All I could think of is that many of those people with autistic kids bought the book assuming it was a nice touching human-interest thing from a fellow parent of an autist about lovingly coping, only to get disgusted when they find out it’s the screed of a monster who hates her kid.
Either that or sales were artificially-inflated. Or bought in bulk due to word of mouth by hordes of wingnuts, Alt-Wrongs and the “Autism is hurr hurr/LULZ/Edgy!” crowd. I refuse to believe that nice normal people are big on this book.
And that harpy’s response to critics is the classic “I was only joking” response. What a bitch!
On the bright side; The sons are aware (there’s three of them and more than one is the subject of the book), are getting supporters and could even write a rebuttal.
Look; I don’t deny that raising a kid with ANY disability is hard and I understand why folks would be frustrated but to write all this stuff THEN respond to critics not with contrition but with more nastiness shows this woman isn’t merely a frustrated parent but an sociopathic creep who hates autists and likely resents being a mom, period!
Ms. Newman is also a misogynistic, transphobic reprobate who stated she wanted to deck her own best friend because the latter lovingly and fully supported her transgendered kid…
…Explains a LOT. Newman is likely a bigoted wingnut who (assuming she’s American) probably worships Trump, votes GOP, owns a MAGA hat and was probably a Teabagger. She and has a very Randian/Redbeard view of everything and thinks empathy, kindness and guilt are for the weak.
What gets me is that Jon Stewart apparently liked her book. JON! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS!