Anything abnormal is by definition a "disability". Used to be if a women could not give birth, the husband had the right to divorce and remarry.
I’m taller than average and left-handed. Those are “abnormal” I suppose, so that means I’m disabled?
I’m autistic anyway, so that kinda counts, but that’s beside the point, lol
“Anything abnormal is by definition a "disability".”
Kind of cut-and-dry for something that’s a relative condition.
A ‘disability’ is a condition that makes normal activities more difficult. This would make a woman playing tennis with a J-cup breast size suffering a disability. On the other hand, as a stripper, the same boobs are an enhancement.
“Used to be if a women could not give birth, the husband had the right to divorce and remarry.”
When you say ‘used to be,’ you need to narrow it down. Henry the VIII is famous for NOT having that right.
Used to be if a women could not give birth, the husband had the right to divorce and remarry
Divorce was illegal in most of Western Europe until XIXth.
And even if pregnancy is impossible, couples can still stay together, apart if the ruler absolutely needs a heir to prevent a succession war.
@C #213443
Since it’s an older anime that was broadcast nonstop every week back in the day (like DBZ and Naruto), OG Bleach does not actually have “seasons”. I assume that you’re referring to how streaming sites like Netflix split up the episodes? Anyway, yes, Soul Resurrection has spoilers all the way up to episode 316, last time I checked.
Anyway, Soul Resurrection is an older game, and there is a brand new game coming out for PS4 and PS5, PC, and Xbox in 2025 named “Rebirth of Souls"
@Timjer #213455
OG Bleach does not actually have “seasons”. I assume that you’re referring to how streaming sites like Netflix split up the episodes?
It’s Disney+. It’s not on Netflix. I thought you’d know this. You’re viewing the newer Bleach episodes on Disney+ which I haven’t viewed yet. The episodes after year 2020.
Anyway, yes, Soul Resurrection has spoilers all the way up to episode 316, last time I checked.
So it’s like Dragonball Z Budakai (PS2) then when it comes to spoilers? Ok thanks.
@C #213456
Oh, you misunderstand. I also watch it on D+ these days, but some countries have it on Hulu, others still on Netflix, and I didn’t know were you watched it. So I just used Netflix as an example, and I wasn’t sure if all platforms separate the episodes the same way. Apologies for confusing you.
So it’s like Dragonball Z Budakai (PS2) then when it comes to spoilers? Ok thanks.
If you mean from beginning of Z to end of Cell Saga, discounting the final arc (Majin Buu), then yes.
@Starlight #213383
How abnormal is abnormal? If I’m 1 inch taller and 1 pound heavier than the average person, am I abnormal?
OMG you FREAK!!! :P
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