
Socrates #fundie

So should we bow to the Scriptural teaching of the doctrine of eternal punishment, or do we allow human 'arguments from outrage' to override the clear teaching of Scripture?... if, as most of the Christian world has believed, the Bible does teach that the unsaved will be tormented eternally, then we should say that it is fit punishment, and build a model from there.

Socrates #fundie

You didn't expect me to be 'sexist' and reply in a different manner to your silly attack because you're female (and likely blonde) did you? And under your evolutionary system, why not be sexist? Darwin and most of his evolutionary contemporaries were very sexist. Conversely, the Biblical Christianity is the only philosophy that has provided true liberation for women, but you come here to attack it.

Socratism #fundie

My own wild speculation, based only on ancient legends including those of Atlantis, is that genetic experiments had been conducted which essentially polluted the genomes of the entire human race, except for a few who like Noah were said to be 'perfect in their generations'. Thus, the necessity of a wholescale cleansing, including otherwise innocent children, and perhaps many animals as well. Perhaps someday we will find out the rest of the story.

Socratism #fundie

This seems to be inconsistant with surveys. This makes evolutionists mad, because even though all the schools and media outlets teach that monkeys and Man descended from a common ancestor, most people have enough common sense to reject such a preposterous claim.

Socrates #fundie

[From "An Anti-Fascist Statement"]

(Above: Pinochet, seated in front, just after the Sept. 1973 Chilean coup).

(I’m sort of tempted to sign that anti-fascist statement in order to make a point: I’m not a fascist per se, and Alex has said the exact same thing, and most of the people in the White nationalist movement are also not fascists per se; although I do understand that, to save the sinking ship called America, there will likely come a point in time when fascist measures must be implemented for a few years, just like Augusto Pinochet did in Chile circa 1973/1974. To think that America can vote itself back to being a healthy republic is to be an idiot).

Give this libertarian credit for not signing that anti-fascist statement; however, it’s sad to see that a lot of people don’t understand the real nature of libertarianism: it’s [B]a Jewish movement [/B]posing as a freedom movement. Libertarianism has no power in the West, and that was the [B]whole idea[/B] from the beginning: to make White people think individually, not collectively.


Socratism #fundie

And I would want to know why Christian parents were sending their kids to the anti-God public school system in the first place. It's like the Israelites sending their kids to the Canaanites to be educated.

Socratism #fundie

I feel that if creation is true then all of the evidence available to date should be consistent with that event. But if evolution is true then all of the evidence should be consistent with that hypothesis. Since all of the evidence is not consistent with the evolutionary hypothesis I decided to investigate the creation hypothesis, and so far I have not found any evidence that is not consistent with it.

Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut

7 Ways the Left Benefited from Covid-19

1. Covid allowed the Left to steal the 2020 election. That theft required months of planning. But under the cover of Covid-hysteria, it wasn’t hard to do; most people were preoccupied with Covid nonsense.

2. It allowed the Left to take revenge on the Right for 4 years of Trumpism (many liberals couldn’t sleep for 4 years! Trump Derangement Syndrome was real. Some liberals are still in therapy today: Mrs. Weinberg: “I’m sorry, Dr. Goldberg, but I just can’t shake this horrible feeling that Orange Man Bad will return someday — or, someone like him…return to terrorize us with freedom, a border wall and financial stability! Oh, it’s just too terrible to think about!!” Dr. Goldberg: “Now, there, there, Mrs. Weinberg, calm down, I’m sure that right-wing populism will soon die on the vine, and that everything will return to Clintonesque/Obamaesque normalcy. But if not, we can always flee to Israel!”

3. It wiped out all feelings of normalcy on the Right (the Right needs “normal, stable and calm,” but the Left doesn’t — in fact, the Left hates “normal, stable and calm” because it’s too “White suburbia”).

4. The lockdowns punished conservative small-business owners (most of them were Trump supporters).

5. It allowed leftists to use the government to bully and control people (leftists love using the government to bully and control people — just look at California).

6. It normalized the Left’s vaccine-mania (“mandatory vaccines for every ailment” will soon be the new normal).

7. It wiped out Trump’s great economy, which tarnished the legacy of Trump and Trumpism (i.e., right-wing populism).


[1] Covid-19 hysteria was entirely media-driven. Without the global media pushing it hard 24/7, Covid-hysteria couldn’t have seized the world and cost it many thousands of lives (e.g., suicides, heart attacks), and, billions or even trillions of dollars.

Socrates #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut #sexist

Defining the White Leftist Mindset in One Paragraph

Defining the White, leftist mindset, as it relates to White culture, in one paragraph:

White leftism is ultimately a jealous and angry attack on White males because they invented the world, and indeed that was their cardinal sin: White males invented the world! How dare they! Leftism says: “How dare the White males hog all of the glory! How dare they stand head and shoulders above everybody else! The White males must be punished for their success, for their centuries-long hegemony! How dare the White males give the world to mankind and leave everyone else to play second and third fiddle! We’ll cut those White males down to size!” You always hate and envy people who are better than you. Also, leftists are unhappy people who hate themselves, mostly for having been born White. They are also more emotional and therefore quick to complain.


[Footnote] you might say, “you forgot to mention White colonialism.” No. White colonialism benefited Brown and Black people, as Black writer Walter Williams admitted in his January 2002 article “South Africa After Apartheid” [Here. The money quote: “The tragic fact of business is that ordinary Africans were better off under colonialism.”]. Any leftist beef against White colonialism is related to the leftist beef against White male success in general.

Socrates #wingnut

(Mod here: removed what seemed to be unneeded bolding bits)

Did you know that president Donald Trump can legally use military force against left-wing extremists, such as “antifa” groups? He can. All he has to do is declare violent leftist groups to be “domestic terrorists” — which they already are, as shown by their own violent actions (they usually assault police, for example). By the way, Trump has mentioned labeling them as just that. Using such military force against leftists would accomplish several good things, e.g., the leftist terrorists would be held in military jails and subjected to military law and military judges, which would make it unlikely that they would be quickly released by some liberal, Jewish judge, as often happens in the civilian courts. In other words, Trump could easily copy South America’s Operation Condor program right here in America (granted, Trump’s program would have to be less violent than that).

Socrates #racist #sexist

When the White men argue, they each bring a basic argument to the table and then they make the argument. Simple and direct. Honest and forthright.

When Jews and women argue, they don’t bring any arguments to the table. Nope. None. Instead, they poke holes in your argument by constantly asking you stupid questions that push the debate off-course, until you finally give up and leave the room in disgust. Then, they think they have “won” the argument, when in fact, they haven’t won it. It’s a sneaky and underhanded way of arguing. Don’t waste time arguing with a Jew or a woman. You’ll waste precious hours of your life which could be spent hunting or fishing.

Socrates #crackpot #racist #sexist #wingnut

A philosophical question to ponder, which I’d like to answer as well: would today’s White, self-hating leftism exist if the Jews had not pioneered communism and socialism circa 1840? In other words, would liberal “Enlightenment values” (circa 1715-onward) alone have made White, self-hating liberalism “a thing” today? Without the influence of communism and socialism? I say no. Enlightenment values alone weren’t nearly radical enough to create modern, White, self-hating liberalism. Even the Old Left (circa 1930) didn’t have the self-hate that modern White leftism has — one reason being that today’s Left is heavily female-dominated, e.g., by college students, teachers, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi. Also, the New Left was birthed by Herbert Marcuse, who was a Marxist. So, no, Enlightenment values by themselves could not have made today’s vicious, self-hating White liberalism. It required some extra “Jewish poison” to bring it to full bloom, e.g., the Frankfurt School. Today’s Left is ultimately a Jewish construct).

Socratism #fundie

This means that a person who believes we descended from apes or that all life came from a primitive protocell is inventing their own private version of Christianity which in a technical sense is not the Christianity of the Bible. This does not mean that their belief in Jesus Christ will not save them. It simply means that they are compromising with the world and in that sense could be said to not be genuine Christians.

Socrates #fundie

The Shroud [of Turin] is also contrary to the Bible, which says that Jesus was 'bound ... in wrappings (plural)... Shroud proponents can explain this away all they want, but the Bible should be used to judge claimed artefacts; not the artefacts used to judge the Bible.

