Roosh V

Roosh V and E. Michael Jones #conspiracy #fundie #racist

(This is from a blog post reviewing the book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones the quoted parts are from the book, the rest is Roosh)
The Protestant Reformation
“Luther used rabbis to construct his text, and that text was, therefore, skewed in favor of Judaizing. Beyond that, when the average man read the Bible with the admonition that he has the power to interpret it unaided by pope, priest, or council, certain things were obvious to him. First, he did not find the word “Trinity” in it. Secondly, he realized the Old Testament stories of Hebrews taking numerous wives and exterminating their enemies far outnumber the texts of the New Testament containing the admonitions of Christ. By sheer weight alone, the unsuspecting reader was led to Judaizing unless corrected by a larger more powerful tradition. And Luther had discredited that larger tradition, no matter how much he hated the interpretations of those who invoked his name as a justification for their messianic politics.
Calvin and his fellow Reformers had “interspersed the religion of Christ with such an amount of Judaism that their Christianity was in many respects a relapse into the bonds of the Law from which Christ had set us free.”

The Catholic Church had major problems at the time of the Reformation, but if we cruise by any American city today and see what’s on the front of Protestant churches (gay flags, “Refugees Welcome” signs, “Black Lives Matter” propaganda, female pastor names, etc.), we can conclude that they did not ultimately bear greater fruit than the Catholic Church.

Roosh V #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy #racist #sexist

[From "From Degeneracy To Decadence"]

I ended my life of degeneracy when I turned to Lord Jesus Christ[…]I’ve made great strides away from a wretched existence, and am less degenerate than before, but I still find it hard to step away from degeneracy’s little brother—decadence
I define degeneracy as major sins that are a sign of a life lived far away from God[…]decadence is composed of smaller sins or worldly attachments that may be done by a struggling Christian. Here is a list of behaviors I’d define as degenerate:
Homosexuality — Sodomy is the champion of degeneracy
Masturbation — God did not design you to fellate yourself to Jewish-produced pornography
While my past sins were innumerable and multifarious, on this list I most committed fornication, masturbation, intoxication (mostly to enable fornication), and fame-seeking. When I wasn’t treating women as false gods to achieve sexual pleasure from their bodies, I treated myself as a god among men simply because I was so accomplished at worshipping promiscuous women
Some decadent behaviors I’ve identified in the wild:
Exquisite eating — I receive pleasure from the foods I make
Hot water — How can I not conclude that every time I turn on the hot water in the shower I am but a mere scrap of a man compared to my male ancestors
Optionality — To the decadent person, it’s important to have options, backup plans, and exit plans
Professional health care for pets — You want your pug to live forever and unto the ages of ages
On the list of decadency, I eat exquisitely, use climate control, shower in steaming hot water for prolonged periods, and pursue optionality. Do these habits completely block my salvation? I hope not

Roosh V #fundie #homophobia

[From "Demons And The City"]

The typical Western city of today is the most effective environment to encourage sin. It is able to generate immoral behaviors so effectively that the task of corrupting your soul becomes one of demonic auto-pilot.
A man or woman uprooted themselves and went to the big city because they desire to gorge themselves on money, sex, and fame. When a hungry child is in a candy store, do you need to convince him to eat candy?
The evil you may feel while in one may not come from the presence of demons but the mass quantity of people who have chosen evil. The city is actually a platform for evil, one that Satan has constructed and optimized over hundreds of years to lower the barrier for you to commit severe sins.
Surely the demons swing by on weekend nights to appreciate their handy work, especially in the month of June when the sodomites take over much of the Western urban world, but do they need to persuade a homosexual to attend a gay pride parade? Do they need to urge him to wave dildos and other sexual paraphernalia in public?

If the demons are not in the city then where are they? On assignment corrupting souls that have chosen for Christ.[…]They separate man and wife and put rebellious ideas in the minds of children.
When I went into the mountains for two months to live in what I later found out was a former crack house, a den of exceeding vice, I was tormented by sexual dreams and nightmares involving actual demons burning my flesh.
In my old life in the city, when I chased women for casual sex, Satan left me alone as I destroyed myself, and I can’t recall having even a single nightmare from the time I was behaving at my worst.

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy

[From “President Joe Biden Is A Blessing”]

Conservative Americans are not happy. The Presidency of the United States was stolen in plain sight from their rightfully elected candidate, Donald Trump, and now they have to face at least four years of being ruled over by a usurper installed by billionaire oligarchs.[…]Joe Biden as President is actually a time to gird your loins and prepare for a long war. Here are five consolations from the inauguration of Joe Biden…

1. Joe Biden blocks you from attempting to outsource your masculine responsibilities to a strongman
Would I rather have Trump as President? Yes, because I’m lazy and weak and don’t want to do any of the hard work of building a worthy nation for my family and tribe.
Donald Trump promoted sloth in American men, because they could sit on their couches and consume untold hours of entertainment, pornography, and political news while rooting for their guy to say mean words to the CNN reporters all while neglecting their community and personal responsibilities.
2. He destroyed the lies that we couldn’t let go
You may have believed that your vote counts
Thanks to Joe Biden, I have had to accept that the left wants me dead, not in the figurative sense that I have encountered in memes, but in quite the literal sense that if the new President proclaimed that he would pardon anyone who comes to my house and murders me, I would have to immediately make final calls to those I love since my remaining time here would be measured in hours
3. He helped reveal the QAnon fraud
QAnon is a government or deep state psyop that was modeled on the Soviet Union’s Operation Trust.
5. He allows us to dive into spiritual warfare with zeal
Difficulties and trials build faith. The reason we experience sufferings in life is that God loves us.

Roosh V #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho #racist

[From "Corneliu Zelea Cordreanu: Revolutionary Or Saint?"]

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu was a Romanian Orthodox leader of The Legion of the Archangel Michael (more commonly known as the Iron Guard)[…]He is mostly ignored by Orthodox Christians of today because he raises the thorny question if using political violence and activism is in accordance to God’s will when subjected to a pernicious enemy that happens to be Jewish
is memoir For My Legionaries, which I excerpt below, contains so much truth that, if his movement were to be replicated in America, it would provide a proto-template of taking God from the realm of personal and temple worship and into the national consciousness
To keep out communists, Codreanu used violence[…]He did all this so that an atheistic ideology with predominate Jewish backing would not infiltrate and destroy Romania and its institutions. Did Codreanu “sin” through his activism?
Democracy is a tool of Satan that has been perfected by Jews and their gentile allies in secret societies to take sly control of nations[…]Can you read Codreanu’s six points of Jewish subversion and not see every single one having already been successfully used in transforming the United States from a nation with a Christian ethos to the state of Jewish pornographic sewage we have today?
Can you imagine what would happen to you if you went into the bars and slapped every Jew you saw?
I’ve learned through my own experience that the truth happens to be “anti-Semitic”
In the United States, we’ve arrived at a late stage of Jewish infection where even non-Jews possess the Jewish revolutionary spirit and act Jewish
If Orthodox Christian Alexander Schmorell was glorified by the Church for fighting Hitler by distributing anti-Nazi leaflets, I believe Codreanu has a fair claim at sainthood

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut

[From “The Demons Among Us”]

