
RCQ_92130 #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

We can declare we love homosexuals until the cows come home (and should do so, I suppose), but they have declared war with Christ's family and they have sole ability to be at war, like it or not. If you refuse to admit evil, having saturated homosexuals, is at war with us you cannot, ever, honestly spread the gospel because you have surrendered to political correctness, not to Christ.

Thank you, Mr. Barber, for being honest in the face of the dragon.

Matt Barber #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

When we give deviant sexual conduct preferred status in law, Christian morality becomes illegal. If you think government-recognized “gay marriage” is harmless to society, you’re playing the fool. It places the Christian sexual ethic and free exercise of religion in direct conflict with law. It’s my sense that many liberty-minded people are finally coming awake to this disturbing reality.

Although we all sin, Christians are commanded to neither support nor engage in evil. Hence, Christians – true Christians – cannot engage in nor condone the unrepentant practice of homosexual behavior. Neither can we support sin-centric “gay marriage.”

This rudimentary equation is built upon the natural laws of moral physics. Christianity is magnetically charged truth. Homosexual behavior is a magnetically charged lie – a spiritual and biological falsehood. Christianity and homosexual sin are as north to south. Polar opposites cannot occupy the same position in time and space. They repel one another. It’s physically, spiritually and legally impossible for religious freedom and preferred legal status for sexual sin to coexist in harmony.

Gina Miller #fundie #transphobia #homophobia barbwire.com

On Tuesday, I read an Associated Press report about a young woman who, with the help of the radical liberals of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and another homosexual activist group, is suing a business for firing her because she refused to dress and behave as a woman. This girl pretends to be—or believes she is—a man, and the business did not want to employ a woman presenting herself as a man. She had apparently dressed and looked like a man when she was hired, but only when the company processed her paperwork and driver’s license did they realize she was a female. Management told her she would have to dress and behave like the woman she is in order to work there. She refused and was let go.

It was just a short few weeks between the time she was hired and then fired. This is yet another case of the radical homosexual-“transgender” activist movement using lawfare to crush the rights of people to run their businesses as they see fit, free from being forced to hire mentally ill cross-dressers. The SPLC in its devilish case is trying to conflate this case with “civil rights” for “transgendered” people. As they write in their “case docket” at the SPLC website:

Tristan Broussard, a young transgender man, was fired from his manager trainee position at Tower Loan, a Mississippi-based finance company with 180 locations nationide, for not agreeing to dress and be treated as a woman. The Southern Poverty Law Center and allies filed a federal discrimination lawsuit alleging Tower Loans violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights by firing plaintiff Tristan Broussard. Title VII prohibits against employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.

— The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, alleges that Broussard’s former employer Tower Loan violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the federal law that protects employees from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Courts nationwide have repeatedly recognized that Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination protects transgender workers.

I am not aware of an abundance of nationwide cases that have “repeatedly recognized” that the Civil Rights Act covers mentally deranged people who believe, against biological reality, that they are the opposite sex, but wherever these rulings may be made, they’re dead wrong. Never in the wildest imaginations of the men who crafted and passed that legislation, would they have intended it to cover people with such mental illness at the expense of the right of employers to not participate in such lunacy. Further, since when can the employer not dictate employees’ dress code, specifically that it should match their gender?

This is tyranny, and it has not come to the United States from an invading nation with tanks and rockets. It has come wrapped in a hijacked-rainbow flag, under the banner of “diversity” and “nondiscrimination.” At this point, only the most uninformed and deceived among us cannot see that the radical homosexual movement—a movement based purely on lies and sin—has at its heart the wicked goal of tyranny over Christian freedom, expression and conscience. Don’t doubt it. While this particular case does not necessarily involve a Christian employer, ultimately Christians and Christianity are the true targets of this hell-born movement. But, these activists will gladly target anyone who resists their dark agenda, as this company, Tower Loan, is sadly discovering.

Don Boys #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

It has nothing to do with hate, envy, fear, or twisted thinking, but a dedication to truth. Sodomy is evil, wrong, wicked, sinful, corrupt, perverse, bad, immoral, depraved, decadent, dissolute, debauched, and disgusting. And whether I’m writing in love or hate doesn’t change the facts.

Homosexual behavior has been forbidden since the beginning of time by every religion and every civilization. Even during the “Golden Age” of the Greeks, homosexuality was rather common among the ruling class and the philosophers. The common people had enough sense to know that such activity was contrary to nature and could destroy the human race.

It is not a matter of forbidding one person to love another because we should love everyone. I love people (even people I don’t like.) enough to tell them the truth about perversion and other matters. Love everyone but don’t sleep with everyone. To do otherwise is obviously abnormal, abominable, and awful.

The Homosexual Lobby has taken control of America with the collusion of the media moguls. Even “Christian” churches, colleges, and conventions have been snookered by the loony left. No one wants to appear unkind, unreasonable, or be unemployed; so, religious leaders have climbed on the bandwagon to perdition with a modern Bible version in their hands and a whining, spurious prayer on their lips.

Julio Severo #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

Eric Fanning, a longtime Pentagon official who is an open homosexual, has been nominated by U.S. President Barack Obama to lead the U.S. Army.

“Eric brings many years of proven experience and exceptional leadership to this new role,” Obama said in a statement, the Washington Post reported Friday. “I look forward to working with Eric to keep our Army the very best in the world.”

His words and actions are radically opposed to the words and actions of the Father of America.

As recorded in “The Writings of George Washington” (March 10, 1778, 11:83-84, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1934), George Washington ordered: “At a General Court Marshall — Lieutt. Enslin of Colo. Malcom’s Regiment tried for attempting to commit sodomy, with John Monhort a soldier — and do sentence him to be dismiss’d the service with Infamy. His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief approves the sentence and with Abhorrence and Detestation of such Infamous Crimes orders Liett. Enslin to be drummed out of Camp tomorrow morning by all the Drummers and Fifers in the Army never to return.”

Washington, the Father of America, had a soldier expelled just for attempting to commit sodomy. In Fanning’s case, there was not just attempt. He did it.

Do you want the bare truth? I am sure that in Obama’s and Fanning’s case, the Father of America would approve sentence on them and he would treat, with abhorrence and detestation, their sodomy and sodomy advocacy as an infamous crime.


The Father of America never intended his Army to shelter homosexual advocates. It would be abhorrent and detestable for him.

He never intended his Army to favor Islamic oppressors at the expense of Christian blood. It would be utterly abhorrent and detestable for him.

He intended the U.S. Army only to be a protector of America, not a global police force to impose a pro-Islam, pro-sodomy, pro-abortion and anti-Christian “democracy” around the world.

I have read a lot about Americans who are proud of defending their gun rights by arguing that guns are important for protecting themselves and their families. I fully agree. But their argument also says that guns are necessary against a tyrannical government.

Would not a government treating, with abhorrence and detestation, Washington’s anti-sodomy stance be tyrannical?

Would not a government favoring Islamic oppressors at the expense of Christian blood be tyrannical?

A bare truth to gun advocates: if you are not able to move now, what are your gun rights good for?

Washington would have been utterly ashamed of a U.S. Army led by an open homosexual.

He would have been utterly ashamed of a U.S. Army favoring Islamic oppressors at the expense of Christian blood.

And would he be honored by gun advocates who sit by while the U.S. Army favors Islamic oppressors at the expense of Christian blood?

A truly patriot American would make a revolution.

For much less, Washington did it.

This is the bare truth.

Jerry Newcombe #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

The Supreme Court is slated to rule on the subject of same-sex "marriage" this term. Here are four questions I want to ask same-sex marriage supporters:

1) If the Supreme Court says that it is okay for a man to marry a man and a woman to marry a woman, then how can they stop there?

Once they open Pandora's Box, how can they say that polygamy is unconstitutional? [...] If the Supreme Court rules to "redefine" marriage beyond one man-one woman, then how can they say a man can't marry his sister, or a mother her son, or a man and his dog, or two men and one woman? How can they legally draw a line? Proponents of same-sex marriage howl at such questions, but three men just "married" in Thailand the other day.

2) How do you prevent legalizing same-sex marriage from erasing religious liberty?


Could you imagine the uproar if the government tried to force an African-American printer to use his artistic skills and shop to produce fliers for a KKK rally, despite his objections because of his conscience?

Legalizing same-sex marriage effectively makes those who hold to traditional values second class citizens, especially when the forces of "tolerance" insist on hauling anyone who disagrees into court.


3) How do you deal with the fact that homosexuality is not immutable?