Socratism #fundie

God undoubtedly told this account [Genesis 1] to Adam... The second story was Adam's account, which like many newspaper accounts is not necessarily in chronological sequence like the first story... it was a collection of stories, written by eyewitnesses to the events they describe.Some of these would have been preserved on the Ark by Noah, and Moses, being a Prince of Egypt prrobably found them preserved in the libraries in Egypt. He must have been inspired by God to compile the stories into a single document which we today call the Book of Genesis... It certainly makes far more sense than believing that God dictated all that to Moses or that Moses made it all up.

Socrates #crackpot #sexist #wingnut

Women In Universities Show Why Women In Universities Are Not A Good Thing

Actually, no one should be in a university today, male or female! They are institutions of Marxism [1]. But I digress.

“Dutton maintained that, as women take over universities, they make universities more female — more focused on rule-following, everyone getting along, and not causing offence. This drives geniuses out of universities, meaning females undermine a key element of universities: the unemotional pursuit of truth.”



[1] major universities in America often require, yes, require students to read Marxist literature, e.g., Herbert Marcuse’s books “One-Dimensional Man” (1964) and “Eros and Civilization” (1955). Here’s an example from Michigan State University: [Here].

Socrates #crackpot #sexist #wingnut

Women Geniuses: the Latest Thing

Best meme I’ve seen in months and I’ll tell you why:

“Behind every great woman is a team of men who did all the actual work.”

There’s a new thing around. A narrative. Very PC. It’s all the rage. It basically goes “a brilliant woman invented X, Y or Z but never got any credit for it because sexist White men hogged all the credit because White men are chauvinist pigs who keep women down.” That’s the usual, basic narrative.

Example: I just saw such a narrative two days ago on the internet that basically went: “a female physicist helped win WWII for the allies by inventing anti-radar technology that allowed allied airplanes to avoid German radar.” She was brilliant! A genius! Sure. Right. Okay. (Did you know that an Italian woman invented Velcro? Yeah. She was pulling a wool sweater over her head and it got caught on her mustache. *rim shot* Couldn’t resist. Velcro was actually invented by Swiss electrical engineer George de Mestral in 1941).

Socrates #crackpot #ableist #wingnut

The Homeless Scam

Circa 1950, “the “homeless” were called “bums” or sometimes “hobos.” The police used to arrest them ...

Then suddenly about 1980 the liberal media began to call the bums “homeless people” (because ... if you want to normalize something unpleasant ... you must first rename the thing! As another example: calling the unhappy homosexuals “gay”). The media didn’t mention the fact that most of “the homeless” were mentally ill, or running from the law, or simply enjoyed the vagabond, panhandling, hippie lifestyle.

... “the homeless” have become saints, like George Floyd and Holocaust survivors. It’s not their fault that they’re homeless. Noooo. They’re simply innocent victims of White male capitalism and greed! ... Billions of tax dollars are spent on “the homeless.”

Guess what: if you give the “professionally homeless” more money and more free stuff, then more of them will arrive in your city! ...

Today, California is awash with thousands of “professionally homeless” who harass and assault people on the beaches and in the parks. (A bum will approach a citizen and demand money — after all, he’s “entitled” to it! If the citizen refuses the demand, he could very well be assaulted so he’ll usually cough up the money. Bums are also notorious for carrying communicable diseases, e.g., hepatitis, tuberculosis, strep and diphtheria).

... Liberals will say “there are 178 million homeless in America!” when in reality there are maybe 30,000, with most of them being in California. Why not Nebraska? Too cold, eh? Not liberal enough, eh? Not enough big cities, eh?

California is run by liberals, and liberals are idiots. To be precise: liberals lack common sense. They were born without “the common sense gene.” That’s why they should not be allowed to hold public office or make important policy decisions. …


Socratism #fundie

Probably the only help for you in the current environment of evolutionary propaganda is to repent, turn to God, and trust Him to shake off your blinders. Only through God-aided lenses will you be able to see that what I am saying is a better explanation of the evidence we see.

Socrates #racist #wingnut

White Privilege? No. Jewish Privilege

Go to your refrigerator and look inside. Examine the ketchup, mustard and pickle containers. You will see that they all have a little kosher (meaning “fit”) symbol on them, usually on the front label — a “U” or a “K” for example. That little symbol means that the food is “okay for Jews to eat.” In other words, the food was prepared in a special way and can “safely” be eaten by religious Jews without violating Jewish dietary rules [1].

Most packaged food in America today is marked with the kosher symbol. Even non-food items are often marked with the kosher symbol, e.g., aluminum foil, plastic wrap.

Given the fact that Jews make up only 2% of the U.S. population, that speaks loudly to how much power and privilege Jews have in America. (You’d think that Jews were extra-special or something! Actually, they do: Jews consider themselves to be “God’s chosen people” i.e., God’s favorite people).

(Consider this: if you went to Israel, and asked a dozen Israeli food producers to mark all of their packaged food with little Christian crosses on the labels, you’d probably get your ass beaten. White gentiles are such chumps. Jews have been waging war on White Western culture since ancient times, yet we put our enemy’s stamp on our food! Heaven help us!).


[1] Jews are both a race (a hybrid race via centuries of inbreeding) and a religion. White people occasionally convert to Judaism, but they are not considered to be “true” Jews.

Socratism #fundie

Abiogenesis is frequently defined as not part of evolution but this is disingenupous because the vast majority (95%) of leading biologists have to believe it is true because they do not believe in God.

Socrates #crackpot #wingnut

Why Liberalism Should Be Illegal Under Federal Law

Simply put, if taken to its logical conclusion, liberalism/leftism will destroy America in many different ways. Liberalism is not an evolutionary ideology. It isn’t even an ideology per se. It’s a revolutionary movement. A revolution. An overthrow. Destruction of the existing order. And anything so dangerous must be banned by federal law as being “harmful and destructive to America.” If liberalism isn’t banned by a bill in Congress, then it must be banned by an executive order from the president.

Here are a few ways that liberalism will destroy America:

1. It will bankrupt America (just look at the “Green New Deal” which will cost over a trillion dollars).

2. It will lead to massive lawlessness (after all, liberalism basically amounts to “just ignore any laws that you don’t agree with”).

3. It will lead to massive health crises (look at California already, with its rats and homelessness; some of the rats have bubonic plague and the bums have e. coli).

4. It will lead to massive social disorder, and from that will spring untold mental-health and social crises.

5. It will lead to massive legal and illegal immigration, with too many immigrants for America’s government agencies, social services and infrastructure to handle.

Have you seen the 1973 movie “Soylent Green”? That’s just what America will be like if liberalism is allowed to continue unchecked. Why would anyone want to allow liberalism to continue, given what awaits our country if it does? Make no mistake: this isn’t just a matter of “differing Left-wing/Right-wing opinions and ideas.” This goes far beyond mere politics.

Socrates #crackpot #wingnut

The “Homeless Problem” in America

Isn’t it curious that there’s only a “homeless problem” in big, liberal cities like Seattle and San Francisco? You don’t see the “homeless” camped out in Topeka, Kansas. (In Los Angeles, the “homeless” have built permanent little tent cities, consisting of 1,000 tents each. Imagine the smell and the diseases such as hepatitis! That’s a public health problem).

The “Homeless Problem” in America is media-driven. Recall the transformation, entirely via the press, of the “homeless”: first, they were just bums; then later, they became “transients”; then, circa 1981, they became poor, innocent “homeless people.” Being a bum lost its stigma, and drug-addicted losers who were wanted by the law felt free to become “homeless” without fear of being arrested for vagrancy (in fact, I don’t think “vagrancy” is a crime anywhere now). Today, “homeless people” are proud, noble “victims” who cannot be criticized, no matter how often they shit on your doorstep or break into your car.

[Video, duration is 12 minutes].

Socrates #crackpot #racist #wingnut

Jews: the People Who Invented Racism. Yet, They Accused the Nazis of Racism

Jews were the first people on earth to claim superiority over all other humans, as their official doctrine, back before the time of Christ, who was born circa 2 BC, according to the narrative at least. The Jews were the world’s first official racists — so how odd that they are now “the monitors and fighters of racism” in the White Western world. In fact, Jewish groups “train” police officers in “recognizing and fighting racism.” Hilarious. What a racket! [1][2].

“Whatever else they believed, Jews have traditionally understood themselves to be — by hereditary line — special, intrinsically better than other people: they were divinely esteemed. The Old Testament stated it plainly:

“For you are people consecrated to the Lord your God: of all the peoples on earth the Lord your God chose you to be His treasured people.” [DEUTERONOMY 7:6].

— from the online book “When Victims Rule” [a .PDF file].


[1] Jews wrote the Old Testament, which was completed circa 500 BC. In fact, the Bible and the Jewish Torah share the same text: the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The Jews are your kin, Christian! That sucks. Some kin, huh?? Arrogant, ugly, pickle-nosed freaks who have poop fixations.

[2] Here’s a Jewish professor on Jewish racism:

“Racism is itself a central doctrine in traditional Judaism and Jewish cultural history. The Hebrew Bible is blatantly racist, with all the talk about the seed of Abraham, the chosen people, and Israel as a light to the other nations. Orthodox Jews in their morning prayers still thank God daily that he did not make Jews ‘like the other peoples of the earth.’ If this isn’t racism, what is?”

— Prof. Norman F. Cantor, in his book “The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews” (New York, HarperCollins, 1994), page 336. This is a good book. Dr. William Pierce recommended it.

Socrates #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut

Thoughts On Human Rights

Since 1948, “human rights” have been a big thing in the West. All humans enjoy “human rights” simply because they are human, we are told by the UN, UNESCO and by famous leftists. They say that all of the world’s humans enjoy human rights, even retards and communists and 400-pound fat women.

But that’s not correct. All humans are different, so how could they all enjoy the same rights? Who would grant those rights? God? Which god? No two humans are the same. Some are taller, shorter, fatter, skinnier, smarter, dumber, more ambitious, more lazy, etc. Humans vary greatly. Like snowflakes, no two are alike. How come the humans didn’t have humans rights until 1948? So, in 1947, they didn’t have any such rights? That seems odd.

The only way all humans in the world would enjoy the same rights (human rights) is if they were all the same and all equally valuable. But they aren’t. Thomas Edison was much more valuable than a negro in Africa. So human rights cannot exist. If a lion eats a human in the jungle, then that human didn’t have any “human rights,” did he? And how come the lion has no “animal rights”? Shouldn’t the lion have rights? Such as: a right to eat meat (the human) in order to survive? Humans are animals, just like lions are.

Human rights are bogus. Fake. They don’t exist.

(In fact, humans rights are a fantasy made up by a Jew [Rene Cassin] for UNESCO in 1948. How does a Jew decide that all humans have “human rights”? If humans have human rights, how do you explain Gaza, which is today a giant concentration camp full of Palestinians? Apparently, “certain people” have human rights and other people don’t. Right, Israel?).

Socratism #fundie

Hence, [St.] Augustine was able to believe, despite what scripture says, that God created all things instantaneously. Once a person goes that far in his 'interpretations' he might as well join Bishop Spong in that person's assertion that 'the only part of the Apostle's Creed I believe is that Jesus Christ died and was buried'. With Christian 'friends' like that who needs enemies?

Jon Socrates #fundie

Patriarchal nationalism is a political and social framework based on red-pill wisdom, articulated by ROK’s own Roosh Valizadeh and Michael Sebastian. This framework is an antidote to the poison that has corrupted virtually every facet of Western civilization, now drawing ever closer to systemic collapse. If you haven’t already, you should read the article on patriarchal nationalism now.


Liberalism in the most general sense is an ideology of individualism, in which the individual is paramount. For classical liberals, a man’s active self is sacred, such that individual labor, opinions, speech, liberty, equality under the law, and safety from others are valued by society, which serves as a policeman. For modern liberals, a man’s passive self is sacred, such that individual needs, desires, feelings, equality of outcome, and safety (including from natural consequences) are valued by society, which serves as a nanny.

Liberalism is an ideology in which society exists to serve individuals; how adult or childish those individuals are expected to be is merely a secondary consideration. The first sin of liberalism is its myopia, its doctrine that individuals are the only fundamental, essential units of the human species.

The second sin of liberalism is its idealization of individual morality and reason as the foundation of society, the faith that the individual as an institution is strong enough of mind and character to hold as the center around which all other facets of society revolve. Such an idealization grossly underestimates how much people can value taking over contributing, being over doing, feeling over thinking, and wishing over seeing. Sufficiently degenerated, men will beat their plowshares into televisions; they will forgo the sowing season to glut upon seeds.


