Consider the Horses #moonbat #sexist #transphobia
Learn the Difference - It Could Save Your Life!
1st pic)Womanism: There are no individual solutions to systemic and structural problems!
Radical Feminism: …And men and the patriarchy are such a systemic, structural problem!
Liberal “Feminism”: Although it depends on how, like, you identify? Like, my bxyfriend - who is also my BDSM Mxster - xe identifies as a hydrogender and, he, I mean, xe always says that, like, womxn like ximself are not accepted by wh*te TERFS? Despite xim employing so many womxn of color at the porn company xe owns? Like, feminism is not about hating men I mean womxn?
2nd pic)
Womanism: Pornography tells lies about women…
Radical Feminism: …but it tells the truth about men!
Liberal “Feminism”: Yikes, I literally can't even? That's, like, so white feminism? Like, my boyfriend, I mean my girlfriend ... who used to be my boyfriend before xe became my girlfriend, xe owns this porn company? And, like, they employ so many womxn of col*r and give them a chance to get off the street? And now they can work in "Anal Ghetto Sluts Destroyed" instead of being homeless? Why are TERFS so racist!?