For the record, there are thousands of Americans alive today who are former homosexuals and former lesbians - freed from their sin by Jesus. [...] And there are many ex-gays who have changed through psychological means, unrelated to religion.

Being homosexual is not an immutable trait. Indeed, even those who argue for the alphabet soup of genders we are now expected to recognize often tell us that sexuality is "fluid." When you involve marriage, you are involving the law - marriage codifies a relationship into law. But what if someone is gay one day and not the next? Sexual anarchy leads to legal anarchy.

4) Why are the voters of this country so marginalized?

In a recent interview I did with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, he notes that even though same-sex marriage is now legal in some 37 states, only in three of those states was it voted in by the people. In two of them, it was voted by the legislatures, the people's representatives. With the rest of the states, it only became legal by judicial fiat. [...] Should we change the Constitution from "We the people" to "We the judges"?


In short, I oppose same-sex "marriage" because I am in favor of freedom - freedom guaranteed in the Constitution.

Jeff Allen #fundie #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

Two recent articles written by Mark Joseph Stern (Slate) and John Saul (Huffington Post) reveal what the homo-fascists have in mind and what they would love to sadistically do to those who have been, or still are, in opposition them.


The homo-maniacal plans for all traditionalists sound quite unpleasant, not to mention being a clear violation of our First Amendment rights. Ah, heck, while the homosexual hordes are busy burning the “Reichstag,” why not throw in the U.S. Constitution, and the Declaration of the Independence for good measure, as a little more fuel on the “gay rights” fire — since we’re apparently not using them anymore. A scorched earth policy is certainly the order of the day for this new breed of homo-fascists.

There are apparently no plans for some sort of Geneva Convention for the moral non-conformist prisoners-of-war.Little or no mercy will be shown to true Christians and the remaining conservative pockets of resistance. It will either be full capitulation to the homosexual agenda—or it will be re-education, incarceration, bankruptcy, marginalization, and state-sanctioned ridicule—or worse—are there any available cattle cars around?


Considering all of the heinous plans of the militant homosexuals (above), I for one will certainly not consider conceding a single inch of ground to the abhorrent “gay” agenda. The lovers of God and his truth shall never surrender, no matter what the Douthat’s of the world may say! He might be willing to raise the white flag of surrender, but the faithful followers of Christ will keep His banner lifted high!

Craig Coffey #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

(Suaria Putnam: Terry Adam Turner It is because homosexuals are far more likely to be bullied and persecuted which leads to suicide.)

Craig Coffey:
No, Suaria, the homosexual lifestyle choice carries with it certain natural consequences. Since it is unnatural and a violation of the will of God, they naturally commit suicide at such large rates because of the revulsion of their sin. Homosexuality is a lonely way to live. The lifestyle is transient and full of death and disease. It is Christians who are being bullied and persecuted. You don't see us committing self-murder because of it. Do you??? I would suggest that you set aside the social engineering you are getting from your left wing teachers. Those errors will not serve you well once you step outside into the real world.

Matt Barber #homophobia barbwire.com

'Be Prepared': 'Gay' Men with Boy Scouts in Tents

I said it was coming. Many of us did. Two years ago this week the Boy Scouts of America voted to welcome into its ranks "open and avowed" homosexuality (boy-on-boy sexual attraction and behavior), thereby disavowing the "morally straight" Scout Oath its members are sworn to uphold.

Shortly thereafter I warned, "In doing so, the [Boy Scouts of America (BSA)] effectively waived the only legal defense it once had to preclude openly homosexual Scout leaders and gender-confused girls from its ranks: religious and moral conviction. It's only a matter of time until the BSA is forced to capitulate to sexual extremists' political demands and allow homosexual adults - men who define their identity based upon carnal appetites for other males - to take your boys on overnight camping trips."

It's happened. On Thursday BSA President Robert Gates announced that the organization's unconditional surrender to the homofascist left is forthcoming and that the BSA will soon invite men who have sex with males (MSM) to become troop leaders.


Parents, the BSA is about to place political correctness above your child's safety to a level unprecedented in the once-honorable organization's long and storied history. This is not an opinion. It's an empirical, quantifiable certainty.


This is a world of the secular left's making. I will again predict here that the BSA will soon open its ranks to sexually confused girls. Earlier this month the Girl Scouts of America similarly announced that it will allow boys pretending to be girls to join its ranks.

Parents, you've been warned. If you leave your children in the Boy or Girls Scouts of America, anything that might happen is on your head.

Jeff Allen #homophobia barbwire.com

The homosexual agenda has certainly opened the floodgates for sexual deviancy and bizarre erotic obsessions. And you can’t say we didn’t warn you.

Chris Sevier, a Florida man who is definitely not playing with a full deck, is fighting for what he feels should be his right to “wed” his Macbook. Apparently, he has fallen in “love” with his pornography-packed computer. “Over time, I began preferring sex with my computer over sex with real women,” he told a judge in Florida.

The situation sounds eerily similar to the plot line of Spike Jonze’s 2013 movie Her, in which a very weird character named Theodore Twombly (played by Joaquin Phoenix) becomes romantically involved with “Samantha,” the Artificial Intelligence in his computer, voiced by Scarlett Johansson. Talk about life imitating sick and twisted so-called “art.”

And just like every pro-natural marriage advocate has repeatedly cautioned, Mr. Sevier is utilizing the exact same arguments of the homosexual activists. No surprise there.

Mr. Sevier earlier applied for a marriage license for himself and his “machine spouse,” but his outlandish request was, for obvious reasons, denied, thus prompting his legal actions.

If homosexuals have the right to “marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object,” he argued.

Howard Bell #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Christians who engage in a conversation with homosexuals are being deceived by the devil.
There is nothing to discuss, and the reason homosexuals cannot be cured or converted, is because for all intents and purposes, they are everyday sex offenders.
The only way to cure a male homosexual is by castration.

19gundog43 #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

The irony is, that the anti-Christian homosexuals are working closely with the Muslims who gleefully kill the homosexuals. If Islam gets a firm grip in America the homosexuals will be murdered right along with the Christians. But the homosexuals are so driven to eradicate Christianly from America they don’t seem to care they will be on the chopping block (literally) also. Hilarious, if it wasn’t so dangerious.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Arizona governor Jan Brewer vetoed Senate Bill 1062, a bill on religious freedom, or as I like to think of it, a bullying prevention law for grown-ups.

Why did she cave? Because Senator John McCain, other liberal Republicans, the shallow media, and amazingly, the NFL, joined the always complaining and usually inaccurate homosexual lobby in screaming about this bill, claiming it would lead to wide-scale refusal of services to homosexuals. A similar bill has also been unfortunately withdrawn in my home state of Ohio, at least for now.

The reality is, this fiasco was all about anti-Christian bigotry leading toward denial of religious freedom. And it’s mostly sodomy that is taking America to this dark place. Did we not understand the message of Genesis 19? The rabid, sexually corrupt mob is serious, they hate the authority of God and they will twist the facts, or just flat-out lie, to silence those who speak the truth.

Let’s understand a few basic facts. We already have religious freedom in our Constitution, so this isn’t a shocking concept. But that doesn’t mean this bill wasn’t necessary. First of all, it was a bill to strengthen a religious freedom measure already existing in Arizona. And we have a similar federal religious freedom bill passed in 1997 and signed into law by President Bill Clinton after nearly unanimous votes in both houses of Congress Were they all being “anti-gay” in approving such a measure?

No, it’s just that the whole country wasn’t yet subjected to the tyranny of the pink lobby, and politicians weren’t yet ducking for cover right and left. They are now.

Such bills have been made necessary recently to restore a “strict scrutiny” standard when applying First Amendment rights. Photographers, bakers, florists and others have been sued when they would not provide their services to homosexual couples for a so-called wedding. Homosexual activists want to force Christians to honor what we consider sin. Similar bills have already passed in 17 other states, so again, this shouldn’t be at all controversial.

Laurie Higgins #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Homosexuals assert that marriage is constituted solely by love and has no inherent connection to sexual differentiation or the children who may result from conjugal coupling. Furthermore, homosexuals believe that it is the presence of love that not only makes a union a marriage but that justifies government involvement in it.


If marriage were constituted solely by love and the government were in the odd business of recognizing and affirming love, then why not recognize and affirm all forms of love by granting marriage licenses even to those in loving non-erotic relationships? What possible relevance to the government is inherently sterile erotic activity? What is the relevance of private, subjective, romantic feelings and inherently sterile erotic activity to any public purposes of marriage and therefore to the government's involvement with marriage?

