Consider the Horses #moonbat #sexist #transphobia

Learn the Difference - It Could Save Your Life!



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Womanism: There are no individual solutions to systemic and structural problems!

Radical Feminism: …And men and the patriarchy are such a systemic, structural problem!

Liberal “Feminism”: Although it depends on how, like, you identify? Like, my bxyfriend - who is also my BDSM Mxster - xe identifies as a hydrogender and, he, I mean, xe always says that, like, womxn like ximself are not accepted by wh*te TERFS? Despite xim employing so many womxn of color at the porn company xe owns? Like, feminism is not about hating men I mean womxn?

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Womanism: Pornography tells lies about women…

Radical Feminism: …but it tells the truth about men!

Liberal “Feminism”: Yikes, I literally can't even? That's, like, so white feminism? Like, my boyfriend, I mean my girlfriend ... who used to be my boyfriend before xe became my girlfriend, xe owns this porn company? And, like, they employ so many womxn of col*r and give them a chance to get off the street? And now they can work in "Anal Ghetto Sluts Destroyed" instead of being homeless? Why are TERFS so racist!?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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