Demons by Fyodor Dostoevsky is a story about a revolutionary cadre that attempts to wreak havoc on a Russian village as part of their quest to overthrow the traditional order.[…]
Losing touch with God
Revolutionary ideas were sweeping Russia at the time. Dostoevsky himself was caught up in the fervor and served time in prison for his activities. Being spared execution by the Tsar at the last moment served as his spiritual awakening, allowing him to recede from the darkness and become a force of tradition and Orthodoxy.
Once the remainder is removed from those who rightly believe that a man is a man and a woman is a woman, and both should have the ability to seek their daily bread, materially and spiritually, what will be left? The horrors of the 20th century will pale in comparison to what we will soon face.
Whether local or global, revolution is the same
In the above passage, a revolutionary member is attempting to clarify the aims of the group he is a part of. You may be struck by how their method of subversion is no different than what the elites are subjecting us to today. The “denunciatory propaganda” comes in the form of relentless Jewish-controlled fake news.[…]
Destruction for the sake of destruction
The revolutionaries today are eager to share their “logic” of equality and love, but since they behave in direct opposition to what they profess, the only logic remaining is that of destruction and chaos.
The antidote to madness
The further you are away from Lord Jesus Christ, the closer you are to accepting the presuppositions and assumptions of revolution.

God Is Evil Award

Roosh V #fundie #crackpot

[From "You Must Suffer"]

One of the most difficult topics concerning Christianity is suffering. Lord Jesus Christ called us to pick up and carry our cross while not being of the world, but how much suffering is too much? Should we attempt to alleviate our suffering or embrace it?[…]I have noticed that experiencing any kind of suffering seems to increase my faith rather than decrease it. Therefore I must conclude that suffering is a gift from God to preserve our salvation

The first “gotcha” question that atheists usually demand of believers is “Why does God allow suffering?” Their hearts are too hard to understand the answer: because He loves us. Without suffering, we would remain attached to the fallen world and its false idols[…]it’s only in pain do we start contemplating the big questions of our existence. In the Orthodox Church, one saint has taught that illnesses like cancer which kill you slowly are a gift from God. It removes a person from the world and gives them ample time to serve God in a way that they didn’t before the illness
Even devout Christians require suffering to maintain their faith, because they can easily be tempted and deceived by the evil one upon moments of worldly luck or strength. May I be so bold to say that they need constant suffering
Since my early twenties, I have had heart palpitations. Many nights I have awoken in terror to a thumping chest. In the past few years, the problem has gotten worse, to the point where it’s a daily presence in my life[…]I’m sure there are pharmaceutical medications that can alleviate this problem, but I will not take them, and I also have not prayed to God to remove this affliction
The elderly suffer from health maladies not only because their body is degrading, but because God is trying to prepare them for the next life

Roosh V #fundie #dunning-kruger

[From "How Old Is The Earth?"]

A potential stumbling block for many Christians is the age of the Earth. Scientists have normalized an Earth age in the billions of years, allowing them to present all manner of grotesque and fake intermediary species into the archeological record. Meanwhile, the Bible suggests an Earth age that is not much older than 7,000 years. These wide differences cannot be easily reconciled, leaving the Christian in a tough position. Should he reconfigure the Bible into a timeline presented by atheist scientists, or should he stick to a more literal view? One thing that may help him in his decision is understanding that God created the Earth with an inherent age

When God created the animals, they were fully grown. In other words, on the day after Creation there were some animals that were already many years old
How about the rocks and mountains? The moment after creation, the valleys and the hills were already in a state of lushness and completion
Techniques like carbon dating or DNA analysis do more to reveal the arrogance of man than the truth of our world. Scientists believe the Earth is old, and are already in a state of rebellion against God, and so settled on techniques that confirmed their tightly-held convictions
I don’t know exactly how old the Earth is, but I don’t believe it to be older than 10,000 years. Since I don’t work in a dinosaur museum, there is nothing in my daily personal experience that begins to even hint to an age older than that. What I notice on my path to salvation is that there is nothing new under the sun, and that what was written in the Holy Bible about man and faith has not at all clashed with what I encounter experientially. The Bible speaks to me, the scientists lie to me, and so I have thrown in my lot with God, for I cannot have two masters

Roosh V #fundie #sexist #racist

[From "Sinful Judgment vs Righteous Judgment"]