When "progressives" argue that marriage is constituted solely by love and commitment and that it has no inherent connection to procreation, then they have to explain why two brothers should not be permitted to marry. Why shouldn't five people of assorted genders (or no gender) who love each other be permitted to marry? Why shouldn't the non-erotic relationship between BFF's be considered a "marriage"?


But if reproductive-type sexual activity (i.e., coitus) is irrelevant to government interest in marriage then surely all non-reproductive types of erotic activity are equally irrelevant. And if all sexual/erotic activity is irrelevant to the government's interest in marriage, then logically those in relationships constituted by any and all forms of love must be permitted to "marry."

As homosexuals continually and rightly assert, men and women are objectively and substantively different, and those differences are anatomical, biological, emotional, and psychological. A homoerotic union is as different from a heterosexual union as men are from women. A heterosexual union is different from a homoerotic union in objective ways pertaining to the procreation, needs, and rights of any children that may result from the type of sex act in which only men and women can engage. This type of union matters to government.


A man and a woman who engage in reproductive-type sexual activty (i.e., coitus) and conceive a child are in reality married because the central defining features of marriage are sexual differentiation and coitus. Marriage has a nature that predates the existence of formal legal institutions. Opposite-sex couples aren't married because the government issues them a license. The government issues them a license to formalize marriage, which becomes actualized through conjugal unions - not through inherently sterile mutual masturbatory activity. Couples who engage in conjugal activity prior to acquiring a marriage license are in reality married. It isn't the government that creates marriage. Government merely recognizes and regulates a type of union that in reality exists. We call that type of union marriage.

Since government does not create marriage, it cannot un-create or recreate it. Thus, legally allowing two people of the same-sex to "marry" does not mean they're married in anything other than a legal (de jure) sense. They are not married in reality because in reality marriage has a nature central to which is sexual differentiation, and without which a union is not marital.

If some silly government officials decided to issue dog licenses to cats because both dogs and cats have fur and four legs, some citizens - it is hoped - would recognize that dogs are in reality not cats because cats have natures that don't change because the government issues a license.

Gina Miller #homophobia #transphobia barbwire.com

I would correct the name of the Planet Fitness policy. It’s not a “no judgment zone.” It’s a no common sense zone. Yet, this is only part of the logical fallout for a society that rejects transcendent moral truth, and instead, embraces degenerate perversity, insanely viewing it as “good,” “normal” and deserving of special rights, when it’s anything but.

The radical homosexual movement has shown that it will not stop its evil campaign to force on society the mainstream acceptance, and even celebration, of abominable sexual behavior. What began several decades ago as a not-so-humble effort to get homosexuals “out of the closet,” has turned into a full-blown crusade to viciously crush any opposition to all aspects of in-your-face displays of sexual degeneracy.

Planet Fitness is not alone among large corporations that have bent in submission to the dark will of this evil movement. Many, if not most, of the big companies have implemented policies of workplace acceptance of “out and proud” homosexuals and so-called “transgenders,” people who are under the delusion that they are the opposite sex. At the expense of the rights of the vast majority of employees in these companies, men who dress like women are allowed to come to work in such grotesque costume and even use the women’s restroom, and employees are not permitted to object to this blatant lunacy.

The bit of good news in this story is that Planet Fitness is losing members over this insane policy. There are still plenty of rational people among us who see through this “transgender” nonsense and understand that a man can never become a woman, nor a woman a man, and that it is simply wrong to allow men into the private dressing rooms and restrooms used by women. This is an argument that needs no defense, and yet we are living in a time in which truth and reason are being trampled under the dirty feet of Hell’s minions, a mentally deranged time in which truth and reason are outrageously becoming casualties at the hands of homofascists and their supporters.

Thisoldspouse #fundie barbwire.com

I don't believe in atheists, because their position is logically untenable. If they were honest, they would endorse complete anarchy, because the concepts of right and wrong are as intangible and unprovable as God is, and laws speak to the concepts of right and wrong.

Wootsauce #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

[On same-sex marriage]

Wootsauce: Canada? You use Canada, where one can be jailed for calling homosexuality a sin, as your example for "freedom and equality"??

jillybean: I do know something about this. You are free in Canada to say that the Bible teaches homosexual conduct is a sin. You are not free to use language that seems intended to incite hatred and violence towards homosexuals.

Wootsauce: Slippery slope there.

Linda Wall #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

[E]ach year when Christmas rolls around I want to climb up on a rooftop somewhere and shout “Jesus isn’t in the manger anymore!” When I was sitting on a pew in Talbot Park Baptist Church thirty-three years ago, yearning to be free from homosexuality, I didn’t need a baby in the manger; I didn’t need an empty cross or empty tomb. I needed a touch from the resurrected Jesus Christ.


I was fortunate that I had never been told the “gay gene lie,” so I did not entertain the thought I was born this way and stuck forever in homosexuality. I did know though that no matter how hard I tried not to be a lesbian I could not stop myself. I was so tired and wanted out of it.

So, what did I really believe about Jesus Christ? If I believed Jesus was the same as yesterday, all I needed to do was call upon Him. I had the pre-requisites: a broken heart, a contrite spirit, burdened and heavy laden. But did I have the faith the size of a mustard seed that He could free me from the chains of sexual sin?

I recalled all of the miracles Jesus had performed when He walked the earth: restoring sight to the blind, enabling the lame to wall, healing lepers and even raising the dead. If He were alive and not just a historical figure, He could certainly heal me of homosexuality.

I cried out to Him and He showed up. The encounter was quite supernatural. He touched my life the same way I had heard and read about in centuries past. He forgave me; He healed me; He restored me. He became an active part of my daily life and still is to this day.

Truth Offends #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

In America, homosexuals are NOT being discriminated against.
There is NO good reason to elevate homosexuals (the most celebrated group of people in America today) by giving them special protection against discrimination–something that does not exist!
The only purpose I can see for elevating homosexuals by adding “sexual orientation” to the list of enumerated groups contained in anti-discrimination laws is to mandate government enforcement of anti-Christian bigotry.

Michex #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

It's so easy to know what homosexuals will and will not, in general, support.
If it's liberal or requires the state forcing people to do something, or offends tradition or religion, homo-fascists support it. Homosexuals tend to support things that tear society apart and that involve sex, with which they are obsessed.
The Homo-Imperialists even want to be able to dictate what happens in Africa.
I wonder if homosexuals are even real Americans. I think in some ways they hate America and are nihilists.

Gina Miller and Rush Limbaugh #fundie #homophobia #wingnut barbwire.com

On Wednesday, I was glad to hear Rush Limbaugh state the plain truth of the matter on his national radio show. I greatly appreciate and admire Rush, and what he does chose to cover, he covers with brilliant insight, stellar wit and spot-on analysis. He is a presenter of common-sense truth regarding the politics of our country, and he is the best of the best, period. Before recent months, Rush has mostly stayed away from addressing militant homosexualism. I don’t blame him, because it takes a brave person to be willing to simply tell the truth about homosexual militants and what’s at the heart of their agenda. To speak out with the truth will certainly bring down vicious, lying, personal attacks by these homosexualist pushers of “tolerance,” and Rush gets enough lunacy directed at him and his advertisers, as it is.

Nevertheless, Rush calmly stated exactly what we’ve been saying for a while now—that the real target of this movement (of the Left, broadly, and homosexualists, specifically)—is Christianity. On Wednesday, in speaking about the same-sex “marriage” debate, Rush played a sound bite of Marco Rubio saying that we’re on the verge of Christian teaching being declared to be “hate speech.” Then, Rush said:

“Do you think Rubio’s got a point there? You better. I tell you, you better not sweep this away, folks. You better not think this is a little bit over the top. He is right on the money. In fact, I would even go further. I think mainstream Christianity is the target and has been for I can’t tell you how long. Before I was born. Christianity has been the biggest enemy of the American left — well, any left. Organized religion in general, but Christianity is the number one enemy of these people.”

That’s it! And, I’m so glad that Rush came out and said it plainly. In doing so, he reached many more people than my little columns could reach. While it’s good that a high-profile radio host like Rush is now addressing this threat, and I’m thankful he’s doing it, it may be too little, too late.

