Khornate Award

Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #psycho #transphobia

[From "White Pill: Russia Says They’ll Probably Go Ahead and Deploy Nukes Across Europe"]


Just nuke everything!



In an interview with RIA Novosti on Monday, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov insisted that if Western nations refuse to sign a moratorium on intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF) in Europe, Russia will be obliged to place the weapons in the European portion of its territory. Moscow has proposed the deal as part of a package of measures intended to defuse the ongoing crisis in Ukraine#

Putin, c’mon, bro

Let’s make it happen

Let the fire rain down and cleanse this filth!

The time is NOW NOW NOW!


The people demand NUCLEAR FIRE!

We’re already in a war, and it’s a lot worse than a nuclear war

If you don’t think a nuclear war would be better than this, then you are a child tranny lover and you’re going to Hell

It’s a war outside, it’s a war outside, it’s like the last days of Sodom and Gomorrah outside

Everything getting nuked is literally the second best possible outcome here. The first being that everyone who got vaxed just dies very quickly

Not sure what the third best thing is

Bitcoin, I guess

[Anglin has inserted in this article several pictures from Fallout, along with portraits of Desmond]



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