Through the myopia of liberalism, individuals are seen as the fundamental units of the human species, while all larger units are merely groups in which individuals participate in order to achieve useful results. Families are formed in order to secure companionship and to share burdens. Tribes and nations arise in order to facilitate trade and collective security. For the liberal, the larger units are only utilitarian arrangements for individuals.

The benefits of larger social units are obvious. However, a more careful analysis reveals that these larger units, the family and the tribe, are not just useful, but are essential to the survival and thriving of both human individuals and the human species.

Socratism #fundie

I have always been skeptical of 'supernova' because they are called that because they are assumed to be unbelievably distant and hence must be unbelievably bright to be seen as bright as they are to us. But what if they are not unbelievably distant? After all, the only reason we believe this is because of their Red Shift!!!

Socrates #fundie

Actually, Christians have every reason to be honest within their own world view, since Jesus is 'the truth' and He commanded us not to bear false witness. But atheists believe we are just rearranged pond scum with no transcendent source of morality. Therefore lying is perfectly consistent with their world view. That explains many of the posts by atheists on T[heology]W[eb].

Socratism #fundie

This is an unfair match because we recognize that esince evolutionists are highly trained in storytelling and they have been doing this for years with ample government funding. This funding permits them to avoid earning an honest living like creationists have to do and to devote their every waking minute to making up new stories and publishing them in their private magazines.

Socrates #crackpot #wingnut

Britain: Once a Great and Powerful White Nation, Now an Orwellian Nightmare Filled With Thought-Police

(Did you know that Britain has turned so far to the Left that it has “racism police”? Yes. Racism police! They are euphemistically called “Community Safety Units” or also “Community Cohesion Units.” They “fight racism” (but only White racism — I’ll bet you $50.00 cash on that). It’s just like being inside the book “1984” by George Orwell, only it’s 2021 instead of 1984. Worse, in Britain, the “victims” of “hate” decide if the “hate” is actually “hate” or just another paranoid persecution fantasy [1]).

In Britain today, even if you’re a cop, you cannot share a meme of a Black criminal/drug addict who ODed in U.S. police custody. If you do, you’ll face criminal charges, like this guy. Floyd wasn’t even British! And he was a thug and an ex-con! [Article].


[1] The UK government says this about “hate” (bold text is mine): “Second, the working definitions of hate incidents and hate crimes in England and Wales are broad. Under these definitions, the “perception of the victim or any other person is the defining factor in determining a hate incident” — so, if Crazy Joe Tranny decides that you have harassed him, oops, her, because, well, he’s, oops, she’s a crazy tranny, then that’s all the cops need to arrest you, or at least file your name in a computer database of “haters.” [Here].

Socrates & commentators #crackpot #wingnut

Fascism? Where? What Fascism?

The “antifas” (“anti-fascists”) and the Left moan about “fascism” daily, but here’s the funny part: there isn’t any fascism in the West. Nope. Zero. None. In fact, the last time fascism was in the West was in Chile pre-1990 (contrast that fact with communism, which still exists in a half-dozen countries today, and some of those countries have nukes, e.g., China) [1]. So, fascism has not even existed in the West for 27 years! And Donald Trump? He is in no way a fascist. He was elected by the people of America in November 2016. Yelling about fascism is like yelling about the Easter Bunny or Bigfoot: it’s only a fantasy.

[Video mentioning a “fascist America”].
[1] under Pinochet; here, for simplicity, we’ll call Chile a Western country, meaning “significantly Westernized”; Chile has a strong connection to Spain

[Erik du Fresne]
The irony (of all ironies) is that the (so called) “leftists” (who are {in actuality} rabidly antiWhite, intimale, open borders, unlimited welfare offering, multiracial communists {as most cancerously exemplified by: Moochelle O’bomber and: Bill Clinton }) are (actually) the most fascist (so called) “Americans” of us all, as evidenced by:

– Hitlery (through her husband: Bill)s vicious destruction of David Koreshs “Branch Davidian” compound (and disciples) in Waco, Texas

– her (and Bills) savage detonation of cruise missiles on to the heads, homes, families and lives of the people of Serbia (a.k.a: Bosnia/Herzigovenia {in the “former” Yugoslavia})

et. cetera…

[The Red Skull ]
The anti facists are going to be really sorry when the Real Facists show up and
Eat them for lunch.

Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut

Green Marxism (climate change propaganda) is a clever way to force White people to do things that they would not ordinarily do. It’s based on “computer models” of forecasted climate changes that have been manipulated for political purposes. In 1977, scientists said the earth was cooling. Now they say it’s warming. Next they’ll say it’s cooling again.

This NASA climate-change study is clever. They use fancy jargon to convince the stupid masses that “global warming” is real. An “observational estimate”?? What exactly is that, NASA?? Here’s a juicy quote, re: the NASA climate study:

“Loeb cautions that the study is only a snapshot relative to long-term climate change, and that it’s not possible to predict with any certainty what the coming decades might look like…” Ya don’t say! So, it’s just a guess?

The earth has warmed about 1 degree in the last 150 years. Which means nothing. The Middle Ages were actually warmer than now.

Furthermore, “climatology” is a very Jewish science. At least two of the 1970s godfathers of “ecology science” were Jews ...

“Political” Jewish scientists are famous for being wrong. One of those Jews, the famous Carl Sagan, long pushed the “Nuclear Winter” theory to include not only nuclear explosions (“nuclear bombs can cause a winter”) but the Kuwait oil-field fires in 1991. Sagan said that there would be “no summer” after the fires. But there was. Sagan was seriously wrong. “Nuclear Winter” theory is baloney, like all Jewish theories. There’s the key: it’s all “theory” (just like regular and Cultural Marxism).


Socrates #fundie

I doubt that A[nswers]i[n]G[enesis] are going to 'correct' something just on the basis of [geologist Glenn] Morton's say-so. Who is he that we should take heed of what he says? The Internet is full of junk by people with no or little scientific qualifications.

Socrates #crackpot #dunning-kruger

The 64,000 Dollar Question About Covid

Get out your thinking cap. Put it on. Tightly.

Ready? Okay. Here’s a big question about the Covid-19 case and death numbers: if the Covid PCR test (you know, the “gold-standard Covid test” until a week ago) could not distinguish between Covid and the flu since early 2020, then how does the government know which people died from the flu and which people died from Covid? How does the government know that, since early 2020, “34.5 million people have caught Covid” and “611,000 people have died from Covid”? The government bases those statistics on…what?? That PCR test was the “gold-standard Covid test” as one government website stated.

Now you know why so many people call Covid a “scamdemic.” Nothing adds up. How do you know that your Uncle Frank died from Covid last October? You don’t. How will we know that a new “rapid response Covid test” will be any better than the PCR test? We won’t. Is Covid just an Asian flu? How would we know?

“Keep in mind just a few days ago the Federal CDC announced all U.S. healthcare providers must switch to new rapid response tests for COVID-19. The reasoning? The current PCR test does not differentiate between COVID and the flu. The new tests will distinguish between the flu virus and the COVID virus.”


Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut

Jared Taylor Says: European Jews Are Western and Our Allies

This is really appalling: Taylor surely knows (i.e., he has been told before) that European Jews (aka Polish Jews) are not White or Western (“Western” means White European, e.g., German, Swedish, English). The Jews are a separate race and not White. Having “white” skin doesn’t make you White. In fact, there are Blacks who have really light skin but they are not White. If Taylor thinks that “Jew-inclusion” will keep him off of the Jewish-compiled “enemies lists” he’s so very wrong: the Jews think that anyone to the right of George W. Bush is a closet Nazi.

[Video, 1 minute, 40 seconds].

Socrates #conspiracy #racist

White Philosophy for Newbies: East vs. West and the Chinese Coronavirus in America

Back in the 1950s, there was a clear line between East and West. The East was where strange-looking people with slanted eyes lived: China, Japan, Korea. The West was where normal people lived: America, Canada, England, France, Germany — you know: White people, who know what “humor” is (and who don’t eat dogs and cats). But not anymore! Thanks to globalism, multiculturalism and Judeo-liberalism, East and West mean nothing today.

The coronavirus apparently came from Asians eating exotic animals raw (e.g., bats, snakes, pandas).

Here’s an idea: why don’t the gooks stay on their side of the planet and stop polluting our side with weird diseases, okay? Okay! That way, the slants can eat all the uncooked bats they want without killing normal people.

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