We stand today in a nation that has become deeply corrupt, steeped in sin and clearly falling under the Lord’s judgment for it. The church has been largely silent for decades as the corruption has metastasized, and now all our institutions are run by those clinging to the poison of Godless, tyrannical ideology. Our kids are being indoctrinated in the public schools to believe everything but God’s moral truth. Our federal government has been taken over by communists who are hell-bent on destroying the foundation of freedom on which our nation was built. In addition, we have a man in the White House who has done more than any past president to push the devilish radical homosexual agenda. Countless millions of dollars have been spent on the homosexualist propaganda campaign, which has also been exported around the world from the United States. This does not end well.

As we await the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage—a ruling, by the way, it has NO authority to make—many of us dread that the Court will side with perverse sexual degeneracy in the destruction of the meaning of marriage. With this, we will see a further erosion of our fundamental freedoms. This is inevitable, and it’s the goal of the reprobates leading this movement, because whether these pawns of the devil realize it or not, they are his pawns and are being willingly manipulated to do Satan’s dark will.

James Bell #homophobia barbwire.com

Normal people are not defined by sexuality but "the homosexual" is defined by homosexuality. Its important to understand the difference between a human being and a homosexual, they are two completely different things.

MichaelVWilson #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Redefining marriage to include homosexuals will affect Christians in ways the 1973 abortion decision never did. As evil as abortion is, many Christians turn a blind eye to it because, for the most part, it doesn’t involve them personally. I wish it weren’t so, but the truth is what it is. Homosexual “marriage” though, is a horse of a different color.

If the Supreme Court decides in favor of homosexuals, they’ll have a tool at their disposal which will enable to them to spread out, going to every church in America, demanding to be married. When the pastors refuse, they’ll call the police, demanding their arrest for “discrimination” and, furthermore, insisting the church be padlocked until the congregation agrees to change its doctrinal stance on the issue. Many police departments will acquiesce rather than face legal problems for refusing.

At this point it will suddenly become very real for many Christians. They’ll wake up to the fact their existence is being outlawed, and like anyone else, they’ll fight back by means fair or foul. When survival is on the line, Marquess of Queensbury Rules go out the window. We can already see our homosexual enemies don’t know the meaning of ‘restraint,' so unless we stop this now while there is still time; it will get very ugly, very fast.

Tristan Emmanuel #fundie barbwire.com

I expect godless people to behave in a reprehensible manner. And true to form a legion of atheists unleashed a tirade of hate mail in an effort to intimidate me because of last week’s column. Laughably they all insisted— while calling me every derogatory name possible — that they are the defenders of free speech. Their insatiable lust to slander and spread slurs prove only one point: They are children of the Devil who also slanders the people of God.


First, I did not condone or advocate for the physical torture of Bill-asphemous Maher. The headline was a question, not an assertion nor an affirmation of the penal sanctions for blasphemy.

Second, the purpose of my piece was to expose the mealy-mouthed and utterly incomprehensible passivity of evangelicals in North America who don’t get upset when God is mocked in public. And boy how you proved me right!

Well, actually you proved me wrong — kind of. You proved that you actually can get worked up but over the wrong things and with the wrong person.


Now, instead of getting exercised over blasphemy, Christians say nothing. And what makes this so much more egregious is that they have all the freedom in the world to speak up in the USA.

Furthermore, saying I advocate for the restoration of penal sanctions, like those in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, is a fabricated lie. What I said was I lament that America had struck down blasphemy laws, i.e. the principle. This is very different from saying I am upset that American no longer whips blasphemers like Maher.

In both Britain and Canada, for example, we still had blasphemy laws on the books no less then ten years ago. The penalties — the penal sanctions — were fines and possible imprisonment, not hangings and whippings, but this is beside the point.

So for the Oscar-lite-weights, what this means is that one can advocate for the law-principle, while not advocating for a particular type of punishment, which historically was left to the discretion of the courts.

Gina Miller #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

I do not fear homosexuals, irrationally or otherwise. Anyone who speaks unequivocally of the immoral, unnatural and very unhealthy reality of homosexual behavior is invariably maligned as being “homophobic.” Superficially it doesn’t even make sense, but when you look a little deeper, it should occur to any thinking man that those of us who speak boldly against this diabolical movement are in reality the opposite of “homophobic.” If I am unafraid to call a spade a spade, then how can I be accused of being afraid of the spade? It’s nonsense, but homosexual activists don’t let sense impede their wrong-headed assertions and twisted agenda.

While I do not concede the faulty premise of the sham term “homophobia,” I can tell you that if there is anything close to “homophobia” out there, it is found in people who bow in subservience to the perverse demands of the homosexual movement. It is the people who run corporations who fear lawsuits by these activists, and who cast aside the rights and concerns of their employees to accommodate the small percentage of deviants who insist on imposing their degenerate bedroom habits on their coworkers and workplaces.

If “homophobia” were a real thing, it would describe the behavior of politicians and managers and leaders of companies, schools, churches and institutions who abandon their moral convictions and compromise their principles in obeisance to what they inherently know is wrong. Why do they do this? Their “homophobia” (which, in truth, is just cowardice) directs them, because it is out of fear of media attacks, lawsuits, loss of employment, even fear of the disapproval of others, that they step aboard the hijacked-rainbow express. But using the term “homophobia” to describe what is simply cowardice isn’t right, because the fact is that “homophobia” is a phony construct of the radical Left. It is a word weapon with a false meaning.

We have allowed the Left to abuse and distort our language for so long that we may not be able to gain control of the national dialogue. We are also at a disadvantage in that the powers of the air — the media, entertainment, Hollywood, and the rest — are controlled by leftists, so naturally they determine the “memes” and the terms. Neither does it help our cause that the younger generations are being dumbed down to the point that many of them leave school unable to write a coherent paragraph, much less have a strong grasp on the meaning of words and why it matters. But, that’s just the way the anti-American, anti-freedom, Godless Left likes it. Dumb people are as malleable as the “new” term “gender,” and they can easily be made to proudly and stupidly embrace their chains by the powerful, evil tyrants who have a very good grasp on the English language.

Gina Miller #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

...even though no reference to “homosexual,” or any of the rest of the Alphabet Soup Perversity Brigade is mentioned in the [MS] legislation, homosexual activists are still waging war against the new law. Now, they have created window stickers for businesses that state, “We don’t discriminate. If you’re buying, we’re selling.” The sticker has a rainbow-colored line running through its center.

As they do in every aspect of their anti-Christian, freedom-robbing agenda, they lie about the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, insisting it will open the door to a flood of anti-homosexual “discrimination,” with Christian businesses owners refusing to do business with people simply because they’re sodomites. That’s not happening, but these people don’t let truth or reason even come close to getting in their way, because if there were even one case of a “Christian” business owner telling a homosexual, “We don’t serve your limp-wristed kind in here,” it would be blaring headline news from coast to coast, world without end.

Bryan Fischer #fundie barbwire.com

If there is any one thing the Mississippi constitution flatly and emphatically prohibits, it is a "marriage" between two lesbians. When the issue was on the ballot, 86% of voters in the Magnolia State pulled the lever for natural marriage.

Two lesbians getting married could not possibly be more illegal and unconstitutional anywhere in the United States than in Mississippi.

So how did lesbians NLF (initials used to shield their identity) and JRW get married last week in Mississippi and get an official marriage license to post proudly on Facebook? They committed biological fraud, that's how.

"Natalie" (not her real name) is so sexually confused she apparently believes she is a man trapped inside a woman's body, despite the fact that her DNA is 100% female and will be until the day she dies. She is a woman in every, single solitary cell of her body. Her birth certificate identifies her as female and will until the day she dies.


Natalie does not need to be enabled in this self-destructive path, she needs to be helped. Given the exceptionally high suicide rate among transgenders, she needs the kind of therapy that will help her reconcile her psychological identity with her biological one. She needs the kind of help that will enable her to leave the lesbian/transgender lifestyle altogether. Simple human compassion calls for nothing less.


This clearly is not a "marriage" that is permissible in Mississippi. Mississippi authorities, including the governor and attorney general, should immediately step in and invalidate this license.

And Mississippi's policy on transgenderism, if it permits this grotesque caricature of marriage, must be immediately changed.

Other states with marriage amendments in place should be on notice that Big Gay has found a way to bypass the will of the people and the supreme law of the state through fakery and pretense.

If Mississippi doesn't deal with this quickly, I expect we will soon see this couple featured on the cover of magazines and the front page of newspapers all across the fruited plain. They will be celebrated as the lesbians who pulled off an amazing feat: convincing good-hearted Mississippians to violate their own constitution under the color of the law.

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

[This Christian Conservative decides to play 20 questions.]

. Perhaps it is time for me to encourage YOU to think. So here are 20 questions for you.

