Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #quack #conspiracy

We got a Bird Flu kicking in.

Why now?

Elections 2024.

Why this now?

And WHY the Jew Robert Redfield, former CDC head, give the “Plandemic” a “not if” BUT when. [Clip]
Oy vey!

This will turn the goys heads every which way.

It starts with birds, on to chickens, then ducks, and geese, then to “mammals”—I mean cows—then SCREAM–onto the goyeem. [Clip SAME]
Of course he’s all for “GAIN OF FUNCTION.”

He quotes it to prove that once mammals have that infectuous “Bird Flu..”

…then it’s on to humans to humans…and then on to…HUMANS!

Ohh, those lockdowns are coming again.

Take Notice Mister Trump!

Listen to the noise.

Mail In Votes, I mean, a rigged election on steroids.

Oh, those poor birds!

They’re destined to die.

But Kamala may be sitting pretty come November 5!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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