A persistent problem for new Christians is judging others. We look at someone[…]and develop snap judgments—often negative—from years of doing so out of habit as a non-Christian
A concept you hear among the Orthodox is discernment, the ability to pick out the divine signal from the fleshly and demonic noise. One of the differences between us and the saints is that the latter know when a thought comes from God and when it doesn’t
If judging others leads to sin, it’s not of God, and if judging others leads to virtue, it could be of God
1. I go to the café[…]In walks in a woman who is wearing a bra for a top and minuscule shorts. Immediately the words “harlot” and “slut” come to mind[…]I consider how immodest I have been in my own life. This is sinful judgment
2. My friend arranges a blind date with a “devout Christian woman”[…]She arrives in yoga pants wearing thick makeup. I can see her commodious cleavage[…]I determine she is not suitable to be my wife[…]I used my knowledge and experience with secular women to make a determination
3. I visit a friend in a rough area of town in the middle of the day. There I noticed a large group of black males smoking marijuana and listening to loud music. Immediately the words “lazy” and “criminals” come to mind and I ponder at length about why black people have such difficulty being productive members of society[…]Then I realize that I have performed worse evils than all of those men combined[…]
4. I’m a single father[…]I decide to enroll him in a private school[…]I noticed a group of black boys bullying a white kid[…]I decide not to enroll my white-passing son at the school, and instead pick a school where I do not notice racial strife. Here I made a judgment call

Roosh V #fundie

[From "Satan Helped Me Write"]

I’ve been writing since 1999, when I created a blog before it was known as a blog on the free web space that my university offered me. For the two decades that followed, I have written millions of words, much of it about how to fornicate. There is a challenge in organizing the chaos in your brain into the coherence of the written word, so I had to develop many habits to make my living as a writer. Upon my turn to faith, I thought that writing would become much easier, since I was now sharing the good news instead of instructing men how to sin, but truth is writing has become harder than ever

It wouldn’t be inaccurate to describe writers as degenerate alcoholics. The reason, I believe, is that writing creates so much mental tension that the flesh demands a release in the form of drink or other harmful behaviors that yield an immediate dose of caused pleasure

There were three pillars of pleasure that allowed my previous writing: coffee, alcohol, and sex
During a writing session, I stare at the blank screen and the blinking cursor in states of immobilization for longer periods than before. I have to construct little outlines for 800-word articles that I used to spit out in one go with no preparation. Every sentence I now type I must fight for, and only rarely do I enter a state of flow where the words are gushing out

God gave me the talent to write and then Satan hijacked it for his own ends, coupling it with a constant need for pleasure. I have had to disconnect my talent from those pleasures and write for God’s sake, for the uncaused joy he gives me at times I cannot predict, for a greater reward that will not come in this life. I can still write well enough, as I hope you’d agree based on my output in the past year, but every little article has become a fierce battle now that I cannot “unwind” after a hard day

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy

[From "The Prayer Rope"]

What a time to have a child, he thought. All manner of pure evil was being normalized. Just the other day, he was told of the newest scientific trend, the “flay dinner party,” where friends would slice tiny pieces of skin from each other using a medical tool offering painless excision, mix it with a spicy tomato relish[…]Simon’s priest told him that society was beyond the wickedness of the Bible, and didn’t understand why Jesus had not yet returned
The doctors wouldn’t let Simon be with his wife in the delivery room. It took a whole day for them to even let him hold the baby. Who knows what they injected him with

The old man shook his head and squeezed his lips white. “How many violations can I count? You don’t have on your face lock. You left your domestic passport at home. And is that Christian contraband I see?”
“But you died last year. It was in the news. President Shaniqua spoke at your funeral”
Simon turned back around. Ten or twelve soldiers lined up behind the old man, decked out in all black, faces covered in tinted masks. Simon had thought that “hologram enforcement” was just a conspiracy theory
Simon was conversing with the avatar of Nathan Wolfe, a tech billionaire who died the previous year after his sixth or so heart attack
“You’re playing a very dangerous game by breaking the law to come here, but I will give you a final chance. The punishment for what you have done is re-education by nano-vaccination”
The force of the twelve bullets that entered Simon’s body pushed him backwards. He felt an intense heat throughout his torso but perceived no pain and was still able to stand