If an unborn baby is not alive, why are its body parts of value?

If there is a “separation between the church and state”, why has the government spent so much money on a religious leader’s visit?

If Tea Party folks are so racist why do they like Ben Carson?

If the U.S. Supreme Court were to rule that it is “legal” for men to have sex with young boys, would it be legal?


Is there any country in the world where LGBT, blacks, Hispanics, women, Muslims, or other minorities have more rights than they do in the U.S.?

Are societal standards determined by a vote of unelected judges?

If Muslims are so peaceful, why is our government killing so many of them overseas?

If homosexuals are “born that way”, how about pedophiles, bi-sexuals, and bigots?

If it is “hateful” for a Christian to speak out against homosexuality, why is it not “hateful” for a homosexual to speak out against Christianity?


Is being a Christian and being a Conservative the same thing?

If President Obama is a Christian, why do so many people think he’s a Muslim?

If Planned Parenthood is so concerned about women, and since they receive $500 million in government aid, why aren’t the abortions free?

If the US Government is a corporation wouldn’t Donald Trump be the most qualified candidate to run it?

If homosexuality and cigarette smoking are both behaviors why do our schools approve of one and disapprove of the other?

Why do the names Common Core and Communism sound so much alike?

Bill Muelenberg #wingnut #conspiracy barbwire.com

One of the most frightening and characteristic features of a police state is the terrible occurrence of being woken in the middle of the night by state security forces. Whether it was Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, or Mao’s China, this was an ever-present reality and fear for many millions of ordinary citizens.

No one was safe. At any time the police forces could be at your door, and the next thing you know you are dragged off by the authorities, often never to be seen again. And usually absolutely no crime was committed – it is just that the state saw you as a threat to their existence.

Of course millions of people were rounded up in such totalitarian societies, and millions were killed. Individual dignity, humanity and freedom meant nothing to these ugly statists. Only the good of the Fatherland or the New Man or the utopian state or whatever mattered.

We soon will celebrate the 70th anniversary of D-Day, in which brave lads from the free world sacrificed their lives to put an end to such tyranny and injustice. The horrible reality of Nazi Germany had to be resisted, and countless lives were lost to keep the world free of such evil.

But the almost unthinkable is now happening: the once free world is well on its way to becoming another police state. Even though so many lives were lost and so much blood was shed seven decades ago, it seems that we have not learned the lessons of history.

Instead, we are simply repeating its mistakes. I have been warning for decades now – to mostly deaf ears unfortunately – that we in the West are headed in a very precarious direction. But the loss of freedoms and the restriction of our liberties are not happening overtly, but covertly.

And the means by which democracy is slowly but surely disappearing are very sneaky, incremental, and piece-meal. We don’t even know it is happening. Indeed, it is often occurring through what seems to be all rather sensible and necessary legislation.

Thus we have things like anti-discrimination laws; equal opportunity legislation; racial and religious vilification acts; and so-called hate speech laws springing up everywhere in the West. Again, they sound like they might be useful things to have, but they are mostly nefarious laws which are mainly aimed at silencing unpopular people with unpopular opinions.

The forces of political correctness – most notably the radical homosexual lobby and the Islamic lobby – have used these laws to silence all opposition to their causes. My new book will document hundreds of examples of this happening at the hands of the radical homosexualists.

Indeed, my recent time in Europe and England greatly alarmed me. The iron fist of the homosexual juggernaut is utterly frightening to behold. The ordinary citizen seems to be quite powerless to resist it in any way. Any faulty (non-PC) thought or speech is quickly and mercilessly pounced upon by the militant homosexual activists and their stooges in the state apparatus.


We are all at risk now. Of course some people will not suffer in the least. Those cowardly and compromised Christians who urge us to just get along with, and accommodate ourselves to, the homosexual agenda, or the creeping sharia agenda, will not be in any trouble.

Their craven appeasement and capitulation will put them in good standing with the activists – at least temporarily. But when these militants really get into power, especially the Islamists, the first ones to lose their heads will be these “useful idiots,” as Lenin referred to them.

Friends, we are in a war. Every day the other side is getting further emboldened to carry out their fascist agendas. And all the while, most Christians are snoozing right through all this. They don’t seem to know and they don’t seem to care. And they have blood on their hands as a result.

Julio Severo #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

[The U.S. Department of State and USAID hosted a global conference on LGBT rights.]

If Sodom gave the world an untrained and unsophisticated homosexual militancy, America can be proud that she has surpassed Sodom, by giving the world an aggressive, trained and sophisticated homosexual militancy.


God turned Sodom into ashes. America is distinguishing herself by making Sodom global and refined. She is spreading the Sodom ashes around the world to sow a new, bigger and global Sodom.


To advance the gay agenda, America wants to make the world as wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah were.


The U.S. is homosexualizing the world by funding and training the international homosexual militancy.

Dr. Michael Brown #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

[The Chicago Theological Seminary, a LGBT-inclusive seminary, had openly gay professor Ken Stone give a pro-LGBT speech in commemoration of its 150th anniversary. It also handed out some condoms for a pride event.]

In the case of this seminary, which has long departed from biblical foundations, there's another lesson we can learn, namely that the embrace of homosexual practice is not so much an advance in "tolerance" as much as it is a plunge into sexual anarchy, as demonstrated by the condom distribution event.

This is a major point I make in my forthcoming book Outlasting the Gay Revolution: Where Homosexual Activism is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide.

There I note that:

"We are more accepting of homosexuality today because our sexual morals our lower, not because we are more enlightened. Put another way, the gay revolution is not the successor of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s; it is the successor of the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Getting a grasp on this, we get a grasp on where our culture is really headed, helping us recognize that our embrace of homosexuality (even the more committed, less promiscuous kind) is part of our larger descent into sexual anarchy."


This means that what is happening at Chicago Theological Seminary is not taking place in a moral and spiritual vacuum. Instead, all these branches of sexual anarchy go back to the same root, namely, the rejection of spiritual authority. We think we know better than God!


To repeat: Contemporary America's embrace of homosexual practice is part and parcel of America's descent into sexual anarchy, which not only includes the full embrace of fornication, cohabitation, and having kids out of wedlock, but the celebration of polygamy, polyamory, and "swinging" on reality TV, not to mention nude dating shows and the like.

The good news (which forms Principle #3 in Outlasting the Gay Revolution) is that "Sexual Purity Trumps Sexual Anarchy," and if we walk in holiness and live in purity, by God's grace and empowerment, we and our families will thrive while those who participate in the culture of sexual anarchy will gradually defeat themselves.

As for Chicago Theological Seminary, one thing they will not do is produce world-changing disciples of Jesus, unless they make a truly radical course correction.

Stranger things have happened, have they not?

Michex #homophobia #quack barbwire.com

Homosexuals always represent change therapy. That is, they LIE.
Change therapy is not intended to somehow magically change a homosexual into a heterosexual.
It is intended to try to change unwanted homosexual feelings (perhaps brought on by molestation) or homosexual behavior.
Like any behavior modification therapy, it sometimes is successful and sometimes is not.
No psychological talk therapy can be proven to work, and there are hundreds of them.
It is time for homosexuals to STOP YOUR LYING about change therapy, and let anyone who wants such therapy, including minors and their parents, to get it.
Be pro-choice when it comes to talk therapy.

Julio Severo and Levy Fidelix #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Former Brazilian presidential candidate Levy Fidelix was condemned by the São Paulo Supreme Court to pay a fine of R$ 1 million (over US$300,000) in a public civil action filed by the LGBT movement.

The condemnation, delivered Friday (March 14), deals with declarations that Catholic Fidelix made in an interview in a TV show September 28, 2014, where he said:

"The large intestine does not reproduce— How can I, a family man and a grandfather, be afraid of losing votes? I prefer not having such votes, but to be a moral father and a moral grandfather to teach his child, to instruct his grandchild. Let us end this. I just read that the Holy Father, the Pope, expelled a pedophile from the Vatican. He did very well. He is right! We train our children all their lives in a religious way so that they may really find a good family way."

Fidelix also recommended psychological treatment for homosexuals and he said that homosexuals should be kept away from families and their children.


Even not taking his religion in consideration, is his view different from what most Brazilians think? No. According to a study by an institute connected to the Workers’ Party, 99% of the Brazilian people are “homophobic,” that is, they have views contrary to homosexual behavior.

Today, Fidelix has been fined R$ 1 million for voicing a view against the obvious homosexual depravity. Tomorrow, ministers and priests and their members may be the next.

