who suffer with "gender dysphoria" disorder will stay, as born, either male or female, whether or not they play dress up, sterilize themselves and destroy healthy reproductive organs.

Hence, it's of little surprise that, tragically, of those who put themselves through this imaginary "transition," 41 percent will subsequently attempt suicide.

Still, this "progressive" socio-political scheme moves quickly from merely pitiable and delusional to ghastly and abusive when children are the targets - when selfish adults exploit sexually confused young people by feeding their "gender" delusion and pumping them full of dangerous hormones, or otherwise surgically mutilating and sterilizing them for life via so-called "gender reassignment surgery."

In order to address the growing momentum of this harmful, gender-bending, pseudo-scientific quackery, a number of America's leading medical experts on the subject have finally weighed in. "The American College of Pediatrics (ACPeds) urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts - not ideology, determine reality," they warn.


Let's take it a step further. The "gender" phenomenon is, in the larger sense, an artificial and anti-theist-tainted social construct. It's an overt act of fist-shaking rebellion against the laws of nature and nature's God. [...] [T]he ACPeds report goes on to identify this so-called "gender ideology" for exactly what it is: "Child abuse."


There you have it. "Gender ideology" is child abuse - empirically and irrefutably. Isn't it high time, at least where minors are concerned and as a matter of public policy, that we begin treating it as such?

If such abuse were associated with anything other than the "LGBQT" political special interests, we already would have."

Jennifer LeClaire #fundie barbwire.com

Is this another sign of the Great Falling Away? A "Christian" university in Arizona is acknowledging gay marriage. Grand Canyon University is now extending benefits to same-sex marriage partners.


Unfortunately, giving a nod to same-sex marriage by extending these benefits cracks the foundation. Although GCU maintains that marriage is a "sacred union between a man and a woman, which will continue to be espoused throughout the university's curriculum and classrooms," they have nonetheless to give a nod to gay marriage by extending benefits so as to respect and honor its neighbors and the law.


Is GCU really saying that Christians should not engage in the spiritual war that's trying to make darkness the norm in our society? Do the leaders of this institution really believe that disengaging from a culture war in which anti-Christ agendas are working overtime to silence the gospel is wisdom?

Julio Severo #fundie barbwire.com

[Julio Severo tries to explain the high violence rate in Latin American cities.]

In Catholic Latin America, witchcraft and Liberation Theology have helped promote violence, because their nature and spirit are demonic.

The Catholic Church in Latin America should seriously consider why she is less open to the transformational power of the Holy Spirit, why her members are more open to witchcraft and why her members and leaders are more open to Marxism.

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

[On the 2015 San Bernardino shooting:]

President Obama, of course, was quick to blame guns (all of which in this case were legally purchased) and to say the solution is to do something about guns. No, Mr. President, the problem is not guns. The problem is Islam, and the solution is to do something about Islam. The key is not getting control of guns, it's getting control of Islam. That's not Islamophobia, it's Islamorealism.


If the problem is Islam, then we are wasting our time and our breath if proposed solutions do not deal directly with limiting and reversing the spread of Islamic ideology in the United States. Suspending Islamic immigration altogether must be on the table, as well as aggressive surveillance of mosques and the Muslim community. The wisdom of granting permits to build even one more mosque in America must be part of the discussion.

The Center for Security Policy has determined that 80% of all the mosques in America promote jihad, either through literature or invited speakers. And since these are the most popular mosques, 95% of all Muslims who attend mosques on a weekly basis attend one of these jihadist-promoting houses of worship.


The point here is that there is no way to tell when the next Muslim will develop sudden jihad syndrome. It is perfectly irrelevant to the families of the 14 dead that only a small minority of Muslims are capable of such murderous violence.

President Obama is determined to bring 10,000 additional Syrian refugees to America, despite the widespread support among the Syrian people for ISIS. We have no way of knowing how many of such refugees - or any other Muslim immigrants, for that matter - will be infected with the jihadist virus.

Imagine for the sake of argument that someone offered to send you and your family 10,000 M&M's. But, by the way, they tell you, ten of them contain a lethal poison that will kill you, and we can't tell you which ten they are. In fact, the chemical composition of these M&M's is such that some of them might even turn poisonous after they get to your house. And I'm sorry, but we have no foolproof way of identifying which M&M's you have to worry about and which ones you don't. Now would you accept the shipment? Of course not.


God has already answered our prayers for protection. He's given us his Word, which indicates that Islam is a religion from hell and should not be embraced by any rational society. But we spurn his gift. We don't read his Word and we certainly don't heed it.

He's given us a Constitution which permits our government to seal our borders from carriers of the Islamic virus. But we are so blinded by political correctness that we don't do it.

And, according to Romans 13, he's given us a government with his delegated authority to use lethal force to protect our citizens from the Islamic threat. And yet our political leaders are so paralyzed by political correctness they won't even use the term "radical Islamic terrorism" let alone use the God-ordained power of civil government to do something about it.

If we don't use the resources God had given us in response to our prayers, we can hardly blame him when we get cut down at our Christmas parties.

Steve Deace #fundie barbwire.com

When Government Replaces God

The faith of our land often seems to lie in a heap of ashes.

Believers have their businesses shut down for not paying the jizya to the Rainbow Jihad. The Little Sisters of the Poor are legally prosecuted for not paying Sandra Fluke's abortifacient bill. Babies are ripped apart limb-by-limb and sold for profit.

The pagan progressivism rotting at the soul of this declining culture applauds it all. Its dark power grows stronger with each passing day.