Roosh V #fundie #dunning-kruger

[From "The Theory Of Evolution Is Incompatible With Christianity"]

Evolutionism is at root an ideological justification for atheism. —E. Michael Jones in Logos Rising

The theory of evolution by natural selection to explain the creation of new species is Satan’s most elegant and effective lie. No other scientific theory has done more in killing God and faith[…]All truth comes from God, and since evolution is a lie, any Christian who believes in it is most likely in a state of deception

Let me first state that something resembling evolution does occur within species[…]The lie is that these changes, over the course of millions or billions of years, can lead to the creation of new species
Evolution is absurd on its face. To think that a “random mutation” can be introduced into a working and functioning system to create the beginning of an intermediary transition stage[…]requires so much faith that it would be a simpler matter to believe in the Bible
My field of study in university was microbiology, which included a year of biochemistry courses[…]Just one enzyme is so complex that you can give a computer simulator unlimited time and not even one of these proteins will ever be created through an evolutionary process
Evolution is a gateway to atheism. This is why Satan designed the theory and why it is pushed so forcefully on young people. I consider it Satan’s best work

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy #racist

[From "Why Are Jews Behind Most Modern Evils?"]

After reading The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald, I thought I knew everything that I needed to know about Jewish influence on Western culture, but I was only scratching the surface. Enter The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones, a thorough examination of why Jews tend to be revolutionaries of any society and how they do it. By the end of the book, I could say I understood the race of people that vehemently reject Jesus Christ.
Jews killed their religion when they rejected their promised Messiah, one that was foretold through centuries of prophecies. The Jews then had no choice but to invent a new religion around the Talmud, an exhausting series of legal commentaries that further exacerbated their prideful nature and rejection of the Word of God.
They rejected Him and the eternal freedom He offered in exchange for earthly power and enslavement to their carnal passions.
Once you learn how to recognize Jewish names and physiognomy, it doesn’t take long to see that just about every moral degradation under the sun is spearheaded by Jews.
Every now and then I encounter news that a group of priests had an interfaith dialogue with Jewish rabbis. To that I respond, why? What profit will Christians have from engaging with those who reject Christ
Unless you do manual labor, it could be argued that you are Jewish in character.
Along with the work of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, I consider it settled history that the Russian revolution was a primarily Jewish project, executed by Jews revolutionaries in Russia and funded by Jewish bankers from abroad.
Can we list any benefits that blacks have received from their long alliance with Jews?

Roosh V #quack #crackpot #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #transphobia

[From "Modern Psychiatry Is Demonic"]

The secular world makes people ill by denying the presence of God, and then the secular world gives the solution of psychiatry and its obsession of prescribing anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs
The whole field of psychiatry is backward rationalization. They study patients with mental illness, theorize on the biochemical state of their brains, and then shovel them with ultra-addictive drugs to make their brains appear similar to those without mental illness, but this is merely studying the effect of a disorder and then declaring it to be the cause
A psychiatrist will study house fires, notice that firemen always seem to be present at them, and then create a solution to destroy all firehouses, the “obvious” source of fires
Having a “brain chemical imbalance” is often the effect of a faithless or sinful state of existence where depression is due to the consequences of secular life
Psychiatric drugs disconnect you from your humanity and make it harder for you to repent before God. Consider that God gave us emotional states to help us orient our lives closer to Him
Feminism is demonic because it inverts the natural order by trying to make man as coming from the woman’s rib instead of the other way around, and here comes the psychiatrist to further enable this inversion with a heavily-marketed drug that keeps the independent woman working
The doctors all work as a team to destroy the human soul, one prescription, vaccination, and surgery at a time, until all that is left is a husk of a human
I believe that a person with symptoms of depression or psychosis should consult with an Orthodox priest for spiritual diagnosis and treatment. I would guess that treatment will include repentance, baptism, receiving communion, prayer, a change of diet, lifestyle adjustments, and in severe cases, exorcism

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