If the Brazilian people do not make demonstrations for Fidelix’s free speech, Cuba, Venezuela, Axelrod, Obama and other antifamily radicals are going to keep in the Brazilian presidency individuals committed to homosexual agenda.

Don Boys #racist #wingnut barbwire.com

Lincoln’s War of Northern Aggression against the genteel southland was not to free the slaves as Lincoln admitted, but he used it later as a ‘sales job’ to prosecute the war. Taxes, tariffs, and states’ rights to nullification were the original reasons brother fought brother with over 600,000 dead.

David Whitney #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Barronelle Stutzman the owner of Arlene’s Flowers Shop in Richland, Washington was ruled against by the Washington State Supreme Court. In 2013, a multi-year repeat customer asked her to provide the floral arrangements for his upcoming homosexual un-wedding ceremony. Mrs. Stutzman politely refused, explaining it would violate her religious beliefs on marriage. The homosexual “couple” responded by firing off a lawsuit against her with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union. The Benton County Court and the Washington State Supreme Court, have both ruled in favor of the homosexual pair, violating Stutzman’s right to freedom of religious exercise. The State Attorney General has also filed a lawsuit against Stutzman! These elected officials have put 72-year-old Stutzman at risk of not only losing her business but also her life savings and personal retirement assets.

What do American’s think about the persecution of Baronelle Stuzman as well as the persecution of many other Christian owners of wedding venues, bakers, photographers?

A survey done by Public Religion Research Institute – finding 58% of Americans support Homosexual Unmarraige “Weddings” and 42% of white Evangelical Protestants would force Christian business and ministries to provide services to these un-wedding events. So 58% of Americans are on board with the Washington Supreme Court and an astonishingly 42% of white Evangelical Protestants are all united in the commitment to force Christians to do things against their conscience especially when it comes to accommodations of homosexuals. This is a seismic shift away from the seventh and eighth commandment. So 42% of Evangelical Protestants want to persecute their fellow Christians who stand on the unchanging standard of God’s Law Word regarding marriage and sexual morality. So those who claim they are in the household of God, 42% of them are a huge problem in America! They want to come after their own brothers and sisters in Christ and cause them to be persecuted by the State for staying true to the Word of God.

So that is what a large swath of America thinks.

What does God think about those so called Christians? We don’t have to wonder for it is spelled out in the letter from Jesus to the Church of Thyatira. After commending them, “I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.”

So to put it mildly Jesus is not pleased. He is not pleased that there is a Jezebel in the church of America who is advocating for sexual immorality and which wants to persecute Christians who are faithful to their Lord and Savior. What has gone wrong with the spiritual harvest in American is akin to what was happening on the island of Crete. Turn to Titus 1:10 where Paul writing to his disciple tells him how to deal with the heresies of his day on Crete.

The Works Salvation Heresy – Titus 1:10-11 “For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake.”

Bryan Fischer #wingnut #homophobia #fundie barbwire.com

[Rentboy.com, a gay escort site, was taken down by the US government.]

Why would Obama suddenly bring the hammer down on homosexual prostitution?

Maybe, in the wake of the Ashley Madison hack, he wants to get all the client information from this website in federal custody to protect the identities of his political and social friends who may be customers.

Or Obama believes, with homosexuality being the flavor of the year in the world of sexual abnormality, this is the moment to haul homosexual prostitutes into court and get some federal judge to rule that prostitution cannot be made illegal under the United States Constitution.


And his best chance to get the favorable ruling he wants, given the current cultural zeitgeist, is if the defendants in courts are homosexual prostitutes rather than heterosexual ones. What politically correct judge today would dare to rule against the sin of sodomy anywhere at anytime?

In other words, Obama is pursuing this action not because he wants to punish homosexual prostitutes but because he wants the Supreme Court to exonerate them.

Bryan Fischer #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

While legislatures in a small number of states have legalized same-sex marriage in their jurisdictions, only 4.5% of the American people live instates where the people themselves, at the ballot box, have endorsed marriages based on the infamous crime against nature.

The rest of the 36 states where homosexuals can now get married have had same-sex marriages imposed on them by activist judges who have callously disenfranchised the 48 million people who voted for natural marriage at the ballot box.


[T]he issue now will be decided by one black-robed activist, Anthony Kennedy, who has written the most rabidly pro-homosexual opinions in the Court's history.

What is particularly terrible about all this is that Kennedy doesn't have to answer to anybody for his decision. This is absolutely and tragically un-American.

This is a constitutional and democratic travesty. This is not how the republic created by the Founders was designed to settle important matters of public policy. The first words in the Constitution, after all, are not "We the Unelected, Unaccountable, Tyrannical Judges."

The Constitution is utterly silent on the subject of marriage. This means, according to the Constitution the Founders crafted, the issue is reserved by the 9th and 10th Amendments exclusively and entirely to the States.

There's no use appealing to the 14th Amendment, because it doesn't say anything about marriage either. The 14th Amendment cannot possibly be used to justify homosexual marriage since homosexual conduct was a crime in every state in the Union at the time it was passed.

It is impossible to overestimate the damage that will be done to our constitutional republic if Justice Kennedy imposes homosexual marriage on the entire nation in blatant defiance of the people.

Bryan Fischer #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

The Boy Scouts have made a fearful and fatal decision to allow homosexuals to serve as mentors to young boys. This will be and should be the end of this once noble organization.

Why? Because of the well-established link between homosexuality and pedophilia.


Now we may freely stipulate that heterosexuals offend against children as well. But when we see such an alarming imbalance in the ratio at which homosexuals offend against children, it is the height of irresponsibility to deliberately place homosexuals in positions where they have frequent access to young boys. It is inexcusable and virtually criminal.


I predict the LDS church will bolt the Boy Scouts out of a desire to protect the young boys in Mormon families and to keep themselves from being bankrupted. If the LDS church allows homosexual scoutmasters, they will be in court until the end of time.

No father who is thinking clearly would put his young son in proximity to an adult homosexual. [...] Every dad who is aware and informed will flee the Boy Scouts and head for the refuge Trail Life USA affords. And they will do it today. Dads, you don't have a moment to lose. Protecting the sexual integrity of your young sons is just too important.

Bill Muehberg #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

When Orwell’s 1984 appeared in 1949, Stalinist Russia provided much of the fodder for his dystopian vision, and for the menacing Big Brother. Well, the Soviet Union is no more, but we can argue that Big Brother totalitarianism is still alive and well in the West today.

And without question the militant homosexual juggernaut is nicely filling in for where the Communists left off. The homosexual militants are using the coercive powers of the state to crack down on all disagreement and opposition. And it gets uglier each passing day.

I recently wrote a book documenting nearly 200 cases of people directly being impacted by the new pink totalitarians. Ordinary men and women who run afoul of the homosexual agenda are losing their jobs, being fined, and even jailed. And this has simply escalated big time since then.


Well, he took his case to an appeals court, and the decision has just come in: Phillips must bow to the activists and violate his conscience – end of story. Wow, so does that mean a Jewish baker will be forced to make a cake for a neo-Nazi social function?

Will a Muslim t-shirt company be forced to print t-shirts for Christians with the words “Jesus is God’s Son and Saviour” on it? Will homosexual florists be forced to cater for an anti-homosexual marriage function? Will atheist entertainers be forced to perform at Christian worship services?


And if you think that is a bit of a stretch to say people can be severely punished for hurting someone’s feelings, simply recall the recent case of a bakery in Oregon run by a Christian couple. They were fined $135,000 for causing ‘emotional distress’ to a lesbian couple for not making them a wedding cake! I wrote about that mind-numbing decision.

Make no mistake about it: Big Brother is alive and well, and he comes in six colours of the rainbow. Goodbye freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. Welcome to the Brave New World of homosexual totalitarianism.

Dr. Don Boys #homophobia barbwire.com

[On Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend on TV]

Sam has tenure since he is black, gay, and has a white lover. Wow, that’s more job security than a public school teacher has. He promised that “he was not going to promote his sexuality and that he was going to focus on playing football.” However, his focus and everyone’s focus was on Sam, his lover and “the kiss.” He did exactly the opposite of what he promised. Homosexuals have told us often and with volume that it is nobody’s business what two men do in their bedroom yet they shove their perversion into our faces with impunity. What else will they bring out of the bedroom?