[L]iberals cannot abide rules that can come from anywhere but their own inner child, and they know that a praying culture is an almost certain inoculation against the lies of the times. In short, they know they are no match for God. Ironically, these God haters know they are no match for God more deeply than many lukewarm believers are willing to trust in their own faith these days. And so the must mock and kill the praying impulse at every turn.

Our response should be clear. We would like to introduce you to the church militant. Yes, indeed, we are crazy for Jesus.

And you ain't seen nothing yet.

Matt Barber #fundie barbwire.com

[From an article titled, "Myth of the 'Moderate Muslim'":]

When it comes to the global scourge of orthodox Islam, the Western world, which Islamists expressly seek to "destroy from within," is an upside-down realm wherein objective facts, logic and reason must yield to multiculturalist make-believe, "progressive" propaganda and political correctness run amok. Faithful Muslims want to kill you, and faithless progressives seem all too happy to help them along. Look at the ongoing Muslim invasion of Europe. This progressive paradise, a burgeoning multicultural dystopia, is beginning to look an awful lot like hell on earth.

Fact: Islam is about control. The word itself means "submission." It is a socio-political pseudo-religion based upon the incoherent scribblings of one man - the "prophet" Muhammad, a warring tyrant who, as even the Quran concedes, was a murderous misogynist and pedophile. This unholy book is loosely plagiarized from the Bible's Old and New Testaments - Scriptures that, by contrast, were transcribed over centuries by roughly 40 men under the direct and divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit.


To be sure, "moderate Muslim" is a contradiction in terms. It is intrinsically oxymoronic. Whereas "moderate" (read: liberal) "Christians," such as those belonging to the PCUSA, embrace certain apostasies that run directly counter to the biblical teachings of Christianity (e.g., the pagan embrace of homosexual sin and child sacrifice by way of abortion), "moderate Muslims" likewise embrace an apostate version of Islam that runs directly counter to the clear teachings of the Quran.

While devout followers of Jesus Christ, who is Life - God incarnate - are, like He, characteristically peaceful; devout followers of Muhammad, the dead, child-raping, woman-beheading founder of Islam - demon incarnate - are, like he, characteristically violent. Whereas "Muslim extremists," that is, faithful Muslims, kill people extremely; "Christian extremists," that is, faithful Christians, love people, including their enemies, extremely,

Islam explicitly requires a worldwide caliphate (global domination and the violent imposition of Islamic Shariah law). This fact is not open for serious debate and is available for all to read, hear, see and, tragically, experience. Islam, therefore, is inherently at odds with freedom, democracy and the United States Constitution. While devout followers of Muhammad readily admit this reality, the suicidal left yet remains hell-bent, head in the sand, on "tolerating" itself, and the rest of us, to death.

Lee Duigon #fundie barbwire.com

Please don't ask me to explain the American Left's infatuation with radical Islam. It's insane.

Our entire ruling class needs to be replaced as soon as possible, before they finish destroying our country.

RCQ_92130 #fundie barbwire.com

It does not take a rocket scientist to see that sodomites are demonic, possessed individuals. No alternate cause exists to explain the depth of perversity, and the boundless rage, the current generation of sodomites has.

Demons have zero concern for the well-being of their host. To the contrary, demons both seek to exploit the host and destroy it. If the anger and animus builds up sufficiently in normal people to start a "civil war", I do not expect the demonic influence to suddenly disappear.

For this reason I foresee an horrific and bloody conflict.

RCQ_92130 #conspiracy barbwire.com

1. The "Russian invasion of Ukraine" is a SOROS-caused conflict, not a Putin effort. Russia is defending their interest, that Soros sought to eliminate as part of his nation toppling fetish.

2. Same in Syria. Soros orchestrated the entire Arab summer, toppling the governments in Egypt, Lybia, Tunisia, Yemen, and ... Ukraine. All these have turned out wonderfully for the US and for freedom. /sarc

The attempts in Israel and Lebanon failed, thank God.

3. Putin may be an evil man - as one who has spent a ton of time in Russia and the former USSR, I am not convinced - but he long ago, way before Russia gained power due to Obama's stupidity, urged the US and others to work together as a unified front to oppose Muslim caliphate satanical evil. Obama was stupid to refuse, as that is exactly what all non-barbaric countries SHOULD be doing. But Obama was embarrassed by Putin in Northern Ireland (2013) and cared more about his narcissistic image than about international governance.

Don Feder #fundie barbwire.com

On January 6, Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore issued an administrative order instructing probate judges not to give marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Unlike those who worship or grovel at the feet of Obergefell, Moore notes that such licenses violate an amendment to the Alabama Constitution, adopted by 81% of the state’s voters in a 2006 referendum, and SCOTUS can’t change the order of the universe on a whim.

Moore can’t do that, sputters Rep. Patricia Todd, state director of the Human Rights Campaign. Gay marriage is “settled law.” When leftists say something is settled law (or “the law of the land”), it means the courts have given them exactly what they want, and now the process is over – permanently and for all time. Dred Scott was settled law in 1857. Plessy v. Ferguson was settled law in 1896. Thankfully, neither is now.

In its 1971 decision (Baker v. Nelson), by dismissing an appeal, SCOTUS upheld a decision of the Minnesota Supreme Court that the state’s law restricting marriage to a man and a woman was constitutional. (Was Baker settled law?) In Obergefell v. Hodges, decided last June, the court’s cultural Jacobins held that same-sex marriage was a right under the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause. Other than the ideology that guides the judiciary, what changed in the intervening years? Does judicial mumbo-jumbo transform the intent of those who ratified it 135 years ago?


We could get the Constitution back one day. Electing someone like Ted Cruz would be a start. But even that is no assurance. We’ll need to raise up a generation — like the one that produced the Constitution — to rise to rebellion and overthrow a judicial tyranny supported by the political elite.

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