I would be outraged if my children or grandchildren had seen that depravity. Even if one’s sexual activities are private in the bedroom, they should not be public on national television. However, they seem not to be interested in keeping them private. When will normal people start making such hypocrites pay for their deception? No decent person should watch ESPN again. In the interest of higher ratings or, conversely, in the interest in promoting perversion, the network has earned the disdain, distrust, and disgust of the American people. STOP is suggesting that anyone with a modicum of decency stop watching ESPN and NFL games.

Sam declared on a network television show, “I have gotten messages from college and NFL players and other athletes — about how courageous I was.” Oh, yes. Those fleeing the closet are always “courageous,” “brave,” “historic,” but never narcissistic, fame seekers, or manipulative. The fascists at the Homosexual Lobby are thrilled that Sam has strolled out of the closet in support of their twisted, tangled, tawdry agenda. The homosexual leaders are the most vile, vicious, and vitriolic people in the world. However, they label as haters and bigots those of us who disagree with them, criticize them, and declare that homosexuality is wrong, has always been wrong and will always be wrong and no President, Supreme Court or Legislature can change that fact.

President Obama even magnified the gross actions by gushing, “From the playing field to the corporate boardroom, LGBT Americans prove every day that you should be judged by what you do and not who you are.” I certainly agree with that but no one wants to discuss what homosexuals do! They don’t just lock lips, hold hands, and bake cookies. Want to discuss “fisting”? No, no, not that. Too gross. How about “rimming”? No, not that, for sure. Well, how about “water sports”? No, better not. So, we are not to make a judgment based on what they do. The whole bunch are sanctimonious hypocrites.

We have witnessed in a stunning short time the normalization of sodomy in America. It is strange that homosexuals can do, say and advocate almost anything, no matter how crude or lewd and when a normal person disagrees, he is plummeted into submission. Whatever happened to the right to discuss, debate, and disagree over an issue in a civil matter? Furthermore, the use of good, time-honored words such as “sodomite,” “pervert,” and “deviant” are not uncivil, unkind, or untrue.

Gina Miller #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

I call bunk on this claim that “prior work” has demonstrated that homosexual relationships support the development of “self-esteem” in young, sodomite men. Besides being utterly counterintuitive, it denies statistics on the high rate of depression, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, suicide and a host of other ills among homosexuals. And, “Homonegativity”? There’s a new one. I suppose this is their term to describe the natural revulsion normal people have for homosexual behavior. That’s beside the point, though. These people are using hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to recruit and study the anal sex experience of homosexual black male adolescents, which the study calls “adolescent men,” a contradictory name if I’ve ever heard one. This is not about men. It’s about boys. The study is being conducted at Johns Hopkins in the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute of Child Health & Human Development. I wonder if they are going to report to authorities those “adolescent men” whose sex partners are grown men. After all, there are laws against adults having sex with minor children, even if those kids are euphemistically called “adolescent men.”


Here is Barry Obama’s NIH at work for you! It seems there is a dearth of official knowledge about young black males’ same-sex anal encounters and whether or not they are “satisfied” with the encounters, so the solution? Study this vital issue! Who thought this was a good idea? Who saw this as a necessary way to spend American taxpayer money? This project is not set to expire until next year, probably after another round of funding. Maybe now would be a good time to alert your congressmen and senators to this detestable study. Be sure to read the entire synopsis linked above for the rest of the explanation (at least what they see fit to tell us about it).

Our nation has become a lunatic. With the steep rise in power and influence of the radical homosexual-“transgender” movement under Obama’s watch, we are seeing more and more insanity reign across the land. This study is one small example of the deep darkness that is smothering the United States. Common sense, truth and reason have fled, and in their place we have the perverse mind of Kinsey in positions of leadership from coast to coast.

Can this be turned back? I have my doubts. Because of the profusion of iniquity embraced in our nation, we are paying the inevitable price of rapidly-rising tyranny. Don’t doubt for a minute that the heart of the militant homosexual movement is tyrannical destruction. To destroy the moral foundations of America. To destroy the meaning of marriage. To destroy the reality and truth of human sexuality as it’s meant to be. To destroy the rights and freedoms of Christians and others to live their lives and run their businesses according to their conscience. To destroy the minds, bodies and spirits of the kids of America. And to usher in sexual anarchy and tyranny in the United States of America.

Gina Miller #homophobia #fundie barbwire.com

HRC Targets Little Kids with Homosexual Indoctrination

It's bad enough that radical homosexualists are targeting Christian businesses, state laws protecting marriage and other "grown up" institutions, but what's worse is that this evil movement has in its twisted cross-hairs your little children in public schools, children who are too young to be introduced to sex lessons, much less the perverse, abominable concept of homosexual behavior.


Major corporations are donating massive amounts of money to the despicable HRC and its aggressive efforts to warp the minds of our nation's children, as well as spread the tyrannical homosexualist program all across America. [...] To see corporate America paying tribute to the diabolical homosexualist movement is gut-wrenching. I wonder how many leaders of these companies understand that HRC perverts are targeting little kids with their evil lies that bury the truth about the dangerous, immoral homosexual lifestyle. These people are working like devils to commandeer the minds of young children in the United States, to infuse support and a positive view of homosexual behavior, to regard it as "normal." That's what this public school program of the HRC is all about, to capture the affinity of the next generation in order to squash moral objection to the infamous crime against nature.


We must remember that the very freedoms of American citizens are targets of the radical homosexualists, and specifically, Christianity and its free expression. As I have said before, the outlawing of Christianity is one of the chief goals of this movement, because Christians are among the very few who are willing to stand in moral opposition to the wicked agenda of the homosexualists. Because of that pesky Constitution, they can't yet come right out and outlaw the following of Jesus in the public square, so they are working to accomplish the same thing by using homosexual activists as tools to push for "non-discrimination" laws and to abolish the meaning of marriage. When they destroy marriage, it will ultimately become illegal to refuse to accommodate the grotesque homosexual parody of marriage in any way. Between that and "non-discrmination" laws that will make it illegal to, say, take a pass on hiring a man who insists on dressing like a woman, they will effectively outlaw any act of conscientious objection to all aspects of in-your-face sexual perversion. There goes your freedom of conscience and your freedom to live your Christianity openly.

These are serious dangers to our free Republic, and while we must resist this hell-born movement, we must also do what we can to shield our children in the public schools from the diabolical indoctrination of these agents of darkness. We can also let the corporate dupes who fund the devilry of the HRC know what we think of their complicity in pumping homosexualist poison into the minds and hearts of our nation's kids.

Gina Miller #fundie #homophobia #transphobia barbwire.com

I have repeated myself over and over again for years now. The homosexual movement, including its related perversions like “transgenderism,” has nothing to do with “equality” or marriage (other than to destroy it). It’s about the destruction of freedom, and specifically, the destruction of Christian freedom. Truth does not change, and the truth about homosexuality does not change. Homosexual behavior is sin. It’s destructive and dangerous. It’s unnatural. It’s immoral. It’s a gross perversion of God’s design for human sexuality. It’s naturally repulsive to those who retain a functioning moral compass. The same goes for “transgenderism.” People who imagine or pretend that they are members of the opposite sex are in open, degenerate rebellion against God, reality and nature. Whether this is due to mental illness or not, it’s still dead wrong.

The God-haters in this movement and their fellow travelers in positions of power will not stop until Christianity is criminalized. At its heart, this is a manifestation of the battle Satan has waged against God and His people. It is demonic influence that drives these homosexuals to target Christians, in order to crush their freedoms. This county clerk in Kentucky is a target because she is a Christian. These Godless degenerates now have the force of bad law on their side. Bad law—immoral law—is tyranny. Tyranny is what Satan desires over humanity, and he will get it, as the Bible has forewarned us.

The radical homosexual movement is one of the foremost tools the devil is using to topple our freedom, and if we had a thousand county clerks like Kim Davis stand up to this lawless edict from the federal courts, we might stand a chance of beating it back. But there are not many Christians of such courage today.

Dark times are falling on this nation, and there are numerous fronts of evil that are working in concert to destroy the Godly foundation of freedom upon which the United States was founded. Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) is an enemy of all that is right and true, and he is certainly a treasonous enemy of our country. He is a strong supporter and pusher of the militant homosexual agenda. He is part of God’s judgment on this wayward nation that has forcefully expelled God from the public square. Whether it’s the communistic “global warming” agenda, the homosexualist agenda or even the lunatic “black lives matter” racist agenda, all these are heads of the same tyrannical hydra. They all seek to bring tyranny down on the American people.

While these agents of Satan may have awful success here in the short term, in the very end they will lose in a big and terrible way. While we can and should resist their devilish efforts to turn America into a third-world hell-hole of despotism, those of us who belong to God through Jesus Christ know that Jesus has already won the war at the cross. Our spiritual enemies now stand forever defeated, although they still have great power for a short time until the Lord’s return.

Jeff Allen #wingnut #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

By a 2-1 vote, a panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Google’s argument that the removal of the film “Innocence of Muslims” amounted to a violation of their First Amendment constitutional protection of the freedom of speech.

The plaintiff in the case, Cindy Lee Garcia, who has faced “serious threats against her life,” objected to the film being posted on YouTube on the basis of copyright infringement because she claims that the clip was originally filmed for a different project, which eventually fell through. However, the filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula later dubbed the scene into the “Innocence of Muslims” without her consent. In her video appearance, Garcia is heard asking: “Is your Mohammed a child molester?” (Even if this clip was recorded for another project, doesn’t Garcia realize that the Islamo-fascists would have been just as equally livid even if her scene were part of a different film?)


So what is the message that we are sending to the Islamo-fascists through such a ridiculous legal decision? Simply this, that threats and acts of violence are an effective method of coercion—

That America will back down to its enemies—

That terrorism will be rewarded—

That our Constitution will be suspended due to fear.

To those of the Muslim mindset, Judge Kozinksi’s order is viewed as an undeniable display of weakness, and we are, in effect, inviting additional future attacks.

President Obama and many of our leaders have been belly-aching and talking about exerting excessive pressure on Uganda because of that nation’s recent so-called “anti-gay” law, but in reality every sharia-compliant nation in the world has the exact same kind of laws on the books. What’s the reason for the Obama administration’s obvious silence and policy inconsistency? The reason is simple—they’re frightened by the Islamo-fascists, and they have therefore implemented a policy of placation when it comes to the Muslim world.


In America, there also seems to be a peculiar, unholy alliance between the Isamo-fascists and the homo-fascists. How can such a thing be the case since Islam is so diametrically opposed to homosexuality? Because, as has often been said, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” The Islamic and homosexual extremists currently share a common adversary. They both have in mind the destruction Christianity and the Judeo-Christian foundations of Western Civilization. What the homosexuals haven’t seemed to think about is what would happen if their devious plan were to succeed. Of course, I know that this will not happen because Christ and Christianity will ultimately triumph. However, just for the sake of illustrating the ridiculousness of their unholy alliance, let me make one final point. If the truly tolerant and moderating influence of Christianity were ever taken out of the way, the Muslims would quickly turn on their perversity-pushing homosexual friends. The Quran mandates the death penalty for homosexual offenders. And they think, Christians are “anti-gay?” When it comes to militant Islam, the homosexuals ain’t seen nothing yet.

Jason Salamone #homophobia #kinkshaming barbwire.com

As far as HIV goes, it’s only common sense that an increase of using the rectum, which primary purpose is waste disposal, for sexual intercourse, is going to increase HIV infection rates, not decrease them. If a man has anal sex with a woman, he is committing a homosexual act on a woman, being that in homosexual acts the rectum is always the substitute for the vagina, so think about that next time you want to degrade your wife—even if she says she enjoys it—that doesn’t make the act less degrading or more right.


Same-sex “marriage” is legislation that endorses and affirms homosexual sex as a positive good. It is a sexual behavior that is not equal to sex between a man and a woman; again, different behaviors result in different outcomes—.and it is definitely NOT a positive good. The fact is, homosexual sex is an unnatural and unhealthy practice, and should be discouraged at least the same way we discourage cigarette smoking.

Again, same sex “marriage” is an endorsement of a very risky behavior, so we must constantly point out the health risks associated with it.


Pornography, even man-woman porn is homosexual in nature, because it takes sex and degrades it to be about self pleasure for the viewer. Homosexuality is about an attraction towards “sameness.” And since pornography directs pleasure towards self-arousal, and does so initially even when watched with a partner, it has the same narcissistic element to it. This is difficult to explain and hard for the average person to understand at first, but as you continue your walk towards being more Christ-like, it will begin to make sense. Avoiding pornography is a key element in helping overcoming same sex attraction.

Linda Harvey #fundie barbwire.com

The notion that our minor children should become comfortable with the opposite sex boldly entering sex-segregated bathrooms, locker rooms and showers is not only ridiculous, but dangerous.

The bathroom door is a healthy boundary, one we should preserve for lots of reasons.

With school now in session, parents are already watching administrators respond to one or two students' confused identity crises by upending sex segregation throughout the system. Children and their parents must overcome "fearful" thinking, some school officials believe, and shock is one of the tactics being used.

The idea is, the only way to get this revolution started is to push the boundaries and see if parents push back. But your tax dollars pay for the deliberate degradation of vulnerable children.

Why? Because the most effective tool for revolution is sexual confusion and corruption.

By late middle school, the insurrection in the hearts of our precious children is pretty much completed. It happens incrementally with signs along the way for alert parents.

Little Ashley won't come home tomorrow from fifth grade and say, "Today, Dad, I lost 20% of my respect for your authority, our nation, the reliability of Scripture and sound moral values." The good news is that many families support honest instruction plus responsible boundaries.


We have no moral, ethical or educational obligation to honor the delusions in a child's mind, nor in an adult's mind, for that matter. On the contrary we have every moral obligation to guide that child to a place where he or she becomes comfortable with reality, not with mental illness.


Drawing honorable boundaries and keeping them there is a no-brainer, regardless of the corrupt psychologists, homosexual activists, Democrat lawyers or administrators who push the opposite.

What about privacy rights and modesty concerns for the other students, both boys and girls?

Gender-confused kids are being encouraged to pursue a false identity they can never achieve. They are also being enabled in an entitlement mentality, one that believes they "deserve" what they want, justified or not.


It would be interesting to track the lives of some of these kids at the center of school gender controversies. As they age, the number of times they pitch a fit and demand to get their way is likely to be higher than average. Is entitlement a healthy lesson to teach any teen?

No responsible school should allow the gender anarchists to manipulate them, but school conflicts are happening on a weekly basis now.

Far from a "grass roots" movement, this is a top-down, agenda-driven scheme with local kids as useful, temporary tools. Significant financial and career rewards await those "professionals" who defend "LGBT" rights in schools by normalizing mental illness and child corruption.


The lieutenants in this revolution are now firmly ensconced in government schools, because we the people have let them gain entry and remain. But make no mistake: their goal is not the preservation of American ideals of family and freedom. Their goals are what they have been indoctrinated to see as nobler principles: global citizenship, multiculturalism, leftwing "justice," and sexual sin empowerment.

The most compassionate thing any parent can do is to remove your kids from the public schools as soon as you can. But if you stay, don't sit on the sidelines.

Get in the game and stay there.

Laurie Higgins #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

These children will suffer when mothers and fathers in normal relationships prohibit their children from spending time in homes in which perversion is embraced and affirmed. Homosexual activists will try to blame conservatives for the sadness children raised by homosexuals will feel when their friends cannot play at their homes. But the ultimate cause for their sadness will rest with the selfish decisions of homosexual adults who insist not only on embracing perversion as identity but also on acquiring children. No responsible parent ought to allow their young children to spend time in a home in which homoeroticism is affirmed. Prohibiting young children from being exposed to such wickedness is not hateful even though, tragically, other young children will feel sad. Homosexuals intuitively know that young children and even teens have a limited capacity for moral reasoning. Homosexuals know that if children perceive someone as kind, they are predisposed to think of everything they do as good. Through their relationships with other people’s children (including in public schools), homosexuals seek to transform their moral views of homoerotic relationships.

james #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

It is fascism when Christians are being fired from TV shows for stating their deeply held religious convictions. It is fascism when Homosexuals try to tell parents they cannot get their confused child psychological or spiritual help. It is homosexual fascism when homosexuals can come into schools and push their agenda on 5 year year old children, but teaching abstaining from sex to High School kids is treated like a strange course of action. It is homosexual fascism when anyone in this world says that being homosexual is unnatural and sin in their eyes and then is called hatefilled. Deal with realities sir....the homosexual agenda today represents fascism....Further, the state cannot institute marriage really anyway...Only the Christian Church in its orthodox form can declare a man and a woman married....That is reality as we see marriage as a Holy sacrament between a man and a woman....No other type of couple qualifies no matter how they want to try and force change from their own desire to destroy an institution. Yes destroy as all the so called gays i have spoke too have told me they want marriage done away with ....Well thats never Going to happen as long as the church is in session and as Jesus said, "the gates of hell shall never prevail".....